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The Gays Are Revolting is a dissection of social and cultural issues relevant to gay men. We put the G in LGBTQIA+, and we’re here to help you be the best G you can be.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Sam Mangan is the serial success behind numerous companies, including leading Australian brand agency, Spin&Co. Well known for calling it as he sees it, Sam is famous for his Instagram rants and blunt view on everyday life. Whether you love or hate him, you’ll often find yourself laughing through the episodes hearing Sam talk about what you’ve always thought about. Sam dives in deep on trending topics as well as the everyday stories that will leave you laughing along. Literally Nobody Cares is for those with a sense of humour, and those who get the joke.
Have you ever found a note on the ground, maybe meant for someone else? Help Davy Rothbart solve these mysteries on the FOUND Podcast, where we explore personal stories of love, loss, hope, transformation and aspiration through the lens of lost and found notes --with the power of humor and music. Produced by Found The Musical / Killer Films Media / Wondery.
9Honey’s Shelly Horton has convinced some of Australia's most high-profile women to share their personal stories of failure because she wants to know how they bounced back. A podcast full of amusing and compelling stories from some very interesting people. Shelly is also joined by psychologist Dr Tim Sharp, AKA Dr Happy, who provides expert commentary throughout the series. New episodes of Failing Fabulously will be released every Wednesday on, iTunes or any podcast app.
What are famous Australians like as parents? It doesn’t matter if you’ve sold out a massive arena, been named Australian of the Year, or stepped onto Centre Court at Wimbledon. As a parent, you’ve still got to wipe bums. You still feel judged when your kid bites another kid at day care. And you still lie about how often you let them watch the iPad.
Join comedian and mother-of-two Terri Psiakis as she noses her way into the parenting lives of high profile Australians; uncovering the secrets, challenges, and exquisite triumphs of bringing up humans.
After Work Drinks is a (pop)cultural commentary podcast hosted by freelance journalists and former magazine editors Isabelle Truman and Grace O'Neill. Get bonus content on Patreon
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Just two crazy ladies who love life. Dan (Miss Chardy) lives on a remote cattle station in the NT, 5 hours from town and Ed lives down in Brisbane, 30 minutes from the City - together we are helping to bridge the city/country divide. Wild Spark is a rural women's network - connecting rural, regional and remote women, helping them be the best they can be no matter where they live.
The world has never been more connected. Yet never more divided. We yell at each other from inside our echo chambers. But change doesn’t happen inside an echo chamber. It’s time to get out, to stretch our legs, to step on some land mines. It's time to have an uncomfortable conversation with Josh Szeps.
A DM Podcast
Stacey June and Kristie Mercer have trouble with authority. They are commonly known as The Thinkergirls. They are BFF’s, inquisitive beings and find the funny in the f*cked. This Pod Channel is the home of conversations full of thoughts you are thinking but not saying and giving space for questions those are often too scared to ask about love, politics, how often you tan (and why) and the complexities of relationships, health and friendships. You may have heard the girls on their national radio show ‘The Thinkergirls’, or seen them on the telly – they are also known to throw a killer live event. Watch out for their live recordings at a city / town near you. For enquiries / bookings, please contact
The Stupidly Small Podcast is a short daily podcast conversation between two people who can't really believe they're friends. Funny, occasionally insightful, always honest, this is half an hour a day shared between people who have one thing in common: they do this podcast together.
Hosted by Shane and Tom, Join this weekly unique and sometimes inappropriate show between two friends. Listen and laugh with them while they share their lives with you from an odd perspective.
The Squeezebox Podcast is an effortless stream of hilarious consciousness, capable of forcing outbursts that surrounding company cannot ignore.
Every week, two friends connect on a higher level of humour, setting out to collapse in a glorious heap of laughter that has other humour podcasters gasping for breath between gaffaws.
Listeners do not count the high points of "funny", but rather the moments between stories where they can regain composure.
For the audio-romp of your week, Shane and Tom are the greatest embodiment of genuine friendship on the internet today. -