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Kimberlee Davis is your host of The Fiscal Feminist, a show about women and our relationship with money and finances. Kimberlee Davis is Managing Director and Partner at The Bahnsen Group, a private wealth management firm. She specializes in personal wealth advising and oversees financial and retirement planning solutions for high net worth individuals and multi-generational families. Her proficiency also includes helping individuals transition to financial independence after life altering events such as death or divorce.
Alt Goes Mainstream podcast is the place to turn to for interviews with some of the brightest and most experienced minds in the world of alternative investing, private equity (PE), venture capital (VC), real estate, crypto, collectibles and more. For anyone looking to invest into alternative assets (from experienced wealth managers to family offices to the individual investor looking for a more diversified investment portfolio), you’ll hear inside stories from executives and founders at some of the world’s largest financial institutions, alternative investment firms, and FinTech startups. More than a personal finance podcast, Alt Goes Mainstream dives deep into trends, investment strategies, firm building lessons, and innovative technologies that are enabling investors to access private markets and invest into alternative assets.
Welcome to Living Boca, the podcast that features some of the dynamic personalities, favorite businesses, and unique stories that make Boca Raton such a special South Florida community. Each episode spotlights the individual experiences, endeavors, memories and missions of the residents and business owners; so join us each week for an entertaining, engaging, and informative perspective on this beautiful city!
Ysistä viiteen — Työmatkan pituinen podcast työelämästä ja bisneksestä. Studiossa elämästä nautiskeleva toimistorotta-Vivian sekä yrittäjä ja työnarkkari-Nata. Nappaa tästä kuumimmat keskusteluaiheet kahvipöytään!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Euroopan teillä, oranssilla pakettiautolla seikkaillut Van Elämää -kolmikko on takaisin tien päällä, ja sen myötä ilmoille kajahtaa podcastin kolmas tuotantokausi. 600 päivää on vierähtänyt tien päällä, Lapin talvisessa erämaassa ja missä lie erikoisoloissa. Nyt matka jatkuu pohjolan yöttömään yöhön.
Vuonna 2019 uutisankkuri Aino Huilaja otti loparit, luopui kodistaan ja muutti pakettiautoon miehensä Jerryn ja jääräpäisen Arska-koiransa kanssa. Taakse jäivät vuosien varrella rakennettu oravanpyörä, kiire ja aikataulut. Mitä lähes kaksi vuotta nomadielämää on opettanut? Onko pakettiautoretkikunta löytänyt elämän tarkoituksen? Ovatko he nähneet valon? Hyppää oranssin pakun kyytiin, lähde kiehtovalle roadtripille ja anna maantietarinoiden viedä!
Yhteistyössä Autoliitto. -
Welcome to #ABtalks, a YouTube show discovering the human behind the title by shining the spotlight on the 'raw' side of celebrities, achievers and influencers from across the world. Hosted by Anas Bukhash, one of the most successful entrepreneurs and interviewers in the Middle East region, the show is the fastest growing show of its kind and is now also available on Netflix.
Är ett bra bolag också en bra aktie? Det är inte alltid uppenbart! I analyspodden med Carnegie intervjuar vi nordiska börsbolag och Carnegies aktieanalytiker.
Bolagen berättar om deras verksamhet och ambitioner - och vi följer upp med att intervjua våra analytiker för att addera färg och siffror för att ge vägledning kring det där med Bolag och Aktier. -
The leading communications advisory firm Kekst CNC brings you a new podcast looking at current trends and hot topics in strategic communications. Guests and our own internal experts around the world will be sharing their insights on the latest opportunities and challenges relating to communications. With each episode less than 20 minutes long, there’s no excuse to miss it. If you are interested in communications and want to hear about perspectives from different countries - whether you’re just beginning your career or have three decades’ experience - tune in.
Aktiesnack är en av Sveriges mest populära finanspoddar med över 10 000 lyssnare per avsnitt. Podden syftar till att vara värdefull för dig som:
Vill bli en bättre investerare och personSöker inspiration för investeringsidéerVill öka kunskapen avseende investeringar, börs och ekonomiPoddens programvärdar heter Magnus Skog och Peter Westberg. Magnus har tidigare arbetat som aktieanalytiker på Redeye och Erik Penser Bank, och Peter jobbar på och är delägare i Quartr och har tidigare arbetat som aktieanalytiker på Kalqyl där han även är medgrundare.
För att komma i kontakt med oss:
[email protected] | +46737324044
[email protected] | +46700420134
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Heather Bayer, author of Renting Your Recreational Property for Profit, former CEO of a highly successful cottage rental agency, and a popular blogger, hosts the Vacation Rental Success podcast. With many years experience of owning and managing multiple vacation rental properties, Heather brings her knowledge and views on every aspect of the business, together with interviews with vacation homeowners and industry experts. Heather has appeared as a guest on CTV Canada, CBC Radio, Rogers TV, and Chex TV and is frequently interviewed on real estate and travel topics by magazines and daily newspapers.
Women of the World is a women refugee service non-profit responsible for service and capacity building for our new neighbors in Salt Lake City Utah. Our podcast is a place where 'our ladies' can share their stories and aspirations and where we can highlight activities important to refugees and service providers.