
  • Practicing mindfulness and acceptance can transform how we handle life's challenges by fostering inner calm, emotional resilience, and better decision-making. By staying present and acknowledging our reality without judgment, we reduce stress and anxiety, improve our emotional strength, and cultivate compassion for ourselves and others.

    Simple daily practices like mindful breathing, yoga, and meditation can significantly enhance our well-being. They help us uncover valuable life lessons and grow from difficult situations. Embrace mindfulness and acceptance to navigate life's storms and emerge stronger and wiser.

    We are now accepting applications for Yoga Teacher Training!

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    #Mindfulness #Acceptance #EmotionalResilience #StressRelief #InnerCalm #PersonalGrowth #MentalHealth #Wellbeing #MindfulLiving #Compassion #Meditation #SelfCare #LifeLessons #Resilience #PositiveThinking

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  • This podcast encore episode is all about why repetitive injury can be the culprit for weight gain.

    Repetitive injury can often be an overlooked culprit behind weight gain. When you suffer from chronic or recurring injuries, your ability to engage in regular physical activity can be significantly hindered.

    This reduction in physical activity leads to a lower overall calorie expenditure, making it easier to gain weight even if your diet remains the same. Additionally, injuries often cause pain and discomfort, which can lead to stress and emotional eating as coping mechanisms.

    Decreased mobility and increased caloric intake can create a cycle of weight gain that becomes difficult to break. Furthermore, certain injuries can lead to prolonged periods of inactivity, during which muscle mass may decrease and body fat can increase, further contributing to weight gain.

    Addressing and managing repetitive injuries is crucial not only for your physical health and mobility but also for maintaining a healthy weight and overall well-being.

    This episode is a must listen or watch!

    Hope you enjoy it!

    #RepetitiveInjury #WeightGain #ChronicPain #PhysicalActivity #InjuryRecovery #HealthyLiving #WeightManagement #InjuryPrevention #WellnessJourney #HealthyWeight

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  • This week, Dr. Connie explores how deeply ingrained feelings of unworthiness can be the hidden root cause of chronic illness, affecting both mental and physical health.

    When negative self-beliefs and low self-worth are internalized, they create chronic stress, dysregulating the nervous system and immune responses. This can lead to increased inflammation, weakened immune function, and vulnerability to various illnesses.

    By understanding and addressing the subconscious programming of unworthiness, individuals can begin to heal not just emotionally but also reduce the physical manifestations of chronic disease, paving the way for holistic well-being.

    This episode is a must listen or watch!

    Hope you enjoy it!

    #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #SelfWorth #Unworthiness #EmotionalHealing #MindBodyConnection #HolisticHealth #StressManagement #ImmuneHealth #SelfLove #EmotionalWellbeing #InnerHealing #HealthJourney #Wellness

    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of the Mind Your Health Show! We release new episodes every week.

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    And if you liked this message, please leave us a review on iTunes!.

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  • In this powerful episode, Dr. Connie shares how Yoga has helped her overcome and become stronger through all her health and life struggles and find her way back home to herself. That health is, in a nutshell, "inner Balance," which Yoga helps to cultivate.

    This is an episode you don't want to miss as Dr. Connie shares the dualities and the paradox of life that we all can learn to dance with to overcome the limitations in our minds. This is the ultimate path to self-realization and self-healing for life.

    Check out our upcoming Yoga Teacher Training at the 200 hr and 300 hr, and apply today!

    200 hr link:
    300 hr link:

    This episode is a must listen or watch!


    #LifelongVitality #HealthJourney #InnerBalance #WellnessTips #PreventiveHealth #HolisticHealth

    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of the Mind Your Health Show! We release new episodes every week.

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  • Unlock the secret to lifelong vitality with our insights on why health can't be bought—it's something you cultivate every day.

    Prioritize prevention, embrace inner balance, and make conscious lifestyle choices to achieve lasting well-being. Discover practical tips and advice and insights from Dr. Connie to transform your health from the inside out.

    Start your journey to optimal health and vitality today!

    This episode is a must listen or watch!


    #LifelongVitality #HealthJourney #InnerBalance #WellnessTips #PreventiveHealth #HolisticHealth

    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of the Mind Your Health Show! We release new episodes every week.

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  • A positive mindset on health and wellness focuses on the interplay between mental attitude and physical well-being. This approach emphasizes the power of optimism, gratitude, and resilience in fostering overall health. In this week's podcast, Dr. Connie discusses the importance of a positive mindset and how to cultivate it despite your impending life or health challenges.

