
  • In this powerful episode, I’m chatting with Sabine, an eating disorder recovery coach who brings a unique perspective to her work, having recovered from an eating disorder herself.  

    Sabine offers hope and confidence, in a judgment-free space, to support her clients in their journeys toward recovery. From coffee chats and grocery shopping to meal support and parent guidance, her focus on prevention and early intervention is a game-changer in creating a lasting impact.

    Listen in and discover:

    Sabine’s journey with an eating disorder and body image strugglesHow the support from her mum was imperative to her recoveryCommon challenges among Sabine’s clientsRed flags and warning signs that may indicate disordered eatingHow to approach the situation if you notice warning signs in a loved oneWhy having a food and body neutral approach in the early years is never used in vainWhat a client’s journey can look like when working with SabineThe message behind Sabine’s Grey Space hats

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

    Learn more about Sabine’s support and services at or follow her on Instagram @sabine.mckenzie. Want to join the Grey Space movement? Get your Grey Space hat here

    Find the resources Sabine mentioned:

    Butterfly Foundation

    Feed Your Instinct

  • In this episode, I’ve caught up with Dr. Arthee Yogendran, a women's health specialist GP at Fit Right Women’s Health in Perth, to talk about all things iron! Dr. Arthee covers common symptoms of low iron, why so many women are low in iron, how factors like absorption affects your iron status, and when iron infusions might be an option for you.

    Listen in and discover:

    Why iron is important for our healthCommon symptoms of low ironWhat can cause iron deficiency in motherhoodTaking steps to check your iron statusFactors that might affect your blood resultsWhat can affect iron absorption and iron lossIron supplements and iron infusionsPossible side effects of iron infusionsWhy a burger and a milkshake is beneficial post-infusion!

    Learn more about high phosphorus foods and the oral iron deficiency treatment options available in Australia, or read about Dr Arthee Yogendran and Fit Right Women’s Health.

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

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  • Join me this week as I chat with Nat Dignam from The Other F Word, who’s been a game-changer in how I get dressed every day. Nat has an incredible way of teaching us how to bridge the gap between how we dress and how we really want to present ourselves. In this episode, I share how she helped me audit and rebuild my wardrobe while giving me real-life inspiration that is accessible and affordable, and Nat shares some common challenges when it comes to shopping and outfits, and guidance on how to dress for you.

    Listen in and discover:

    How changes in your identity can affect the way you dressCreating a day-to-day personal uniform for ease of getting dressedWhat dressing for weddings and the gym have in commonPutting together a complete outfit vs wearing individual itemsMy wardrobe audit and personal shopping experience with NatCommon challenges that pop up while we’re clothes shoppingAll about Nat’s style guide and top hero items

    Get a ticket to Nat’s Spring Summer Styling Session on the 15th of September 2024 at Karrinyup Shopping Centre.

    Follow Nat on Instagram @the.other.f.word for outfit inspo and advice, or check out her website to access her style guide!

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

  • Today I’m chatting with Dr Nelu Simonsz, a trusted paediatric consultant and mother of three. We tackle some of the most frustrating advice parents often receive about managing eczema in children, Dr. Nelu breaks down why cutting out foods isn’t the solution and we chat about how withholding certain foods could actually increase the risk of allergies. This is an awesome chat about an evidence-based approach!

    Listen in and discover:

    Addressing the frustrating advice dished out to parentsWhy cutting out foods is not effective for eczema managementHow you could be risking allergies when withholding foods from your child’s dietDetermining the signs of an allergic skin reactionsWhy prioritising appropriate skin management is keyEffective steroid use for skin inflammation and flaresIntroducing common allergens if your baby has eczemaThe unreliability and risks involved in sending away DNA for allergy testingIntroducing allergens with a family history of allergies or anaphylaxisDr Nelu’s clinical experience with the flu this season (spoiler alert: get your flu vax!)

    Follow Dr Nelu on Instagram @dr_nelu or check out her video series A Healthy State where she chats with doctors and health professionals about a variety of health topics.

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

  • This week I’m chatting with Lauren Pike, Occupational Therapist and Head of Feeding Service at Western Kids Health in Perth. Lauren and I go way back to our days of house calls and working with families to understand their challenges around mealtimes. Today, Lauren and I chat about different types of eating behaviours in children and Lauren shares some of the current commonalities she sees in the clinic.

    Listen in and discover:

    Reflecting back on our time working togetherCommonalities between fussy eatersRegular fussy eating presentations in Lauren’s clinicThe stress of focusing too much on food intake and weightUnderstanding the “I don’t want it” toddlerWhy beige foods can feel like safe optionsIntroducing curiosity and wonder about foodsMinimising your child’s overwhelm during mealtimes

    Get in touch with Lauren and the team at Western Kids Health to work with them in their Perth clinics or via telehealth.

