
  • Veteran astrologer and Mystical Messages host Hilary breaks down the cosmic coordinates for the month of June 2024. Thankfully, the relative planetary calm continues this month. We’re counting our resources, including material as well as talents and skill sets as June kicks into gear, focusing on what we want to grow more of in our lives. June 3rd Messenger Mercury turns into its home sign of Gemini, joining the Sun, Venus and Jupiter, giving us a cosmic advertising agency to promote our goals and get our message out. Think giant bull horn.

    Key to remember is to listen and hear in equal measure to sharing what you know. The New Moon on Thursday, June 6th emphasizes the power of language. So carefully write your intentions and goals as the Universe is listening up.

    Messenger Mercury and Valuable Venus both shift into compassionate Cancer the Crab on June 17th, right before the Sun enters Cancer to mark the summer solstice on June 20th. Notice the energetic shift, from a communicative, mind orientation to home and family centered focus. The next day, the Full Moon in Capricorn on June 21st highlights what is working for us versus what is most definitely not. The Capricorn Full Moon occurs just as Taskmaster Saturn slows down to turn retrograde on June 29th. Both events nudge us to be resourceful, set limits, be real and realistic.

    Take small steps to achieve your goals. You are worthy of what you set out to accomplish!

    To reach Hilary Harley:

    [email protected]

    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

  • Unshakeable peace and boundless bliss are your birthright, says Rebecca Quave in her conversation with Mystical Messages host Hilary. To work with Rebecca is to experience a deep, organic shift in your Being, rather than adopting a single mindset, positive thinking or good-vibes band aid.

    “You are the center of a ripple,” states Quave. “Your ripple extends beyond what you’ve even been aware of, because your leadership changes and uplifts people who then create plenty of their own ripples. Your impact will last beyond your lifetime. At the center of it all is your state of Being.

    Your state of Being is the crown jewel of your life. As soon as you start treating it that way, everything changes. To bring more power and harmony to your ripple, you don’t need to twist yourself into a pretzel with more strategies, tactics or plans about how to create harmony.” Tune into this episode to learn about how remarkable Rebecca offers pivotal redirection to attain long-sought quality of life shifts.

    Connect with Rebecca Quave

    [email protected]

    Facebook: Rebecca Quave

    Instagram: therebeccaq

    To reach Hilary Harley:

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    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

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    Instagram: hilary.harley

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  • After the tumult and upheaval of April, the month of May delivers much needed calm and stability. Definitely take advantage of the New Moon on May 8th to plant intentions in rich and ripe Taurus energy when FIVE out of ten planets cycle through this opportune moment. Watch for planetary gear shifts just after the Full Moon on May 23rd, when both Generous Jupiter and Valuable Venus turn into communicative Gemini. Jupiter now closes out its year-long passage through Taurus and begins its turn through Gemini, inviting us to listen and integrate information in equal measure to talking and sharing what we know.

    Mystical Messages host Hilary has news: I am expanding and growing my business. Two colleagues of mine and I have created a brand new on-line community “The Three Wise Women and YOU”. Dr. Cathy Ripley Greene, Veronica Drake and I are collaborating to offer a forum for the intuitively curious to meet, discuss, and learn more about the metaphysical realm With our more than 70 years of combined WOO experience, the 3 Wise Women community offers “one stop shopping” for all of your questions about how beyond-the-veil really works. Whether intuitive, psychic, mediumship, astrology, reiki and the akashic records, we get it and we get YOU.

    You can join us for just $10 per month ($120 year) or you can save $10 to get one month free by paying the annual membership rate upfront. The 3 Wise Women community happens the first Tuesday of every month at 6 PM Eastern time via zoom. Please join us for our first community connection on Tuesday, May 7th at 6 PM Eastern.

    To enroll, please visit the 3 Wise Women link on my website: or

    To reach Hilary Harley:

    [email protected]

    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

  • Mystical Messages host and veteran astrologer Hilary Harley breaks down the cosmic RIDE on tap for April 2024. The month of April begins in the wake of the first lunar eclipse of 2024, occurring on March 25th in Aries and Libra.

    In the aftermath, we might think the cosmos is playing an April Fool’s prank on us when Messenger Mercury turns retrograde on Monday, April 1st. But alas no, it is indeed no joke. Although Springtime temperatures motivate us to push forward with our plans, the planets encourage us otherwise, to slow down and practice the RE words: Relax, Research, Review, Reflect, etc. for most of the month ahead. So hit the pause button before buying major items such as cars, homes, appliances and especially communication devices like cell phones, laptops and more.

    ASK QUESTIONS now to fully understand what you are signing up for. This is really important heading into the New Moon total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th. The eclipse cuts a broad swath straight across the United States, from Texas clear through to New England. During the days to follow, hand write 3-5 intentions or goals that you seek to manifest over the coming season. But wait: there’s more! Generous Jupiter and Radical Uranus meet up in earthy Taurus from April 17th-24th.

