
  • Listen in as I unpack three biggest visibility mistakess that businesses frequently commit, pulling from my own entrepreneurial journey and coaching insights. I'll reveal why patience is key, not just for you but also for allowing your audience to truly connect with your marketing efforts. I'll also explain why a curious approach to engaging with your audience can significantly enhance interaction, and I'll touch upon the significance of resilience—using setbacks as invaluable data to refine your future strategies.

    Join us as we explore the art of maximizing networking for business growth, a topic often overlooked but critical for success. Learn the importance of asking the right questions and how tools like Zoom can revolutionize initial meetings, saving time and ensuring compatibility. I’ll share my perspective on why direct messaging can be a powerful networking tool, emphasizing that persistence and curiosity are your allies in expanding your reach and sharing your message with a broader audience.

    Let’s keep the conversation going!
    Instagram: @martaspirk
    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


  • Join us as we sit down with Sohale, a pioneering entrepreneur from New Hope, Pennsylvania, who has been dedicated to brightening lives from a young age. He shares his transformational journey, from launching an HIV initiative at nine to founding a nonprofit at eighteen, and now creating Soul—a platform nurturing gratitude practices. Discover how a simple gratitude journal evolved into an innovative email system that supported Sohale through the emotional challenges of being a CEO, and learn how Soul aims to reduce anxiety and promote gratitude for millions.

    Sohale's story highlights the profound impact of gratitude on mental, neurological, and spiritual health, backed by extensive research from the Berkeley Center for Social Good. Our discussion delves into the scientifically proven benefits of gratitude and how Soul's user-friendly platform integrates gratitude journaling into daily life with encrypted journals and AI-powered insights. We also explore the transformative power of positive language and mindset, and the Know Thyself Guide's resources for self-discovery, emphasizing that true empowerment comes from inner peace and self-definition.

    Connect with Sohale:
    Instagram: @solightsobright

    Let’s keep the conversation going!
    Instagram: @martaspirk
    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


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  • In this episode, I chat with Valerie Tyson, head of strategy and sports at Unrivaled Group, as she shares her journey in the male-dominated world of sports and entertainment. From her start in sports marketing to working with icons like Michael Jordan, Valerie offers insights on seizing opportunities, teamwork, and overcoming imposter syndrome.

    Learn about Unrivaled Group's mission to empower female athletes and entrepreneurs through innovative strategies, including software bridging the gap between women-owned businesses and corporate contracts. You'll also discover the influence of meeting figures like Howard Stern and Michael Jordan on Valerie's work ethic and empowerment philosophy. Let's celebrate empowered women and the importance of mentorship and community!

    Connect with Valerie:
    Instagram: @unrivaledgroup
    LinkedIn: Valerie Tyson

    Let’s keep the conversation going!
    Instagram: @martaspirk
    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


    Use Code EWP15 for 15% off your first Probiotic order at

  • Join us as we sit down with Jenna Biancavilla, a pioneering financial advisor who forged her path amidst the chaos of the 2008 financial crisis. Listen in as Jenna shares her bold venture in launching Pearl Capital, a firm standing out not just for its all-female team but also for its independence from big banks. This conversation is a goldmine for anyone interested in the entrepreneurial spirit, financial industry insights, and the empowerment of women in leadership roles. Jenna's story is a testament to the courage and tenacity required to create and sustain a business in a volatile market, and her dedication to mentorship within her team is truly inspiring.

    In this episode, we also unpack the emotional layers of business ownership, the crucial role of compliance and regulation in finance, and Jenna's latest initiative, Svvy, designed to shield women from financial malpractices. Jenna's journey from financial advisor to fintech entrepreneur highlights the importance of adaptability and resilience in business.

