This week’s message is a study of contrasts where we discover that the call of Jesus costs us everything and promises the incomprehensible in this life and the life to come.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In this series on the hard sayings of Jesus today's text may be the hardest. And yet, few texts better explain the person and ministry of Jesus and the call on those who are His disciples. In it we are going to see how, what and why we are to respond to our enemies as Jesus calls us to.
This passage seems to be out of place in a series on the hard sayings of Jesus. And in some ways it is, for they contain some of the sweetest words ever spoken. And yet, even the sweet words of Jesus can be hard when we choose to ignore them and not accept the invitation He offers. This message looks at the invitation of Jesus to come to Him, what we need to bring, and what we receive in its place.
The 18th century philosopher and theologian Soren Kierkegaard wrote that Jesus didn't want admirers, He wanted followers. Admiration of Jesus can actually mask a divided heart. In this message Jesus cuts through the admiration of three people, calling them to something far deeper.
Some of Jesus' most arresting words in the entirety of his ministry serve as a reminder that our actions have dire and eternal consequences.
One of the great titles of Jesus is Prince of Peace. And yet, in this week's passage He says that He didn't come to bring peace but a sword meant to divide families. It's a hard saying. What are we to do with a Lord called peace who brings division? That's what we seek to answer in this week's message.
In the gospels, it was common for great crowds to follow Jesus. But in this week’s text Jesus appears to want to thin the crowds out when talking about the high cost and call of being a disciple of Jesus.
We kick off a new series this week where we’re looking at the hard sayings of Jesus. Most everyone calls Jesus a great teacher but I wonder when much of Jesus’ teaching offended and confused. In this message we begin by looking at the hardest of all: deny yourself, take up your cross daily and follow Him.
In this last Sunday message of 2024 we look at a passage from Jude where we are reminded of the call to persevere. We learn four crucial elements of perseverance that demand, by God's grace, our remembrance, readiness, response and rest.
In this Christmas Eve message we finish off our Advent series, Comfort and Joy. In this message we see the feast that the LORD invites us to. A feast that is free to us, full of rich and good food and one all are invited to.
In Isaiah 40 the LORD speaks to His people who had been living in exile in idolatrous Babylon for the past 70 years and promises that comfort and joy was coming. But how would it come? Through the sending of a servant. In this message we see what we can discover by looking at the servant sent by the LORD.
Over the next few weeks we'll be looking at some passages from Isaiah 40-55.
We begin an Advent series this week called, "Comfort and Joy." Over the next few weeks we'll be looking at some passages from Isaiah 40-55. In today's passage we're seeing how the God of all comfort displays His comfort to His people being freed from exile and what that means for us today.
On this first Sunday of Advent we end our Origins series on Genesis 1-3. It’s timely for in this message we see the origin of the gospel which has its fulfillment in the coming of Christ.
In this week's message we drop in on the aftermath of the sin and rebellion of Adam and Eve and the fall of mankind. Specifically, we look at the call of God in the garden, the cursing of the serpent and the land, and the consequences on the serpent and Adam and Eve.
The story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery (John 7:53–8:11) offers a profound glimpse into what God is really like. Set in the middle of the Feast of Tabernacles, with its rich themes of provision and life, this account reveals God’s holiness through His kindness and His call for transformation. Jesus’ response to the woman is life-changing—not only for her but for all of us—as it demonstrates God’s generosity, grace, and invitation to reflect His love. It challenges us as a community to focus on pointing others to Him, embodying His truth and mercy in our lives.
In this week’s text we look at what can only be described as the saddest event in history, the original sin and fall of mankind.
When Jesus is asked a question in Matthew 19 about marriage and divorce, He responds by taking His questioners back to the beginning pages of the Bible. He asks them, "Have you not read?" In doing so Jesus not only doesn't defer to the culture of His day but affirms the importance and design of marriage as given by God and how His design transcends both time and culture. In this message we discover what we can about marriage by way of the first holy matrimony.
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