    Expect the unexpected as this pairing only happens every 12 years. Watch for big awakenings, AH-HAH moments, shifts in the stock market, and climate/earth changes. Take it easy heading into the Full Moon in Scorpio on April 23rd as we will be feeling ALL of the feels. Pace yourself and give others the benefit of the doubt. Messenger Mercury finally turns direct motion on Thursday, April 25th when we can all breathe a BIG sigh of relief.

    To reach Hilary Harley:

    [email protected]

    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

  • Direct, straight up and to the point, Jaime Blair joins host Hilary on this episode of Mystical Messages. In short, Jaime is a communications magician who helps her life coach clients shine.

    “My mission is helping women who use their intuitive gifts build successful businesses that give them financial freedom while doing the work they were designed to do.” Jaime assists her clients to talk about their work so that they stand out from the crowd resulting in more referrals.

    “Money is not the only metric I use to measure success,” explains Jaime. “I believe in doing what makes your soul light all the way up. This goes for life and business; and when you work for yourself the two can be indistinguishable.” If you are a life coach or healing arts practitioner, this is a must-listen episode as everyone benefits from Jaime’s expertise and joyful inspiration.

    Jaime Blair

    [email protected]



    To reach Hilary Harley:

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    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

  • Mystical Messages host and veteran astrologer Hilary Harley guides listeners through the cosmic energies of March 2024. The month kicks off with every single planet cycling forward motion! So be sure to take advantage of this clear, clean energy to launch initiatives, relationships or purchase major items such as cars, homes or appliances. March invites us to go with the flow and surrender to the current of life rather than resist or fight against what comes.

    March 10th marks the New Moon in Pisces, followed by Valuable Venus joining the dreamy Pisces flow on March 12th affording abundant grace and compassion. Humanity can certainly use both right now. Ask: where can you believe, trusting that all will be well? After the Spring Equinox on March 20th, watch for dicey days brought by the first eclipse of 2024, on Monday, March 25th.

    The end of March finds us between two eclipses heading into Mercury retrograde on April 1st. So be sure to use calm cosmic energy during the early weeks of March wisely and well.

    To reach Hilary Harley:

    [email protected]

    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

  • Reiki Master and author Catherine Bastedo joins Mystical Messages host Hilary to share her new meditation deck Bird Vibes. Within it, Catherine teaches how animal messengers and totems come to our attention seeking to spark our attention and deliver particular awareness.

    Birds are especially noteworthy as harbingers of information. What are they trying to tell us? Bird Vibes, Catherine describes what each bird wants us to know. This beautifully illustrated and versatile fifty-four-card deck and full-color booklet showcase a great variety of birds found in various parts of North America and explore how they relate to the eight principal chakras on the body.

    The cards may be used for meditation, for learning about birds, and for seeking spiritual guidance. This is one deck you will want to own!

    Connect with Catherine Bastedo

    [email protected]

    Instagram: CatherineCBastedo

    Facebook: Catherine C. Bastedo

    LinkedIn: Catherine C. Bastedo

    To reach Hilary Harley:

    [email protected]

    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

  • Astrologer and Mystical Messages host Hilary Harley breaks down the cosmic energy for February 2024. With ALL planets now direct motion, we have a huge tail wind! Take advantage of this clear, clean energy to launch projects, relationships, ideas and products. Now is GO TIME!

    The forward planetary thrust will last through the end of March so use this time well. Three signs dominate February: Aquarius, Pisces and Taurus. We are called to work in groups to solve long-standing questions for the betterment of all.

    The trickiest stretch is mid-month, February 13-17th when resistance to change pushes back. You may feel shoved, more than pushed, out of our comfort zone now, so get comfortable with discomfort. Fortunately by the end of the month, resistance surrenders peacefully. Using music and water to change your vibration and frequency works wonders as antidotes to any struggles and conflicts.

    To reach Hilary Harley:

    [email protected]

    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

  • Mulit-talented holistic healer Laura Joseph joins host Hilary on this episode of Mystical Messages. A born empath and medium, Laura’s mission is to help others rediscover the power that lies within and find treasures buried in their shadow. She guides clients to become their own superhero. By addressing root issues, transform pain, bridge science and the practical magic of sacred, ancient traditions, Laura elevates the best in those she works with.

    Laura has run her private practice near Boston, MA, since 2006. She is a published author, speaker, award-winning advocate, podcaster, teacher, an experienced rooted healer, multi-generational intuitive, spiritual mentor, social justice warrior, and certified Jikiden Reiki® Shihan as well as a Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui/Tibetan tradition.