    Connect with Jenna:
    Instagram: @jennabiancavilla
    LinkedIn: Jenna Biancavilla

    Let’s keep the conversation going!
    Instagram: @martaspirk
    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


    Use Code EWP15 for 15% off your first Probiotic order at

  • Listen in as I unpack the significance of consistent self-care habits and how they've been integral to my success as a mom, entrepreneur, and all-around go-getter. I'll share with you my personal fitness journey using a streaming service since 2016 and how it's become the bedrock of my mental and physical health. From waking up at the crack of dawn to working out before the household stirs, discover the profound impact that a structured routine can have on setting a positive tone for the day. I also touch upon the role that physical challenges play in fostering mental resilience—a trait that's not just beneficial but necessary for navigating the rollercoaster of business and life.

    In our chat, we also cover the often-overlooked yet critical aspects of sleep and sobriety. Learn how enlisting the help of a sleep consultant revolutionized our family's routine, allowing me to capitalize on those precious nap times to build my business. You'll hear about the struggles and triumphs of maintaining early bedtimes and the sacrifices made to stay present during events like New Year's Eve. Moreover, I reflect on my experiences commuting in São Paulo and my moderate approach to alcohol, shedding light on how these choices have shaped my energy levels, outlook on life, and entrepreneurial journey. Join us for an intimate look into the daily practices that help keep the scales of work, family, and self-care in balance.

    Let’s keep the conversation going!
    Instagram: @martaspirk
    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


    Use Code EWP15 for 15% off your first Probiotic order at

  • Join us as we start on a captivating journey with Andreea, an extraordinary business strategist who began her entrepreneurial adventure at the tender age of 17, running a cleaning service in her native Sicily. Listen in as Andreea recounts the pivotal moments of her career, from her formative years learning valuable lessons in a Sicilian bar to her eventual transition to online success and collaborations with global brands like Coca-Cola. Andreea’s story is a powerful testament to the resilience and adaptability required in the world of entrepreneurship, providing invaluable insights into the shifts that can lead to burnout and the transformative decisions that follow.

    In this episode, we also uncover the secrets to flourishing in business with practical advice that resonates with entrepreneurs at all stages. Our conversation with a florist who blossomed amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic serves as an inspiration to those grappling with doubt and imposter syndrome. Emphasizing the need for investment and persistence, we discuss the metaphor of nurturing a plant, drawing parallels to the growth and care needed for a business to thrive. Andreea Sandu shares her profound business strategies, urging listeners to try their ideas multiple times and illustrating the beauty of business growth through floral imagery. For those seeking to connect with Andreea and learn from her expertise, she extends an invitation to join her on social media platforms and engage with her encouraging content.

    Let’s keep the conversation going!
    Instagram: @martaspirk
    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


    Connect with Andreea:
    Instagram: @andreea_business_strategist
    Facebook: Andreea Sandu

  • Do you dream of starting your own business but feel held back by your lack of entrepreneurial experience?

    Are you struggling with a personal challenge that you wish you could turn into a solution to help others?

    In this episode, we're joined by Giana Jarrah, the founder of With Meraki Co, who shares her inspiring story of taking control of her narrative and turning her struggles into a thriving business.

    While battling chronic urinary tract infections, Giana discovered a lack of effective health solutions on the market. With her expertise in biomedical engineering and a determination to help others facing similar challenges, she developed a product that could fill this gap.

    Giana shares the obstacles she faced as a first-time entrepreneur, from the complexity of manufacturing to conducting research and product development.

    She didn't let her lack of business experience stop her. Instead, she sought out mentors, asked questions, and learned on the job, all while staying true to her mission of empowering women to take control of their health.

    Join us as we discuss how embracing your authentic self and taking action, even in the face of uncertainty, can lead to incredible growth and fulfillment, both personally and professionally.

    Always empowering women,

    Use Code EWP15 for 15% off your first Probiotic order at

    Let’s keep the conversation going!

    Instagram: @martaspirk
    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


    One thing I don't talk about enough is the impact podcasting has had on my professional life, and how it opened so many doors for me. So if you want to start a podcast or you want to level up your current one, then you need to work with my podcast strategist, Juliana Barbati. She owns a podcast marketing and production agency and her team takes care of everything from editing and optimizing to scheduling for you making this process a breeze for you. She's seriously the best. All her info is in the show notes. You can go to and tell her I sent you.

