
  • It is okay to value spending money differently than the way your friends value spending money. Sometimes, we are so focused on keeping up appearances or worried about missing out that we allow our friends to pressure us into spending money on things we don't really care about.

    In today's episode, I share four effective strategies for setting financial boundaries with your friends. From initiating conversations about your money goals to suggesting alternative, budget-friendly activities, I'll cover how to keep your relationships strong without compromising your money goals.

    You don't have to match your friends' spending habits or feel pressured to say “yes” to every event. True friends will respect your financial boundaries. Don't be afraid to be proactive and clear about your current and future goals. By setting these boundaries, you protect your finances and set a positive example for your friends.

    Learn 4 ways to set financial boundaries with your friends including

    [02:46] Practicing sharing financial goals with your friends

    [06:28] Being the friend that makes the plans

    [08:14] Being the friend that suggests something new

    [10:57] Getting comfortable saying no

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn 4 strategies to set financial boundaries with your friends so you can maintain meaningful relationships without sacrificing your money goals.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

  • Social media makes it too easy to compare ourselves to others, leading many to spend beyond their means and pile up debt.

    As a financial coach, my mission is to help you intentionally spend money in ways that align with your future goals. Today's episode is all about living a fake rich lifestyle and what you can do to stop overspending and start taking control of your finances.

    Living a fake-rich lifestyle causes financial hangovers—that feeling of dread, guilt, and shame that keeps you up at night wondering how you're ever going to pay off your credit card. I share what traps six-figure earners in a fake-rich lifestyle and offer tips to help you align your spending, budget, and financial goals.

    Budgeting isn't about restriction; it's about making intentional choices that won't leave you feeling shame or guilt every time you make a purchase. Tune in to learn how to stop living a fake rich lifestyle and start leveraging financial tools that support your immediate desires and long-term goals.

    Listen for key points in the discussion about living a fake rich lifestyle

    [02:04] Defining a fake rich lifestyle

    [03:45] Examples of how a fake rich lifestyle leads to financial hangovers

    [07:08] The pitfalls of letting your offer letter dictate your spending

    [10:42] The importance of reflecting where you are versus where you want to be financially

    [14:36] Learn how to spend now while also securing your financial future

    [14:45] Forgiveness & gratitude

    [18:20] Writing down all your expenses in one place

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn the pitfalls of living a fake rich lifestyle and how to regain control of your finances so you can spend money drama-free.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

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  • Regaining control of your finances isn't just about hitting your goals—it's also about who you're becoming throughout the journey as you build a new financial identity.

    In today's episode, I emphasize the value of non-budget victories. These achievements go beyond major financial milestones like paying off debt or growing your savings. Non-budget victories can include anything from developing better financial habits to having impactful money conversations.

    I share an overview of non-budget victories so you can start celebrating financial wins. Then, I'll share examples of my clients' non-budget victories and explain how these wins are crucial building blocks for long-term success. Finally, we'll explore how celebrating these non-budget victories helps reframe your progress and encourages a growth mindset.

    Join in as I discuss non-budget victories

    [01:34] Why our brains focus on what’s not working

    [04:40] Why It’s okay to not reach your goal right away

    [06:25] The impact of celebrating non-budget victories

    [14:53] Why it’s important to celebrate every win

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how non-budget wins are the building blocks to financial success.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

  • Today, I'm thrilled to welcome back a familiar guest to the podcast—Lynae! We first worked together in 2020, and she's been crushing her financial goals ever since. This is Lynae's third appearance on the show, and I'm excited to have her back so you can gain insights to the full impact of financial coaching from a long-term perspective.

    In this episode, Lynae and I explore the lasting effects of financial coaching. It's been four years since Lynae reached out for coaching, and today she shares how her mindset about money has evolved, including what life is like after paying off credit card debt and building an emergency fund.