    Laura has published many articles on the topics of Holistic Health, Spirituality, Reflections from a Spiritual Medium, Healing Trauma Associated with Abuse, and Reiki. In 2022, she co-authored her first book – Feisty: Dangerously Amazing Women Using Their Voices To Make An Impact. This was followed up with her first solo book, The Secrets To Healing released during Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October 2022. As a guest speaker and host of the podcast Triggers & Spiritual Medicine, Laura addresses the intersectionality of the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and root systems, provide proven practical methods to empower clients. She was also a featured guest on CBS radio and noted recipient of “Sixteen honorees were selected for innovation, leadership, and community service” by the New England Business Bulletin.

    Connect with Laura Joseph

    [email protected]

    Facebook: Laura Joseph

    Instagram: laura_healing_with_spirit

    To reach Hilary Harley:

    [email protected]

    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

  • Mystical Messages host and veteran astrologer Hilary breaks down the cosmic energy for the first month of 2024. An infusion of earthy, practical Capricorn energy dominates month including the Capricorn New Moon on January 11th. This is no nonsense, black and white energy. It is not warm and fuzzy but it certainly gets the job done. So get very clear about your goals and then set your intentions for the month, season and year ahead.

    Major shifts are in store the second half of the month. First, both the Sun and Powerful Pluto move into Aquarius together on Saturday, January 20th. Can you say CHANGE and change now?!

    The following week, keep your feet on the ground. The Full Moon in dramatic Look at Me Leo occurs just as Radical Uranus turns direct motion on January 25th and 27th respectively. Try to lay low during this stretch as it is a time to expect the unexpected.

    The good news is very single planet will turn direct motion from January 27th through March 31st. Time to push forward with all projects, ventures and relationships!

    To reach Hilary Harley:

    [email protected]

    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

  • Esteemed astrologer Jill Jardine joins Mystical Messages host and fellow astrologer Hilary Harley to breakdown the forecast for the first six months of 2024. Together, we take a hard look at what to expect cosmically between January and June for the upcoming year. Jill and I cover ALL of the angles to make sure you are well prepared for life in 2024.

    Connect with Jill Jardine

    [email protected]

    Facebook: Jill Jardine

    Instagram: soulmappingjilljardine

    To reach Hilary Harley:

    [email protected]

    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

  • Veteran astrologer and Mystical Messages host Hilary Harley breaks down the astrology forecast for December 2023. Winding up the final month of the year, Hilary shares how to plan your month ahead, especially to GET YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING DONE EARLY as Messenger Mercury turns retrograde on Tuesday, December 12th.

    If you missed the Black Friday sales, be sure to book any travel plans or purchase electronics, cell phones, and laptops the first week of December. Otherwise, invest in the extra warranty when buying items closer to Christmas. You will be glad you did.

    Over the holiday season, take advantage of Mercury’s retrograde by practicing the RE words: rest, restore, relax, reclaim…. Then Giant generous Jupiter turns direct motion on New Years Eve, assuring a BIG joyful entrance to 2024! Wishing you a warm and healthy holiday season!

    To reach Hilary Harley:

    [email protected]

    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

  • Intuitive Life Coach Shari Elman joins the Mystical Messages podcast this week. In her interview with host Hilary Harley, Shari describes how her gift as an intuitive differentiates her from others in the life coaching profession. “You are a soul manifested into a body; not a body that happens to have a soul,” she says.

    Shari’s intuitive coaching services cover a wide range to meet client needs: from her signature guidance session, to crisis support, to more intensive guidance work. Clients who work with Shari are able to push past barriers and find ways to lessen their stress, stay in the moment and release toxic or negative energy. Shari offers a shoulder of wisdom as well as a gentle guiding hand.

    Tune in to hear how Shari transforms those she works with to create lighter and more joyful lives.

    Connect with Shari Elman

    [email protected]

    To reach Hilary Harley:

    [email protected]

    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

  • Mystical Messages host and astrologer Hilary Harley shares the cosmic patterns for the month of November 2023. Scorpio energy dominates the first half of the month, revealing both dirt and treasure alike. Save what works for you and recycle the rest. Our focus is drawn to shared resources, joint finances, tests of power, and releasing situations or relationships that no longer work.

    Make sure to purchase your holiday gifts now, during November, before Mercury turns retrograde in early December.

    To reach Hilary Harley:

    [email protected]

    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

  • Veteran astrologer and Mystical Messages host Hilary Harley breaks down the planetary forecast for October 2023. The past few months have not been for the faint of heart. Now that Messenger Mercury and Valuable Venus are rolling forward again, we have some decisions to make.

    The more honest and real you are with yourself and others, the better. It is not selfish to look out for your own best interests when weighing choices. Aim for a balanced, common sense approach rooted in love. The final two eclipses of 2023 occur on Saturday, October 14th with a New Moon solar eclipse in Libra. Use careful deliberation when writing out your goals and intentions. Understand WHY you want a particular goal or desire.