  • Have you ever started something you love but found out it's hard to make money from it?

    Many women entrepreneurs start businesses because they're passionate about something, but then they hit a big problem: money management and finding enough time to do everything they need to do.

    It's like wanting to run before you can walk, very tricky!

    Today I am thrilled to have Marley Majcher, the CEO of The Party Goddess, a celebrity-based catering and event planning company. Marley shares her entrepreneurial journey, starting from a summer of cooking school in Paris to establishing her successful business.

    Marley opens up about the highs and lows of her entrepreneurial path, including the lessons she learned from financial missteps and personal challenges. She discusses the critical importance of financial awareness, urging entrepreneurs to pay attention to their business finances and time management. You’ll learn invaluable insights into avoiding common pitfalls that many new business owners face.

    Join us as Marley inspires us to look beyond the glamour of success and focus on the foundational elements that truly sustain a business over time.

    Always empowering women,

    Let’s keep the conversation going!

    Instagram: @martaspirk
    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


    About Marley:

    Marley Majcher, CEO of The Party Goddess!, has planned events for A-list celebs, such as Pierce Brosnan and Sofia Vergara, and now, with her book, But Are You Making Any Money?, she has become a sought-after expert on issues and trends facing entrepreneurs and small business owners. Her business savvy has been cited in The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, Entrepreneur magazine and more. For more information, please visit, or follow @ThePartyGoddess on Twitter and Instagram.

    Connect with Marley:


    IG: @thepartygoddess @theprofitgoddess

    TikTok: @thepartygoddess1

  • Feeling stuck and unsure about your path in life?

    Many of us spend years chasing what society tells us we should want, only to end up feeling unfulfilled and questioning our purpose. It's easy to fall into the trap of following a path laid out for us, losing sight of who we truly are and what we genuinely desire.

    But what if we could rewrite the journey laid out before us?

    In today's episode, we dive deep into the journey of self-discovery and empowerment with our guest, Jenna Donohue. Jenna shares her career transition from leading tech teams in the corporate world to discovering her calling in helping others unlock their true purpose.

    Jenna walks us through the concept of inner guidance and how it can be a powerful tool in navigating life's challenges. She explains how facing our fears and embracing our true selves can open up a world of possibilities, allowing us to live more authentically and purposefully.

    With practical advice and inspiring stories, Jenna shows us how to connect with our inner voice, trust our journey, and step into our power. Learn how to live from the heart, break free from societal expectations, and create a vision that truly resonates with your innermost desires.

    Tune in to discover how to access your inner guidance and live the life you were meant to lead.

    Always empowering women,

    Let’s keep the conversation going!

    Instagram: @martaspirk
    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


    One thing I don't talk about enough is the impact podcasting has had on my professional life, and how it opened so many doors for me. So if you want to start a podcast or you want to level up your current one, then you need to work with my podcast strategist, Juliana Barbati. She owns a podcast marketing and production agency and her team takes care of everything from editing and optimizing to scheduling for you making this process a breeze for you. She's seriously the best. All her info is in the show notes. You can go and tell her I sent you.

    About Jenna:

    Jenna is a coach, consultant, and guide, with a background in sales, leadership and culture in the corporate world. She works with those who are called to step into the unknown, and allow their inner knowing and intuition to guide them towards their bigger purpose in this lifetime. She has had the opportunity to learn from top leaders and teachers all over the world, on topics from spirituality, shadow work, IFS, chakras, ancestral medicine, energy work, and meditation; to business mastery and entrepreneurship. She hosts the Inner Guidance podcast, is working on a book, and provides 1:1 containers for individuals called to deepen their purpose and inner work, and for Companies looking to transform their culture to align with more purpose and connection

    Connect with Jenna:


    IG: @jdonohue

    Free chakra guide:

    Masterclass: Trust Your Intuition: Discover your path forward using your Inner Guidance:
  • We've all faced moments of doubt, where the path ahead seems uncertain and our dreams a bit too distant.

