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A podcast providing conversations and resources geared towards everything related to campus ministry, college ministry, and young adult ministry. Whether you are already involved or are thinking about starting a ministry, this podcast is meant to help you in your journey to start and grow an effective ministry.
Learn about the solution focused approach as it applies to every situation in every school. From classroom management, RTI and team meetings, parent conferences, student behavior or mental health concerns, this approach and process will guide every educator and counselor into a land of possibilities. In that land, students, teachers and parents generate their own solutions as educators provide a context where those solutions are discovered.
Siapakah para pecinta akhirat itu? Rasulullah shalallahu ‘alaihi wasalam selain sbg pembawa kabar gembira juga membawa peringatan kepada manusia. Sebagaimana Rasulullah shalallahu ‘alaihi wasalam menyebutkan tentang surga, beliau jg menyebutkan ttg neraka…..Simak lebih lanjut kajian yang disampaikan oleh ustadz Armen Halim Naro Rahimahullah yang akan meningkatkan semangat kita untuk lebih mencintai akhirat.
Ceramah yamg menjelaskan tentang wasiat perpisahan yang disampaikan oleh Nabi kita Muhammad Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam, yang telah membuat air mata para sahabat berlinang air mata, menjadikan hati mereka takut. Begitu istimewanya nasihat ini, sehingga sepatutnya kita sebagai ummatnya, mengetahui, memahami dan mengamalkannya.
Ceramah yang disampaikan tentang oleh Syekh Abdurrazaq bin Abdul Muhsin al Badr tentang Cinta Nabi shallallahu ’alaihi wa sallam, bahwasanya ia merupakan bagian yang tidak bisa terpisahkan dari kecintaan terhadap Allah subhanahu wata’ala, kemudaian beliau membawakan dalil-dalil yang shahih dari kitab dan sunnah wajibnya cinta kepada Nabi shallallahu ’alaihi wa sallam ….
In a world of influencers and empty noise makers, we choose to be thought leaders and the authorities in our space.
We war against the mediocre and the mundane and instead, create impact with our powerful message.
I'm your host Marley Jaxx and I went from working as a dental hygienist to building a video marketing agency that does over 6-figures every month.
Each week I’m bringing you real conversations from myself and other experts who are striving for more than just profit - we also want impact.
If you want a revolutionary new marketing strategy that teaches you how to leverage the power of organic, omnipresent video that acts as an army of salesmen that generate leads for life, then visit... -
Selamat Bergabung di Podcast Radio Riyadhul Jannah 104,5 FM Tasikmalaya, Insyaa Allah audio yang kami bagikan adalah milik stasiun radio kami dan tidak upload ulang dari sumber lainnya, audio dibagikan secara gratis sebagai bahan murojaah dan mudah-mudahan bermanfaat bagi seluruh kaum muslimin. Barokallahu Fiikum
Odette Barry shares conversations with some of her favourite publicists, journalists, editors, presenters and producers about the often misunderstood industry of public relations.
So whether you’re a small business owner learning how to DIY your PR, a publicist looking to deepen your knowledge, or an aspiring publicist striving to gain new skills and understand the media landscape, this podcast offers personal insights and stories, practical tips to improve your pitching and step-by-step guidance to secure headline news. -
Haqq Dawah Radio w/DJ Takbir Khan is a mix of best of from the Haqq Dawah Media podcast and a splash of other Islamic infomation ( lectures,duas, Quran, hadith, etc).
If you are interested in learning and catching up on Haqq Dawah Media show's then this is the podcast for you.
Please feel free to submit a request at [email protected].
Follow is on Facebook,Instagram, and Twitter @TheHaqq DawahGrp
Thank you for listening.
Fe Aman Allah -
VPDS Podcast adalah podcast yang menampilkan kumpulan ceramah mingguan Vihara Pluit Dharma Sukha. Pembahasan yang menarik, menyejukan, dan penuh inspirasi, akan menjadi teman terbaik Anda untuk melewati hari.
Jika ada kritik dan saran lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi kami di [email protected].
Be Kind to All Beings!