Join Andrew Snyder and patrons of the Mythic Mind Fellowship as we work our way through the Poetic Edda. In this conversation, we discuss The Death of Sinfiotli, The Prophecy of Gripir, the Lays of Regin, Fafnir, and Sigrdrifa, and Fragment of a Poem about Sigurd.
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In this episode, I discuss Tolkien's concept of The Long Defeat.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
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This is a Fellowship chat we had in July regarding Tolkien's On Fairy-Stories and related topics.
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This lesson from "The Wisdom of Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings" explores the background and motivations of Sauron.
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With this episode, I am releasing one of our first videos from the Lord of the Rings course to the public. I also tease what I believe will be the next podcast series!
If you are not already there, it is not too late to join the course by becoming a Tier 3 patron!
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The Mythic Mind Fellowship is currently working its way through the Poetic Edda! In the fourth of these chats, we discuss the next four texts: All-wise's Sayings, The First and Second Poems of Helgi Hundingsbani, and The Poem of Helgi Hiorvardson.
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Become a Tier 3 patron to participate in The Philosophy of Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings!
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The Mythic Mind Fellowship is currently working its way through the Poetic Edda! In the third of these chats, we discuss the next four texts: Hymnir's Poem, Loki's Quarrel, Thrym's Poem, and The Poem of Volund.
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The Mythic Mind Fellowship is currently working its way through the Poetic Edda! In the second of these chats, we discuss the next four texts: Vafthrudnir's Sayings, Grimnir's Saying, Skirnir's Journey, and Harbard's Song.
Patrons of any tier are invited to participate in these chats. Become a patron at
Enroll in the upcoming Lord of the Rings Study at or become a Tier 3 patron through Patreon.
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Today I am joined by Thomas Salerno and Master Samwise to discuss the new Tolkien film, The War of the Rohirrim.
Follow Sam here: @master_samwise
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The Mythic Mind Fellowship is currently working its way through the Poetic Edda! In the first of these chats, we discuss the first two texts, Völuspá and Hávamál.
Patrons of any tier are invited to participate in these chats. Reading along is definitely helpful, but all patrons are welcome to join! Check Discord for the details or send me a message.
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Today I am joined by Chris Jackson to discuss the concepts of legacy and the hero's journey as laid out in his drafted book, "Legacy: How to Live a Life Worth Remembering."
You can keep up with Chris at
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In this episode, I am joined by The Middle-earth Mixer (@middleearthmixr) for a general conversation about what makes Tolkien great, as well some of the ideological factors that are often part of the broader Tolkien community.
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In this episode, I am joined by a few of the participants in my "Life, Death, and Meaning with Beowulf and Boethius course. To get access to all of the material from that course, including the recordings of our live conversations, go to and use the code "PODCAST" for 50% off the cost during the month of November.
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Today I am joined by Aaron Bair to discuss his book, A Joyful Outpost: Exploring the Household Economy of the Beavers from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Purchase the book here:
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All videos/podcasts from "The Fiction and Philosophy of C.S. Lewis" are now available to $10+/month patrons!
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In this episode, I explain why I dropped the "many meaningful roads ahead" ending line from the show and I discuss the issue of looking for meaning in a supposedly meaningless world.
Enroll in a Mythic Mind study today while prices are lowered!
Recommended Book: On the Incarnation by Athanasius
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In this episode, I discuss the trajectory of neoplatonism from the pre-Socratics to Boethius. You can watch the video of the main lesson here: Boethius and Neoplatonism
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Purchase "Life, Death, and Meaning with Beowulf and Boethius" here:
Recommended Book: The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Use the code "MYTHIC" for 10% your order at MiddleBorne Arms
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(A couple days after the original posting, I realized that the file I uploaded had a broken ending. This has now been corrected.)
In this episode, I provide my introduction to Boethius's The Consolation of Philosophy, which was made for my "Life, Death, and Meaning with Beowulf and Boethius" course.
To enroll in the course and gain permanent access to all materials, go to and use the code "FORTUNE" before the end of September for 50% off the cost of the course
Purchase The Consolation here:
Order a custom-made wooden sword or bookmark from Middleborne Arms and use the code "MYTHIC" for 10% off your order!
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Some of the participants in the recently completed "Fiction and Philosophy of C.S. Lewis" course have reassembled to discuss a high-level view of C.S. Lewis's Ransom series - Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength.
You can purchase the entire course here:, and be sure to use the code RANSOM before the end of October 2024 for 50% off the cost!
Recommended book: Tom Shippey's Translation of Beowulf
Shop Middleborn Arms and use the code "MYTHIC" for 10% off your order!
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In this episode, I conclude my series on Tolkien's translation of Beowulf as I discuss Beowulf's encounter with the dragon - and his mortal doom.
For a deeper look at this material, enroll in "Life, Death, and Meaning with Beowulf and Boethius" today!
Get an awesome, handcrafted wooden sword or book mark from Middleborne Arms and use the code "MYTHIC" for 10% off your order!
Recommended Book: Winters in the World
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