    But what if the secret to overcoming challenges lies in embracing our authentic selves and pursuing our passions with strong determination?

    In this episode, Amanda Dorenberg shares her unconventional journey from being a fashion model to becoming the CEO of Billboard Magazine Canada and president of COMMB and how she uses setbacks as stepping stones to success.

    Listen in as Amanda shares the significance of authenticity, networking, recognizing your worth in building a successful business, and how embracing both our strengths and weaknesses can lead to trust and open doors to opportunities.

    You’ll gain practical tips on how women entrepreneurs can make a mark in male-dominated industries.

    Never forget what empowered women can bring to the table!

    Always empowering women,

    Let’s keep the conversation going!

    Instagram: @martaspirk
    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


    One thing I don't talk about enough is the impact podcasting has had on my professional life, and how it opened so many doors for me. So if you want to start a podcast or you want to level up your current one, then you need to work with my podcast strategist, Juliana Barbati. She owns a podcast marketing and production agency and her team takes care of everything from editing and optimizing to scheduling for you making this process a breeze for you. She's seriously the best. All her info is in the show notes. You can go and tell her I sent you.

    About Amanda:

    Amanda Dorenberg is an esteemed technology and marketing executive, renowned for her ability to disrupt traditional industries through the application of new and emerging technologies. With a track record that has garnered recognition from top national and international media outlets such as Forbes Tech and Wired Magazine, Amanda's expertise in data, ad-tech, and out-of-home advertising is unparalleled. As the President of COMMB (Canadian Out-of-Home Marketing & Measurement Bureau), she spearheads innovative change and utilizes her deep tech background, product development acumen, and growth marketing skills to revolutionize the out-of-home industry across Canada. Amanda's impressive career includes notable positions such as Partner and CIO at FrontRunner Technologies, a leading DOOH company in North America, where she leveraged her expertise to drive disruptive growth. She also served as Chief Mar-Tech Officer for blockchain venture-consulting firm Centrys Inc., where she led impactful growth marketing and product development initiatives. Amanda's versatile expertise in blockchain, AI/ML, and advertising has made her a sought-after independent consultant in the industry. With her compelling background in thought leadership and mentorship, Amanda is a natural fit for podcasts catering to business-minded individuals eager to expand their knowledge. CEOs, CMOs, investors, advertising executives, marketing executives, brands, agencies, and other professionals in the industry will greatly benefit from Amanda's insights. She is poised to deliver captivating discussions on data-driven advertising, the future of ad-tech, and the impact of out-of-home advertising in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Moreover, Amanda's inspirational journey as a successful woman in tech and business leader adds an empowering dimension to her expertise. Engage with Amanda Dorenberg on your podcast to captivate and educate your audience with her unrivaled knowledge and motivational speaking that empowers women in the tech and business world.

    Connect with Amanda:

  • Do you have the guts to follow your passion and change career after years of being a successful professional?

    Our guest, Eli Lev, did just that. As a former middle school teacher turned independent musician, he bravely transitioned from a stable job to embracing musical entrepreneurship. For him, it’s about living his passion and exploring creativity.

    Eli shares his journey from education to music, discussing the importance of viewing music as an art, but also as a product, emphasizing music as a business.

    We also touched on how to build a fanbase and create a sustainable career through Modern Musician by using online music marketing, offering merch, tiered bundles, and personalized experiences.

    As former teachers, we dive into lifelong learning and how we can share knowledge even outside of the educational institutions we used to be in. From his traditional career to pursuing the music industry, Eli proves that the skills gained from his former career are valuable in any field.

    Tune in the conversation to gain tips about creating a successful career path with one’s passion and strength. Let his story empower you to embrace the power of both creativity and entrepreneurship to succeed.