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

  • This week, I’m chatting about all things period products with Rebecca Little from Little Miss Period. Weird topic for me? Not if you follow me on socials!! I love my disc so much.

    Rebecca breaks down the differences between a menstrual cup and a disc, gives us the lowdown on inserting and using a disc for a mess-free and leak-free period, and answers all of your burning questions. Plus, we cover when is a good time to chat with a pelvic health physiotherapist or gynaecologist. (P.S. Scroll down for my discount code!)

    Listen in and discover:

    The inspiration behind Little Miss PeriodAll about the amazing Hello DiscWhy the period disc is so beneficialThe difference between a menstrual cup vs. discHow to insert and use the period discTip tops for mess-free emptyingOptions for cleaning your disc in public toiletsCan you feel the disc when it’s inserted?Finding the right leak-free positioning for you

    Want to try it for yourself? Use ‘DRKYLA’ for 10% off at Little Miss Period.

    Follow Rebecca on Instagram at @rebeccalittle_ and Little Miss Period at @littlemissperiod.

    Learn how to insert the Hello Disc or check out Period Nirvana by Kim Rosas, co-designer of the Hello Disc, on YouTube for tips, tricks and heaps more valuable information.

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

  • This week, I share the recording from my recent Keeping Your Cool at Mealtimes masterclass for parents who want to have more shared family meals, but who don’t want to eat spaghetti with butter every night. If this sounds like you, you are not alone. The mental load of decision-making and cooking every day is real, but we’re in this together!

    Listen in and discover:

    Why you’re cooking meals to suit everyoneHow to ditch the frustrationThe critical link between what you cook and your happinessThe #1 reason parents struggle to choose one meal for everyoneThe benefits of buffet styleWhy the goal is frequency over perfection… and how to achieve itLive Q&A to answer the top questions of the masterclass

    Do you want to learn more? Join my Family Mealtimes Mini Series kicking off on July 26th! You’ll have all the important information at your fingertips including 6 topics to work through, a weekly menu and Q&A with Dr Kyla and Dr Gemma, recipes and lots more. It’s like having a paediatric dietitian in your pocket!

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

  • Are you drowning in guilt and doubt over what you are feeding your kids? We never have to get it right, we just have to do a good enough job and good enough doesn't mean perfect! 

    Listen in and discover:

    My thoughts and feelings on feeding your kids white breadThe messaging around what our kids ‘should’ eatWhy you shouldn’t stress about what you’re feeding your kidsMoving away from the all-or-nothing thinkingMeeting your kid’s requirements while maintaining your sanityWhy we are buying into not feeling good enough

    Are you ready to go from resentful to calm during mealtimes? Register for my free Keeping Your Cool At Mealtimes Masterclass this Friday 19th July at 7:30 AWST to learn how to ditch the frustration and discover my top 5 practical tips for successful mealtimes.

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

  • This episode is part two of my family holiday series where I’m answering your questions about all things Bali and travelling with kids. I touch on hiring travel cots and sleeping equipment locally and why you shouldn’t bother bringing a stroller before I dive into loads of packing tips, recommendations and fun activities to keep everyone entertained. This episode is your ultimate guide to a stress-free, fun-filled family trip to Bali!

    Listen in and discover:

    Bringing your own travel cot or hiring equipment in BaliPacking nappies vs. buying in BaliOrdering items for delivery via GojekProbiotics recommendations for travelMy favourite type of floaties for the poolWhy we packed our own pillowsBYO Bluetooth speaker for in-room dance partiesEssentials for your travel first aid kitWashing your baby’s bottles or cutlery in the roomActivities & pool games for the kidsWhy I highly recommend braids for long hairMy amazing experience with a Healer

    Get in contact with the Healer I visited, Jimmy Doyle, on WhatsApp at +62 813 3719 9677 or email him at You can hear about what he does on this podcast episode.

    My pillow recommendation is the Dunlopillo Luxurious Latex Medium Profile Soft Feel.

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

  • This episode kicks off a two-part Bali series where I’m answering your Instagram questions about our recent family holiday to Bali. I’m sharing our experiences (good and bad!), recommendations and hot tips that you need to know before you go, and how my experience in travelling with kids has evolved over the years.

