Hey Sausages! It’s your friendly neighborhood podcasting delivery folk. On this surprise Halloween episode Daniel J. Hogan and Arturo Vergara join us to take a package to Spooky Manor. By the way, you now know more than we did. Thanks Paul! ???? (Always examine your bike, kids!) On this adventure: Arturo is on a quest to make a salad, Chris loves wearing outfits, and Dan wants to stab everything. Also in the future, please tweet, email, or call Paul if you want to know where the exits are.
The text adventure we’re playing is from Memento Mori Theatricks. This game, (like the one last year) is part of a pack from the site above that Paul purchased with our Patreon funds. Thanks patrons!Text adventures are a game of “”guess the verb.” Thankfully, our computer Paul isn’t as literal as the games of yesteryear, like Zork.We find a nice smoking jacket, but this is a scary story, not Leisure Suit Larry.We can’t imagine how difficult it is being bilingual, so Arturo gets a pass on not knowing what a conservatory is. It’s a trunk from Transylvania? Chris’ aunt is in the chat room during the live show telling us to get out of that cellar!“Dude! Did you know Wolf’s Bane cures lycanthropy?”Speaking of language, Arturo’s Spanish helps us translate the Spooky family motto: mors certa, hora incerta.As Paul says, “Cue Link cooking music!”Arturo is sad that our character in the text adventure doesn’t have Shazam.Dan and Chris are doing Inktober! You can see Dan’s work on his instagram, clattertron. Chris via PixelFed. Dan is selling his art on ebay and etsy if you’re interested in buying those inktober works or other artwork of his. Arturo has been developing a job/work cue for distributed systems called Hop with the team at Mazing Studio.Thanks for listening! We really appreciate you joining our fun! Check out Dan’s comic Foxes & Boxes over on Support Dan on his ko-fi page and buy him a tea. Follow Arturo on Twitter or Mastodon. Psst, you can also find a track of his on soundcloud. Paul’s hanging out on his micro blog. While Paul concentrates on editing Film Frown, Chris is making mantra/meditations on his blog and working on a new mental health podcast. If you’re interested in supporting Montreal Sauce, grab a tee or check out our Patreon!
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As we consume bad movies for Film Frown, palate cleansers are very useful. Paul and Chris get together to discuss the latest incarnation of Star Trek in a short episode we like to call a Sauce Packet! SPOILERS AHEAD! In other words, don’t engage unless you are out of star dock.
It’s the Michael Burnham Show, a.k.a Star Trek Discovery.Chris posits that Scott McNulty, the host of Random Trek will enjoy the serial nature of the new show. The joy of Riker’s Beard.Who doesn’t love mirror universe Michelle Yeoh?The Harry Mudd universe.That time Christopher Llyod mumbled his way through Klingon in Star Trek III.Why was the show delayed so many times?Sisko uses some questionable tactics to get the Romulans into the Dominion War In the Pale Moonlight.“Midi-canon,” a word proposed by Chris to refer to prequels that attempt to make new additions or changes to existing canonical material. For example, Midi-chlorians.Thanks for listening! If you want to hear more of us on media, try Film Frown, which we’re currently producing. You can find our live schedule on our Patreon page. Hit us up with your opinions on Facebook and Twitter.Poster image from The Movie DB as added by Elizabeth Jennings and shamelessly Photoshop’d by Paul.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
What in the name of Zork? Long story fake, Paul found a genie and got his dream of being turned into a computer. Unfortunately, it was an evil genie so Paul was not turned into a gorgeous Macbook, instead he’s an Apple IIe. Join Daniel J. Hogan, Arturo Vergara, and co-host Chris as they abuse computer Paul by loading up a text adventure game that forces him to say “I do not understand ____,” over and over. Also, stick around for the bodacious surfer, brah.
It’s time for guess-the-verb.Uh oh, we’re on Elm Street?Stay out of that storm drain!Let’s chew bubble gum and kick ass!We found a tumbler in the game! So Dan decided to update Tumblr.It’s a peep show!Previous guest, Jacob, listening in the chatroom suggests putting our zombie milk in a bag.No points for an Enemy Mine reference?Arturo helps us learn what “pixie dust” is slang for. Apparently, it is not cocaine according to urban dictionary.Things get creepy with references from Hobo With A Shotgun, Lost, and Animaniacs.Pumpkin Town is a ghostly game from Parsely Games.Thanks for choosing to examine our Halloween special. Be sure to send love to our guests who helped make this possible, Arturo and Dan. Thanks again to our rad patrons! Their spooky support helped us get the Pumpkin Town game and some fun sound effects! You can give here.