    Always empowering women,

    Let’s keep the conversation going!
    Instagram: @martaspirk
    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


    One thing I don't talk about enough is the impact podcasting has had on my professional life, and how it opened so many doors for me. So if you want to start a podcast or you want to level up your current one, then you need to work with my podcast strategist, Juliana Barbati. She owns a podcast marketing and production agency and her team takes care of everything from editing and optimizing to scheduling for you making this process a breeze for you. She's seriously the best. All her info is in the show notes. You can go to and tell her I sent you.

    About Eli:
    Eli Lev's journey from English teacher to captivating folk-pop musician is a testament to perseverance and the pursuit of passion. Prompted by a transformative experience on the Navajo Indian Reservation, Eli embarked on a global journey, ultimately dedicating himself to music after a pivotal meditation retreat. Despite early industry challenges, he embraced the unknown, leaving job stability behind. Eli's music, rooted in the belief in its healing power, resonates globally, exploring themes of love and self-discovery. His live performances, marked by undeniable charisma, forge profound connections with audiences, showcasing the genuine essence of his craft. Beyond music, Eli's mission calls for unity and healing, fostering spaces for shared humanity and connections in a fragmented world. Grateful for challenges that shaped his journey, Eli stands as an emerging force in folk-pop, a beacon of hope illustrating that through music, we can inspire, heal, and create a better world.

    Connect with Eli:
    IG: @elilevmusic
    FB: Eli Lev

  • Feeling the pressure of building a team that truly reflects your company's values?

    In today's competitive market, fostering a positive company culture can be the key to success, but it's not always easy to know where to start.

    Today I am joined by Christy Pretzinger, the CEO of WG Content Strategy and Creation. Christy shares her personal story of transforming her business from its original identity, WriterGirl, into the powerhouse it is today.

    She dives into the strategies that propelled her success in the healthcare content space, her proactive approach to rebranding, and the importance of company culture and personal development in business growth.

    You’ll learn team management tips and how the power of kindness in business, helped Christy’s team grow stronger and more connected. Plus, get a sneak peek into her upcoming book on leveraging your "cultural balance sheet" for a thriving business ecosystem.

    Tune in to this heartening conversation and walk away with actionable insights to elevate your business and personal life.

    Always empowering women,


    Let’s keep the conversation going!
    Instagram: @martaspirk
    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


    One thing I don't talk about enough is the impact podcasting has had on my professional life, and how it opened so many doors for me. So if you want to start a podcast or you want to level up your current one, then you need to work with my podcast strategist, Juliana Barbati. She owns a podcast marketing and production agency and her team takes care of everything from editing and optimizing to scheduling for you making this process a breeze for you. She's seriously the best. All her info is in the show notes. You can go to and tell her I sent you.

    About Christy:

    As the owner and CEO of WriterGirl, Christy Pretzinger transformed the landscape of healthcare content creation. She has built an industry-leading company that delivers superior content and strategy to healthcare brands across the country. Along the way, she also changed what it means to work at a growing, woman-owned organization. She’s a popular guest speaker for both organizations and podcasts, always ready to guide audiences on how to grow leaders and build inclusive workplaces. How does she do it? Christy has always been intentional about building her business based on a culture of kindness. That approach has proven to be good for people — and the bottom line. Over time, Christy discovered her true calling: to create a workplace that nurtures personal and professional growth and helps other leaders do the same. She’s been featured on numerous podcasts, including From Founder to CEO, Her Million Dollar My$tery, Lead Like a Woman and Smart Business Revolution. See for yourself how Christy is reinventing the way businesses evaluate effective leadership, how employees can contribute to success and how everyone can win. It all starts by building on a foundation of kindness.

    Connect with Christy:



    YT: Writer Girl and Associates

    X: @WriterGirlAssoc

  • Are you feeling stuck in your career or personal growth?

    Maybe you've got a passion buried deep down that you've never fully explored, or perhaps you're stuck in the cycle of everyday life, dreaming of making a real impact but not knowing where to start.

    But what if the only thing standing between you and your goals was your willingness to take that first bold step?

