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Self Service is your cosmic comfort zone, an “inner-beauty school” where self-care is celebrated, where getting real with emotions is a treat, and an interest in thoughtful, funny conversations, weird wellness and astrology is unabashed. It’s where being a little self-indulgent isn’t just a shame-free act of self-love, it’s a necessary launchpad into a life that’s wholly ours, in a world where we feel good about taking up space. Here, we serve our hearts. We rant. We grow. And we tune the eff up. #SelfServicePodcast
WARNING! This podcast uses progressive boredom via silly stories to help adults fall asleep. Pointless meanders, lulling soothing tones and strange asides are used in combination with bedtime tales to distract your racing brain and let you drift off to dreamland.
If you are expecting something sane or sensible this might not be for you. It might just blow your mind.
Trouble Falling Asleep? Insomnia?
Looking for something soothing to quiet your racing mind?
If you have trouble falling asleep or need background noise this might be what you are looking for.
Plucked from Sleep With Me Podcast these stories are stripped of their introductions giving you 100% pure strange bedtime stories.
Bedtime is here. It is time to "Sleep to Strange"
Welcome, I'm Dearest Scooter, your new Borefriend.
On the "Sleep With me Podcast" an odd man tells strange tales that help dull and lull people to sleep. (that's me)
I've always wondered "What if I took off the intros and just posted the stories by themselves?"
Wouldn't that be strange? -
Gyldendal Podcast er både til dig der spiser bøger til morgenmad, og til dig der måske ikke læser så meget. Du vil høre nogen af landets mest litteraturbegejstrede og belæste bog-entusiaster fortælle om det vigtigste, det smukkeste, det mest inspirerende, sindsoprivende, grusomme eller geniale, de har læst – og om hvorfor netop dén bog har sat et særligt aftryk på dem og på verden. Og vi vil invitere dig med ind i forfatterværkstedet til en snak om både skriveprocesser, skriveglæde og skriveblokader hos nogen af landets største, bedste og mest elskede forfattere. Dine værter er Silke Fensman og Sigurd Hartkorn Plaetner. Velkommen til!
Fueled by art, sexuality, playfulness, adventure, and imagination, Rose & Dayv Caraway will arouse your senses with libidinous tales of love, loss, action, adventure, romance, suspense, horror, science fiction, paranormal, and fantasy. Brimming with limitless creativity and moxie these erotic stories are sure to seduce your thoughts and leave you and your partner(s) wanting more! This show is for adults only.
Happy Writing is a podcast for writers who want to reignite their love for writing and turn their passion into a sustainable and healthy relationship with words.
Hosted by Vivien Reis, a mechanical engineer by day and young adult author and YouTuber by night, this show is for any writer ready to reinvent and bring balance to their writing lifestyle.
Join Vivien each week for a dose of uplifting validation, thought-provoking inspiration, and practical ideas designed to transform your writing into Happy Writing. -
The podcast where we explore and celebrate the lives of ARTISTS with ADHD. Life, art, superpowers, and... wait what was I saying?! Hosted by Sarah Gise, your fellow ADHD artist. We'll have interviews with all different types of artists with ADHD, as well as some mental health experts. Hear stories, jot down some tips, fight the stigma, and have a great time hanging out with us!
Original music for this podcast was composed by Christopher Aaron Knarr. You can find more of his work at
Podcast Artwork design by Joseph Ramski. For inquiries, please contact him directly at [email protected] -
Willkommen zu meinem Podcast Mr.Nobody.
Hier spreche ich über Dinge, die mich bewegt haben oder bewegen. Dinge die meine Lebensqualität gesteigert haben. Dinge die mein Leben bereichert haben.
Meine Mission ist es, meine Erfahrungen, mein Wissen und meine Sichtweise die ich habe mit euch zu Teilen. Mit dem Wunsch, dass mein Podcast euch Inspiriert, eure Lebensqualität steigert und euch einen Mehrwert bietet. -
From our humble beginnings as a small chain of eclectic Southern California convenience stores, Trader Joe’s has grown to become a national chain of 579 (and counting) neighborhood grocery stores, employing more than 67,000 Crew Members. How? By being comfortable with being different. Every episode takes you Inside Trader Joe’s in a podcast series only Trader Joe's could deliver.