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Our conversation with Stump Kitchen was one of those chats where we lose track of time. Guest Alexis and the hosts were sad to see the time was up. That just means we’ll have to have Alexis back or convince her to watch a bad movie for Film Frown. This episode revolves around producing the cooking show, dealing with mental health, eating a pre-dinner when you’re making risotto, sweat pant shopping and stump squeezing.
Many of the Stump Kitchen recipes featured are vegan, gluten-free creations of Alexis. Inspiration often comes from Hot For Food, Minimalist Baker, Oh She Glows, and Thug Kitchen cookbooks.Cooking with guests means a lot of laughing for Alexis. She mentions this episode with Natalee as an example. W.C. Fields said, “Never work with children or animals.”A pizza sauce food fight with Ethan. A Mom has her 3 year old dress her for a week.Alexis is open to share her story, she just asks that you respect her. In one of her “Ask me anything” vids a commenter suggests that Alexis have Courtney Gilmour on Stump Kitchen. Courtney has this great read on XOjane that pairs well with our discussion of respect.Fidget Cube versus an Alexis belch!Aside from the joy of getting her stump in a lime, Alexis loves Kala namak. “Tastes like eggs,” says our friend.Recommended Vegan Deviled Eggs from Jazzmin Kaita.Alexis is distracted by Chris’ Stylophone Beatbox. The best introduction to that is probably from Brett Domino.Writing versus typing? Chris pitches Morning Pages again.We need to eat some of those smashed potatoes!Also, peanut butter cups for dessert, y’all!Some of Alexis’ recommendations are My Drunk Kitchen, Liv’s Healthy Life, Jazzmin Kaita and if you want more feel free to reach out to her with the links below. Alexis would love to hear from you.Subscribe to Stump Kitchen and support our incredible new friend Alexis. Chris tried those peanut butter cups, and yeah, throw money at the Stump Kitchen Patreon because, delicious! Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. The one stop link is Thanks for listening! You rock! Oh, and let’s find Alexis a gluten-free vegan hot dog!
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Five years of discussing what Montreal Sauce actually is? The steak sauce still remains a mystery, but we do have an inspiring chat with Alexis from Stump Kitchen. Our multitalented friend shares her story with us and her compassion with everyone around her. Have a listen to learn more about pronouncing Worcester sauce, STUMP CAM, challenging your palette and flammable soda pop. How do you pronounce tamari?
This episode is no different than others, Chris scares the guest with his internet research of her. We talk of past guest Taryn, who thinks wooden bears are creepy. Alex grabs delicious ingredients from Earth’s General Store or even Superstore.Chris makes the Stump Kitchen pad thai recipe.Alexis left her full-time gig to do Stump Kitchen and now relies on her Patreon page. We dare you to watch an episode and not give to it. :)Gluten intolerance? Our guest believes that gluten wrecks her because she worked at Cobs for years and stuffed herself with bread. Huffing donuts from Take 5.So, chickpea chocolate chip cookies are a thing?Tasty, vegan gluten free brownies via Stump Kitchen. In the battle of energy balls, here is Alexis’ entry. Where is yours, Chris? Time to make a video, sir.The Edmonton yummy that is Padmanadi. Paul says, “When you need milk, tennis shoes, and a tire iron, shop Meijer.”Alexis loves the rad knives at Knifewear.Over-joyed that we had the opportunity to not only speak to Alexis, but meet her as well. Alexis’ spirit and conviction is contagious as it radiates from her. Take 3 minutes to watch one of her episodes on Youtube or Stump Kitchen and you’ll see it yourself. Find Stump Kitchen on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and feel free to support Alexis to keep making fabulous shows by contributing to her Patreon. You can also find us on all those sites as well. Drop us a line any time! Thanks for listening!
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The second half of our conversation with German Villages of the Modern Manhood podcast and web site. We continue our conversation about masculinity, sports, stigmas around therapy, Super Mario World, and TRUCKS!