    In this episode, I take you through my personal transformation from dreaming to doing.

    Discover how embracing visibility and manifestation led me to opportunities I never imagined, including winning a transformation contest, getting one-on-one coaching with Kathrin Zenkina, and even interviewing her for this very podcast.

    I'll share actionable steps and mindset shifts that can help you step into the spotlight and start living in alignment with your true desires.

    Whether it's music, business, or any other dream, learn how to make it a reality by showing up for yourself, asking for what you want, and taking bold steps toward your goals.

    (Which, by the way, check out my very first music video here:

    This episode is a reminder to every woman entrepreneur that your dreams are valid, achievable, and waiting for you to chase them.

    Let's get empowered together and turn those dreams into your new reality.

    Always empowering women,


    Let’s keep the conversation going!
    Instagram: @martaspirk
    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


    One thing I don't talk about enough is the impact podcasting has had on my professional life, and how it opened so many doors for me. So if you want to start a podcast or you want to level up your current one, then you need to work with my podcast strategist, Juliana Barbati. She owns a podcast marketing and production agency and her team takes care of everything from editing and optimizing to scheduling for you making this process a breeze for you. She's seriously the best. All her info is in the show notes. You can go to and tell her I sent you.

  • Are you ready to grow your business in an organic and impactful way? Looking for the right strategy to get in front of your ideal audience?

    In this episode, I sit down with Trevor Oldham, the brain behind Podcasting You, and take you through his own story of building a business from the ground up. Starting as a college student with a passion for motivation, Trevor transformed his drive into a thriving podcasting company.

    He spills the beans on what it takes to stand out in the podcasting industry. He breaks down the process of getting started on podcasts, from understanding your target audience to crafting the perfect podcast pitch and following up with hosts.

    Trevor's agency helps investment companies shine on podcasts, and how these appearances can skyrocket their success.

    Whether you're an entrepreneur, a podcaster, or both, this episode is packed with practical advice that will help you leverage the power of podcasting to make your mark and grow your business.

    Always empowering women,


    Let’s keep the conversation going!
    Instagram: @martaspirk
    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


    One thing I don't talk about enough is the impact podcasting has had on my professional life, and how it opened so many doors for me. So if you want to start a podcast or you want to level up your current one, then you need to work with my podcast strategist, Juliana Barbati. She owns a podcast marketing and production agency and her team takes care of everything from editing and optimizing to scheduling for you making this process a breeze for you. She's seriously the best. All her info is in the show notes. You can go to and tell her I sent you.

    About Trevor

    In 2017, Trevor Oldham created Podcasting You in response to the necessity for outstanding real estate investors to have the opportunity to spread their narrative on high-ranking podcasts. So far, Podcasting You has worked with 400+ real estate professionals and booked 6,500+ interviews. Trevor himself is committed to a NNN Deal, Multifamily, and Self-Storage Development Deal, in addition to investing in mortgage notes and continually enlarging his real estate portfolio.

    Connect with Trevor:



    IG: @trevoroldham

  • Are you struggling to get noticed online? Feeling like your business is invisible in the crowded online space?

    A lot of online business owners face the same challenge, but there's a way to break through the noise.

    Today we're diving into the common mistakes that keep your business from shining online. We'll explore why using just one visibility channel isn't enough and how spreading your message across different places can make a huge difference.

    I’ll explain the importance of having a clear plan to guide your efforts and how involving your audience can transform your content and what you offer.

    You'll learn how to adapt to the ever-changing online world and why listening to your audience is the secret ingredient to creating services and products they'll love.

    By the end of this episode, you'll have the tools to boost your online presence, improve your content creation, and make sure your business stands out.

    Tune in to discover how to avoid these critical mistakes and start making your mark online!

