Whether you're a nurse, teacher, parent, or taking care of a loved one, putting others first can often lead to stress eating, burnout, and feeling out of control around food.
I’m going to break down a common but rarely talked-about issue: rage eating—when frustration, exhaustion, or resentment leads to mindless snacking or emotional binges. I’ll explain how food impacts brain chemistry and why it makes perfect sense that we turn to food for comfort.
Listen for mindset shifts and practical strategies to help you set better boundaries, prioritize yourself without guilt, and shift your thinking to create lasting, sustainable weight loss. From reworking limiting beliefs like "There's never enough time" to adopting nourishing thoughts that fuel motivation, this episode is all about reclaiming control over your body and your well-being—even in the busiest seasons of life.
In this episode you’ll learn:
Specific weight loss challenges and strategies for caregivers How eating instantly affects your brain chemistryThe mindset shift for overwhelm and your never-ending to-do list The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
When it comes to releasing body fat and establishing new eating habits, some days it’s a done-deal energy, on others it seems impossible.
In this episode you’ll learn:
How to feel better when you’re not believing it’s possible to reach your desired weightMotivating yourself when you know you’re not going to look the way you did when you were 25 even after you’ve released the weightMy favorite question to ask about ANY goal The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Diets don’t work, so now what? How do you reach your desired weight in a healthy sustainable way and keep the weight off for good? The sprint/marathon approach helps you reach your desired weight by integrating a “stop overeating focus” and the opportunity to accelerate fat loss without going into diet mentality.
In this episode you’ll learn:
The 3 simple steps to releasing excess body fatWhat to focus on right now to feel your bestHow to avoid diet-starts-Monday mentality with this approach The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
It’s easy to slowly slip back to old eating and movement habits. I call this “The Drift” and it’s totally normal! You might even maintain or even gain weight while you’re in the drift. The antidote is tapping back into your determination. I’m sharing how I handle this myself: what I do and how I think about it.
In this episode you’ll learn:
Signs to spot when you’re in “The Drift”How to handle it when you’re in a drift so that you don’t go off the rails with foodHow to re-engage on demand and feel determined again The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
Weight loss regimes, practices, apps and coaching tools. Here's an inside look into my personal strategies for health and weight loss. You might just hear something new that you’ll want to incorporate into your own strategy.
The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
You’ve set intentions. You’ve got goals. Not feeling energetic? Lacking enthusiasm? Let’s explore 3 reasons why: Contempt, an “I HAVE to do this” mentality and trying to force a one size fits all diet or workout plan.
If you've ever wondered how to sync your food and workouts to your cycle this one's for you!In this episode you’ll learn:
How contempt shows up and drains your motivation so you can release itA reframe on all the “shoulds” you have around weight loss so you feel inspiredPractical advice on how to eat and move your body that optimizes your natural energetic rhythms The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
Give yourself permission to truly enjoy that piece of cake or glass of wine. Give yourself permission to feel what happens when you say, “No,” to yourself or “Okay, one was enough.” And lastly, give yourself permission to want your weight loss goal, even if it feels out of reach right now.
In this episode you’ll learn:
How to give yourself permission to help you stop overindulging with food and claim what you truly want: your natural weight and feeling in charge around food. The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
Slip ups are to be expected when we’re trying to change our eating habits. This is an opportunity to relish in your humanity and be kind to yourself no matter how hard it feels to do that so you can move on quickly.
In this episode you’ll learn:
How to make peace with overindulging How to feel calm immediatelyHow to move forward without getting into diet mentality The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
I’ve read soooo many books on losing weight and here are my top picks. It’s a mix of science based fat loss books and psychological mastery books…so there’s a little something for everyone with a weight loss goal. I’ll share my hot take so that you can decide if it’s a must-read for YOU and worthy of shelf space.
In this episode you’ll learn:
The top 6 books I recommend for sustainable fat lossWhat I learned from each bookWhy each book might or might not be for you The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
Whether you’re thrilled with your weight loss or you're disappointed in yourself, answer these 6 reflection questions I use with my coaching clients to move forward with wisdom, compassion and a strategic mindset.
The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
Needing a break from weight loss is really wanting to feel a sense of relief, to feel free, to know we have options. Let’s talk about how to make changes to your eating plan without going off the rails with food.
