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Kar nekaj časa se je rojevala ideja o snemanju podkastov, s katerimi bi nadgradili ideje, teme, probleme, ... ki se jih lotevamo v reviji, na spletu in v videih. Po drugi strani pa gre v mnogočem tudi za vsebine, ki jih na spletu in v reviji (še) nimamo. In se jih na tak, bolj sproščen, pogovorni način tudi ne moremo lotiti. Gre za tematike, ki so na širši način ali pa vsaj zelo ohlapno povezane z osebno mobilnostjo. Vključno s sodobno mobilnostjo, tehniko, avtomoto športom, novimi tehnologijami, zakonodajo pri nas in v tujini, ... Ki jih bomo kombinirali z zanimivimi sogovorci.
A Gran Turismo podcast. Hosts Wardez (Eddie Gomez) and Tristan Bayless (roadbeef) are both very experienced sim racers and 2018 FIA Gran Turismo Championship Regional Finalists.
We navigate through the newborn world of eMotorsport. Special guests from the GT community as well. We want to use this podcast to track our journey of improvement as we aim to go even further for the 2019 championship.
We also discuss other sim titles, science, pop culture and make insensitive jokes about food.
Tristan Bayless Info -
PSN: roadbeef
GTPlanet: RoadBeef
Instagram: @ogroadbeef
Eddie Gomez Info -
PSN: Wardez
GTPlanet: Wardez
Twitter: @WardezRacing
Instagram: @TiltShiftEddie -
What does it mean to go beyond - to go further than expected, to raise the bar, to defy limits? In this podcast series, we unleash the game-changing stories that take Automobili Lamborghini beyond the status quo and meet extraordinary people across the world who go beyond convention to forge their own incredible journeys.
This show is about all automotive appearance related services. We will talk about PDR, ceramic coatings, PPF, detailing, wheel repair, RestorFX, and much more
With your hosts Cory Kleinfeldt A.K.A. Coach Cory K and Ryan Brewer
Coach Cory K was the former host of the PDR coach podcast, owner of DentPro Inc. and RestorFX Sacramento
Ryan Brewer is the owner of DentproUSA and RestorFX Lafayette.
Together we bring over 30 years of automotive restoration experience. -
Why? Tesla Model Y is a podcast for Tesla Model Y owners, prospective buyers, and all those who consider themselves fanatics or curious about all things Tesla Model Y. Our podcast primarily reports on the weekly happenings within the r/TeslaModelY subreddit. *We are not affiliated with Reddit or Tesla in any way*
A podcast about all things new MINI. From the 2001 R50 to the current generation!
We delve into info, history and how our lives have been intertwined with the love of the MINI/mini
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Dobrodošli pod kapo najbolj sproščenega avtomobilskega podcasta v Sloveniji - "Pod Haubo"! Vsak teden se podamo na divjo vožnjo skozi najnovejše modele avtomobilov in najbolj vroče avtomobilske novice, vse skupaj pa začinimo s ciničnim in sarkastičnim komentarjem, kot bi ga slišali ob pultu vaše najljubše gostilne.
V "Pod Haubo" ni zadržkov; od razkrivanja absurdnosti industrijskih trendov do iskrenih mnenj o najnovejših 'konjičkih' na trgu, gostitelja Andraž in Primož razgrinjata avtomobilske teme brez dlake na jeziku. Pričakujte nepričakovano, ko ti dve kvazi avtomobilski duši razpravljata o vsem, od zmogljivosti in designa novih avtov do najbolj perečih skrivnosti industrije.
Ali je novi model res vreden svoje cene? Kakšne inovacije lahko resnično spremenijo vašo vožnjo? In kateri avto je največji flop leta? Za odgovore pritisnite play in se pridite Pod Haubo - kjer avtomobili in humor trčita v eno!
Primerno za: Ljubitelje avtomobilov, kritike in tiste, ki uživajo v sproščeni debati.
Pogostost: Tedenski izidi
Jezik: Slovenski
Dolžina epizod: Približno 30 minut
Poslušajte nas kjer koli in kadarkoli preko vaše najljubše aplikacije za podcaste. Ne zamudite nobene epizode sarkastičnega raziskovanja avtomobilskega sveta "Pod Haubo"! -
This podcast is about the love of motorcycles, taking trips with friends and the open road. Each episode we talk about motorcycle trips where we share stories, tips, and the sheer joy of riding. It's not just about the routes; it's about the experiences, the laughter, and the sense of freedom you feel when you're out with friends. We take you on the adventure with us, wind in your hair, and a smile on your face. It's a journey through the world of motorcycles trips, but more than that, it's about the unforgettable moments and the bonds that riding creates. We want to make your next motorcycle trip the best it can be. Get show notes at
Join music and Disney enthusiasts Jayna and Aimee as they interview other musicians and Disney enthusiasts. This unlikely pair will delve into the experiences of musicians and Disney enthusiasts, as well as themselves. There will also be theater content as well, including Glee. Episodes will be released on Wednesday’s. Follow us on Instagram @jaynaandaimeeexperience.
Over a delicious drink, Flaviar's resident liquor experts, David Wondrich and Noah Rothbaum, discuss all things cocktails and spirits. On each episode of Fix Me a Drink, the award-winning podcast hosts uncover lost liquor history, explore modern cocktail culture and interview an incredible array of spirited guests. So fix yourself a drink and enjoy the show!
Podkast za vse in o vsem o hiši, kdaj tudi o hišni miši, o tistih, katerih dom je hiša in tudi za tiste, katerih hiša je tržna niša.
V Hiši gostimo tiste, ki hiše radi gradijo z idejami in tiste, ki jih gradijo z rokami. Raziskovali bomo, kaj vse se dogaja za štirimi stenami še preden se sploh postavijo in kaj, ko na stežaj odprejo vrata. -
Our Lives. Sex Life, Haircare, Friendship and more.
Email US:
[email protected]
[email protected] -
For a more just, sane, and autistic world -
Prvi slovenski detailing pocast.
Tema pogovora je vedno povezana s tematiko detailinga.
Od osnovnega pranja vozila do naprednih tehnik poliranja ter uporabo zašitnih sredstev.
Namen je poslušalcu nuditi nov ter drugačen pogled na svet avtokozmetike.
Sergej - Avtokozmetika Mint
Matej - -