    Listen in and discover:

    Why Nusa Dua is our go-to for family holidaysChecking out pool access points (a must for the kids!)Our favourite food & drink experiencesWhy all-inclusive deals are a game changer for reducing the mental-loadAdjusting your expectations when travelling with kidsHow flight times worked out perfectly for usPlane activities and food tips to keep everyone happyOur stressful immigration line experience (yikes!)Managing the risks of dengue fever and Bali bellyOur awesome experience using a nanny in Bali 

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

  • In this episode, Gina from Toddler Mealtimes joins me as we dive into the recent changes in the World Health Organization's guidelines around cow’s milk in infancy. When the new recommendations were released, we did a little digging and what we found has left us with more questions than answers. Join us as we explore the confusion, our concerns, and share our advice and recommendations around these guidelines.

    Listen in and discover:

    The changes in the WHO recommendationsWhat the Australian guidelines sayExploring the available studies and reviewsOur concerns around the changesThe links between cow’s milk and iron deficiencyComparing the cost of formula vs. cow’s milkGina’s advice if formula costs are too high

    Find Gina on Instagram at @ginajournet.dietitian

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

  • Join me as I jump back into the wild world of parenting with Mandy Richardson from Raise Toddlers. In this episode, we explore why raising a 3-year-old can have you questioning everything about everything. If you’re looking for ways to build stronger emotional connections with your little person or you’re just trying to figure out why your toddler insists on wearing multiple pairs of socks at once, this episode is packed with tips to help you through the whirlwind of toddlerhood.

    Listen in and discover:

    Are our responses helping or hindering in these tricky years?Real-life parenting challenges straight from my householdWhy different parts of the day can be so tricky for toddlersMandy’s absolute parenting wisdom How to decode your child’s (unhinged) reactionsHow providing the space to allow emotions builds closer connectionsUsing power-reversal play to shift gears in challenging momentsUsing heavy play/work to help your child to regulate their emotions

    Find Mandy on Instagram at Raise Toddlers or via her website at Explore Mandy’s offerings and membership programs here.

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

  • This week, I sat down with Accredited Practising Dietitian and Credentialed Diabetes Educator, Charlene Shoneye, to discuss gestational diabetes. We chat about the misleading and sometimes harmful narratives around sugar, carbohydrates and diabetes, and Charlene shares some tips for reducing and managing your risk of developing diabetes. If you’re a parent who’s worried about feeding your child sugar, or you or someone you know has diabetes, this one's for you!

    Listen in and discover:

    What sparked Charlene’s passion to become a diabetes educatorMy personal experience with gestational diabetesThe stereotypes and stigmas around a diabetes diagnosisUnderstanding and lowering your risk of developing gestational diabetesFiltering out the misinformation around sugar and carbohydratesCharlene’s thoughts on continuous glucose monitoringIs there any evidence based on the links between sugar and diabetes?Charlene’s approach to discussing sugar with her children and having it in her homeMaking informed choices if you are at risk of diabetesReducing the risks for you and your child if you have gestational diabetes

    Find Charlene on Instagram @dr_charlene_dietitian.

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

  • This week, I’m chatting with Sarah Purvey, Clinical Psychologist, Author, and Director of Eastern Shore Psychology where she supports parents to improve their mental health and manage the pressures that inevitably pop up during parenthood. We chat about all things mum rage like what triggers it, why it happens, and how we can manage those moments. Sarah shares some great techniques and tips in this episode, and reassures us that we aren’t alone!

    Listen in and discover:

    The many reasons we can feel so angry in parentingHow our body releases a buildup of pressure through angerThe primal vs logical parts of your brainFinding comfort in knowing that you aren’t aloneBreaking the generational cycles that are adding pressure to our livesTechniques and tips to manage the buildup of pressureUsing the physiological sigh method to reduce anxiety and stressRole modelling how to acknowledge your emotionsFinding support in group programs

    Find Sarah at, read more about Sarah’s online support program Your Sanctuary, or get in touch with Sarah’s clinic at Eastern Shore Psychology. 

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

  • ** Content warning: This episode contains discussions of disordered eating and the restriction of food consumption. **

    This week we’re chatting with Claire Gasper, a non-diet Dietitian and Health at Every Size Provider based in Perth, WA. We explore the intentions behind including all types of food in your household, Claire’s professional pathway to becoming an eating disorder specialist aiming to guide her clients to feeling trust, freedom and liberation around food, and so much more!

    Listen in and discover:

    The difference between nutritional value vs. moral value of foodsUnpacking eating disorder therapy and recovery processesClaire’s childhood memories of family mealtimes and school lunchesAn explanation of a scarcity mindsetNormalising and including all types of foods in the householdClaire’s professional pathway to becoming an eating disorder specialistHow we are all born as intuitive eatersWhat mealtimes and meal planning look like in Claire’s household

    Find Claire on Instagram or Facebook, or become a client at Diet-Free Me!

