
  • In this episode, Cayla Craft introduces her special guest, her mother, who has been a significant influence in her life. Cayla's mother shares her background, including her Catholic upbringing and transition to a non-denominational church, which shaped her faith and understanding of the power of words. She discusses the importance of speaking life and positivity, a principle she instilled in Cayla from a young age. Cayla reflects on her mother's unwavering support and how it contributed to her confidence and resilience as an entrepreneur. They delve into the challenges and rewards of raising a strong-willed child, emphasizing the need to let children be themselves while guiding them with faith and prayer. Cayla's mother talks about her long career as a hairstylist and the decision to pursue it more independently after reading inspirational books. The conversation concludes with advice on finding support and community through faith, prayer, and being bold in seeking meaningful relationships.

    Links + Resources:

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    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

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    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

    Show Notes:

    [00:00:00] Cayla Craft introduces her special guest, her mother, who has been a significant influence in her life.

    [00:01:15] Cayla's mother shares her background, including her Catholic upbringing and transition to a non-denominational church, which shaped her faith and understanding of the power of words.

    [00:05:30] She discusses the importance of speaking life and positivity, a principle she instilled in Cayla from a young age.

    [00:10:45] Cayla reflects on her mother's unwavering support and how it contributed to her confidence and resilience as an entrepreneur.

    [00:15:00] They delve into the challenges and rewards of raising a strong-willed child, emphasizing the need to let children be themselves while guiding them with faith and prayer.

    [00:20:10] Cayla's mother talks about her long career as a hairstylist and the decision to pursue it more independently after reading inspirational books.

    [00:25:25] The conversation concludes with advice on finding support and community through faith, prayer, and being bold in seeking meaningful relationships.

    #Entrepreneurship #BusinessGrowth #Empowerment #LegacyBuilding #FamilyValues #SuccessMindset #BusinessTips #Inspiration #WomenInBusiness #EntrepreneurJourney

  • The podcast, hosted by Cayla Craft, explores the essential role of social media in attracting clients for coaches. Cayla shares her experience founding the Game Changers Coaching Academy to help coaches enhance their services and boost their income through effective social media strategies. Emphasizing the power of a strong personal brand, she advises coaches to inspire their audience and tailor content based on active engagement and listening. Demonstrating high perceived value in content, such as offering practical and unique resources, is crucial for client retention. Cayla highlights the importance of giving away valuable content for free to build trust and drive interest in paid services. Repetition in messaging and clear calls to action significantly increase audience engagement and conversions, as evidenced by Cayla's own successful experiments.

    Links + Resources:

    Join Game Changers Today -

    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

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    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

    Show Notes:

    [00:00:32 - 00:00:55] The podcast, hosted by Cayla Craft, discusses the importance of leveraging social media to attract clients as a coach.

    [00:00:55 - 00:01:05] Cayla shares her journey of starting the Game Changers Coaching Academy to help coaches improve their offerings and increase their income through social media.

    [00:03:09 - 00:03:34] A key point highlighted is the significance of having a strong personal brand that makes people feel inspired and compelled to take action.

    [00:05:06 - 00:05:13] Listening actively to your audience through direct interactions on social media is essential to understand their needs and tailor your content accordingly.

    [00:06:12 - 00:06:31] Demonstrating high perceived value in your content, such as offering practical and unique resources, can help attract and retain clients.

    [00:10:06 - 00:10:22] Cayla emphasizes the importance of giving away valuable content for free to build trust and encourage people to seek out paid services.

    [00:10:42 - 00:11:10] Constantly reminding your audience how they can work with you and ensuring your message is clear and repetitive will drive engagement and conversions.

    [00:11:26 - 00:11:34] Repetition in your messaging is crucial because it increases the likelihood of your audience taking action.

    [00:11:34 - 00:11:54] Cayla conducted an experiment demonstrating that clear, repetitive calls to action in her stories led to a significant increase in engagement and responses from her audience.

    #business #entrepreneur #caylacraft #youtubechannel #influencer

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  • Letting Go Of Past Failures As An Entrepreneur

    Links + Resources:

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    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

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    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

    Show Notes:

    In today's episode I talk about letting go of past failures as an entrepreneur. You cna become completely stuck or self aware of what you need to do to grow your business just because of the thoughts in your head! The way you talk about yourself in a positive or negative light directly correlates to how successful you are going to be. I go through several examples of this exact case and how this simple shift alters your success.

    #business #entrepreneur #caylacraft #youtubechannel #influencer

  • 4 Ways I Label My Friends In Business

    Links + Resources:

    Join Game Changers Today -

    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

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    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

    Show Notes:

    In today's episode I talk about a the 4 Ways I label my friends in business.

    "Distance is my new answer to disrespect. I no longer react. I no longer argue. I no longer dive into drama. I simply remove my presence."

    #business #entrepreneur #caylacraft #youtubechannel #influencer

  • 7 Figure Side Hustle Nobody Is Talking About!