    We also explore the power of a growth mindset. Lynae discusses how this shift has empowered her to negotiate with her employer, invest in real estate, and continue growing her own business. Throughout our conversation, she highlights how she continues to apply the strategies and tools she gained from coaching to plan for her future.

    Tune in to hear Lynae's inspiring journey and discover how the legacy of financial coaching can transform life. Don't miss out on this insightful discussion.

    In this episode you’ll hear

    [02:15] How Lynae’s thoughts about money have changed since 2020

    [04:30] What her life looks like after hitting her initial financial goals

    [10:00] Her confidence to negotiate with her employer

    [16:22} Her journey to purchasing her first commercial real estate investment

    [24:14] The impact of a growth mindset and leveraging an effective budget

    [35:22] Lynae’s future goals

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to hear how the long-term impacts of financial coaching continue to help Lynae achieve her financial goals.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

  • 2025 is only four months away! Don’t wait to start planning for next year’s financial goals.

    In today’s episode, I share three ways to prepare for Q4. From budgeting for the holidays to planning for open enrollment and thinking about Fall activities, I encourage you to start planning ahead for Q4.

    The end of the year can feel like one of the most expensive times of the year but taking 30 minutes to adjust your financial plan can leave you feeling prepared. Taking the time to plan ahead will help you adjust your budget categories, shift your spending habits, and save money for things that are coming 30, 60, or even 90 days from now.

    Tune in to learn three financial tips to prepare for Q4:

    [01:15] Planning for holiday expenses

    [06:55] Thinking about open enrollment

    [11:57] Pre-holiday events & fall expenses

    [13:25] Reflecting on the year and making adjustments

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn three ways to prepare for Q4 and stay on track to hit your 2024 money goals.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

  • What are you going to do with your next bonus? If your answer is to pay down debt, this episode is for you!

    Today, I discuss why you shouldn’t use your bonus to pay off debt. Instead, use that extra income in a more meaningful way that will help you stop needing to utilize debt to cover unexpected (or YOLO) expenses.

    Using your bonus to clear debt might give you temporary relief, but you need to understand why you are in debt to avoid being right back in debt by the end of the year. Paying down your debt should be a part of a strategic plan that is not promoted by a large bonus.

    I coach my clients to use their bonuses to build a safety fund. Safety funds help you prepare for future expenses so you’re not left swiping your credit card.

    Tune into hear why you shouldn’t use your next bonus to pay down debt and learn what to do with it instead:

    [01:40] How paying off debt leaves you vulnerable

    [03:18] Observing spending habits

    [06:19] Debt pay off plan

    [07:09] Build your safety fund

    [10:00] Setting timelines for debt payoff

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn why you should use your next bonus to build a safety fund.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

  • In today's episode, my client, Krissy, joins the podcast. Our conversation recaps Krissy's journey working with me. Krissy shares why she decided to book a consultation with me and how working with a financial coach has changed the way she thinks about and manages her finances.

    She also shares the unique challenges of managing finances as a mom and how her new identity as a saver has shifted her spending. We cover everything from personal allowances to aligning your budget with priorities.

    If you are on the fence about working with a financial coach, this episode is for you! Learn about what it is really like to work with me and get inspired by the positive changes Krissy has made with managing her finances.

    Listen to Krissy’s journey and learnings from working with me as her financial coach:

    [01:12] Why Krissy decided to work with Keina

    [10:33] Identifying as a saver

    [14:28] Managing finances as a mom

    [28:20] Importance of revisiting priorities

    [32:34] Recalibrating spending

    [36:53] Krissy’s monthly allowance

    [44:00] Was coaching worth it?

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to hear how money coaching with Keina changed the way a career-driven mom manages and thinks about her finances.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

  • Why was it easier to budget when you made less money?

    When you were barely making enough to get by, you were really good at budget - but you also created an invisible scarcity mindset around your finances. Food, water, and shelter were the most important things to you. Once you start earning more, that feeling of scarcity doesn’t just go away. Everyone has deep-seated emotions about money, and for many, spending fills a void and so the budgeting conversation has to shift when you go from making $30,000 to $100,000 to $200,000.