Men Edmonton is a grass root group talking about violence against women, feminism and masculinity. One of German’s earliest interviews was with one of the founders of Men Edmonton, Ryan Valley. Some really amazing films mentioned by German, Miss Representation and The Mask You Live In. Please find them on Netflix, or wherever, and watch. Men Edmonton sponsored an event in April of 2017 where they screened The Mask You Live In and held a panel afterwards. German recorded the session for the Modern Manhood podcast.Michael Kimmel studies gender and is featured in the documentaries mentioned above. The Precarious Manhood Theory revolves around fear. If a man’s masculinity is challenged, he’s more likely to engage in aggressive or stereotypical male behaviors.Hockey is a “man’s game,” says Patrick Maroon. Retired goalie Corey Hirsch shares his mental health struggle with the world.Foul play prevented German from completing all the levels in Super Mario World.We love the Portlandia Battlestar Galactica episode because it highlights the dangers of binge watching.Paul’s crew at work is all about comparing hours in Breath of the Wild.German mentions how men and women tend to posture in a community of their peers. He doesn’t recommend The Game, but he said there’s a chapter on peacocking. How is NHL ‘94 on the Sega so beloved by all? A mystery to be solved in a future documentary. German’s other podcast is all about hockey, Your Team Sucks.Rasheed Wallace is crazy and we loved it. German loves, LOVES, soccer as well. He’s an Arsenal fan, but his heart is with his Chilean National team.Inspired by Men Edmonton, German hopes to build a community for men to share their stories on his podcast, Modern Manhood.The Ferdinand was another website that German had started for people to share their stories about masculinity. He’s in the process of moving it to Modern Manhood. The site was called The Ferdinand because it was based on The Story of Ferdinand. The story was turned into an Oscar winning short by Walt Disney. German is delighted that women are listening to his show as well. He was a guest on What it is with Andrea Beça of That’s So Maven! who listens and encourages others to listen to his show. The event at The Metro Cinema German spoke of on the show, which played the documentary The Mask You Live, In is long past but he recorded a podcast of the experience. Help German continue to enrich the lives of us all by giving to his Patreon. Find German’s Modern Manhood show on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.Lots of wonderful things have happened since our chat with German Villages. The Modern Manhood podcast has joined and the Alberta Podcast Network. German is an incredible human and his show is inspiring and absolutely needed in today’s world. Don’t hesitate to reach out to him, he’s just that kind of person. And, please remember to take care of yourselves.
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Here we have another of our patented, massive introductions of our guest German Villages, but did Chris get the research right? Oops. German hosts the amazing Modern Manhood Podcast, a show that examines male mental health and masculinity. He also has a show with some friends about hockey, Your Team Sucks. The discussion in this episode covers being vulnerable males, fronting about your Red Sox fandom, finding your tribe, challenging stereotypes and the subversion in satire.
A book not recommended by any voice on the podcast, The Game.German says Mark Manson’s book Models changed his life.Weird coincidence, Chris was reading Manson’s The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck.German was a guest on The Awesome Hour.Is Millwoods Edmonton’s Bermuda triangle?German’s introspection led him to Iron John and The Art of Manliness. Not finding exactly what he wanted, he created his podcast.Paul & German school us on the art of satire in South Park.There’s a difference between adding to a conversation and exploiting it for shock like Milo Yiannopoulos.German encourages people to look at the research of Joseph Gelfer when we talk about masculinity and manhood.There are no stupid questions and we just need to be open. Chris is reminded of an article he worked on, “In The Netherlands Sexuality Education Starts At Age 4”.That’s just part one of our conversation with the empathetic and intelligent host of The Modern Manhood Podcast, German Villegas. As you wait for part two, check out his podcast with the link above or head over to German’s Patreon page and help out. It’s a great show with conversations we need at the moment. You can also find German on Twitter and Instagram.
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The Quiz surfaces once again in our second half of the conversation with writer, artist, filmmaker, podcaster & cat owner Daniel J. Hogan. We get reading recommendations, a podcast playlist, irritated eyeballs and a brief history on Who’s The Boss?
Daniel J. Hogan is using Amazon Display ads and Amazon affiliate program on his sites.DJH schools us on HeroQuest.Has Dan ever had a fan buy him something from his Amazon Wish List? Um, here’s Chris’ Wish List & Paul’s Wish List. ????Dan’s older, daily yucks are available in his archive at is available on tumblr and there is a tumblr version of Foxes & Boxes.His comic was on the tapastic app as Dan discusses during the show, but he recently left due to a change in the terms in their user agreement that he and many other artists felt uncomfortable with.We all despise Facebook’s image compression.Dan has really moved from Photoshop to Clip Studio Paint for his online work.Getting geeky about glasses and a prism correction.We got some recommendations from Dan! He says you should check out Jason Strutz, Bruce Worden, Ryan Claytor, Jay Jacot, and Dean Stahl.Dan does all his work minus coffee. He gave it up.We ask Dan about his current podcast playlist and he did a whole post on it.QUIZ TIME! Let’s talk celebrity comic books, like Mark Wahlberg’s Alien Bounty.There are great movies and then there’s Kazaam and Torque.Paul & Dan get nostalgic over Who’s The Boss?.Every now and then you can find Dan live streaming his drawing & inking process on Instagram.Thanks for listening. Apologies for its delayed release. Be sure to check out Foxes and Boxes and you can find Dan on Twitter, and of course his Patreon. Find us on Twitter, Facebook or Patreon.