    Links + Resources:

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    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

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    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

    Show Notes:

    In today's episode I talk about a 7 Figure Side Hustle Nobody Is Talking About! Have you ever thought about starting a youtube channel? Getting monetized? Doing brand deals and earning cash? Youtube is a huge opportunity for your personal or business brand that you need to capitalize on asap! I go into detail what I am doing on Youtube and want you to start yours today as well!

    #business #entrepreneur #caylacraft #youtubechannel #influencer

  • 7 Businesses You Can Start For Under $1000

    Links + Resources:

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    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

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    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

    Show Notes:

    In today's episode I go through 7 businesses that you can start for under $1000. Each of these examples doesnt require a degree or any prerequisite to build, just watching videos on youtube and hard work on your end with the potential growth being huge. Only you are the limiting factor on how much it grows.

    #business #entrepreneur #caylacraft

  • 4 Lies That Are Keeping You Stuck In Your Business

    Links + Resources:

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    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

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    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

    Show Notes:

    In today's episode I go through four of the lies that you keep telling yourself that are keeping you stuck in your business. First lie business owners tend to believe at the beginning is that sucess is guarenteed. Second lie is I can do everything myself. Third lie is you don't need a marketing strategy. Fourth and final is negative feedback cant be ignored or taken with a grain of salt.

  • Crypto Currency, Real Estate & Gold... Let's Talk Investments

    Links + Resources:

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    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

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    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

    Show Notes:

    Investing in anything is all about researching and determining the level risk you are willing to take. In today's episode I go through all of the different types of investments I hold our have been apart of and my experience with each. From syndications in real estate, angel investing in startups, hedgefunds and cryptocurrency I discuss them all.

  • Imposter Syndrome Is 100% A LIE!

    Links + Resources:

    Join Game Changers Today -

    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

    Increase your INCOME, PORTFOLIO, and IMPACT!


    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

    Show Notes:

    I hear this being said everywhere nowdays from entrepreneurs where they feel like they have "imposter syndrome" and I'm going to tell you the truth... It's 100% a lie. I have no idea why it is getting so much attention but today I am going to tell you why you even have the thought in head to begin with. You can change that mindset and I'll tell you how.

  • How Would You Make $100,000 Today If You Had Nothing To Invest?

    Links + Resources:

    Join Game Changers Today -

    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

    Increase your INCOME, PORTFOLIO, and IMPACT!


    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

    Show Notes:

    I was recently giving a speech at a conference where I received so many questions that I couldn't answer them all at the event. Today, I am going to answer two of them I received... first question about how I would make $100,000 today if I had nothing to invest and the second is what would I invest in if I had $100,000. Both questions build on each other to help you reach your financial goals.

  • Chasing Money & Finding Your Purpose As An Entrepreneur

    Links + Resources:

    Join Game Changers Today -

    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

    Increase your INCOME, PORTFOLIO, and IMPACT!


    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

    Show Notes:

    I was recently giving a speech at a conference where I received so many questions that I couldn't answer them all at the event. Today, I am going to answer two of them I received... first question about money and the second about "your purpose."

  • I Can't Believe I'm Sharing This... My Ayahuasca Experience

    Links + Resources:

    Join Game Changers Today -

    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

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    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

    Show Notes:

    Never thought in a million years I would be sharing this story with you about my experiences with psychedelics. During this time in my life I had this desire for answers and trying to figure out things in the future that I had no business knowing. It was a moment in my life where God was not the center and it ultimately led me to him after experiencing demons during these sessions.

  • Stop sowing seeds of weeds if you want to reach your full bloom! Discover how to overcome gossip & grudges by choosing God.

    Links + Resources:

    Join Game Changers Today -

    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

    Increase your INCOME, PORTFOLIO, and IMPACT!


    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

    Show Notes:

    The words you choose to speak out loud says volumes about you! This episode is all about gossip and how we can defeat it by choosing love, forgiveness, and truth! We’ll talk about the seeds of weeds we sow when we fall to fear & gossip, and how we can instead reach our full bloom through the power of prayer. I’ll share the keys for defeating grudges, strengthening your spirit through God’s truth, and living out your best self. Before you turn to gossip, turn to God. Speak forgiveness into the world and let more blessings come to you!


    00:35 What has been my experience with gossip?

    04:35 Choosing forgiveness over fear.

    08:10 What should we turn to before gossip?

    11:10 Who does gossip bring death to?

    15:00 What does gossip reveal about you? 

    18:05 Sowing seeds of love versus sowing seeds of weeds.

    21:45 Who do you need to partner yourself with?

    23:10 How can we combat gossip with God?

  • Money Is A Game - Shift Your Mindset To Make Millions Now!


    2:00 Treating money as a game will make it a lot more fun to win

    3:32 In my head I always felt like I wasn't making enough money

    5:51 He knows the game is to get as many houses as possible

    7:25 Where are you waiting for the perfect circumstance?

    10:27 Even if you are making money, you will eventually lose the game

    17:03 You want to understand the law of the sower and the law of the seed.

    Links + Resources:

    Join Game Changers Today -

    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

    Increase your INCOME, PORTFOLIO, and IMPACT!


    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

  • The Trick To Getting More Clients


    1:56 If I give you a $100,000 what will I get in return?