    In today’s episode, I discuss the complexities of high-income budgeting. From understanding different types of spending needs to learning what to do with extra money after the bills are paid, I encourage you to take a different approach to managing your finances so you can let go of the scarcity mentality and shame, and start aligning your budget with your goals and have more money for what you want.

    Tune in now to explore why it is more challenging to budget as you make more money and learn:

    [01:30] Why budgeting was easier when you made less money.

    [04:42] Why more money = more comfort

    [07:36] Basic needs vs. emotional needs

    [11:54] What to do with “extra” money

    [16:30] Why your goals should anchor your budget

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn why it is more challenging to budget when you make more money and how to overcome a scarcity mindset.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

  • I can guarantee you have money going out of your account right now that you don’t know about. As a financial coach, I want you to spend money intentionally. Regaining control of your finances starts with matching your expenses to your values and goals. This not only helps you manage your money better but also opens up opportunities to increase savings, pay down debt faster, and spend money drama free.

    In today’s episode, I share a money exercise I do with all of my clients: the cost-saving audit. An annual cost-saving audit ensures you are spending money in ways that feel intentional and align with your goals. I explain the importance of auditing negotiable bills and subscriptions so you can repurpose money to spend on things you love.

    From checking your cell phone plan and car insurance coverage to managing TV subscriptions, I explain how to conduct a cost-savings audit to optimize your budget.

    Learn where to audit your budget:

    [02:15] Auditing negotiable expenses

    [05:50] Auditing subscriptions

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how to conduct a cost saving audit.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

  • As a financial coach, my goal is to create sustainability in your financial journey. Sometimes that means doing things differently. Traditional financial advice says to save $1,000 and put everything else towards paying down debt. But paying off debt can be tiresome and demotivating.

    In today’s episode, I offer a more sustainable practice for paying down debt: a debt spending break. A debt spending break fights payoff fatigue by allowing you to use some of the cash flow allocated for faster debt payoff on something you really want. This break remotivates you to continue your debt payoff plan without adding to your debt.

    Achieving your goals is all about being intentional and forming sustainable habits. Learn the benefits of instituting a debt spending break, when to schedule one, and the long-term impact of consistency in managing your finances.

    Listen for key insights on debt spending breaks:

    [02:50] Aligning financial advice with how you want to live your life

    [06:00] Instituting a debt spending break

    [08:10] When to implement it

    [12:31] Intentionality & goal achievement

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how a debt spending break leads towards more sustainable financial habits.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

  • In today’s episode, I welcome Dana to the podcast. Dana and her husband Dan became clients in 2022 while struggling to find the middle ground between conflicting money mindsets. They were busy with career shifts, preparing to buy a home, and figuring out life as a couple. Instead of letting money become a fight, they hired a coach.

    Dana and Dan had the same financial goals but didn’t agree on the path to get there. Listen as we discuss how coaching addressed both of their money management styles and ultimately brought more transparency and clarity to the way they handle their finances. Dana also shares what her experience was like working with me and the long-lasting changes having a money coach made in her finances and marriage.

    Tune in as Dana and I discuss money coaching for couples including:

    [02:07] Why Dana reached out for coaching

    [09:23] The power of bank account transparency

    [14:26] Dana and Dan’s notable wins

    [29:48] The overall shifts in how they manage finances

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to hear a discussion with my client, Dana, about how money coaching changed how she and her husband handle their finances.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

  • As a financial coach, I aim to help clients transform how they think and feel about money. Sustainable change starts with taking the next best step in your financial journey.

    In today’s episode, I discuss the importance of meeting yourself where you are with your finances. Your next best step is whatever will get you closer to a win. Every money move doesn’t have to be motivated by a huge financial goal like paying off all your debt. You must take the smaller but next-best step to get to those major wins.