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Daniel J. Hogan was our first guest ever and he came back! In a format change we’re now a home improvement podcast as the webcomic creator tells us about roof rakes, loot crates for artists and comic mirror universes. He also shares a secret about promoting your stuff online.
Our guest won the 2015 Space Prize in the Webcomic category for explains his middle initial to our listeners as he did on the 2nd Brain Collective podcast.Homeownership in Michigan means you might need a roof rake.Daniel J. Hogan’s cats are adjusting to their new house.He was inspired to do a serial by others like BONE, Strangers in Paradise and more.Our guest started doing Foxes & Boxes in September of 2016 after creating Clattertron for 4 years.The Star Trek Mirror universe.Foxes’ buddy, HB.Foxes & Boxes logo was designed by Remind Creative. The designer also runs The Lost Highway.Recent upgrades, Dan has started using Blambot fonts and Moo cards.“Loot Crate for art supplies?” It’s called Art Snack.Dan draws his comics with pencil, scans it in and uses Clip Studio Paint to re-draw and ink his comic.We talk Microsoft Surface Pro tablets. Chris got advice to look at refurbished ones.When you make a weekly comic, you have to be on your file management game.Dan also decided to try a social media diet.Dan is on Patreon and at the time of the recording he was paying it forward. Groo the Wanderer.In another format change, in the next episode we’ll be talking exclusively ice fishing with Dan. Or not. Thanks for listening. Be sure to check out Foxes and Boxes and you can find Dan on Twitter and Find us on Twitter, Facebook or Patreon.
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Alison Hagan of the MS Society is back to tell us about a personal passion, The Edmonton Story Slam. We learn how it all started, the talented participants, prize money and Paul & Chris have a slam of their own.
The Moth really helped to popularize the idea of story slams. The Edmonton Story Slam was started by Alison’s sister Susan with the help of Alison and friends.You’ve got to follow the Rules when you attend a slam.The Mercury Room hosts the Story Slam. Gail de Vos.The Storytelling Festival.Matthew MacKenzie is a past winner of the Story Slam and a playwright.The Story Slam often partners with other organizations in the area like the public library.The Edmonton Story Slam is a non-profit organization ran by volunteers. The Arts Council, on spec and LitFest also provide support and partnerships from time to time.Alison tells us about Laura Lynn Johnston’s success at Story Slam.Laura Lynn heads up the team of the Edmonton chapter of Creative Mornings.Other regular storytellers, Shariq Wani, Nick Zon, Liam Shaw, Omar Mouallem, Kelsey Beier, Alyssa Hudson and many more can be found on the Past Winners page.Interview with Lea Thau, formerly with The Moth.Paul slams Chris with his story. Alison reminds us to check out MS Bike & MS Walk. The Edmonton Story Slam is every third Wednesday of the month at The Mercury Room.Thanks to Alison Hagan for judging our own little story slam and sharing her time! Please follow @yegstoryslam on twitter or Facebook and go out and see one! To talk to us, head over to Facebook, Twitter or Patreon.
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Alison Hagan of the MS Society shared her journey on this episode. Conversation about the importance of farm communities, the history of cutting and pasting, the state of journalism, cycling culture and much more. We also ask the question, “what is progress?”