    Always empowering women,


    Let’s keep the conversation going!
    Instagram: @martaspirk
    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


    One thing I don't talk about enough is the impact podcasting has had on my professional life, and how it opened so many doors for me. So if you want to start a podcast or you want to level up your current one, then you need to work with my podcast strategist, Juliana Barbati. She owns a podcast marketing and production agency and her team takes care of everything from editing and optimizing to scheduling for you making this process a breeze for you. She's seriously the best. All her info is in the show notes. You can go to and tell her I sent you.

  • Are you tired of the headache that comes with handling your finances as a self-employed entrepreneur? Do you get overwhelmed by business taxes, confused by quarterly payments, and worried you're not making the most of your deductions?

    Many women in business face the intimidating task of managing finances, from tax payments to setting the right prices.

    In today's episode, we're diving into the nitty-gritty of financial management for the self-employed. Joining us is Angie Moody, the founder and CEO of Ruby Money, who understands the struggles you're facing.

    Angie will share her expert insights on why keeping track of your expenses shouldn't be a chore and how the right tools can make it as easy as pie. We'll explore how Ruby Money can take the pain out of bookkeeping and automate payments.

    By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped to tackle your financial planning with confidence and ensure you're not missing out on hard-earned money.

    Tune in to learn how to take control of your financial future and keep more money in your pocket.

    Always empowering women,


    PS. Angie got a special gift for you – a free bookkeeping template to get you started, and an exclusive promotional code for Ruby Money services.

    Use code EMPOWERED to get a free month off Ruby Money and kick start your new year with some new great financial habits.

    Let’s keep the conversation going!
    Instagram: @martaspirk
    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


    About Angie:
    Angie Moody is the powerhouse founder and CEO behind Ruby Money, the game-changing tax app for freelancers. Angie has her MBA from Stanford and was previously the VP of consumer banking at Capital One and Head of the Small Business team at Instagram. As the founder and CEO of Ruby Money, Angie has built a 4.9 rated app that has helped thousands of solopreneurs eliminate tax stress, save money and find financial freedom and career satisfaction through entrepreneurship. Angie has always been driven by a desire for financial independence, which stems from her upbringing in a home where her father was frequently unemployed. This drive led her to achieve career & financial success in Silicon Valley. Angie made the difficult decision to escape the corporate hamster wheel and become a solopreneur which has completely changed her perspective on work and money and the concept of freedom for women. Angie is an expert on how to make the leap and achieve financial freedom as a solopreneur, and how to use technology to save yourself time and money along the way. Born and raised in New Orleans, Angie holds that Southern charm close to her heart. She now calls Charleston, SC home, where she resides with her husband and two daughters.

    Connect with Angie:




    Self-Employed Tax Calculator & Guide:

    Ruby Money - Solopreneur Deductible Checklist

    One thing I don't talk about enough is the impact podcasting has had on my professional life, and how it opened so many doors for me. So if you want to start a podcast or you want to level up your current one, then you need to work with my podcast strategist, Juliana Barbati. She owns a podcast marketing and production agency and her team takes care of everything from editing and optimizing to scheduling for you making this process a breeze for you. She's seriously the best. All her info is in the show notes. You can go to and tell her I sent you.

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed by the constant pressure to engage on social media?

    As women entrepreneurs, we often get caught up in the numbers game, obsessing over likes and comments.

    But what if I told you that visibility is more impactful than engagement for your business growth?

    Today, we're diving into a game-changing approach: focusing on visibility over engagement!

    Discover why consistent content creation, even without high engagement, can significantly boost your business presence. You’ll also learn how to balance online visibility with personal networking, a strategy that has transformed my own business journey.

    Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting out, this episode will provide practical insights and real-life examples to help you with your online and offline visibility.

    Tune in!

    Always empowering women,


    Let’s keep the conversation going!
    Instagram: @martaspirk
    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


    One thing I don't talk about enough is the impact podcasting has had on my professional life, and how it opened so many doors for me. So if you want to start a podcast or you want to level up your current one, then you need to work with my podcast strategist, Juliana Barbati. She owns a podcast marketing and production agency and her team takes care of everything from editing and optimizing to scheduling for you making this process a breeze for you. She's seriously the best. All her info is in the show notes. You can go to and tell her I sent you.

