
  • My special guest is author and master hypnotist Sarah Breskman, who's here to discuss her book about individuals who recalled past lives in Ancient Atlantis and Lemuria societies. You can get her book, The Secrets of The Sphinx, from Amazon. 


    About the book:

    Her hands were strapped down at her sides so she couldn’t fight, but she had no more fight left inside her. It was the 1970s, here in America, and Christie was about to endure one of many electric shock treatments the doctors hoped would “cure” this young woman of her strange fantasies involving extra-terrestrial life and worlds long lost and forgotten.

    Fast forward to present day, and Christie has finally found her voice, surfacing through past-life regression hypnosis to tell these truths, and reveal the secrets of the ancient Sphinx. Included in this book are fascinating accounts of life on Mars and how this colonization came to a tragic end. Also included are accounts of other clients, who have never met, sharing similar stories about the Sphinx and its role in the upcoming Ascension.

    From the author of A Hypnotist’s Journey to Atlantis, this book takes an even deeper look into ancient truths that have the ability to change our lives forever.


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  • Friends, today the incident which I am going to tell you about is about a very frightening experience which both my mother and grandmother had, many years back.

    My mother was fast asleep in the afternoon when I, and my sister were in school and my father (who was at his workplace) were not present at home.

    My mother had just opened her eyes to drink water which was kept in front of her when suddenly she saw a middle aged British woman, who was wearing a frock and had golden hair. My mother saw her Read more on 



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  • Tonight, we have the privilege of welcoming physicist Don Lincoln as our special guest. He is here to share his groundbreaking work utilizing the Large Hadron Collider located in Switzerland, also known as CERN.


    You can get his book The Large Hadron Collider: The Extraordinary Story of The Higgs Boson and Other Stuff That Will Blow Your Mind on Amazon.

    An insider's history of the world's largest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider: why it was built, how it works, and the importance of what it has revealed. Since 2008, scientists have conducted experiments in a hyperenergized, 17-mile supercollider beneath the border of France and Switzerland. The Large Hadron Collider (or what scientists call "the LHC") is one of the wonders of the modern world―a highly sophisticated scientific instrument designed to re-create in miniature the conditions of the universe as they existed in the microseconds following the big bang. Among many notable LHC discoveries, one led to the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics for revealing evidence of the existence of the Higgs boson, the so-called God particle.  Picking up where he left off in The Quantum Frontier, physicist Don Lincoln shares an insider's account of the LHC's operational history and gives readers everything they need to become well informed on this marvel of technology.  Writing about the LHC's early days, Lincoln offers keen insight into an accident that derailed the operation nine days after the collider's 2008 debut. A faulty solder joint started a chain reaction that caused a massive explosion, damaged 50 superconducting magnets, and vaporized large sections of the conductor. The crippled LHC lay dormant for over a year, while technical teams repaired the damage. Lincoln devotes an entire chapter to the Higgs boson and Higgs field, using several extended analogies to help explain the importance of these concepts to particle physics. In the final chapter, he describes what the discovery of the Higgs boson tells us about our current understanding of basic physics and how the discovery now keeps scientists awake over a nagging inconsistency in their favorite theory. As accessible as it is fascinating, The Large Hadron Collider reveals the inner workings of this masterful achievement of technology, along with the mind-blowing discoveries that will keep it at the center of the scientific frontier for the foreseeable future.




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  • IN 2003, A WINE CABINET in Portland, Oregon, somehow made headlines. The owner of the foot-and-a-half-tall wooden bit of decor, Kevin Mannis, had listed it on eBay alongside an elaborate story. He claimed that the cabinet had previously been owned by a Polish Holocaust survivor and was inhabited by a powerful demon known as a Dybbuk. Read more on our website at

    K-Town has given Heidi Hollis the opportunity to host “Paranormal Fears,” where she conducts interviews with top authors and researchers in the field of paranormal research. Be sure to follow “Paranormal Fears” on your favorite podcast app to never miss an episode!


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  • These creepy houses already look like perfect locations for a haunt, but they also hide dark and horrible secrets. Read more on the Mysterious Radio website.


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  • Tonight, I have with me Dan Baldwin who's dedicated his life to help find missing people and investigate the paranormal using a dowsing method.
     The Paranormal Pendulum is a must read for anyone wanting to sharpen their psychic tools. Dan Baldwin has an amazing way of taking a complex topic and turning it into an easy-to-understand guidebook for learners. Pendulum dowsing is one of the most effective tools for spirit communication the dedicated paranormal investigator can employ. Each chapter contains not only instructions and insights into pendulum dowsing, but also includes transcripts of actual paranormal investigations.