Alison & Paul swap 4-H stories.Paul tells us about founding the West Michigan Coop.Alison attended the University of Regina. Our guest recommends CBC, NPR and Common Dreams for news coverage. Paul likes the BBC and Aljazeera.Alison moved up the ranks of the MS Society from Red Deer to Edmonton.We learn about the support the MS Society offers. University of Alberta.Canadians, be sure to get your vitamin D!We learn about the popularity of the MS Bike events in Canada.Alison & the Canadian MS Society work closely with the National MS Society in the States.The BP MS 150 from Houston to Austin.You can also help by participating in the MS Walk. In Edmonton it is held at the Ballpark, formerly Telus Field. Stew Hutchings of the Devon Bicycle Association organizes a practice ride before MS Bike in Edmonton. The night before the podcast, Alison was at an event to raise money held by Patrycia Rzechowka. Alison tells us there are a number of events held by third-parties to raise money. You can find them by clicking the Events tab on appeared on The Oilers Rig Radio during a fundraising event.We learn about the Partnership Group and Brent Barootes.Alison was asked to speak at the 2016 Western Canada Fundraising Conference.The Human Venture Institute.Recommended reading from The Human Venture Institute, A Short History of Progress by Ronald Wright.Other readings are featured on the Book Lists page.Radiolab episode, From Tree to Shining Tree.Thanks to Alison Hagan for spending her evening with us and thanks to you for listening. Please check out the MS Society in Canada or the US and see how you can help. To talk to us, head over to Facebook, Twitter or Patreon.
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The second half of our chat with Jeff Samsonow is all about his indie media production adventures. We learn about the company started by he and Sally Poulsen, The Edmontonian Media Co. Some of the things discussed: Comedy that punches up, other talented Edmontonians, and advertising in this digital age.
Where did our guest go after AMI?Jeff shares his adventures with Postmedia and Capital Ideas. He also mentions gastropost.Karen Unland and Brittney Le Blanc started Capital Ideas according to our guest. Jeff also adds how he got to know them through McEwan and 630 CHED.Karen runs Seen and Heard in Edmonton, the Edmonton podcast meetups and is trying to start a podcast network.The Edmontonian Media Co. was born from the work Jeff & Sally Poulsen put into The Edmontonian. Their first production was called, wait for it, Sick Day.The first short was inspired by the cold opens they did on the 6 part series The Edmontonian Presents that aired on Shaw TV.Jeff tells us about Startups, another short they made featuring Karen Unland, Owen Brierley of EDAC and former guest Marty Chan.The Edmontonian Media Co. also produced Obstacles. Jeff worked with Christian Zyp during Startups.The most recent production from Sally & Jeff was the amazing Underdogs of Comedy. They were inspired by The Meltdown.Simon Gorsak and Brett McCrindle often host the Underdog Comedy Show.Dion Arnold started the show, originally.More comedians in the area mentioned: Clare Belford, Carina Morton & Simon Glassman.Speaking of places to find comedy in Edmonton, try The Underdog, The Empress Ale House and El Cortez.Keep your fingers crossed, Jeff & Sally have submitted The Underdogs of Comedy to AMPIA’s web series award category.Jeff’s newest venture is Edmonton Quotient, telling the stories of Edmonton in an online magazine.Chris always makes it weird and tells a story of companies reaching out to advertise in porn.Chris also makes a pitch for Someday in February.Learn more about podcasting in Edmonton at so much for listening. Really grateful that Jeff Samsonow took time to drop in at Chris’ place to do the podcast. Be sure to check out Edmonton Quotient and The Underdogs of Comedy. Questions, comments? Hit us on Twitter, Facebook or Patreon. We’d love to hear from you.
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This episode is an interview with the talented Jeff Samsonow, who wears a number of hats. He’s been a journalist, producer, writer, product strategist, content director and more. Thus, we gave him the title, Media Mogul. Jeff shares his stories about his radio days, the importance of Universal design and rock shows in basement scooter shops. We also learn about Jeff’s latest journalistic adventure and comedy productions.
Treat yourself to some Sugru. Get yours from your not so local Amazon site.Jeff is a graduate of Fanshawe and did not attend Community.Chris & Paul learn the difference between universities and colleges in Canada with many examples: Western, Ryerson, MacEwan, NAIT, Edmonton Digital Arts College.Jeff spent several years with Corus at 630 CHED, AM 640 and CJOB.If you’re interested in the Edmonton podcast meetup Chris referenced, check out’s very talented partner and spouse is Sally Poulsen. AMI is an amazing organization that produces content for the blind, deaf and Canadians with mobility issues.Paul mentions that one organization in Grand Rapids that also work in the accessible area is the UICA.Universal design is about creating inclusive things, yo.Jeff tells us about Blind Sighted with Kelly MacDonald, an AMI show in Toronto.Jeff & Sally started The Edmontonian back in 2009. Jeff adds that Sally did time as a journalist prior to their site for the Portage Daily Graphic in Manitoba.The two eventually started The Edmonton Media Co..Chris discusses the SNL sketch about Michigan accents. He managed to track it down and you can watch it at the bottom of this article.You can watch the 6 part series The Edmontonian Presents that aired on Shaw TV here.We didn’t always save everything. Hosts of the USA Up All Night show said they used to tape over the old shows to save money.The Maltin on Movies podcast with Gilbert Gottfried does not feature the discussion of lost episodes, it’s Gilbert’s podcast with Rhonda Shear.Thanks for listening, you’ve just earned 32,018 MSauce points with which you can use to purchase our collection of sound effects for film editing called Mouth Foley 2: Atrocious Boogaloo. A very special thanks to Jeff Samsonow for coming to a stranger’s home to be recorded in front of a live internet audience. Be sure to bookmark The Edmontonian Media Co. or follow him on Twitter to keep up with his latest work.
