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Are you a mom who is ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life? A few months before a big milestone birthday, host Julie Neale, a life and leadership coach, community builder and mom to two high-energy boys, decided to stop sidelining her dreams and become the hero of her own journey. She created this show to help light her way by gathering words of wisdom and lessons learned from other mothers further ahead on their quest. Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, engaging mindfully with their children (E), passionately and purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), investing in themselves (I), and connecting to a strong support network (C). Come along with Julie and you are sure to find some treasures of your own.
Interviewing successful Black moms and moms of color on the unique challenges we face in motherhood, careers, and real life. It's not perfect, but it's real motherhood. This podcast tells the journey of Black moms owning the many facets of their life. Join host, Rachel Pierre for a talk about how to do it all - if that's even possible.
Follow along every other Tuesday as Kate and Karyne navigate reciprocal IVF using Karyne's eggs, unknown donor sperm, and Kate's uterus. And drink lots of La Croix.
Learn more about their journey by visiting Submit your questions or comments to
Connect with Kate and Karyne on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter by searching for Gayest Show on Birth. -
Na ruim 650.000 listens en gesprekken met meer dan 50 experts, is het tijd voor een serie afleveringen vanuit a mother’s gaze. Daarom presenteren we deze zomer: Vrouw’en – vrouw-zijn door de lens van het moederschap. In deze spin-off van Mama’en – De Podcast gaat Nina Pierson, samen met bekende vrouwen, op zoek naar antwoord op de vraag: hoe blijf je als vrouw bij jezelf, als je ook een moederrol te vervullen hebt? Openhartige gesprekken over je hart volgen, vrouwelijke seksualiteit én wat er nodig is om een betekenisvol leven te leiden. Als moeder, maar bovenal als vrouw. Het is hoog tijd dat we onszelf, onze eigen wensen en behoeftes op de eerste plek zetten, want vrouw-zijn is óók een werkwoord.
Adverteren bij Vrouw'en of Mama'en? Mail naar:
Marianne en Mette zijn moeder en dochter. Samen maken ze een podcast over moeders en dochters en de smakelijke kunst van een goed gesprek aan tafel. Onder het genot van een hapje en een drankje praten ze met elkaar over het leven en hun relatie. Ook nodigen ze andere moeders en hun dochters uit. Dus voedsel voor de ziel….
The Disconnected Dad follows Seth Dahl a pastor from Northern California as he disconnects from the internet and all media whenever he’s with his family. Come along on his enlightening, honest and heartfelt journey of reconnecting with his family while his disconnects from the internet- and yep, that includes social media, so no instagram, snapchat, facebook or anything else!
Confessions of a Terrible Husband is a marriage podcast for people who are looking for real advice from the trenches and who are committed to taking personal responsibility over improving their relationships. Hear Nick Pavlidis talk all things marriage and life and interview people like Fawn Weaver from The Happy Wives Club, John G. Miller, of QBQ, Inc., Dan Miller and Joanne Miller of 48 Days to the Work You Love, Derek and Carrie Olsen from Better Conversations, Marcus and Ashley Kusi from the Our Peaceful Family, and many, many more, about the best ways to have an amazing relationship!
Life is a journey and everyday we are trying to make out where it's going. Whether it's in our marriages, relationships, finances, spirituality, parenting or internal; it can be difficult to navigate. The Let's Make Out Podcast, hosted by married duo Chad and Gabrielle of the YouTube channel GabeBabeTV, is here to help you make out all things love, life and laughter!
Every Friday Sam Malone takes a break from his show's political focus to discuss with Robert Cossick the sanctity and beauty of marriage. The discussions are lighthearted and the advice is practical and encouraging. Listen to past discussions here, then join us each Friday at 8:35 CST for another great discussion.
A podcast to connect mothers during their free time. We all have busy lives and now throw a kid into the mix and it can be overwhelming. Trying to meet your friends and talk to them with your child/children interrupting doesn't feel relaxing or like you are connecting with other mothers. Mommy Escape Time is hosted by Lauren and her guests talking about their journey through motherhood. We are not experts, but share our experiences and yours on how we get through motherhood.
I've learned more about myself in my 40s than I did at any other time in my life. Follow the conversations of a nonbinary dad as they chat about masculinity, social issues, feminism, parenthood, body image, mental health, and more with experts and friends from around the world.
The stories, lessons, and magic of summer camp change campers (and staff) for the better every year. Speaking with people who spend their lives planning for and running summer camps around the country, the Campfire Conversation podcast will give parents, teachers, coaches and mentors a unique perspective on raising, teaching and leading children. Pull up a log, get your marshmallows ready, and let’s chat!
Zullen we het leuk houden is een podcast over de transitie naar co-ouderschap. De droom van samen onze twee kinderen opvoeden, bestond opeens niet meer. Maar de ambities blijven: hoe kan ik als vader toch mijn jonge kinderen die fijne jeugd bieden die ik voor ogen had. Over omgaan met eenouderstress, uitdagende dingen blijven doen en zelf geluksmomenten creëren. Lees ook de blog op
Are you looking for a way to merge your pre-kid life into your life as Mom? You’re in the right place! Lara & Jenn candidly discuss real-life experience as Modern Day Moms, and highlight women who create space for both their individual identity and being Mom. This podcast is designed to guide, connect & support women navigating Modern Day Motherhood. Subscribe NOW & listen weekly!