    Optimism and Health: Adopting an optimistic outlook can significantly impact health. Positive thinking reduces stress, reduces chronic disease risk, and enhances the immune system. Optimists are likelier to engage in healthy behaviors and adhere to medical advice.

    Resilience and Recovery: Building resilience helps individuals better cope with stress, adversity, and illness. Resilient individuals bounce back from setbacks more quickly and maintain a higher level of functioning. Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and cognitive-behavioral strategies can strengthen resilience.

    Gratitude and Well-Being: Practicing gratitude has been shown to improve mental health, increase life satisfaction, and foster a sense of overall well-being. Daily gratitude exercises can shift focus away from negative thoughts and enhance emotional balance.

    Mind-Body Connection: A positive mindset influences physical health through the mind-body connection. Techniques like visualization, affirmations, and positive self-talk can improve health outcomes. Believing in one’s ability to enhance health encourages proactive health behaviors and self-care.

    Holistic Approach: Health and wellness are best approached holistically, integrating physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. A positive mindset supports this integration, promoting harmony and balance in all areas of life.

    Behavioral Change: Positivity fosters healthier lifestyle choices, such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep. Positive reinforcement and setting achievable goals can enhance motivation and adherence to healthy habits.

    Social Support: Surrounding oneself with positive, supportive individuals enhances mental health and well-being. Social connections provide emotional support, reduce feelings of isolation, and encourage positive health behaviors.

    Cultivating a positive mindset is a powerful tool for enhancing health and wellness. It involves optimism, resilience, gratitude, and the recognition of the mind-body connection. By fostering a positive outlook, individuals can improve their overall quality of life and achieve better health outcomes.

    This episode is a must listen or watch!


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  • Dr. Connie shares her vast experiences that led her to create Functional Yoga Medicine. That fragmented approach does not work, and dependence on medications is a recipe for health crisis.

    There is a great need for a growing number of individuals for a different approach to health, wellness, and longevity. No matter what health struggles you may be going through, there's a better way.

    Dr. Connie explains why Functional Yoga Medicine aims to challenge the status quo and empower as many people as possible to integrate a holistic lifestyle that provides the solution daily to overcome the health challenges.

    This episode is a must listen or watch!


    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of the Mind Your Health Show! We release new episodes every week.

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  • Special Episode: Total Gut Recovery - Reclaim Your Health for Life!

    Are you looking in all the wrong places for solutions to your gut woes?

    In this webinar, Dr. Connie explains the common mistakes you are making and the essential skills you need to recover your gut and reclaim your health for life!

    The E.A.S.E. Method is the ultimate solution that allows you to take complete control over your gut health which impacts your whole body.

    Rather than looking outside of you for answers which only gets you further away from the solution, you'll learn how these simple skills will transform your health for life.

    Medical System is limited in its capacity to heal you, only way to heal is address the gut from the inside out.

    This episode is a must listen or watch!


    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of the Mind Your Health Show! We release new episodes every week.

    Click here to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes:

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    And if you liked this message, please leave us a review on iTunes!.

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  • Going through challenges in life can often feel like keeping a flickering candle lit during a storm.

    Difficult experiences or phases of life are inevitable – they’re just part of the human experience. But often, these experiences are paired with a lacking sense of control and an inability to be the person we used to be up until that point. Which can lead to feelings of depression and a dwindling motivation to do just about anything.

    Trust me, I’ve been there. If you’ve been following me, you know my kidney transplant story, and this experience has undoubtedly been the toughest and darkest time of my life.

    At times, it felt like I’d never see the light at the end of the tunnel, but eventually I regained the energy, spark, and passion to keep moving forward, which I didn’t have for a very long time.

    In this episode of the Mind Your Health Show, I share the exact “bare minimum” routine I followed every single day, even on my toughest of days, that kept me going, and eventually got me through to the other side of the tunnel.

    If you’re going through challenging times, I want you to know that you’re not alone. With even just the smallest amount of hope, continue to put one foot in front of the other and I promise you’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of the Mind Your Health Show! We release new episodes every week.

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  • “Stay away from the sun. Don’t eat any junk food. Don’t work full-time. Take these medications for the rest of your life. And most importantly…DON’T have kids.”

    These were the exact words my doctor told me when I was diagnosed with lupus almost 25 years ago. And as an almost Doctor of Physical Therapy getting ready to graduate and embark on a new life chapter, this felt like a death sentence.