  • Have you ever felt stuck in your life or career, longing for change but unsure how to make it happen?

    If you’re ready to redefine your personal and professional life, then this episode is for you.

    Join me and Deanna Merlino as she shares her transformation from a corporate career to a thriving entrepreneurial life as an Intuitive Life Coach and Energetic Healer.

    Through Deanna's story, you’ll discover how facing challenges led her to embrace change and experience profound personal growth, professional fulfillment, and an authentic entrepreneurial journey. By tuning into her intuition along the way, she found the empowerment to redefine her path. Her inspirational transformation will motivate you to further listen to your inner wisdom and embrace your authentic self as you navigate your own personal transformation journey to realize your full potential.

    Deanna also shares her approach through her spiritual life coaching program and how it can help lead to personal and professional development.

    Tune in and get ready to be motivated to embrace your path to empowerment!

    Always empowering women,


    Let’s keep the conversation going!


    Instagram: @martaspirk

    Facebook: Marta Spirk

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Get 30-day free trial of my membership!


    About Deanna:
    I am a present Momma, committed wife & Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur. Host of Empowered with Deanna Merlino Podcast, an all-encompassing show sharing deeply about all things personal development, wellness, manifestation, spirituality & entrepreneurship. Keynote motivational speaker and an Amazon best-selling published author. An Intuitive life/business/money & mindset coach and a Quantum Energetic Healer. Owner & Creator of The Empowered Academy: A globally recognized training provider of transformational accredited courses. Co-owner/creator of Empowered Collective: In-person spiritual retreats, online healing classes/workshops & community. Proud manager of my late father’s hand-built vacation rental properties, adding in my own personal twist by transforming them in event rental & retreat spaces as well.

    Connect with Deanna:

    Instagram: @theempoweredcoach333

    One thing I don't talk about enough is the impact podcasting has had on my professional life, and how it opened so many doors for me. So if you want to start a podcast or you want to level up your current one, then you need to work with my podcast strategist, Juliana Barbati. She owns a podcast marketing and production agency and her team takes care of everything from editing and optimizing to scheduling for you making this process a breeze for you. She's seriously the best. All her info is in the show notes. You can go to and tell her I sent you

  • Join me in celebrating the fresh start of 2024 as I share my personal leap from local stages to the music industry spotlight with my debut single launched last August. This journey echoes the exhilarating beginnings of my coaching business, and I invite you to embrace the uncertainties of starting anew alongside me. As I reflect on the importance of concentrating on one goal at a time, I encourage you to trust in the process and the valuable lesson that time is on our side, just as I was reminded at a recent vision board event.

    Listen in as I reveal the critical lessons learned from my initial music release, particularly the significance of a robust promotional strategy for any entrepreneur. Hear about the strategies that catapulted my Spotify following and how I've harnessed the power of networking and content planning to amplify my voice. Whether you're an aspiring speaker or an artist seeking to widen your audience, this episode is packed with insights to help you get seen and heard on the stages that matter most.

  • In this episode, we explore the essential strategies for skyrocketing your business visibility in 2024. We kick off by discussing the three non-negotiables that every entrepreneur must have: a solid content strategy, a speaking strategy, and a networking strategy. I walk you through how to effectively plan your content month by month, week by week, to ensure consistent sales, highlight the importance of having a clear path if you're looking to become a professional speaker and focus on the art of networking, an often underestimated aspect of business growth.

    As your guide, I underline the need for an intentional approach to networking that yields predictable results. The conversation also touches on creating a customer journey with different engagement levels and price points, using urgency to drive sales and the importance of asking targeted questions to refine your business approach. These strategies are not just ideas; they're the foundation for standing out and making an impact.

    Get ready to take notes and elevate your business's presence as we share over 30 visibility-boosting ideas (access it here: and introduce a mastermind program designed to keep you accountable and support your entrepreneurial journey (more details: