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Keep Calm and Carry Yarn is a podcast in equal parts measure about knitting, crochet, and the mother-daughter bond between its co-hosts, Vivian and Alyson. Join us for our twice monthly chat as we talk about our latest projects and yarn obsessions, advice from a long-time fiber fanatic to a beginner, living in Edinburgh, Scotland (Alyson) versus Virginia, USA (Vivian), fangirling over TV shows we love, and other everyday pursuits.
Bilsnobberne er for dig, der elsker biler og ikke er ligeglad med, hvad du kører i - uanset om det er dyrt eller på budget.
I episoderne taler vi, oftest over en flaske vin, om emner der optager os bilsnobber, og vi tør sige hvad vi mener uden hensyn til kommercielle interesser.
Bilsnobberne giver sig tid til at gå i detaljen også selv om det bliver nørdet indimellem, om alt fra bilmærker, bilfarver, til biler i musik eller om bildesignere og store personligheder fra bilernes verden.
Din vært er Stefan Kaas, der med 50 år som bilsnob og snart 30 år i bilbranchen, tager dig med til bilsnobbernes verden, med afstikkere og røverhistorier om biler, mennesker og bilbranchen.
Har du en god ide, eller bare lyst til at give din mening til kende, kan du skrive til os på Facebook, Instagram eller send en mail til [email protected].
Velkommen til Bilsnobberne ! -
Mere end Masker
Hvad er strik? Hvad er masker? Og hvorfor strikker vi egentlig?
Som repræsentanter for den yngre strikkegeneration, dykker Camilla og Karoline ned i hvad der optager dem og deres pinde i øjeblikket. Med et kritisk blik på tendenser, forbrugsvaner og med en lyst til at forstå hvad der ligger bag de omgange der flyver over pindene, tager de fat i den lange garnende og vender verdenssituationen. Ihvertfald som den ser ud i det uldne univers.
Hvis du var godt underholdt, så husk at trykke abonner i din podcastapp, så du er sikker på at være klar når vi ruller afsnit 2 ud!
Dine værter er Karoline Berg Madsen, @bienbien på Instagram og Camilla Kjøller Simonsen, @minkreativehjerne på Instagram.
Har du spørgsmål, ideer eller lyst til at følge med bag mikrofonerne, så find os under profilnavnet @mereendmasker på Instagram, og del endelig budskabet om dine nye strikkevenner med dine strikkevenner! -
Weekly, episodes about board games and the board game hobby.
We dive in to a wide selection of game mechanics, themes, and reviews. We discuss game news, gaming highlights, and the people who make our games amazing.
Come join us at the game table.
Hosted by Nathan Howard, Andy Holliday, Douglas Stewart, David Holliday, and Logan Howard. -
A Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition podcast where co-hosts, Will and Brian, explore all things D&D including lore, game mechanics, character creation, and lots of other creative concepts. Join in on conversation about the world's most popular tabletop role playing game in a casual, educational, and humorous conversation in an inclusive setting. Together we'll delve into the endless possibilities and unforeseen challenges of role playing, creating characters, and dungeon mastering. New episodes of The Dungeoncast will air every Monday on YouTube, iTunes or anywhere else podcasts can be found!
The American Birding Podcast brings together staff and friends of the American Birding Association as we talk about birds, birding, travel and conservation in North America and beyond. Join host Nate Swick every Thursday for news and happenings, recent rarities, guests from around the birding world, and features of interest to every birder.
If you love PUCL, you will love PUCL Plus, the show where you can get a more in depth dive of what is discussed on the podcast. Whether it be keeping up to date with the team's opinion on the newest TCG card, the current state of the video game meta, or just expanding your Pokemon trivia knowledge on GameCorner. We have it all here for you!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Wrestling Superstar Matt Cardona (former WWE Superstar Zack Ryder) and IMPACT Wrestling star Brian Myers (former WWE Superstar Curt Hawkins) along with their producer AEW Star "Smart" Mark Sterling as they talk about one of their favorite hobbies...collecting wrestling toys! Each week the boys chat about the latest news, upcoming releases, toy history, vintage collecting and much more! As lifelong wrestling fans and wrestling memorabilia experts, these guys have plenty to say about the world of wrestling collectables. They started the obsession as kids and continued it through adulthood, and now as wrestling superstars they now have their own figures and merchandise and an insiders look at the wrestling figure business. PLUS, with all their friends in wrestling, you never know who could make an appearance each episode! If you collect anything wrestling, this is the podcast for you! SCRATCH THAT FIGURE ITCH!
High Stakes poker vet DGAF hit rock bottom in 2017, after twice rising to the top of the poker world. He embarks on his "3rd Rise" homeless, buried in debt, with no bankroll, and with bills piling up by the day. He also has "Poker PTSD" after too many years in the game and one entire year filled with coolers and bad beats...
Ride along as he attempts to do the impossible--make one last comeback under extreme duress, while wrestling his demons and working on himself everyday, and also, being the very best single dad he can be!
This podcast is a documentary for the open-minded who love comeback stories, crazy journeys, human nature, self-examination, brutal honesty, and POKER.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Each week, Allen, Josef, and Jonathan discuss a comic book character (or team). Jonathan, a lifelong Marvel devotee, presents the character, their powers, and their history. Josef, who's only ever read one comic book and is significantly more grounded in reality, calls bull. And Allen, level headed voice of reason, mediates the mess.
@MarvelMarveling -
Murder Dice is a 5e, actual play, Dungeons & Dragons podcast. Follow the Slayers on their adventure through through the universe as they attempt to save all mankind. Murder dice is a 5e podcast with some 2e flair. If you enjoy playing dnd and want to feel like you are at the table with friends this is the show for you. Join us on our ttrpg adventure!