Boo and Evan are still in the first UK Annual, yeah, its a beefy boy, like Windcharger. IYKYK. This is the tale of when Megatron met Optimus Prime, and Megatron sang to the fallen body of Puffer. Mirage will be playing the part of Soundwave in this one scene and there are some others who get a mention in this story. You know you wanna know!
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Boo and Evan couldn't wait to go over these two issues that are minty fresh! Why should you wait for the spoilery goodness? You shouldn't!
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If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Boo and Evan get into the next part of the UK Annual when they explore the other Make Tracks story that ends up being a lot darker, but also we spot another red rumble! FIRRIB! There's a story or two in there as well. Hear about how Evan made an impromptu lawn dart in middle school! There's no photographic evidence and the statute of limitations is well past at this poin
t. If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you!
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If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
Boo and Evan tackle the lore dense Marvel UK Annual number 1, but since its a chunk of stories this will be just part 1 of 3. You all know how much they ramble on already, this would've gone on for 3 hours, easily. For the first time in a bit we take a break from the Dinobots, so they can do their own thing, but we get treated to some "Real World Factors" as the Autobots meet a very influential person of power from the time that they woke up on Earth. Guess who that is? Yeah, I forgot to say soilers in the title. My bad.
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If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
Boo and Evan conclude the storyline that includes the Dinobots dealing with Guardian and the remnants of what Shockwave and the Decepticons left the Autobots to deal with in the Ark. THere will be some hurt feelings and hurt comrades amongst the Autobots.
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If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
Boo finally drags Evan through the valley of Nell Yomtov to enjoy the beautiful...yet weirdly proportioned issue #31 of the Marvel UK books titled, "No More Mr Nice Guy!" I mean, who doesn't like seeing the nerds and the jocks work together to not die? Maybe a street gang and an IT department is a better comparison.
If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you!
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If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
Boo and Evan hit part 2 of "Decepticon Dam Busters" with a flourish of laughter and bewilderment. Evan embraces those Soundwaves and Boo gives us a sneak peak of G2 Mirage! Its action packed and there will be pauses due to a "WTH?!" moment or three.
If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you!
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If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
Boo and Evan check the bookmark and get back into the Marvel UK comics with "Decepticon Dam Busters!" Ratchet has to explain to the Dinobots why they're the good guys, and not scaring humans. Boo has discovered a major Marvel callback that has apparently gone unnoticed up until now. How does Secret Wars work into the the Marvel Transformers Universe? Find out on this week's episode!
If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you!
@mtmtgpod on Twitter
If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
Boo and Evan come to the end of the Challenge of the Gobots with the admittedly quick paced, "Return to Gobotron." Evan also realizes that Spotify has been hiding comments on episodes, thankfully all positive... Samatha Jay Witwicky! We see you!!
If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you!
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If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
Boo and Evan creep ever closer to the end of Gobots with the fast paced, "The Flight to Earth." The guys marvel at the new "Courageous" flight of the Last Engineer and the other humans as they head to Earth with Leader-1. Cy-Kill and the Master Renegade try to see who is more calculating and there by monsters here!
If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you!
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If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
Boo and Evan get set to watch, "The Fall of Gobotron" and the burning of GoboLanta. Cy-Kill and the Master Renegade lay waste to Gobotron, using a new weapon that has debilitating effects. The Red Gang infiltrates and uncovers a massive secret, but will it be enough to turn the tide or even save Leader-1?
If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you!
If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
Boo and Evan get back to the final story arc of The Challenge of the GoBots with the episode called, "Quest for the Creator." The episode gets way into the world building and the lore of the entire GoBots Universe. The episode continues to show really great animation models and, once again, the Heavy Metal quality of the animation when we introduce a GoBeing from the early days of their civilization.
If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you!
@mtmtgpod on Twitter
If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
As we conclude a turbulent year, we decide to review two books full of ecological disasters, although the Renegades one is short lived. Hang with the guys and be safe this New Years Eve, as we kick off another year of this podcast and old friendships, as well as new ones. Come and hang with us on the Discord or email the show. We look forward to having you along and yall be safe!
If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you!
@mtmtgpod on Twitter
If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
Boo and Evan take a week to enjoy some well-deserved time with the Yule Log. They get into two read-along storybooks with GoBots: "Collision Course Comet" and Transformers "Satellite of Doom." We both hope that you have a great season with your chosen family, however you celebrate. Thank you for being on this ride with us.
If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you!
@mtmtgpod on Twitter
If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
Boo and Evan jump ahead to the end of the Gobots series to episode 42 to start to explore the origins of the beings we've come to know as Gobots, and who the heck is the Engineer? Is he a D&D mage? The Gobots are turning out to be a really dark and deep mythos that many of us took for granted.
If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you!
@mtmtgpod on Twitter
If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
We've come to the end of the opening of the Challenge of the Gobots mini series with "The Final Conflict." Its been a great ride and we've been enjoying this so far. Should the guys continue going through GoBots? Email us or send a message on our discords to let us know.
If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you!
@mtmtgpod on Twitter
If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
Boo and Evan traverse into the fourth episode of Challenege of the Gobots called, "Earthbound". Things are going badly for the Guardians on Earth, but the Gobotron bound Guardians are zeroing in on the Renegade fortress and trying to bring an end to the uprising. The GOAT Renegade shows up on Earth and its bad for the heroes. WHAT WILL HAPPEN?? Stay tuned.
If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you!
@mtmtgpod on Twitter
If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
Boo has offered up his favorite Gobot picture for this episode, "Conquest of Earth." This exciting chapter of the original GoBots mini series gives us a really fun Renegade in Geeper Creeper and the taking of Cheyenne Mountain Base, home of NORAD...and the Stargate. Oh! I can't forget that we have ZOMBIES!!! Well, kinda.
If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you!
@mtmtgpod on Twitter
If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
The truth, after coming out, has thrown chaos among the offices of More Than Meets These Guys, but they can't stop once the mini series has started, so strap in for the ride of the Renegades rebelling against the oppressive reign of the Guardians. It's a struggle many have to face, when a force that seeks to silence their voices. Also, Matt meets an Eastern Bloc Betty!
If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you!
@mtmtgpod on Twitter
If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
Boo and Evan have something important to tell you all. Evan has been harboring a terrible secret all of these years, and it's time to come clean. All of these years of collecting Transformers has been a cover for Evan's true love, GoBots. After all of this time, it had to come out. Evan hasn't been sleeping from the guilt. So, judge away, but this needed to happen...
If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you!
@mtmtgpod on Twitter
If you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!
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