For the second show in a row, Chaplain Eric Bramble join Tara and Billy to continue the lively conversation, this time it's about Grand Lodge Sessions in BC for 2024 and how well the messages of progress and change travels from Grand Lodge to the local lodges. There is more to it than relying on Representatives’ Reports being read by the members.
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Reach the hosts at info@moderngoatrider.comIntro: Drew Eriksen
Tara and Billy are joined by Chaplain Eric Bramble for a frank conversation of the burdensome situations they have seen when the professionals could be called in, but volunteers full of FLT take on the tasks. Sometimes with amazing outcomes, and sometimes when those volunteers are under the pump to perform perfectly even though they lack the experience to do so. Volunteering is not easy in every case. And since it has been a while since the last episode there are some events from the past few months to reminisce about. Do enjoy.
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Intro - Anthony Shackell -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
It’s that wonderful time again, when two podcasts become one. Well, actually, when MGR gets connected with friends at The Three Links Oddcast it become two shows. Part one is here and part two is on their feed. In part one, Ainslie and Toby join the discussion about Lodge leadership and the responsibility we all have to be watch for sign of negativity and possibly the beginning of a Lodge’s slide into conflict or disengagement among members. The controversial opinions are limited, but it does get spicy at times. Have a listen. Subscribe. Leave a like or comment. Cheers in FLT.
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Intro – Drew Eriksen -
Oh my the Goat Riding got a little of track this episode. Tara and Billy were honored to be hosts to the venerable Vice Grand Andy Bernhart of Columbia Lodge #2. Brother Andy is no stranger to Modern Goat Rider as he is part of the behind the scenes production team for MGR, and additionally for many other Odd Fellows reasons. This episode's vision was much like a Noble Grand's year in that there was a plan for it to run smoothly, but instead much fun and silliness was had. The gang did cover the best and not so great parts of holding VG and NG roles. MGR will rarely give a how-to do it show; instead the curtain is pulled back for some exposure to what aspiring Officers can discover in their future.
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Intro - Anthony Shackell -
Tara and Billy reconnect after a busy Summer of Odd Fellows fun to answer questions received during Question & Answer polls. You, listeners, should go along with them and think about how their answers would differ from yours. The hosts do try to remain uncontroversial, but hey, they're just humans still trying to perfect their Oddfellowship.
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Intro – Drew Eriksen -
FOMO means Fear Of Missing Out and Tara and Billy have been missing out on time in Studio FLT. A new show was needed!! Guest Selena Roberts from HeroWork Victoria joined the MGR show to give the inside scoop of how to construct the volunteer experience so fabulous that makes them tell their friends that the experience was like no other they had experienced before. Not only is Selena an amazing community builder, but she is also a pledge to Bastion Lodge #4, so she chatted up the hosts about what new to Oddfellowship would be like for her and her fellow classmates.
You can donate to HeroWorks here
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Once again Tara and Billy welcome Toby Hanson, Ainslie Heilich and Mike Duminiak from Three Links Odd Cast to chat away through topics across the two shows, one here and the other on their show, so listen to both and (SPOILER) there is big news from Modern Goat Rider during the Odd-Podge segment near the end. But before that we discuss Leadership at Every Level to Find New Members, a Naked Member Calendar, when “Secrets” go Public and the Influence of Podcasting.
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Intro – Anthony Shackell -
MGR has the perfect guest. Surprise! It’s Billy!! Tara leads the Q’s & Billy provides the A’s about his trip to Chilliwack, BC for the Grand Lodge Sessions of BC. Out come the hot-takes of the good parts and the more challenging parts of jurisdictional sessions. Included are two interviews of attendees: Belinda DeGuglielmo of Tatnai Lodge #9, and Richard Horowitz of Vancouver Lodge #90 who give their insights into the past year and looking forward to the future.
Congratulations to Walter Wells to have earned the Meritorious Service Jewel from GM Trudie Brisson for Van#90's Warming Center
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Reach the hosts at info@moderngoatrider.comIntro – Anthony Shackell
After a rather long summer break Tara and Billy are back to the mic to catch up on their returns to the Hall and meetings; but they have to have a guest, so why not two??! The return of Bros. Michael Greenzeiger and Ainslie Heilich to discuss the year since the publication of The Odd Fellows Primer. The guests uncover the story of the book’s creation and production, and before they get away Billy plays Quiz Master with an Odd Fellows Q&A to test their knowledge. You can find more interesting details about the book or to make a bulk order by going to
CORRECTION: Billy misspoke; the collars Bastion #4 purchased are from Three Links PHLCheck out MGR online at
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Intro – Drew Ericksen
Tara and Billy are back! The hosts catch up on all the interesting events and charity work that has been going on in Victoria over the past couple months. There are some good ideas for your Lodges in there. They also look forward into the Summer and Fall, and just for some giggles they throw in a debriefing of how being a Vice Grand has gone for each of them this year.
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Intro – Anthony Shackell
Outro – Drew Ericksen
Tara and Billy get California fever again with a call down the coast to Oceanside Lodge #346 where PG and current DDGM Brother Ed Burns has help build back a Lodge from 10 members in 2016 to close to 80 members in 2022. Ed gives the hosts and you listeners an idea packed episode for revitalizing a Lodge even when the Hall needs repairs as well as the current member’s attitudes. At the end of the chat Billy makes reference to “Morey” who is Morey Holzman of Ep. 39 when his book “The Odd Fellows Heart” is featured.
