what if the places we live in aren’t random? what if they are shaping us in ways we don’t even realize?
i’ve spent the last few years surrendering to the pull of different places, following an intuitive (and sometimes terrifying) call to let the universe guide my path—even when it didn’t make logical sense. what I’ve learned is this: certain locations activate us, challenge us, expand us, and even hold the key to parts of ourselves we haven’t yet met.
after serendipitously connecting with Fernanda Paiva via instagram, i knew i had to invite her on the podcast to chat about being former corporate professionals turned intuitive nomads.
in this episode, we chat about our spiritual journeys, the importance of surrender, the powerful effects of different geographic energies on personal growth and how the energetic blueprint of different locations influences us on a soul level.
this conversation isn’t just about astrology—it’s about learning to trust the unseen forces that are shaping our path.
if you'd like to connect with Fernanda:
follow her on instagram
book a session
"Hey, I'm Fernanda. An old soul living in a mid-age body, carrying an adventurous and warrior spirit. I was born breaking rules and norms. For years, I thought something was wrong with me. But with my Aries mercury and rising, and Taurus sun – I'm stubborn AF! And decided I was actually right, and everyone else was wrong. And I think that's what helped me throughout my life making choices that were more aligned with my soul than what society expects. Three years ago, I received a calling that led me on a true hero's journey around the globe. I'm driven by purpose and meaning, and my main commitment in life is to self-mastery and consciousness expansion."__________________________________________________if you'd like to dive even further on mystical and metaphysical topics and receive support on your journey to deeper alignment with your soul, check out erin's offerings here. be sure to follow along on instagram!
00:00 Introduction and Manifestation Journey
02:22 Spiritual Awakening and Nomadic Life
05:57 Living with Purpose and Facing Challenges
07:23 Astrocartography and Sacred Places
10:51 Personal Experiences and Realizations
21:11 Astrocartography Anecdotes
33:03 Ego, Surrender, and Growth
36:40 Heart Space Activation
37:10 Exploring Bali's Influence
39:37 Marriage, Divorce and Healing in Maui
43:57 Challenges in San Diego
45:38 Astrocartography Insights
51:11 Transcending Astrology
56:27 Navigating Intense Energies
navigating feelings + triggers and emotional healing, embodiment, evolving through astrology, initiations & much more!
about charlotte:
Charlotte is a guide and way-shower for the revolutionary and evolutionary woman, here to light the way for those ready to step into their highest potential and leave their survival strategies behind.
As a Possibility Coach, Emotional Healer, and Evolutionary Astrologer, she is an activator for womankind, Charlotte embodies the essence of transformation and courage. She is devoted to holding space for women navigating their evolutionary edge—guiding them through profound transitions that alchemize pain, dissolve unconscious patterns, and release stuck emotions and shadows.
Her work is a portal into purpose, intimacy, and lineage restoration, helping women realign with their soul’s deepest calling, create meaningful relationships with men, and reclaim the aliveness and pleasure their hearts have always known is possible.
You can learn about her coaching offering here:
charlotte's instagram: @charlottevetter__ erin's links:@eringunzelman on Timestamps:06:03 Connecting with Charlotte in Montana07:18 Charlotte's Background and Upbringing11:10 Boarding School and Early Independence14:00 Teenage Ego Death and Initiations17:20 Emotional Healing and Adult Life22:13 The Turning Point: Pregnancy and Awakening27:06 Discovering Emotional Intelligence in Costa Rica30:14 The Power of Feelings and Emotional Freedom35:44 Navigating Negative and Positive Emotions36:45 The Role of Quantum Physics in Understanding Emotions36:57 The Impact of Suppressing Emotions on Health38:09 Breaking Free from Systemic Oppression40:54 The Journey of Self-Discovery and Freedom44:51 The Importance of Authentic Connections53:12 Exploring Astrology and Personal Growth01:01:22 The Evolutionary Role of Water Signs01:06:35 The Humbling Process of Personal Growth -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
what if reality is a series of layers waiting to be discovered?
how are rituals, patterns, and the universe connected?
this is a conversation about numbers and patterns as bridges between the physical and spiritual realms
**and how secret societies and influential groups practice and promote esoteric rituals to disconnect humanity from their divinity**
ps. you can withdraw your consent and reclaim your power :)
for much more information, follow @suziecues_ on instagram and check out her patreon where you can contribute to the gathering and compilation of information about occult/masonic influences on society and the resulting patterns that play out in historical and current affairs.
follow erin on instagram here, send a DM for more info about ways to connect
and dive deeper into all things metaphysical on erin's patreon for monthly symposium-style conversations (plus much more!) to expand consciousness and transform your life.
for 1:1 support, check erin's offerings:
episode topics in order:
(erin's intro)
beginning at 17:10 and beyond...