    If you’re in a space where you’re not sure where to go next financially, because you feel like you’re so far off from your goal this episode is for you.

    On this episode you’ll learn more about:

    [02:50] Celebrating what is happening now

    [04:18] Client example: taking the next best step

    [15:55] Pitfalls of an all-or-nothing mentality

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how to figure the next best step in your finances.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

  • We are halfway through 2024, and it’s time to reflect on the financial goals and intentions you set in January. Whether you are crushing your money goals or need a financial reset, getting crystal clear on your numbers is essential. It is never too late to regain control of your finances!

    Between school breaks, vacations, and beautiful weather, it is easy to lose track of your finances in the summer. So, let this episode be your sign to pause and evaluate the progress you’ve made so far this year.

    In today’s episode, I give you questions to jumpstart a mid-year financial reflection, celebrate wins, acknowledge surprise expenses, and create a plan to hit your money goals in 2024. Tune in and follow my framework for a practical six-month financial evaluation.

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [01:39] Breaking financial goals into habits

    [03:29] Reflecting on progress of 2024 financial goals

    [06:42] What’s going well?

    [09:20] Surprise expenses

    [12:09] What do you want to do differently?

    [13:29] Other money goals to check on

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to jumpstart a mid-year reflection on your financial goals for 2024.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

    Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

  • Better financial well-being starts with identifying spending patterns. Tracking bills in an app is a start, but those apps aren’t showing you a complete picture of your finances. A financial coach can help you find patterns in your finances so you can take a holistic approach to managing money.

    Financial patterns are day-to-day data of your spending. Your bank account tells a unique story, from simple costs like tolls and Starbucks to significant expenses like bills. As a financial coach, I use this data to create a realistic budget and make spending easier.

    Financial patterns aren’t about restriction. Understanding what you spend money on gives you clarity and control. Learn how to turn your budget into a tool, build financial confidence, and achieve money goals faster by discovering your financial patterns.

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [02:21] Intro to financial patterns

    [03:27] Aligning your actual spending and your budget

    [04:10] Client example

    [10:15] Financial patterns are more than bills

    [11:58] Identifying simple costs

    [16:24] Avoiding fake math

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how financial patterns shape your budget and spending plan.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

  • Welcome back to the podcast series about paychecks. Today, I'm diving into the intricacies of managing household finances when you and your partner have different pay schedules.

    Regardless of when you and your partner get paid, having a solid budget is vital to alleviating financial anxiety. It provides a clear roadmap for managing expenses and savings goals. Learn how I recommend finding consistency in multiple pay cycles and leveraging routine to make smart money decisions.

    The key to financial harmony is communication and collaboration. So, tune in and take the first step towards aligning your finances with your partner.

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [01:54] Importance of a budget/spending plan

    [04:04] Find similarities in your pay days

    [08:55] Money management goal

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how to manage joint finances when you and your partner on different pay cycles.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

  • Whether you make $100,000 or $1,000,000 a year, your financial habits will follow you. Many clients think their money problems will disappear when earnings increase, but it doesn't matter how or when you get paid; it matters how you think about and manage your money.

    Today's episode continues the podcast series about paychecks. I address common mistakes people who get paid once monthly make and share strategies to manage these paychecks confidently. From detailed budgeting to creating a second payday, I share healthy financial habits to help you break the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle.

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [01:45] It doesn’t matter how you get paid: paycheck series recap

    [07:16] Getting paid once a month

    [09:52] Creating a second payday

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how to manage your finances in a once monthly paycheck cycle.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

  • In this installment of the podcast series about maximizing your paycheck I am talking about extra income on payday. Overtime, bonuses, and side hustles are a great way to make additional money, but how should you account for this income in your budget?

    I want you to be thoughtful, purposeful, and intentional about how you’re paid so you can better manage your money. Properly allocating extra income is crucial to breaking the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle.