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

  • In this episode, we chat with Jono, an Online Dietitian and Nutritionist at Bite Me Nutrition. We dive into his memories of family meals, how he involves his kids in meal planning and preparation, and how he challenges nutrition misinformation and trends online. He shares insights on balancing nutritional knowledge with the practicalities of family life and we share our experiences of working in the social media space.

    Listen in and discover:

    Jono’s childhood memories around family meals and cookingHow Jono plans the weekly family meals with kidsPopular ‘build your own’ meals in his householdFinding a balance between raising our children and using our knowledge of nutritionInvolving kids in setting the table and preparing for family mealtimes The challenges Jono comes across during his family mealtimesJono’s biggest pet peeves amongst the nutrition misinformation found onlineOur shared experiences with working in the social media spaceThe strangest thing Jono has ever eaten! 

    Find Jono on Instagram @jonosteedman and @bitemenutrition, or become a client at

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

  • This week, I’m chatting with Susie Prout, a lactation expert and old client of mine, as she shares her unique food experiences from South Africa to Bali. Discover the tastes and traditions of her childhood, what her current family mealtimes look like, and what foods her suitcases are full of when coming home to Bali from a visit to Australia!

    Listen in and discover:

    Susie’s experience with food and family mealtimes growing up in South AfricaSome of the foods (popular and unpopular) served regularly in Susie’s childhoodWhat a typical family meal in Susie’s current household looks likeHow Susie navigates food and meal planning while living in BaliWhich foods Susie’s suitcase is stocked up with after visiting AustraliaHow Susie’s family manage transportation around BaliSusie’s experiences with having a live-in nannyThe weirdest thing Susie’s ever eaten

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    You can follow Susie on Instagram @susieproutlactation. If you’re looking to work with her, you can join the Bottle Refusal Program or become a member of the Breastfeeding Success Membership.

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

  • Gooch week. The week between Christmas and New Year where you find yourself asking “What day is it again?” and everybody just wants to relax. If this sounds familiar to you, join me to find out how we only just survived this week, how we’re transitioning back to routine, and what we’ll do differently next year. In the second half of this episode, we jump into an Instagram Q&A about your biggest foodie frustrations where I chat about kids learning to like veggies and how to manage when your child is copying the fussy eating habits of their older sibling.

    Listen in and discover:

    The exciting yet busy lead up to ChristmasParenting through the week between Christmas and New YearsWhy you are not alone if you’re struggling to relax during this timeNavigating meals when your children are learning to like vegetablesSome easy tips on making vegetables more enjoyable for your childrenManaging fussy eating when it’s influencing a sibling’s eating habits

    Connect with me (Dr Kyla) on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

  • This week, my friend and colleague Nicole Pates Kids Physio joins us for an honest and vulnerable chat where we openly discuss the challenges around family meals, handling the transition into being a working parent, and the pressure we put on ourselves to be perfect parents.

    Listen in and discover:

    Nic’s childhood mealtime experiences as a country kidExperiencing exposure to new foods as a teenagerHow Nic’s childhood experiences affect her current mealsWhat typical family meal times look like at Nic’s houseThe type of foods Nic’s kids will not eat no matter how often it’s offeredDealing with challenges around meal timesTransitioning from a stay-at-home parent to a working parentWorking with our partners through big life transitions

    Find Nicole on Instagram @nicole_kidsphysio

    Become a client of Nicole’s at Western Kids Health, access the Baby Play Academy and Toddler Play Academy, and listen to Nic’s podcast Baby Banter with Nicole Pates.

    Connect with Dr Kyla on Instagram and Facebook!

    Do you want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.

  • Join me as I reflect on the past year by asking myself three questions: What happened this year? What did I learn from it? What do I want for next year? In this episode, I unpack what went down in 2023, the golden nuggets of wisdom I've gathered along the way, and the exciting things I'm bringing into 2024. Happy New Year!

    Listen in and discover:

    How we transitioned into full-time schoolingWorking through our emotional daycare drop offsNavigating life when my husband travels for workRebuilding my business infrastructureHow I spent time caring for myselfOur family holiday in BaliPlanning our meals each weekStarting my day with a calmer mindset

    Connect with Dr Kyla on Instagram and Facebook!

    Want to easily understand what’s in the food you buy without any fear mongering or misinformation? Check out my weekly Chewsday Reviews.

    Join my online membership programs today! Baby Mealtimes for parents introducing solids, Toddler Mealtimes to navigate fussy eating, Family Mealtimes for guidance when packing school lunches and feeding the whole family, or School Mealtimes to change the way we talk about food in schools.