Men's Dating Advice from Ace of Hearts Academy
Nigeria · David Bower
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The dating world can be a daunting thing in more ways than one. The Ace of Hearts Academy podcast was created to help men navigate the world of dating without sacrificing who they are or settling for less.
Hi, my name is David Bower, your host for the AOHA podcast. Years ago, I used to be terrible with women. I used to be unable to even speak to a woman no matter how much I liked her. In fact, if I liked her, it was harder and I could barely even look her in the eyes. My confidence with women was ridiculously low and I had every self-doubt in the book holding me back. I made it my mission I was going to get this figured out. I was going to learn the rules of the dating game if it took me the rest of my life. I studied dating and relationships from every possible angle I could think of. Now, 10 years later, I have developed massive confidence with women and women ask me out. That's right, nerdy, geeky, not buff, not tall me.
Here you will learn the techniques and, more importantly, the psychology of dating and relationships that will allow you to master the art of attraction and ultimately win at the game of dating. And, the best part is, you won't have to change anything about who you are be it nerd, geek, or otherwise because you will have learned to wear it like an Ace.