In this episode you’ll learn:
The top thinking trap to avoid when you’re “on a break”How to redefine freedom around foodUnconventional food rules you’re welcome to steal from me The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
You likely think of overeating as a form of self sabotage. We say things like I just keep doing this. I know what to do and yet I keep sabotaging myself.
But when we believe that we are in fact sabotaging ourselves we are both the victim and the villian. A victim is helpless. A villain is just plain mean.
But you are neither of those. Learn how to think differently about why you’re overeating in a way that will help stop it.
In this episode you’ll learn:
An alternative to labeling overeating as self sabotageStrategies to stop overeatingWhat is allowing an urge to indulge vs white-knuckling it The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
Ever wish you could eat whatever you wanted and be at your natural weight? You can, so long as what you want (your desire) is at a natural level.
If you find yourself continually wanting more food than your body needs, you likely have both a physiological and emotional OVER desire for food.
When we can reduce this to a natural desire, you won’t feel like you’re in a battle against yourself. You just won’t want all that food any more!
In this episode you’ll learn:
If you have physiological and/or emotional over desire What happens if we don’t address our over desire for foodWhat can happen when over desire for food goes away (it’s amazing and terrible) The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
If you’ve been struggling with food and weight your whole life, it’s hard to imagine a life in which you don’t eat ice cream straight from the container after dinner. That’s because your self-concept when it comes to food and weight loss is based on previous failures. In this episode I challenge you to re-decide some assumptions you have about weight loss and yourself.
In this episode you’ll learn:
How your current self concept explains your food decisionsWhat you might need to UNLEARNHow to drop the suffering model of weight loss The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
Whether it’s eating ice cream to ward off Sunday scaries or scarfing down handfuls of cashews before your next meeting, overeating from anxiety will impede your weight loss. Learn what to do so that your brain doesn’t even offer food as a suggestion when you feel anxious.
In this episode you’ll learn:
The mindset shift you need around anxietyWhat to do when you’re overeating because you’re feeling anxiousHow to handle real physical hunger when you’re also anxious The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
Weighing yourself on the scale is a helpful measurement when you’re trying to lose weight. But if it’s triggering you and making you feel like crap, the answer is not to avoid it, but to use it as an opportunity to manage your brain so that you can monitor progress.
In this episode you’ll learn:
All you need to know about weighing yourself How to overcome your fear of the scaleSigns you have scale drama The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
After so many failed attempts to lose weight we start thinking we’re just someone who will forever struggle. But weight loss is simply a set of skills that with practice you can get better at no matter your history with food.
Listen to identify which skills you are already good at, which you’re just ok at and which need a lot of work so that you have a road map that gets you to your goal weight.
In this episode you’ll learn:
The 7 Weight Loss SkillsWhat you might need to “unlearn”How to have a growth mindset when it comes to your weight loss goal The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
Showing up for yourself is easier said than done. Our brain resists change and offers up excuses instead, like “I’m an all or nothing person” or “I know what to do, but just can’t follow through.”
But showing up doesn't need to be more work, more restriction. It can feel energizing - like you're becoming more of who you want to be.In this episode you’ll learn:
How to get the most out of any weight loss workshop or trainingHow to handle excuses your brain offers upWhat specifically gets in the way of you showing up fully The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
Some days are so easy to stay on track but other days are just…hard. You’re dragging yourself like a dead weight or it seems completely impossible to do what you need to do, like NOT eat the chips or bypass something sweet after dinner.
Hello resistance. The surly teenage or stubborn toddler in all of us who refuses to make it simple and easy to eat right.
In this episode you’ll learn:
What resistance really isHow you’re current thinking is creating more resistanceWhat increases your willingness to eat on track or get your workout in The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website -
We’re usually driven by despair, self-loathing, or even disgust to take that first big step and decide we want to release weight. But relying on negative emotions won’t sustain us for long. So what then?
Let’s dive deep into the mindset shift needed to stay on track—moving from “I need to” or “I should” to “I’m worthy of this.” You’ll learn how to create a compelling vision for yourself that’s strong enough to keep you going, even when your brain tries to rationalize old habits and minimize your weight loss goal.
This isn’t just about following food rules—this is about becoming the person you’re meant to be.
Strategies to create a compelling vision that will reignite your motivation when you lose focusDrifting is normal, learn how to get back on track quicklyThe mindset shift you need when you feel apathetic toward your weight loss goal aka “It’s not that bad, I’ll just eat” The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website
In this episode you’ll learn: - Laat meer zien