    I refused to succumb to these “rules” set by my doctor, and today I have two healthy sons and a thriving holistic wellness practice and yoga studio.

    I don’t know what my life would look like if I listened to my doctor 100%.

    And while I’m not negating everything doctors have ever told me throughout my life, I do believe many recommendations and prognoses given by health professionals can cause limiting beliefs in patients…

    …preventing them from living their best, most fulfilling lives despite their condition.

    In this Mind Your Health episode, I’ll share my very experience with receiving negative and limiting recommendations from my doctors, and how I turned lemons into lemonade to create a life that I love.

    So I want to empower you to challenge the beliefs that doctors and other people have about you and your symptoms/condition, and cultivate an inner awareness and confidence to CHOOSE what’s most in alignment with your true self.

    This is YOUR life, not anyone else’s.

    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of the Mind Your Health Show! We release new episodes every week.

    Click here to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes:

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    And if you liked this message, please leave us a review on iTunes!.

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  • Have you ever had something happen that completely changed life as you knew it?

    For me, that moment was March 2021 when I got the Covid vaccine. Within 6 months after the vaccine, my kidneys shut down and I experienced complete kidney failure.

    Fast forward to unrelenting sickness where I could barely get out of bed, to getting a kidney transplant and then having the transplant removed because my body rejected it…

    …I received the scariest statement I had ever heard in my life.

    It was the moment my doctors told me they had no answers as to why all this was happening. And that they’ve seen nothing like this in their 30+ years of practice.

    What did this mean for me and my future?

    I knew I had to keep going and I had to keep fighting. There was no other option because I needed to be here for my family, even if that meant I had to figure things out on my own.

    In this episode of Mind Your Health, follow along as I recount my kidney failure journey and the biggest lessons it taught me…

    …which are the reasons why I’m so grateful today for this experience.

    So whether you’ve had a diagnosed condition you’ve been fighting for a long time, like cancer or autoimmunity. OR you don’t have a diagnosis but you have mysterious symptoms that your doctors can’t seem to figure out, like gut discomfort, skin rash, fatigue, aches and pains, etc…

    Keep going and keep searching for answers and options because I promise that your story can change for the better at any moment.

    I’m hosting a FREE training tomorrow May 8th at 12 PM ET where I’ll share four essential life skills I’ve learned that have kept me coming back stronger than ever, no matter what life and health throws my way.

    Click here to register now:

    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of the Mind Your Health Show! We release new episodes every week.

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    And if you liked this message, please leave us a review on iTunes!.

    Be sure to follow Dr. Connie on Instagram and Tiktok!

  • If you were traveling to the other side of the world, would you rather take a jet or a paddleboat?

    Which one would get you there faster?

    Exponential healing will have you reaching your health goals with jet-like speed, but most people unknowingly approach their health as if they were traveling across the world in a paddleboat.

    In this episode of the Mind Your Health show, we’re discussing the difference between Exponential Healing and Incremental Healing.

    Think of Exponential Healing as a snowball effect – when you’re able to tackle the root cause of your symptoms and focus on making shifts that make the biggest difference, you’ll experience a compounding effect where your body finds balance and you start to feel amazing in no time, no matter how long you’ve been suffering.

    BUT, in order to achieve this, you need to understand how your body works holistically and which pieces of the puzzle are the most important to address…and that’s what you’ll discover in this episode.

    I’ll share a FOUR step approach that will simplify your health efforts so you know exactly what to focus on that will make the most difference in your health.

    So if you’ve been struggling with not feeling your best, and what you’ve tried has failed to give you lasting relief, then this episode will shift your perspective in how you approach your health, so that you can start to feel better FAST.

    Check out this past episode to learn more about stress and how it affects your gut!
    How to Easily Identify Stress in Your Life So It Doesn’t Wreck Your Health:

    Hormone Harmony: Join this FREE 7-Day yoga + diet journey to reset your hormones so that you can zap your symptoms at the root.

    FREE Live Training: Total Gut Recovery
    Master 4 Essential Life Skills for a diet-free, healthy gut lifestyle!
    Register now!

    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of the Mind Your Health Show! We release new episodes every week.

    Click here to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes:

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    And if you liked this message, please leave us a review on iTunes!.

    Be sure to follow Dr. Connie on Instagram and Tiktok!

  • Imagine you get a paper cut on your finger and you slap a band-aid on it…

    …is it the band-aid itself that heals the cut? Of course not – the band-aid covers the wound and might stop the bleeding temporarily, but it doesn't heal the wound or prevent it from getting infected.