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  • My guest tonight is Randy Liebeck, a paranormal researcher, who will discuss his research into ghost and poltergeist phenomena. 
     Randy Liebeck is a research specialist, field investigator and journalist covering the field of ghost and poltergeist phenomena. Utilizing a combination of cognitive investigative skills and the latest in technological monitoring and detection equipment, he has conducted haunted house investigations throughout the United States and in Great Britain. He has had cases referred to him by individuals, universities, the news media, attorneys, government agencies and various parapsychological research organizations.
     Liebeck provides psychical phenomena (psi) consulting & technical advisor services for TV, film, and print media outlets. He was a consultant on ghosts and hauntings for the popular television program Sightingsand has served as a columnist for Unknown Magazine and Ghost! Magazine, feature writer and stringer for FATE Magazine, and contributer to several books on the subject of ghosts and hauntings. In addition to Sightings he has served as a behind the scenes consultant and on-air 'ghost expert' for several TV programs around the world including Unsolved Mysteries, Dead Famous: Ghostly Encounters, and Unexplained Mysteries. He has been a guest on dozens of radio talk shows in the U.S. and Canada, and has been featured in several U.S. and international magazines and newspapers.
     Liebeck lectures on ghosts & hauntings, and has developed and taught a course on ghosts & poltergeists at St. Johns University (NYC), Bergen Community College (NJ) and several other local schools.

  • My special guest is J.M. Debord who's here to discuss his book about why it's important to gain an understanding behind some of your worst nightmares. Get his book now on Amazon.

    An illuminating look at interpreting, understanding, and learning to stop nightmares!

    You’re chased. You fall. You get shot. You’re attacked. You’re paralyzed or trapped. A loved one dies. You die!! You wake up in a cold sweat, wondering what it meant. Going beyond simple explanations, Nightmares: Your Guide to Interpreting Your Darkest Dreams helps you understand why you have nightmares and what they mean. This informative book looks at the meaning of common symbols and themes in nightmares and dark dreams. It will teach you not only how to interpret the content of nightmares but also why you have them in the first place and how to stop them. 

    The gritty details of each nightmare are often personal and unique, but through examples and easy-to-follow explanations, best-selling author and dream interpretation expert J. M. DeBord guides you through interpretations and demystifies the dark side of dreaming. He explores the reasons for nightmares, some as simple as bad digestion and illness. Some are caused by shocking events or chronic situations, while others are more existential, challenging a person to break a pattern or habitual response, or to break out of their shell and claim their greater power. He even shares his own worst reoccurring nightmare, its meaning, and how he overcame it.

    Exploring the messages delivered by the unconscious mind during sleep, Nightmares: Your Guide to Interpreting Your Darkest Dreams provides the tools you need to sort through possible connections and to make sense of your nightmares. Also included are a helpful bibliography and an extensive index, adding to the book’s usefulness. 

  • An airplane passenger took flying saucer speculation to new heights when she spotted a possible UFO soaring above the Big Apple — baffling experts and sending federal aviation officials on a fact-finding mission Thursday. Read more on

  • My special guest is author William Sheehan who's here to discuss some of the most disturbing Bigfoot encounters ever reported! Get his series  Bigfoot: Terror in the Woods on Amazon.


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  • Special guest is author L. Sydney Fisher who's here to discuss the true story of college students that suffered dearly after playing with an Ouija board. Get her book  'The Devil's Board'.

     Now an Amazon #1 Bestseller inspired by TRUE EVENTS.
     On an American college campus in 1987, three students began playing a seemingly innocent game of contacting the dead. Word spread fast around campus and curiosity grew, expanding the group to more than forty people. Spirits were summoned almost daily, and the dark world's influence began to take its toll as one student fell gravely ill and relationships began to crumble. Months later, the dead would be resurrected, and this time there would be Hell to pay.
     This is their story...
     Rachel Thomas was more than happy to leave the haunted house she had lived in for the last decade. She had every reason to be excited about her future as a college freshman entering Riverside Community College. But she had no way of knowing that she would find herself in the terrifying grips of the paranormal again when her new roommate, Josie Norton and her friends began using the Ouija Board.
     In spite of Rachel's reluctance to join the group's nocturnal ritual of contacting the dead, she finds herself sucked into the drama and a witness to the spirit's malevolent nature as strange phenomena begins happening. Weeks turn into months as Amber Simmons becomes obsessed with the game and her "ghost" friend who assumes the identity of a human being now in the afterlife. As the malevolent spirit continues to control and manipulate Amber, the close-knit friends are terrorized until the Ouija spirit makes one final show of force determined to kill them all!
     Note from the author: The Devil's Board is based on true events that happened in the Fall/Spring year of 1987-88. The college campus is located in small town, USA. To this day, the story of Ryan Banks still remains a haunting mystery.
     All names and locations have been changed to protect the privacy of the institution and the characters of the story. Some parts of The Devil's Board have been dramatized for the sake of storytelling.



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  • Tonight, my special guest is Richard Lawerence, who's here to discuss the messages he's been able to channel since being taught by the late Dr. George King.

     In Aetherius Society teachings, various religious figures come from different planets,[29] and throughout history, Cosmic Masters such as Buddha, Jesus, and Lao Tzu have come to Earth to teach humanity the right way of living.[43][44]: 122–124 [45] The society regards them as Avatars.[46]: 127 [47][48]Krishna, for example, is from Saturn, which is the home of a "Cosmic Hierarchy" or "Interplanetary Council," while Jesus and Buddha are from Venus.[29][49][50]: 129  The society claims that these religions sprang from the same source and their principles were identical.[30][45][51] However, These beings are spiritual beings on another dimension or plane, as the idea of human intelligent life on the other planets was unlikely in the 1950s.[52] Society's concept is that these beings exist on a 'spiritual level' by maintaining a 'higher vibratory rate,' which can be lowered, and this explains the reported blinking in and out of UFOs.[45][52][53] The society also refers to the vimanas found in Vedic and Hindu texts and to the Star of Bethlehem as UFOs and examples of peaceful aliens that have been visiting to teach humanity throughout history.[30][53][54]
     King taught a belief in reincarnation based on the "Law of Karma," according to which humanity progresses life by life towards perfection. Everyone is destined eventually to become a Master and to continue evolving from there.[19][51][52] The society claims that evolution also includes planet Earth, which is regarded as a living entity at a much higher state of evolution and importance than its inhabitants.[18][51][55] They allege that because of the backward evolution of humans, the Earth has been under frequent attacks from evil forces from other parts of the universe and that the Cosmic Masters of other planets are fighting off several evil alien invaders.[56]: 92–93 [57][58]: 73  In Aetherius Society literature, the cosmic battles with evil forces or intelligence "bear some resemblance to the fundamentalist Christian concept of 'spiritual warfare,' shorn of its imminent apocalyptic content.



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  • A pilot spotted the UAP during a training exercise off the Florida coastAARO investigations found it was likely a commercial light balloonLawmakers have been pushing for more transparency on UAP reports(NewsNation) — The Pentagon said it has resolved the case of a UAP reported near Eglin Air Force Base off the coast of Florida, finding it was a lighter-than-air object such as a commercial light balloon. Read more on 


  • Tonight, my special guest is here to discuss the latest and most fascinating UFO sightings from around the country.


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  • Elon Musk rejects ‘alien’ connection to missing Maylasia flight MH370; says, ‘If I did, I would post about it on X instantly

    A Boeing 777-200ER with 227 passengers veered off course over the South China Sea, disappearing from civilian radar. The US Pentagon report found no evidence of UFO sightings or aliens, attributing such claims to misidentified technology since the 1940s.

    Elon Musk, when responding to a post featuring a drone video allegedly related to the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, mentioned that he hasn't seen any “proof of alien activity".

    The post he replied to showed a video where something seemed to be flying near an aeroplane, suggesting it might be part of an operation. Read more on the Mysterious Radio website.


  • My guest is computer engineer Tarun Ravi, who will discuss his frightening experiences with an entity that he claims has god-like powers.

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  • Western US residents report the most UFO sightings — what are they actually seeing?


    By Sharmila Kuthunur

     published April 4, 2024

    "It's difficult to explain why we have this many more sightings in the West."

    Those of us in the western U.S. who enjoy vast open spaces may also be more likely to report UFO sightings, a new study suggests.

    An analysis of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) reports (UAP is a new umbrella term that includes UFOs not just in the sky but also in space and underwater) suggests local environmental factors play a role in the number of UAP sightings reported.

    The study, based on about 98,000 reports over 20 years as cataloged in an open-source, online dataset maintained by the National UFO Research Center modeled how reported UAP sightings coincide with environmental variables such as light pollution and cloud cover, as well as things like proximity to airports and military installations. The results reveal - Read More


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  • Pascagoula holds viewing party for Netflix documentary on 1973 UFO sighting
    Pascagoula, Mississpi. (WLOX) - Pascagoula’s legendary UFO story is now part of a Netflix documentary.
    “Files of the Unexplained” features chilling encounters from people across the world. Events are what witnesses describe as “unexplainable and strange occurrences.”
    Friday night, residents of Pascagoula joined a viewing party to hear the night Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson say they were abducted by aliens.
    For five decades, the story has been debated about what exactly took place on the Pascagoula River in October 1973.  Read more information here


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  • Our special guest is here to share his amazing story of how he was abducted by aliens and given what he called "The Cosmic Code" that now allows him to predict the future with stunning accuracy!
     Beyond the Secret is the fascinating autobiography of Dr. Louis Turi. It recounts his unusual life starting at birth in the Provence region of France, to his life in England and America. His experiences range from tragic to euphoric, mundane and miraculous, all of which have given him great compassion for his fellow humans. He explains metaphysical principles that apply to the different chapters of his life. There is much more in this life than the Law of Attraction. Other laws include metaphysical and cosmological aspects. It is an engaging read you will not be able to set down.
     Alien abduction (also called abduction phenomenon, alien abduction syndrome, or UFO abduction) refers to the phenomenon of people reporting what they believe to be the real experience of being kidnapped by extraterrestrial beings and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation.[1] People claiming to have been abducted are usually called "abductees"[2] or "experiencers". Most scientists and mental health professionals explain these experiences by factors such as suggestibility (e.g. false memory syndrome), sleep paralysis, deception, and psychopathology.[3] Skeptic Robert Sheaffer sees similarity between some of the aliens described by abductees and those depicted in science fiction films, in particular Invaders From Mars (1953).[4]
     Typical claims involve forced medical examinations that emphasize the subject's reproductive systems.[5] Abductees sometimes claim to have been warned against environmental abuses and the dangers of nuclear weapons,[6] or to have engaged in interspecies breeding.[7]The contents of the abduction narrative often seem to vary with the home culture of the alleged abductee.[4] Unidentified flying objects(UFOs), alien abduction, and mind control plots can also be part of radical political apocalyptic and millenarian narratives.[8]
     Reports of the abduction phenomenon have been made all around the world, but are most common in English-speaking countries, especially the United States.[4] The first alleged alien abduction claim to be widely publicized was the Betty and Barney Hill abduction in 1961.[9] UFO abduction claims have declined since their initial surge in the mid-1970s and alien abduction narratives have found less popularity in mainstream media. Skeptic Michael Shermer proposed that the ubiquity of camera phones increases the burden of evidence for such claims, and may be a cause for their decline.[10]
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  • Richard Estep is my special guest. The shocking discovery that serial killers could be ordinary citizens such as nurses, business owners, and next-door neighbors stunned the world. Get his book The Serial Killer Next Door: The Double Lives of Notorious Murderers on Amazon.


    About the book:

    How well do you know your neighbors? Maybe you should get to know them better! Growing up, we are taught that monsters are easy to identify, but the truth is very different. Too often, the serial murderer does not stand out. Otherwise, he, or she, would get caught.


    The contrast between the ordinary-seeming lives that provided cover for their cruel secrets is exposed in The Serial Killer Next Door: The Double Lives of Notorious Murderers. To their coworkers, neighbors, and others who knew them, they led unremarkable lives. They had careers as military pilots, police officers, landscapers, small business owners, farmers, realtors, reporters, authors, veterinary technicians, nurses, doctors, handymen, painters, and chefs, while they simultaneously stalked city suburbs, college campuses, trailer parks, and red-light districts. This chilling book looks at the horrifying stories of nearly 30 malevolent killers (and hundreds of innocent victims) who were mistakenly trusted, including …



    Genene Jones, a nurse responsible for the murder of 60 infants and children in her care. She’s said to be the inspiration for Stephen King’s iconic character of Annie Wilkes, in Misery – and her nephew broke into King’s home, threatening to blow up the writer and his family because of it!Robert Lee Yates, a helicopter pilot in the Army National Guard who, when caught, buried one body outside his bedroom window as his wife slept.Gary Ridgway, also known as the Green River Killer, went undetected for 20 years, working for 30 years as a painter for a truck company and married for 17 years.Kathleen Folbigg, whose three children were at first thought to have died from natural causes. She only got caught when her husband found her personal diary.Joseph James DeAngelo, who worked various jobs, including as a police officer and a truck mechanic. He went on a decades-long crime spree and was finally caught with the help of DNA evidence. His case was instrumental in the establishment of California's DNA database.And dozens of other serial killers!


    It’s chilling to realize that many serial killers have created second lives that are completely divorced from the brutality and evils they commit. It’s incomprehensible to think that they are able to flip a switch, transforming them from apparently loving, ordinary men and women into torturous, homicidal slaughterers. With more than 120 photos and graphics, The Serial Killer Next Door is richly illustrated. Its helpful bibliography and extensive index add to its usefulness. We trust our neighbors, coworkers, and acquaintances. Of course, we do. It's ominous to think that we can't!


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