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In university, Paul had a reputation for fun voices. In his head, Chris also believed he could do imitations. On this episode the truth is exposed as they briefly examine the art of impression.
“Moose and squirrel are not going to like this.”Dana Carvey and Will Ferrell do the Bushes much better than us.Kermit on Sesame Street and Wreck It Ralph.Chris Rock loves Paul Giamatti.Kevin Spacey impersonates Christopher Walken.Friend & listener Arturo was in the chat room for the live episode, so we gave him much love. Arturo was also a previous guest.Chris learned Yoda’s voice from a Star Wars pinball machine.The one and only Alec Guinness.Wakko Warner’s voice was apparently based on John Lennon not Ringo Starr, according to the voice actor.Paul narrates Thomas & Friends.Run Forest, Run!Angsty Skywalker in the trash compactor. Unintended Fitz accent happens in our show.A legendary bonkers film, Basic InstinctBeavis, Buthead and proto Hank Hill.BUT MOM!It’s always good to have a Reagan impression.Did you know that Casey Kasem did the voice of Shaggy on Scooby Doo? Here’s Casey doing Shaggy, doing Casey?Rick & Morty is the show you’re not watching, why?Jimmy Stewart and Katherine Hepburn are making out?Chris’ favorite muppet.Get your Arianna Huffington impression on.We’re just trying to pump you up. What does Wario say?The voice of Batman has evolved a lot before it got to Christian Bale.Other heroes like Daredevil and 90’s X-Men Wolverine.That’s all folks. A Sauce Packet of voices. Show us up on Twitter, Facebook and Patreon with your impressions. We’d love to hear them. Thanks for listening.
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Another hour with Adriean Koleric on street art, collage, podcasting from a VW and being a Detroit Pistons fan in Western Canada. You can find the first part here.
An architect and painter that inspires Adriean is Will Alsop.The OCAD building can be seen in pictures on the web! Such wow! Try Flickr.Adriean was also inspired by Frank R. Paul. Just look at the images that pop up in a DuckDuckGo search! Gorgeous.Frank R. Paul illustrated a number of pulp magazines in his time like Science Wonder Stories.Adriean worked with Chad Kouri, with the Monster Lamp.Motomichi Nakamura also did a Monster Lamp.Keep an eye on Kijiji if you want to be a Taco Skate Co. intern.Meet Murphy, the amazing pug sidekick and Adriean’s is Adriean’s goto for custom stickers.Adriean used to host a radio show on CJSR.What’chu talking ‘bout? We chat about Andre Drummond and Mr. Drummond.Keep an eye on the Think Item Instagram account for art giveaways like the one we talked about on the show.Adriean can be found on Twitter, Facebook and his site or over at the new Taco Skate Co. Thanks for listening! Peep our FB page, Twitter, or Patreon. Later, yo.
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We’re getting our art on with this chat with Adriean Koleric. From street art & installations to furniture & gallery shows in the States & Canada, he’s always experimenting. Adriean talks about paying the bills, clerical artist statements and how we interact with art & artists in the age of the interwebs.
Adriean attended N.A.I.T., but he really wanted to go to A.C.A.D.A book on designer toys, Vinyl Will Kill!.Adriean’s AK-AT Figure.The infamous Sucklord.Adriean’s HERD show of Star Wars related art. Here’s his work he did for Topps & Star Wars, as well. Officially licensed gear!We talk A New Hope…err, Star Wars: The Force Awakens and the Marvel cinematic universe.We <3 Christopher Reeves as we discuss the DC universe and Adriean wishes Brandon Routh got another chance after Superman Returns.Oh wait, sorry Christopher Reeves. We have no love for Superman IV: The Quest for Peace.Adriean enjoys The Flash television show, but we have to stop this hero talk before we get into Green Lantern.Adriean gave a talk for Creative Mornings which you can watch here.Mitchell Lawler, an Edmonton hip hop artist who wanted to get in on the Think Item street art.Join was all about being part of the movement, or was it?Jay Runham interviewed Adriean on his site and then he got some “interesting” feedback.Anne Rice originally wanted Rutger Hauer for Interview With A Vampire and the fans wanted Julian Sands.Adriean’s Viper Sisters!!!If you’re not inspired after that, you may be an inanimate object. We love you anyway because you listened. Thanks! Also, thanks to Adriean Koleric for joining us. Let us know what you thought of the show on Twitter, Facebook or Patreon. We’d love to hear from you.