    4:00 You don't need experience to be a coach and make $50,000 a month

    5:13 Working through mind drama

    5:47 The most powerful thing we have as coaches...

    7:20 Its all about following up

    8:25 you don't need a fancy website or logo. Payment system and a contract is all you need.

    Links + Resources:

    Join Game Changers Today -

    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

    Increase your INCOME, PORTFOLIO, and IMPACT!


    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

  • Why I Label My Friends

    "Distance is my new answer to disrespect. I no longer react. I no longer argue. I no longer dive into drama. I simply remove my presence."


    02:05 You have to do the work on you to make people actually want to work WITH YOU.

    03:00 Doing business with God has been a huge shift the last year in my life.

    03:20 Personal story about an interesting event with a "friend."

    06:10 People's actions towards you show who they are and are not representative of you as person.

    07:30 Stop dealing with spiritual rejection

    11:32 Categorize the users and abusers and move on with your life

    12:57 Sometimes we will keep people in our lives for the sake of keeping them around... don't.

    14:25 Business friends with a purpose

    16:33 An "everything" friend

    18:20 What I did to mature as a person was to label people 1-10

    Links + Resources:

    Join Game Changers Today -

    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

    Increase your INCOME, PORTFOLIO, and IMPACT!


    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

  • How to Get Millions Of Impressions On Your Instagram Now!

    Do you ever wonder how some poeple get explosive growth on Instagram out of the blue? Wish that you could do the same and get over 1 million impressions a month? In today's podcast I break down the 3 components to make that possible - From getting out of your head and the underlying beliefs that you can't do it to implementing systems and tools to perfect your offer. Let's dive into how this was achieved so you can do the same on your Instagram and overcome the obstacles holding you back.


    03:09 Falling back in love with Instagram (and giving it what it wants)

    04:04 Getting Clarity on my "Why" for using Instagram...

    05:35 The 2nd thing and allowing myself to talk to multiple avatars

    07:09 Being vulnerable and crafting new expectations for Instagram (or other social media platforms)

    09:30 Realizing that I have my dream clients sitting on the sidelines until they see my personable side of life to feel comfortable to pull the trigger on signing up for my coaching

    11:50 First practical tip is creating video and capturing easy B-roll in bulk for content on IG - Getting my husband and kids to be supportive and help

    13:22 Analyze your Instagram insights

    14:46 Engaging 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after

    15:30 Offer integrations into my posts

    Links + Resources:

    Join Game Changers Today -

    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

    Increase your INCOME, PORTFOLIO, and IMPACT!


    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

  • If you listened to our recent episode about Why Our Marriage Almost Didn’t Survive Our 20’s - here is the follow up episode as promised. My husband Chase is back on the show sharing what saved our marriage, and they are tips every couple can use regardless of what your relationship looks like today. From communicating what you need in your relationship to taking radical responsibility for yourself, this conversation is full of incredible ways to have a stronger marriage than ever before.


    01:15 Are you continuing to choose your partner?

    02:45 The power of being around other couples who have great relationships with their spouses.

    04:45 How our roles reversed and it changed everything.

    10:00 The power of taking radical responsibility for your part in your marriage.

    Links + Resources:

    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

    Increase your INCOME, PORTFOLIO, and IMPACT!


    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

  • What is the difference between those that become millionaires (and multi-millionaires) and those that stay stuck? Get ready for some key strategies to help you build real wealth and achieve financial success. I share my top reasons why most people don't become millionaires, like fear of taking risks or living beyond their means, and don't worry - I also give you practical tips to overcome obstacles and build wealth. Let’s dive into creating multiple income streams and making sure you have the support you need from team members to other entrepreneurs that are also on a rocketship to success. 


    02:30 How to take calculated risks for financial success. 

    08:45 Top reasons people don't become millionaires.

    13:30 Tips to stop excessive spending and increase your income.

    18:15 What people who become millionaires do DIFFERENTLY.

    24:30 Why some people may not become millionaires, including neglecting to build multiple streams of income. 

    29:45 How to leverage networking, exposure, and focus for success. 

    34:00 Ways to create a million-dollar net worth through cash-flowing assets and adapting to changing times in business. 

    39:00 Personal finance and entrepreneurship with tips for success.

    Links + Resources:

    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

    Increase your INCOME, PORTFOLIO, and IMPACT!


    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

  • Your favorite guest is back on the podcast, my husband Chase! Chase and I open up about how our marriage almost didn't make it in our 20s. We went through so many challenges - from disagreeing on careers and parenting styles to losing our sense of identity. Things got really rocky for a while, but we're still standing today, better than ever! Tune in to hear both of our perspectives on what really went wrong back then. I'll also give you a sneak peek of what Chase says ultimately saved our relationship when we were ready to call it quits.


    00:45 Our story of getting married young and navigating different visions for our life.

    06:00 How we upleveled and challenged old ways of thinking.

    09:45 How we almost lost our marriage because of misaligned expectations.

    11:15 What we realized when Chase left his career and joined me in building my network marketing business.

    Links + Resources:

    Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want?

    Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here!

    Increase your INCOME, PORTFOLIO, and IMPACT!


    Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft


    Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft