This is our 7th Most Common Objection to Church Multiplication, "It's Too Risky". Everything we do in life carries some form of risk, you can't eliminate it all. But you don't have to be unwise and risky either. There are so many great resources, strategies, training and coaching that helps set up a new disciple-making communities for success way better than in the past. We discuss these things and more with our special guest John Albiston from the ABNWT District Resource centre. Check it out!
This is our 6th most common objection to church multiplication; "There aren't enough resources". This objection finds its roots in a scarcity mentality. But where does good stewardship fit in here? Where does faith and risk fit in? Why don't we have enough resources? We are grateful to have Wendy Payne who is the leader of the New Churches Network in the PAOC Western Ontario District on the podcast to help us chew through some of these questions and so much more!
This is the fifth episode of the series called The 8 Most Common Objections to Church Multiplication. This objection is around idea that churches are simply not ready to plant. Is that true? Are existing churches not in the right place to multiply? Are they using that as an excuse to not prepare themselves for multiplication? We are grateful to have Jim Molloy from the PAOC Maritimes District to jump on the call and help us chew through this very common objection!
We are in the fourth episode of this series called The 8 Most Common Objections to Church Multiplication. This objection is around the thoughts that all new churches hurt existing churches by taking people away. Is it true? Do new church plants steal sheep? Should existing churches lead more with a sending mindset? Do we need better communication between pastors when they are leading in the same community? Dave Slater from the Western Ontario District Office of the PAOC is here to answer all of our questions! See what our hosts and special guest have to say!
We are in the third episode of our new podcast series called "The 8 most Common Objections to Church Multiplication". This objection is around the idea that all our efforts need to be about revitalizing churches not starting new ones. Where do you think this objection is rooted? Does this have some validity? Should we stop planting new churches until the majority of our existing churches are out of plateau and decline? Or is there a both/and strategy instead of an either/or one?See what our hosts and special guest have to say!
We are in the second episode of our brand new podcast series called "The 8 Most Common Objections to Church Multiplication". Objections #2 is "we already have enough churches". The objection here is based on the idea, "we already have so many churches here in Canada, why do we need any more?" Is this a valid objection? Our cohosts for the series, Paul Fraser and Michael Bronson, tackle this topic head on with special guest Jim Molloy and chat through how we overcome this objection!
We are kicking off a brand new podcast series called "The 8 Most Common Objections to Church Multiplication". Objections #1 is "we don't have enough leaders". How will we have enough leaders to start new works when we don't have enough to fill our existing churches? Is this a valid objection? Our cohosts for the series, Paul Fraser and Michael Bronson, tackle this topic head on and talk about what we can do to overcome this objection!
In this episode, we talk with Charles Hermelink from PAOC Mission Canada about how churches should be responding to newcomers to Canada, those who are coming to our churches and living in our communities. Charles shares about what it takes to have cross cultural intelligence as churches and leaders, and shares several resources to help get you there. Check it out!
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In this months podcast we tackle the topic of stewarding millennials and the younger generations in our churches. James Clarence from First Assembly in Calgary, along with his leadership team, are doing innovative and intentional discipleship for grade 9 up to millennial ages in their church. They have engaged a ministry school model that is producing great disciples and he shares some of the things they are doing and learning as they continue to grow their discipleship pathways. Hopefully, as a result of this podcast, you will be challenged and inspired to increase your efforts in reaching, developing and discipling millennials and younger.
In this episode with talk with the co-lead pastors of Forest City Church in Burnaby BC, Jordan and Amy Baker about their replanting journey. With so many religious spaces sitting empty in our rural, suburban and urban communities, replanting is something all leaders must be thinking about. While Jordan and Amy are very new into this process still, they have lots to offer in this interview and you don't want to miss out!
Also, please check out our website chocked full of free resources and if you want to get our Multiply Extra monthly updates please email [email protected] to get on the list! -
In this episode we are so grateful to have Jess DiSabatino from Journey Church in Calgary, Alberta join us in this podcast. She co-pastors with her husband Dave and shares some great insight and advice for couples who are currently co-pastoring or thinking about co-pastoring. We also tackle some heavy stuff around deep friendships and how leaders can get so isolated. As well, she takes time to pack what's in her preaching calendar and what some of sermon series are moving forward through 2023 and so much more! She is a lot of fun and has incredible things to say...check it out!!!
In this podcast conversation with Jason Small, the District Superintendent of the Western Ontario District for the PAOC, we talk about our roots as a movement in the PAOC, why church multiplication is still so important post-pandemic and why all churches to partner in some way with this vision. Please also stick around to the end to hear a great encouragement to all leaders, especially church planters!
In this episode we chat with Bill Markham from Central Community Church in St. Catherine's about some cultural issues facing churches and leaders. Lots of things get discussed here like consumption, convenience and conflict. We also discuss meta-modernism and post truth society and believe it or not....even more! You will be challenged and encouraged!
In this leadership lean-in conversation, Paul chats with Murray Cornelius, who is the Executive Director of International Missions at the PAOC. They chat about what IM is up to, what's changing, and what's staying the same, as well as church planting and disciple-making globally. Take some time to listen, to celebrate how God is on the move through church planting, and to consider how He might be asking you to partner with church multiplication!
In this leadership lean-in conversation, Paul Fraser from the Multiply Network chats with Landen Dorsch, Lead Pastor of Gateway Family Church in Leduc Alberta. They talk about how, with the support of the local church leadership, they are attempting to bridge a microchurch network with an existing church model. They dive into the opportunities microchurching may present, the thinking behind it all, and the tensions microchurches may create with the existing church. Be a fly on the wall in this episode, as they chew through some of the background conversations, how they got to where they are right now in this very new adventure, and where they are hoping to head in the coming year.
In this episode, we chat with Mark Davis from Westwinds Community Church in the community of Cloverdale in Surrey, BC. Mark is the lead pastor there, as well as being a full-time professional firefighter and chaplain. Mark has had unique experiences and training that help him see healthy leadership through a different lens. Emotional health and resiliency in leaders is a big passion for him, both inside and outside the church walls. Check it out!
Steve Pike has been at the forefront of church planting for thirty years. He served as founding director of Church Multiplication Network (CMN) for the Assemblies of God (USA) denomination. Seeing a need for more church plants in cities, he founded Urban Islands Project, which exists to “increase the presence of the Church in the Urban O.” We’ll ask Steve to tell us about the Urban O. He’s also released a book entitled ‘Next Wave: Discovering the 21st Century Church’.
Grateful to have a few friends hosting together in this episode: Brian Egert is the director of PAOC's Mission Canada, which focuses on reaching the gaps in Canada with the Gospel; Kevin Rogers leads the Urban Ministry Guiding Group for Mission Canada, pastors a church in Windsor, which is focused on those in the community with the greatest needs, and is the primary host of the Sidewalk Skyline Podcast.
In this episode, Paul Fraser takes some time to do a "State of the Union" podcast for the 50th episode. In the podcast, Paul takes time to encourage all leaders, planters and multipliers to engage 5 areas moving forward in our ministries. He talks about:
1) Spiritual Dependency
2) Disciple-making Culture
3) Future Church
4) Bridge Building
5) Healthy Leadership
*warning: both the beginning and the end of the podcast have a higher "cheesiness" factor than normal. We are aware and in no way think we are being clever or witty. -
In this episode, we catch up with Anthony and Michele Yackel (UBC Campus Church from Tenth Church in Vancouver) and Jeff Wong (More than 12 Church in Vancouver). In this conversation, we discuss how the pandemic is affecting how we do church now and in the future. We talk about realigning to discipleship, empowering laity, and developing strategic partnerships moving forward.
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