    Prescription pills, supplements, or other drugs work the same way, especially for hormone imbalance issues including estrogen/progesterone/testosterone imbalances, insulin resistance, thyroid dysfunction, and even melatonin for sleep.

    Hormones, which are chemical messengers, work together to send signals to various glands throughout the body to regulate our everyday body functions. When symptoms arise, conventional doctors typically isolate and replace individual hormones with prescription medication.

    Not only does this fail to address the underlying root cause of the ENTIRE hormone imbalance cascade, but it actually adds fuel to the fire by telling your glands to stop producing the hormone naturally, because your body is getting it from an external source, leading to further imbalance.

    In this episode, let’s uncover how the hormonal cascade works to affect all hormones in the body, and why addressing hormones individually only provides temporary relief, rather than a sustainable long-term solution.

    In this episode, you’ll discover…

    - How the hormonal cascade works and how ALL hormones, from cortisol, sex hormones, and insulin to thyroid hormone and melatonin, work together and influence one another

    - Which hormone triggers the entire cascade of hormone imbalance in the body, and why an imbalance in this hormone is more common than we think

    - Why symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, foggy brain, low libido, and aches and pains are not isolated to a single hormone, explaining why hormone replacement will not resolve these symptoms long-term

    This episode builds on last week’s episode about stress. So if you haven’t listened to it yet, check it out here!

    And click the link below to sign up for my upcoming live training where you’ll discover the essential life skills needed to heal your gut and balance your hormones so you can start to feel better than ever before.

    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of the Mind Your Health Show! We release new episodes every week.

    Click here to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes:

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    And if you liked this message, please leave us a review on iTunes!.

    Be sure to follow Dr. Connie on Instagram and Tiktok!

  • The fact that you have symptoms that interfere with your daily life, whether it’s gut discomfort like bloating, gas, constipation, OR fatigue, headaches, foggy brain, weight gain, aches and pains, etc.…

    …means you have some level of stress in your life.

    Stress equals symptoms. Let me explain…

    Stress is part of human nature, and our bodies have a natural stress response that’s designed to keep us safe from danger or threats. You know this response as sympathetic nervous system activation, AKA “fight or flight”.

    When this stress response is activated, a mechanism known as the HPA axis triggers a cascade that influences hormone production in the body. This cascade is designed to shut off certain body functions so that our energy can be directed towards facing the stressor in front of us.

    Once the danger has passed, the body is designed to turn down the dial on the “fight or flight” response and kick on our “rest and digest” response, controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system.

    But in today’s modern era, stress doesn’t just come from predators that force us to run for our lives. And the truth is that most people are living in a constant state of stress, but they don’t even recognize this because it has become their “normal” baseline, despite the negative effects it's having on their bodies.

    It’s like constantly stepping on the gas pedal without ever hitting the breaks…eventually the car is going to crash or break down.

    So if you’re struggling with adverse symptoms of any kind, it’s crucial that you learn to uncover and manage stress in your life so it doesn’t have destructive effects on your health.

    In this episode, you’ll discover…
    ➡️ How the stress response (via the HPA axis) stumps basic body functions like digestion, intimacy, and sleep…and why this leads to symptoms when we’re constantly in a stress state
    ➡️ Physiological and emotional responses you can be on the lookout for that indicate stress
    ➡️ The 3 biggest areas in life that cause stress and how to identify stressful situations you might not be aware of
    ➡️ 3 things you can to to manage stress once you recognize it

    Click the link below to download my FREE e-book on 7 Simple Lifestyle Habits That Will Help You Take Control of Your Health. In this e-book I dive deeper into stress and how you can manage it, as well as other simple (but often overlooked) habits that will make the biggest difference in your health.

    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of the Mind Your Health Show! We release new episodes every week.

    Click here to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes:

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    And if you liked this message, please leave us a review on iTunes!.

    Be sure to follow Dr. Connie on Instagram and Tiktok!

  • “I wish someone would just tell me what to eat!”

    If you’ve ever thought this to yourself, then chances are you can relate to this…

    Mealtimes honestly used to feel like a chore to me.

    I would stress out over choosing what to eat. And if I was on any type of restrictive diet, it was often difficult figuring out which foods I could eat that would allow me to stick to my diet and not trigger gut discomfort.

    After a while, I ended up developing orthorexia, which is a fear of food that stems from being scared to eat. This actually made my gut issues worse!

