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RETAIL REVOLUTION is a unique podcast that features in-depth conversations with guest experts in omni-channel retailing with myriad perspectives: technology, consumer engagement, data analytics, merchandising and more. We pay special attention to current socio-political issues and challenges and their implications on fashion retail, as well as opportunities to innovate and rethink retail's future. RETAIL REVOLUTION is hosted by Christopher Lacy and produced by Joshua Williams, fashion industry leaders and educators.
We're back! Join us for Public Square 2.0, the re-launch of The Public Theater’s Podcast, “Public Square.” For our second season, Host Garlia Cornelia Jones, The Public’s new and first ever Director of Innovation and New Media, will continue to guide you through a behind the scenes look as we connect with artists and staff. Welcome home, to Public Square—we can’t wait to have you back! Stay Tuned for Episodes, wherever you find your podcasts.
This audio guide helps you accelerate the mastery of business skills for your creative services practice. We discuss business concepts, systems, principles, and practices so you can maximize the time you have to create.
Episodes are organized around the five business themes of Money, Minutes, Marketing, Management, and Motivation. -
How do I make money doing what I love? What can I do to grow my following? What is SEO? How do I excel at in-person sales, or build my e-commerce revenue? How do I balance running a business and being a human?
Welcome to Girl Gang Craft, The Podcast, where we answer these questions and dive into all things business, wellness, creativity and activism for artists and entrepreneurs. Your host Phoebe Sherman talks with impactful female founders for an inside look at the entrepreneurial experience, so you’ll come away with tangible steps to elevate your business.
Phoebe not only brings you inspiring founder stories, but insight on social media marketing, productivity, and the ultimate transparent look at her own business, so you can come away with actionable steps towards creating more revenue and the life of your dreams.
Are you ready? Because we believe that together we rise. -
'실용식당 북클럽'에서 함께 책 얘기 나눠요~♡ >> 카카오톡에서 '실용식당 북클럽' 검색 __ 매주 1권씩의 실용도서를 맛있게 요리합니다. 어서오세요, 실용 도서 리뷰 맛집 '실용식당'입니다!^^ [5월 식단표] 1주: 지혜의 심리학/ 김경일/ 진성북스 2주: 국가란 무엇인가/ 유시민/ 돌베개 3주: 물고기는 존재하지 않는다/ 룰루 밀러/ 곰출판 4주: 어른의 어휘력/ 유선경/ 앤의서재 5주: [실용식당 북클럽] 무엇이 옳은가/ 후안 엔리케스/ 세계사 [ 주요 식재료 ] - 자기계발, 동기부여, 마케팅, 비즈니스 등의 실용 도서 및 에세이, 철학, 심리학 도서 [ 맛있게 드시는 법 ] - '식단표'에 공유된 메뉴를 먼저 읽어 보시면 더 맛있게 드실 수 있어요^^ [ 연락처 ] - -
Olivia Landau, part of the Forbes Under 30 class of 2020, gets intimate with inspirational women. She discusses the hottest bridal trends and wedding dos and don’ts with a refreshing blend of expertise and relatability. Her conversations are not just about fashion and aesthetics, but also delve into the emotional and personal aspects of wedding planning. From sustainable wedding ideas to inclusive bridal wear, Olivia's platform is a clear cut treasure trove of inspiration for modern brides looking to create unforgettable celebrations.
Welcome to this art audio experience, hosted by Christian H. Rother and friends. I am an artpreneur, artinvestor, founder and loving father! On this podcast you'll find the perfect mix of inspiration, out of the box thinking, knowledge and great guests who share their personal stories, expert knowledge and great perspectives with art. PATHS OF ART is the one place to find out everything around art and culture. Combine business and art and be ready for an amazing future. Join us on this amazing art journey.
This podcast is for artists, investors, gallery owners, influencers, creative people and many, many more. Stay tuned and be ready for a brand new episode every second Thursday. Enjoy listing and let us know about your thoughts and questions. Share your feedback with us at @pathsofart
Because creatives create value! -
At the fore front of the fashion world are designers, editors, photographers, influencers etc. But what about the rest?
I Work in Fashion podcast dives into the many jobs of the fashion industry by interviewing the people who work behind the catwalks, magazines, storefronts and much more. Through anecdotes and insightful experiences, it retraces their career paths, explores their current roles and gathers their best advice.
If you aspire to work in fashion but do not know where or how to start, this podcast is for you!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Wanderful the podcast is created and hosted by arts-in-business innovator David Pearl to help you bring a bit of wonder to your walking. Inspired by David’s not-profit social movement Street Wisdom that brings free guided in-person and online walking workshops to city streets in 80 countries and counting.
Each episode takes an entertaining and light- hearted look at an aspect of life we all secretly struggle with or want to get better at: optimism, creativity, relationships, wealth, direction… you get the idea.
We’ll start the walks by exploring the everyday challenge in the company of an entertaining and refreshingly, imperfectly human, guest. Then, following simple instructions provided by David, the walk becomes a way to get clarity, insight and learn new skills you can use every day to help you find answers to your life questions.
All you need is some headphones and a phone so you can get outside and walk whilst listening, but if you are tuning in at home then walking (slowly) inside your house, also works well too.
You can dig deeper into the power of wandering and getting off the beaten track in David’s book Wanderful: Human Navigation for a Complex World available at leading bookstores.
Follow @streetwisdom_ @davidpearlhere for more ideas and inspiration on leading a Wanderful life