The Impact of 2017: A Turning Point
Isolation and Social Media Connection
Understanding Geopolitical Confusion
The Consciousness Game and Patterns
Exploring the Occult and Government Ties
Freemasonry and the Founding of the United States
Transhumanism and Supernatural Knowledge
Questioning Historical Timelines
Symbolism and Hidden Agendas
Numerology and Symbolism
The Struggles of Modern Art
Corruption in the Art World
Duality and Symbolism in Secret Societies
The Conspiracy to Reveal the Conspiracy
Luciferian Beliefs and Global Control
The Role of Technology in Human Evolution
Personal Reflections and Future Plans
and a big thank you to Fox & Tiger music for the intro beat xx
transformation! healing! living from an expanded heart! this episode is a love fest.
more info about PROJECT LOVE, erin & tara's women's embodiment retreat happening February of 2025 in Punta Uva, Costa Rica (at Tara's retreat center, Nemetona Sacred Space)
follow tara on instagram: @tara.nemetona
follow erin on instagram: @erin.gunzelman
for more long form content, monthly bonuses like breathwork and group coaching, check out erin's patreon membership.
a consciousness-expanding conversation with tom barnett, the creator of the living free movement.
tom's knowledge and wisdom spans diverse topics from law, culture and sociology to human health and spirituality - and consciousness!
i've looked up to tom for years because he challenges me to THINK and speaks with an easy-to-digest, genuinely calm and relaxed demeanor. it was so fun to chat with him in real time.
you can find more about the living free movement and tom below:
erin's website:
in this epsidose, paul leendertse and erin discuss the root cause of cancer: a psycho-emotional stress complex -- aka BIG conversation about LOVE.
paul is a pioneer in cancer prevention, reversal and self-healing. he's the author of 'the Root Cause of Cancer' and founder of Root Cause Institute where he teaches practitioner trainings, getting to the root cause of cancer and other psycho-emotionally based diseases.
before going online to teach the root cause of cancer, paul lived with cancer patients over a 10-year period, for 30 days at a time, focused only on identifying and resolving the root cause of their cancer, as a team. paul and the clients that worked with him, had a 90% success rate healing without any treatments, or anything alternative. only the root cause was the focus, since all of his clients were either stage 3 or 4 cancer, after already having tried everything they could, both traditionally and alternatively."the root cause of cancer is the end of the war... because the cause of cancer is psycho-emotional, and this we can't resolve through war, only love" - paul leendertse
if you'd like to connect with paul...
root cause institute practitioner trainings: info and sign up here
instagram: @therootcauseinstitute
if you'd like to dive deeper into spirit-mind-body, other offerings and metaphysical musings with erin, check out...
new patreon community! here
instagram: @erin.gunzelman
microbes, primal diet, living with nature (not against her) and LOVE with liev dalton of the beyond terrain podcast.
you will find his bio below and can check out his podcast for lots more knowledge and wisdom, all delivered with a lovely canadian accent.
Beyond Terrain Podcast (on all major platforms and youtube)
instagram: @beyond.terrain
erin's links:
erin's website:
instagram: @erin.gunzelman
big thanks to @foxandtigermusic for fun intro tunes, i love you!
liev's bio:
Growing up on a small island, Prince Edward Island, community and family were values ingrained in me from a young age. I had a natural curiosity to science and how our world functions. This led me to taking a science degree in biochemistry at Dalhousie University. After completing my undergrad in biochemistry, I came to realize there was a greater force at play. The material theory of biochemistry did not resonate with me, which led to my pursuit of looking deeper and seeking the truth. Through this exploration, the most profound idea I came across was that germs do not cause disease. This discovery completely changed how I looked at science and nature as a whole. Now when I think about health, I look at it from a holistic lens. Currently I am pursuing my Masters of Counseling Psychology, where I plan to apply my revolutionary learning and address all problems at the root of the problem, starting with the Terrain. I believe in healing through the body, mind and spirit, and in order to do so, we need to understand where our problems are stemming from.
Dr. Jalal Khan is a practicing quantum dentist but, as you will learn in this episode, not only is he so much more than a dentist, dentistry is so much more than teeth!
Our conversation goes d e e p! Not only into his approach to mind-body-soul healing (enter: primary care metaphysicians) as he explains how treating children and adults in quantum dentistry involves aligning the body and the jaws to unlock the body’s innate healing abilities and promoting optimal growth and function, cones in the eye playing a role in determining body type and character traits and how water and light play a central role in all of it. We discuss alchemy and the transformation of the soul, vibrational states of the body and SO much more!
Thanks for rating and subscribing to the podcast so the information can spread far and wide, big love!
Dr. Khan’s links:
Erin's links:
Special thanks to @foxandtiger for fun intro music
it's surprising how little I talk about being vegan in this episode. all in the name of expanding consciousness! love you
thank you again to my amazing friends, Fox & Tiger, for the intro tunes. stay tuned to hear more from them on the podcast and check them out on spotify and instagram @foxandtigermusic
Soul ages and past lives, consciousness, and navigating collective energies… an episode (read: a total lovefest!) that we hope you will truly enjoy!
Erin Telford is the first guest on MG and shares wisdom nuggets related to so many topics including joy and pain, self-discovery, what it means to “ground,” the power of choice, and questioning deeply held programs and beliefs. The conversation also touches on the current state of the world and the role of challenges and discomfort in our own personal transformations as well as that of our collective human family.
Erin Telford is an amazing Breathwork Facilitator & trainer as well as business mentor for healers and coaches. You can connect with her via her website or instagram.
Ways to connect with Erin Gunzelman for all things consciousness-expansion:
@metaphysicalgravitypod on instagram for more laughs and love
I hope you enjoy this episode! Thank you for rating, reviewing, and subscribing so that it may find and support others.
Wondering how love, erin's pain flares, and Buckminster Fuller relate to one another? This episode will give you a peak into the health journey that shaped erin's current worldviews and spurred countless consciousness expansions.
ps. metaphysical gravity is love <3