    Two weeks later, a Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Taurus-Scorpio brings matters to conclusion and culmination. We are called to look at how we use our resources, whether time, talents or treasure.

    To reach Hilary Harley:

    [email protected]

    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

  • Mystical Messages podcast host and astrologer Hilary Harley breaks down the cosmic forecast for September 2023. Monitor your expectations the first week of the month as life moves very slowly. Labor Day weekend is particularly sticky and tricky with 6 out of ten planets cycling retrograde motion.

    Best to soak up the last days of summer by relaxing and preparing for the busy fall ahead. Monday, September 4th the planetary baton passes between Venus and Jupiter, as she turns turns direct while Jupiter goes retrograde. Best to hold off on major purchases or signing significant documents until after Messenger Mercury turns direct motion ON the New Moon, September 14th. This is one New Moon you want to make sure you set your intentions by carefully handwriting 3-5 goals you aim to achieve over the next month or season.

    All systems are finally GO from mid-month through the rest of September, so proceed with travel plans, big investments and deals.

    To reach Hilary Harley:

    [email protected]

    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

  • Teacher, channeler and product developer Brad Johnson joins this episode of Mystical Messages and host Hilary Harley. From psychic ability, channeling, healing, spiritual teaching, dream interpretation, the Akashic Records and more, Brad Johnson has developed these abilities to better understand how reality interacts with us on a personal and collective level. He shows us how we can form an intuitive relationship with reflections of reality so that we can attract outcomes that serve our true aligned nature.

    Brad holds a natural conscious ability to connect with what could be called the higher mind, higher self or universal consciousness. He refers to this as the "Higher Mind State" as Brad possesses a natural ability to perceive and convey universal knowledge on a wide variety of subjects.

    Additionally, Brad has developed a variety of products to attune clients and consumers to their fullest well-being.

    To reach Hilary Harley:

    [email protected]

    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

    Connect with Brad Johnson

  • Mystical Messages podcast host and veteran astrologer Hilary Harley breaks down the cosmic energy for August 2023. Right off the bat on August 1st, we have a FULL MOON in Aquarius. Time to step into your creative and innovative mindset to solve long-standing problems and make key choices.

    Valuable Venus is turning retrograde all during August. Temptation flourishes. Watch your wallet and your heart. Venus retrograde comes with a warning label to beware of buying anything you do not truly need. When replacing key appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, or phones, be sure to purchase the extra warranty as you may really need it later on. Also, watch for old romantic flames resurfacing or relationships from the far corners of your life coming around to say hello. The final week of August is particularly dicey as both Mercury and Uranus go retrograde, bringing six out of ten planets cycling in reverse.

    Not a lot will get accomplished between August 22nd and the middle of September. This is a great time to take a vacation if you haven’t already. If you try pushing forward now, you may find your wheels spinning in the cosmic mud.

    To reach Hilary Harley:

    [email protected]

    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

  • Mystical Messages host Hilary dives into conversation with Veronica Drake, a dynamic internationally recognized Spiritual Teacher and Psychic Medium. As a sought-after Keynote and Motivational Speaker, her down-to-earth, highly relatable approach is a magnet for people of all ages and places. Vee as she is known, has been called a ‘life changer’, ‘guardian angel and cheerleader rolled into one’, and ‘coach, intuitive and magician.’

    Since her entrepreneurial start in 2009, her business has grown dramatically. Vee’s specialty helps women grow their confidence, develop their intuition and find their purpose. “I envision all women living a confident, empowered and intuitive driven life!” she says. “I focus on empowering women to live beyond their five senses so that they can gain access to all parts of their lives including their past lives to reveal blocks in present day life that keep them stuck. Using my psychic abilities of clairvoyance, clairaudience and mediumship communication, I walk you through the process of introducing you to your own inner guidance to jumpstart your journey to revealing your purpose.”

    This is one juicy guest episode you want to hear!

    Connect with Veronica Drake

    [email protected]




    Veronica Drake

    To reach Hilary Harley:

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    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley

  • Mystical Messages podcast host and veteran astrologer Hilary Harley outlines the cosmic energies at play during July 2023. While the month begins fairly stable and smooth, we are in for some planetary gear shifts. We will feel these! What’s up? Well, at mid-month the Lunar North Node moves from earthy Taurus to fiery Aries. We feel a fire in our belly and the urge to get a move on! Not so fast, however, as shortly afterward, Valuable Venus turns retrograde on July 23rd through Labor Day weekend. Watch your wallet and your heart! Avoid impulse shopping especially on luxury items. DO take time off as this summer is made in heaven for vacation. Relax, reflect, research and refresh now so you are ready to resume life in the fall.

    To reach Hilary Harley:

    [email protected]

    Facebook: hilary harley.

    hilary harley astrology

    holistic healing

    Instagram: hilary.harley