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Discover YOUR Empowered Voice to Inspire, Connect, and Expand Your Business!
Are you ready to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight? Do you dream of sharing your story in a way that inspires others, builds your brand, and grows your business?
This is the podcast for YOU!
Join me, Marta Spirk, as we explore the transformative power of storytelling and speaking to elevate your visibility, credibility, and profitability. Through heartfelt conversations, actionable strategies, and empowering insights, you’ll learn to harness your unique voice to create a meaningful impact.
What you’ll find here:
✨ Stories from inspiring entrepreneurs who’ve used their voice to transform lives
✨ Tools to craft and share your message with confidence and authenticity
✨ Strategies to expand your reach and grow a business that aligns with your purpose
I’m Marta Spirk—Brazilian-born, triplet mom, TEDx speaker, best-selling author of The Empowered Woman: The Ultimate Roadmap to Business Success, and a singer and speaking coach. My journey began in 2016 with network marketing and evolved into a multiple 6-figure business where I empower women like YOU to embrace their story and share it boldly.
Whether you're speaking on a stage, a podcast, or to your audience online, your voice has the power to inspire change—and it all starts here.
Tune in and discover how to give voice to your story and grow your business with purpose and passion!
Want to be my next guest? Apply here:
Connect: [email protected]
Ready to work together? Here's how we can jumpstart your path to turning your Story into a powerful Keynote: -
Esse podcast tem como principal objetivo esclarecer as mais diversas faces de Big Data. Hoje em dia a quantidade de produtos e tecnologias disponíveis no mercado é imensa e saber o que usar e quando irá posicionar qualquer engenheiro de dados no topo da cadeia alimentar. Iremos apresentar diversas discussões calorosas além de explicações em detalhes sobre as mais diversas necessidades para se tornar um profissional diferenciado nessa área.
Discover how ordinary people become extraordinary. I WANNA BE FAMOUS cuts through the noise and gives you the playbook to be known, be seen, and be heard.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you want to make a splash and truly be heard when making a presentation? Do you want to gain more confidence? Is Speaking Up for yourself something that makes you feel anxious? Do you need a strategy to get from where you are to where you ultimately want to be? Do you wish there was someone who could help you achieve the dreams you have for your career?
If any of those resonated, you are in the right place! Following a high school presentation, her teacher told her, “don’t quit your day job” Elizabeth grew her confidence and went on to become a respected and recognized Reuters TV anchor, media consultant and coach who has worked with top level CEOs. Elizabeth used her magic formula, worked hard to reach her dreams and now she imparts that knowledge to her clients.
Elizabeth has equipped hundreds with the tools they needed to overcome their fears and step into their power. Elizabeth’s passion is helping others sidestep the roadblocks she faced and be the mentor and coach she wished she’d had when she was starting out.
Welcome to Speaking Up, the podcast where Elizabeth provides inspirational stories, tangible tips for dealing with rejection, overcoming stress, learning to say no, how to shine on Zoom, how to gain confidence in yourself and your abilities and much much more! -
Welcome to The Nursing Handover Podcast!!
It does what it says on the tin!!
Real life, raw nursing observations - for you; by us!
Join the conversation as we delve into the world of nursing - not just for nurses but health professionals and anyone who wants the REAL gist on that nurse life!!!
No topic will be spared!!!
Reach us at our socials, email [email protected], twitter @The_handover IG: @thenursinghandoverpodcast, Gerry : @jelllybeaan, Dianne @deedeelutz and Clarissa @ClarissaFerrara -
Sou Reinaldo Gandelini. Professor, Orientador de Carreira, estrategista no desenvolvimento de carreira e LinkedIn. Vamos bater um papo sobre transição e mudança de carreira. Direto e reto! Sem lero-lero.
Você quer mudar de carreira para TI? Agende uma conversa comigo e veja se este é o seu momento.
Bate-papo sobre carreira e educação, pra ajudar você a escolher a faculdade certa! Cada episódio mostra um curso/profissão diferente, sempre com dois convidados: um profissional experiente e um estudante universitário. Impressões e pontos de vista diversos de quem está prestes a entrar no mercado de trabalho e de quem já tem anos de prática. O podcast é apresentado pelo jornalista Oscar Fujiwara. @segundaasextapodcast
Agora você pode curtir minhas aulas ao pé do ouvido! Está no ar o podcast do Prof Valmir Soares Jr (@profvalmirsoaresjr).
Atendendo a pedidos de vários dos inscritos no canal do YouTube (inscreva-se você também!) resolvi começar a produzir materiais aqui também.
Vamos lá, passei umas semanas estudando a respeito desse canal de mídia e espero ter aprendido o bastante para começar, sempre com a intenção de evoluir com o passar do tempo, como ocorrido no YouTube.