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The second half of our conversation with the developer Mad Max, Aaron Clifford is here! On this episode we talk virtual noses, old school game consoles, developing for VR and positional audio. The dreaded quiz is back and we’ve got Pac-man Fever.
Aaron got the idea for DAWT at an event for the Extra Life. The Extra Life event was for Edmonton’s Stollery Children’s Hospital and it started with a 4 player Tower Fall Ascension challenge.He decided to enter Codename Goa with DAWT as well. Aaron is featured on a video on that site.Aaron’s game design is Voxel based like Crossy Road. Redneck Rampage.Kingdom of Loathing.Some of Aaron’s favs to play are Fallout, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, DLC Quest, Binding of Isaac and “so many other indie games.”Chris talks about his Atari Stunt Cycle console from his youth. Paul thought Zelda II: The Adventure of Link had the most amazing graphics, ever! Until, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past came out. Aaron did a Nerd Nite presentation on death in video games. During the presentation he played a game, rather than use slides. You can check it out here. He used art from Glitch. He created the presentation in Construct 2. Aaron tells us about writing books in an MMOG, Asheron’s Call. You can watch Aaron game and develop on Twitch.We learn how to dodge throwing stars. Chris introduces Paul and Aaron to Buckner & Garcia in the quiz!Pac-man fever on American BandstandWhat’s the better E.T. song? Neil Diamond or Buckner & Garcia?Now we all have to watch Wreck-It Ralph!Yikes! Remembering Pogs.Some 80s fun, WKRP in Cincinnati, BJ and The Bear, The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo, and Bosom Buddies.Watch Aaron on TV showing off DAWT. If you’re in Edmonton, check out GDX Edmonton each year to discover new games.Thanks to Aaron Clifford for taking the time to join us on the Sauce! Be sure to check out his Youtube channel or follow Aaron around the web. Also, head over to our Patreon page to get updates on guests, shows and more info. We’re using it like a blog, so join the conversation there or on Facebook.
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Put your VR headgear on and listen to the latest episode where we talk to the maker of DAWT, Mr. Aaron Clifford. The Edmonton developer schools us in his 20 years of coding, tells us how he was conceived in a tent in New Zealand and how to record your software onto a cassette tape.
“These aren’t Fivver voice actors, people!”
Aaron started programing on an Atari 600XL.
Chris desperately tries to fit in, talking about his Commodore 64.
Aaron tells us his gateway drug to programming was playing Doom.
Aaron cut his teeth using Authorware.
The big VR project that our guest is building is called DAWT. It’s a slick Pac-man-like VR game.
Aaron has also started working with Unumbria Technologies. Their goal is to use VR to help athletes and people who suffer concussions.
Like every city, Edmonton is constantly renaming their summer festival. Currently, it’s called K-days.
Aaron’s day job is “putting a coat of paint” on a lot of people’s hard work. He’s a front end developer. His paint can be seen at
Our guest’s brief obsession with seaweed.
Microsoft allows you to earn points as a developer. You can use the points to redeem rewards.
Aaron’s Razer BlackWidow keyboard he earned with Microsoft points.
GDX Edmononton is a game exhibition that typically happens in April or May.
Aaron used Construct 2 to make many of his games.
The adventures of developing 5 apps in one week for a challenge.
Aaron’s game DAWT was greenlit on Steam.
The Makerspace at the Stanley A. Milner Library is where Aaron began developing DAWT.
Participating in Codename Goa, Aaron met the makers of an eye tracking bar that goes under your monitor called tobii.
Montreal International Game Summit
Aaron uses Unity to develop his 3D games. He took this course from udemy to get started.
The very cool Edmonton Fit Finder project that Aaron worked on.