    So imagine if mealtimes didn’t have to be a chore and if choosing what to eat didn’t stress you out…

    Most of us are misled into thinking that food itself is the cause of our gut issues or various symptoms, and if only we could find the “perfect” diet, we’d be healed.

    But think about how many diets are out there – if there actually was a perfect diet, why are we witnessing rising numbers of illnesses, obesity, and mysterious symptoms?

    Let’s talk about why food is not our enemy and how we can shift our relationship with food so that it no longer has to be a source of stress in our lives.

    In this episode, you’ll discover:
    ➡️ Why food is considered an “external input”, and what influences food to have a nourishing effect vs a punishing effect in our bodies
    ➡️ Causes of gut issues that go beyond the foods we eat
    ➡️ A simple four step framework you can follow to engineer your wellness and become the master of your own gut, mind, and body

    ✨ Breathing techniques video:

    ✨ Youtube channel for yoga videos:

    ✨ 7 Simple Lifestyle Habits:

    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of the Mind Your Health Show! We release new episodes every week.

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    And if you liked this message, please leave us a review on iTunes!.

    Be sure to follow Dr. Connie on Instagram and Tiktok!

  • Gut Health is a trending topic these days, but are you familiar with the gut’s many functions and WHY it plays such a big role in overall health and well-being?

    In Functional Medicine, the gut is considered the root of all symptoms and diseases. So whether you’re struggling with gut specific issues, such as bloating, gas, and constipation, or other symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, headaches, and skin issues…

    …ALL symptoms connect back to the gut, and by learning to heal your gut, you can effectively tackle these pesky symptoms at the root.

    When you tune into this Mind Your Health episode, you’ll gain a Gut Health 101 understanding of what the gut is and how it’s connected to your body functions and symptoms.

    You’ll discover:
    What the gut is, what its functions are, and the many roles it plays to influence various body functions
    What leaky gut syndrome and dysbiosis are, and why they lead to symptoms such as IBS, depression, anxiety, obesity, headaches, fatigue, and skin issues
    Why gut healing is a skill you can learn (and why it’s more than just learning to eat the “right foods”)

    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of the Mind Your Health Show! We release new episodes every week.

    Click here to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes:

    Click here to subscribe to our podcast on Spotify:

    And if you liked this message, please leave us a review on iTunes!.

    Be sure to follow Dr. Connie on Instagram and Tiktok!

  • You’re eating a healthy diet, you’re exercising regularly, and you’re doing your best to manage stress. So why aren’t you feeling better yet?!

    If this is you, I was in your shoes not too long ago. I always prided myself on being disciplined and working hard, yet my results were not matching up with the efforts I was putting in. And this applied to different areas of my life – especially my health and my business.

    I worked with a mentor who taught me something that completely changed the way I looked at my behavior and the action I was taking in my life. And that’s exactly what I share with you in this Mind Your Health episode.

    In short, if we’re not seeing the results we want, we need to shift our IDENTITY and the beliefs we hold.

    The solution to getting the results we want is NOT taking more action or different action. The solution is taking aligned action by showing up as the version of ourselves who already has our ideal outcomes and desires.

    If you’re confused by what this means, that’s okay! This took me a long time to understand, but once I got it, everything changed and I started getting results in my health and life with EASE. And when you tune into this episode, I’ll help you do just that.

    By listening to this episode, you’ll discover:
    - What “identity” is and where it develops from
    - How to uncover your identity and beliefs that create “a glass ceiling”, preventing you from improving your health and life no matter how hard you try
    - Steps you can take to shift your identity and take aligned action that’s actually effective

    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of the Mind Your Health Show! We release new episodes every week.

    Click here to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes:

    Click here to subscribe to our podcast on Spotify:

    And if you liked this message, please leave us a review on iTunes!.

    Be sure to follow Dr. Connie on Instagram and Tiktok!

  • If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that relying on doctors, experts, or specialists to figure out the answer to your symptoms will only keep you in a cycle of sickness.

    How do I know that?

    With my recent struggles with kidney failure, it’s been crucial for me to just find a path forward every single day, even on my hardest days. But it’s been nearly impossible to get a straightforward answer from my medical team.

    If you’ve been stuck in the healthcare system, then you know how specialized it is. And this message is for those who have gone from specialist to specialist, or your labs don’t match up with how you’re feeling, so you walk away with less than satisfactory answers.

    Each practitioner can either talk to you about the specific organ or body part that’s being affected, or refer you to another specialist if you have questions about another organ or body part that is out of their scope of practice.