Are you a Trader Joe’s fan? Want to know what keeps people coming back? Hungry for all the new and exciting stuff coming to your neighborhood store? Let's go Inside Trader Joe’s. Thanks for listening. -
Siden december 2017 har Minna Haddar ikke kunnet tåle ost. Brie, Camembert, Roquefort no more. Siden har hun levet en ostesløs tilværelse. Men selvom kroppen siger nej, kan hun nyde ost by proxy. Hun skal bare finde et sundt legeme, der kan tåle ost. Og det legeme hedder Andreas Saxild. Andreas har indvilliget i at spise de oste Minna begærer og dele oplevelsen med hende. Der er bare et problem: Andreas hader ost.
The main cast will consist Zak (Zak Rhyno), Jazz (Jazz Wolf), Max (Maximus Ursus), Schred (Schredded Wolf), Zeus (Zeus Ralo) & Tip (Tiptoe).
The podcast will cover many different viewpoints, experiences and subjects on fitness, health, and art. The purpose is to promote Furry-Muscle, the community, as well as its goals. (Promoting fitness, health, and art to individuals and the community to help them to flourish and grow.) The podcast will occur once a month with a time span of one to three hours.
Want your question answer on air with the FMC group? Then email, phone or shot us a short MP3 clip to be play on the podcast! E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: 571-208-BUFF (2833) Please go to for more information. -
Queer-Bio er en filmhistorisk podcast om de bedste, største og vigtigste film om bøsser, lesbiske, biseksuelle, transkønnede - plus det løse. Hvad fortæller filmene os om kærlighed, køn, sex, anderledeshed, vold? Hvordan spejler de en moderne frigørelseshistorie? Weekendavisens kulturjournalist Linea Maja Ernst taler med indsigtsfulde gæster om tragedier, utopier og skjulte skatte fra et regnbuefarvet filmunivers.
Hjertefolket podcasts er for dig der er sulten på at skabe forandring i dit liv. Dig der gerne vil forstå dig selv bedre og mærke at du har både ansvaret og skaberkraften i dit liv. Her får du ekspertviden formidlet lige ud af landevejen, på en både nørdet, underholdende og personlig facon. Det er viden der gør indtryk og hænger ved.Sundhedsentrepreneur og psykoterapeut Rikke Hvelplund står bag denne række af podcasts til dig. Hun droppede sin karriere som pilot for at hellige sig arbejdet med menneskers psykiske modning og heling, ligesom hun i dag samarbejder med Skandinaviens største holistiske sundheds og detox ekspert, Ninka Bernadette Mauritson.
We here at Monki bring together key people we admire in public conversations on current topics like wellbeing, lifestyle and fashion for live panel talks to share perspectives, discuss thoughts & offer advice. Make sure to subscribe or follow to be updated on future episodes!
Whether you are🌱 vegan, veg-curious, or just starting your wellness journey we are excited to have you tune in. 🥳🙏
We are bringing honest conversations to you discussing a range of health, wellness, and lifestyle inspirational topics from Guest Speakers and our Plantarion Community Members. -
Bite-sized frequent episodes, Stoic Designer is about applying the practice of stoicism to your design work as a means to benchmark the day, get your head right, and craft virtuously. -
Vi har plantet et frø - og det er nu blevet til Plantepotten med NATURLI’! Hos NATURLI’ arbejder vi hver dag på at gøre det lettere at drikke og spise på en ny måde, der byder naturen velkommen tilbage! Vi kigger nærmere på alle de vidundere, jorden har givet os … og ja! Det må gerne smage godt at spise verden grønnere! Vil du med en tur på den grønne NATURLI’-vej? Så skal du lytte med, når Henrik Lund, CEO for NATURLI', får spændende gæster på besøg til en snak om klima, plantepølser og alt derimellem!