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Intro & Outro – Drew Ericksen
Tara and Billy welcome in representatives of the three Victoria lodges who are Grand Lodge of British Columbia officers and participants. Together the hosts tug at the curtain that conceals the function of jurisdictional Grand Lodges, and they are successful getting Aaron Hall (Grand Warden and District Deputy Grand Master), Becky Auld (Grand Secretary) and Scott Shaw (P.D.D.G.M.) to enlighten our listeners. The rumor around many subordinate lodges is that Grand Lodge doesn’t work, but there are very hidden ways in which Grand Lodge does work, all the time. In the latter half of the show, the group exchange what could make Grand Lodge and Grand Lodge Sessions better. Even if you’re not a Past Grand, then still consider going to your jurisdiction’s Sessions.
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Intro – Drew Ericksen
NOTE: The episode includes occasional strong language.
When joined by the divine Bro. Eric Bramble, hosts Billy and Tara strap themselves in for a flowing discussion about the role of Chaplain when it’s tuned into the mighty station: WFLT. Although there are PG-rated words used, they come from Eric’s enthusiasm and it should not detract from the message that the Chaplain role can be so much more than just reading from the Red Book. Eric explains how his personality pours through his words during the Columbia #2 meetings to demonstrate his contribution to the Lodge’s vitality and in order to match the contributions of his fellow members.
Find Bramble Rambles at the Heart In Hand - HERECheck out MGR online at
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Intro – Anthony Shackell
Need to take your degree work up a notch? Listen in to Tara and Billy, along with special guest host Bro. Stephen Coulson of Vancouver Lodge #90 as they interview members of the Seattle Degree Lodge #1 to get an inside look at Degree Lodges. Bro. Toby Hanson returns to MGR as does Bro. Michael Douglas and new goat rider Bro. Greg Powers. Don’t worry, even though the topic is full of drama the guests are not. 😉
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Reach the hosts at info@moderngoatrider.comIntro – Anthony Shackell
*** After Listening to part 1, download part 2 on the Three Links Odd Cast ***
Spurred on by a listener email, the forces of the Three Links Odd Cast join Tara and Billy to take on the question of importance and relevance of Odd Fellowship these days. Having the show full of all of us we move through the hot-takes, musings of possibilities of better times and seeking how our Lodges make Important differences to the members and community. Once again, many Thanks to Toby Hanson, Ainslie Heilich and new podcaster Scott Moye. Finally, Thanks to BC Grand Warden Jim Stiven for inspiring so much of Billy’s thoughts during the show. Enjoy.
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Intro – Toby Hanson
WARNING: This is another feel good podcast! Episode 42 does not address the Order’s problems, nor does it investigate the frustrating politics that might be at a Lodge level. Instead, this show is about Tara and Billy taking a few minutes to ask four members with varying years in the Odd Fellows what it is in it for them, how they ended up in their Lodge and what they are looking forward to in 2022. Thanks to Sister Jean Medland, Brothers Stuart Brown, Alistair Green, and Kelly Ketcheson for sharing your stories.
Please everyone, sit down with an old friend, or a new one, and talk about them; you might be surprised what they can teach you about yourself.Check MGR out online at
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Intro – Jon Norgaard
On a National Day of Remembrance in Canada, the UK and USA, Tara and Billy welcomed Sister Sandra Martin of Rebekah Lodge Unity #145 in Victoria, BC to take them down memory lane over her 47 years as a member of Rebekahs. Sandra reveals that the road for Rebekahs has been difficult since the SGL motioned for all Odd Fellows Lodges be open to women, which saw members leave her lodge to join one of the local Odd Fellows lodges. And from around that time, the relations between the lodges became strained to where communication about and participation in activities barely existed. The interview is not all about the rough times, as Sandra gives a glimpse into “them good old days” and also the working of a Rebekah Lodge.
Check MGR out online at moderngoatrider.comReach the hosts at
Intro - Drew Ericksen
Tara and Billy call upon all three Odd Fellows Lodges in Victoria to get a full representative samples of organizational challenges and solutions from their lodges. Sure, they are all well experienced British Columbia provincial government employees, but they also have great advice for lodges of any size. Enjoying their first rides on MGR are Sister Samantha Sherman from Bastion Lodge #4, Brother Ed May from Victoria Lodge #1, and Brother Jeff Dorion from Columbia Lodge #2. Each brings great ideas for your Lodge.
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Intro – Drew Ericksen
Did someone say Hockey and Odd Fellowship? Yes we did! Journalist, author Morey Holzman joins Billy and Tara to discuss his second book, The Odd Fellow’s Heart, on the history of Hockey’s origins, but this one has a discovered Odd Fellows slant. Morey had never heard of the Odd Fellows before discovering James “Jimmy” Stewart. Morey found that the influence of Odd Fellows was not only imparted to his family life, but the philosophies made their way into how Jimmy advanced the game of Hockey into the sport we know today.
Morey’s book is on Amazon here:
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Intro – Drew Ericksen
The written word is not Dead! Brother Scott Moye, co-founder of the Heart In Hand blog joins Tara and Billy to discuss his new book, Think Like an Odd Fellow. Not only do you get to hear Billy gush over how much he loves this book, but Tara helps Scott explain the importance of this type of book that takes a deeper exploration into the philosophy behind F-L-T. Scott is eloquent with his explanation of researching, creating, and writing from our historical philosophy into modern language. Before Scott gets away, Billy and he discuss his blog post about Odd Fellows Funeral Service.
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Intro – Aretha Franklin - Think
Interlude – Charlie Watts – Symphony for the Devil (intro)
Outro – Jimmy Cliff – I Can See Clearly Now - Laat meer zien