    So it’s now crystal clear to me that our doctors’ role is to MANAGE our symptoms. But it’s OUR role to BUILD our own health.

    If you want to take control of your health once and for all, you have to become your best health advocate. And in this Mind Your Health episode, I share 5 guaranteed ways you can start to build your health back up – but they’re likely not what you’d expect.

    Sometimes the answers are right under our nose, but we’re too busy looking for the most complex solutions.

    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of the Mind Your Health Show! We release new episodes every week.

    Click here to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes:

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    And if you liked this message, please leave us a review on iTunes!.

    Be sure to follow Dr. Connie on Instagram and Tiktok!

  • If you’re like most people who struggle with irritating symptoms that they just can’t figure out, whether it’s gut issues like bloating and constipation, chronic fatigue, stubborn weight gain, foggy brain, etc., maybe you’ve gotten stuck on what I call the “hamster wheel” of ineffective health and wellness solutions.

    I’ve been there too – going from doctor to doctor or expert to expert, or searching for the next answer, whether that’s a diet, supplement, medication, treatment or program. I can’t even tell you how many books I’ve read on health or how many hours I’ve researched my symptoms on the internet.

    And maybe these various approaches have provided some relief, but ultimately the symptoms come right back. OR you end up having new symptoms that you’re left to address. Does the cycle ever end?!

    Well let me tell you…I learned a lot in my recent experience with kidney failure. Sometimes the experts we were conditioned to look to don’t always have the answers. And how can they? Outside of your symptoms and the specific body parts or organs associated with your symptoms, they know very little about the rest of your life…

    …your home life, your relationships, your stressors (including stress about your health, your finances, your family, your work). ALL of which affects your nervous system regulation.

    And guess what? Your nervous system is the control center for every single function within your body.

    In other words, your body function is controlled by YOU (via your nervous system), yet we are conditioned to look for an answer OUTSIDE of us. And if you’re starting to think this is a broken strategy…it is.

    If you’re serious about eliminating your symptoms and getting off the hamster wheel of ineffective health approaches, then this episode is for you.

    By listening to this episode, you’ll discover:
    ➡️ Why the medical system’s role is to manage disease, NOT to create health
    ➡️ How your nervous system is influenced by YOU, not by supplements, diets, exercise, treatments, or programs that are outside of you
    ➡️ The exact steps you can take to regulate your nervous system to cause EASE in your body, versus DIS-EASE that leads to symptoms and sickness

    If you haven’t listened already, click here to check out last week’s episode on “Your Symptom Root Cause Might Be Something You Can’t See, Measure, or Test”.

    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of the Mind Your Health Show! We release new episodes every week.

    Click here to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes:

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  • If you've ever been confused about your symptoms and you know there's something that's not quite right with you, yet your doctors just shrug their shoulders because your labs come back "normal", then this episode is for you.

    I have a unique perspective when it comes to the medical system because I've not only studied various health disciplines, including Psychology, Nutrition, and Physical Therapy, but I've been a patient with complicated health issues that cause doctors to scratch their heads. And when my labs and data don't match up with what they've studied or experienced in their practice, they're unable to provide me with any solutions...which doesn't help me as the patient and I'm left to figure things out on my own.

    I started to recognize that emotional events that caused distress and unease in my life, like an unhealthy marriage and difficulties with a family member, were directly correlated to flare ups in my health.

    And while the doctors can provide me with lots of knowledge and data about my labs and symptoms, they don't see me as a WHOLE person, failing to consider my home life, relationships, stressors, patterns, triggers...all of which influence my lab results and data.

    This is when I realized that health is something only I can create for myself, rather than relying on "experts" to figure it out for me. So if you've gone from practitioner to practitioner and continue to leave with very little answers and solutions for your health concerns, it's time for you to take a different approach.

    In this episode, you'll discover:

    ➡️ My personal experience with both conventional and holistic medicine, and the insights I gained from the practitioner perspective and the patient perspective.

    ➡️ The difference between YOUR role and your doctor's role in your healthcare, and how to identify a good practitioner that's invested in your well-being.

    ➡️ 3 questions I ask all my patients to uncover the true root cause of their issues.

    ➡️ How to uncover unease in your life that might be contributing to your symptoms, and practical tools to help you cultivate self-awareness so that YOU become your best health expert.

    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of the Mind Your Health Show! We release new episodes every week.

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    And if you liked this message, please leave us a review on iTunes!.

    Be sure to follow Dr. Connie on Instagram and Tiktok!