    The most important thing to remember about extra income is that it is not guaranteed. Bonuses can change, and overtime can be limited, so relying on that money in your budget can throw off your financial plans if you’re not intentional. Learn what money goals to assign to your extra income and why these potential earnings don’t need to be a part of your monthly budget.

    Every dollar you make has a job, so listen to how to make the most of your additional income. Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [02:00] Examples of extra income

    [03:25] Why you shouldn’t count extra income in your budget

    [06:00] Using extra income to hit discreet goals

    [07:17] Why budgeting and a spending plan is important

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how to leverage extra income on your paycheck and why you shouldn’t use it when creating a budget.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Download my FREE spending plan

  • This is the third episode of my podcast series about paychecks. Today, I discuss bi-weekly and twice-monthly pay cycles.

    It doesn't matter how you get paid; it matters how you think about and manage your money. Whether you get bi-weekly or twice-monthly paychecks, zero-based budgeting is essential. I provide a practical framework for calculating your monthly spending plan based on your pay schedule and how to account for extra income. Most importantly, I stress the importance of maintaining a consistent budgeting approach regardless of pay frequency so you can spend drama-free.

    Following these strategies will build financial confidence and break the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle. Tune in to learn more about budgeting for your pay cycle and transforming the way you think about and manage your finances.

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [02:30] Bi-weekly vs. twice monthly paycheck cycles

    [04:10] The illusion of making less or more

    [05:20] Zero-based budgeting for bi-weekly and twice monthly pay cycles

    [07:25] Misconceptions about the 3rd paycheck

    [10:58] Importance of a spending plan

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how to manage your finances with a bi-weekly or twice monthly pay cycle.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    Paycheck Series: Build the Habit of Checking Your Pay Stub - Wealth Over Now

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  • Navigating your pay stub as a freelancer or 1099 contractor can feel daunting especially when you’re responsible for paying your own taxes or navigating fluctuations in pay.Today, I discuss paycheck management strategies for people who work as freelancers or 1099 contractors as a primary source of income.

    From tax-saving strategies to creating a PTO system for yourself, I guide you through essential steps to manage your money effectively as a 1099 contractor. Whether you are new to freelancing or a seasoned contractor, this episode offers valuable insights to optimize your paychecks, prepare for the future, and hit your money goals.

    Tune in to learn how to navigate the complexities of earning a 1099 income and set yourself up for financial success!

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [03:00] System for saving for taxes

    [04:31] Accounting for expenses

    [05:58] Creating a PTO savings account

    [07:15] Giving yourself a paycheck

    [08:42] Planning for retirement

    [10:03] Consider forming an S-corporation

    [14:30] What to do when your 1099 is a side hustle

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to learn how to manage your paycheck as a 1099 contractor.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now
    16 | How Lourdes Learned to Manage Fluctuating Income

  • Checking your pay stub is not just a financial task, it's a habit that can transform your financial journey. You may be used to the rhythm of your paydays, knowing when that deposit hits your account. But how often do you actually scrutinize your paystub? Let's start building this crucial habit together.

    In today's episode, I underscore the importance of checking your pay stub. If you want to spend drama-free, you have to know your numbers. The first step is understanding every detail about your paycheck, noticing fluctuations or unexpected deposits, and staying informed. Whether there are changes in payroll processors, shifts in benefit deductions, or misunderstanding a bonus structure, building the habit of checking your pay stub puts you in control of your numbers.

    Stay tuned for insights on these topics:

    [01:09] Make a habit of checking your pay stub

    [02:10] check at the beginning of the year

    [04:30] check every payday

    [06:46] check for bonuses and overtime

    [08:35] Noticing fluctuations in pay

    Tune into this episode of Money Files to why it is important to build the habit of checking your pay stub.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode

    Set up a call | Financial Coach Washington, DC | Wealth Over Now

    How Fake Math Is Killing Your Budget - Wealth Over Now