How fun was that? Stay tuned to our website, our feed, or the Patreon page to hear part two of this entertaining conversation with Aaron. Head over to our Facebook page to chat with Chris’ mom while you wait for the next episode to drop. Thanks again to Aaron Clifford and be sure to check out DAWT.
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Comics too expensive to read, blatant podcast promotion, figure skating to the Spider-man theme song and Siri’s inability to open up are all the topics covered in the second half of the conversation with Danica & Brandon of Variant Edition.
We discuss the many different versions of a single comic book character & Brandon tells us a tale of The New 52.
Paul challenges Brandon & Danica with a “pick 3” of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, The Right Stuff and The 100.
Danica’s pick for Paul is Letter 44. Brandon’s cross section of Paul’s pick is called Red Wing.
The difference between single issues and graphic novels? Danica tells us that single issues like Bitch Planet have really great essays in them, but the collections are missing those and the letters section.
Sex Criminals has a hardcover version with a special section on the art process and all the covers of the single issues.
Danica tells us that Variant Edition has a mail order service and welcomes listeners to email if they’re interested or want recommendations about great comics to read!
Brandon posts “The Retailer’s View” over at The Beat.
Marvel allows you to subscribe to digital comics, but if you buy a Marvel hard copy you’ll receive a code to get the digital version for free.
Danica, and the women shopping at Variant Edition enjoy books by Marguerite Bennett like Angela: Queen of Hel and Insexts.
Danica says The Infinite Loop, a time-travel, same-sex romance story has an amazing letters section that will make you tear up.
A listener in the chat room wonders if our guests like Kamala Khan, a.k.a. Ms. Marvel.
Also from the chatroom, Arturo, a former guest on the podcast, asks for suggestions for a good feminist leaning comic for a 12 year old girl. Danica & Brandon suggest Princeless and Lumberjanes.
Be sure to find Variant Edition on Twitter, Facebook or their podcast Yegs & Bacon. You can find both guests on twitter, Brandon is @soupytoasterson and Danica is @DanicaHere. You might also like Doctor Whooch, where Danica and Brandon consume alcohol and talk Doctor Who. Thanks for listening!
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Another fun one, this episode the gents are talking to the owners of Variant Edition a comic shop in Edmonton. Brandon & Danica also do a number of podcasts as well. On this show we give old TV stars new detective shows, talk about Siri’s self-image issues, sexism, inclusiveness and privileged white dudes.
Brandon is half of the Podcast! The Comics show.
Danica & Brandon do a podcast about comics & culture called Yegs & Bacon.
You can also find this couple on Doctor Whooch where they have a taste of the sauce and talk Doctor Who episodes.
Brandon is also a frequent contributor to The Beat.
Danica wants a Taylor Swift/Batman dance off in the animated Batman: Bad Blood.
Speaking of dance offs, Chris admits that he and his wife just saw the dash cam version of Shake it Off.
It’s a sad, sad planet when you have to program your virtual assistant to respond to sexual harassment.
Chris doesn’t attempt to tell this amazing story of a young boy who teaches a few parents that boys picking on girls they like shouldn’t be a socially accepted norm. Hit the link, it’s a wonderful story.
Paul’s daughter loves the My Little Pony comic book. Well, she did at the time of recording this. ???? (PD - Yup, she still does. We have quite the collection.)
Brandon suggests Princeless as a comic for younger kids. Danica says, maybe ages 14 and on.
Danica loves the spinoff, Princeless- Raven: The Pirate Princess.
Brandon says parents should check out Tiny Titans or anything else by Art Baltazar and Frank Aureliani.
Also have a look at Abigail and the Snowman which is light and captures “the child-like wonder and imagination” of young children.
Danica tells us about the events they host at their Edmonton store, like fun pajama parties and clothing swaps. More info can be found at the events page on
Chris decided to do research for this episode, so he read some comics recommended by Danica, like the amazing Bitch Planet.
The store owners discuss some recent favorites:
The BeautySex CriminalsBrandon tells us about his interview with artist Chip Zdarsky.
Brandon challenges your hosts to name 3 books, films or TV shows and he will find a comic that meets them in the middle. Paul & Chris give him The Martian & Orphan Black and Brandon’s mental database says they should read Copperhead.
Chris says he wants to read Hip Hop Family Tree, a recommendation from Daniel J. Hogan, a frequent guest and friend of the show.
Thanks again to the owners of Variant Edition of Edmonton for joining the guys. Of course, thanks to you for listening. Part two of this conversation with Brandon and Danica is coming up next! While you wait, be sure not to gender any dragons.
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