Aqui, vamos nos encontrar com bastante frequência, e será tratado vários temas (detalhados no episódio).
Com o tempo, vou organizar umas listas de conteúdos para separar melhor os interesses de cada ouvinte.
Os links de minhas redes sociais podem ser acessados através do meu site, o link tá bem ai abaixo.
É muito bom ter você por aqui e não se esqueça: compartilhe esse podcast com seus amigos.
Forte abraço e bons estudos.
Prof Valmir Soares Jr
Servidor Público Federal
Mestre em Administração Pública -
The 20 Years Later MBA'03D podcast edition
Welcome to the Republic of Insead podcast edition and enjoy the show.
So here we are – 20 years later, hopefully all the wiser, naturally smarter and as charming as ever. There were 432 of us in the 03’D vintage and certainly there are 432 unique and very interesting personal and professional stories to tell. While I cannot physically cover all, I have tried to make a selection of stories, that will keep you interested and curious and will hopefully convince you to join us on campus for reunion.
The show is here to remind everyone what an interesting and dare we say, colorful, bunch of people we are and how much we can contribute to each other, be it through ideas, knowledge or mere inspiration. The podcast is inspired by the original Republic of INSEAD yearbook, produced on paper 20 years ago by Oliver Bradley and team.
Remember to book your tickets for the 20Y reunion in Fontainebleau, October 6-8 2023.
Thank you for listening.
Have you ever struggled to fill a tough role at your organization? Us too. That's why we started the Talent Scout, to try and share some of our collective knowledge so that you can stay ahead of your competition when it comes to the race for top talent.
The Talent Scout is hosted by Shane Keane, a recruitment marketing expert, and is supported by a team of recruitment experts with over 50 years of recruitment experience combined.
Every week Shane will cover everything from how to write job descriptions to how to ensure your top candidate signs on the dotted line and he will do it all with his distinct brand of sass and sarcasm.
The Talent Scout is brought to you by Scout Talent, a recruitment software and services provider. For more information, please see: -
vogelfree – Der Podcast zur Selbstverwirklichung im Unternehmen liefert dir Impulse um dich maximal authentisch zu entfalten. Wir sprechen über Stellschrauben, mit denen du durch geschickte Kombination deiner Lebensvision und den Möglichkeiten der neuen Arbeitswelt an deinem erfüllten Ich feilst. Wie kann ich meine vielfältigen Potenziale, vielleicht auch ein Sidebusiness, bestmöglich einbringen? Wie arbeite ich selbstorganisiert, zeit- und ortsunabhängig? Welche kreativen Benefits wünsche ich mir und wie schaffe ich es hier meine Ideen einzubringen? Damit der Podcast keine “One-Man-Show” bleibt, erzählen regelmäßig spannende Persönlichkeiten der Arbeitswelt ihre packenden Reisen von der Work-Life-Balance zur Life-Life-Balance. Unser gemeinsames Ziel ist es dir Tipps & Tricks, Abkürzungen aber auch Kehrseiten vom Streben nach Selbstverwirklichung mit auf den Weg zu geben.
Wenn du mehr zu den Hintergründen von vogelfree erfahren willst oder mir einen inspirierenden Gast empfehlen möchtest, lade ich dich gerne auf einen Blick Richtung oder Mail an [email protected] ein. Beste Grüße & leb´s doch einfach! Chris -
I am Nikki Winston and I sat for exams 13 times - over the course of 1,373 days. I counted the days like I was doing a bid in prison. I took AUD, BEC and FAR 3 times each and REG 4 times. I purchased all or part of most of the CPA exam review courses out there and even after spending all of that money I still felt like there was something missing in my studying.
I ended up filling in the voids myself. I’d read a 70-page chapter then be like ok, what did I just learn? I don’t think I got it so let me watch the videos to reinforce. Or let me do some practice questions to make sure. Went through that. Passed FAR the first time, failed audit because I was tired of studying and just winged the exam, went through so many motions of pass/fail/pass/fail/fail/lose credit and I was in this never-ending cycle.
After that I knew something had to change. I took a couple days off to decompress and changed my study habits. I started getting creative with how I learned. I didn’t want to go back to the review courses that had me stressed out.
I told myself that once I figured out what it took to beat the CPA exam I would share it with other candidates. Those candidates who:
don’t have 40 or 50 hours a week to studyhave other obligations like working full-time, a family, other life events happeningare stressed out about the CPA exam and need more effective ways to studyThese premium episodes are here to inspire you to get motivated to take the CPA exam. Of course, we have to talk about exam strategies and study tips, plus what to expect after you pass the CPA exam.
Join us in the CPA Candidate Community
Take a break from those study materials and tap into the CPA Exam Series of The WERKin’ Mommas podcast. I’m here to support you, answer all of your CPA exam questions, and coach you through doing the work!