Releasing anxiety in minutes.
This is for anyone wanting to release the trauma or anxiety of a memory.
Natural Health Warriors Episode #14
And Part 3 of 5 of how to naturally increase your health and energy.Get a free copy of Overcoming Autoimmune Book One at
How to naturally get more energy part 2 of 5.
Today we'll talk about body's pathways and making sure they are open.Don't forget that you can get a FREE digital copy of Overcoming Autoimmune Book One here:
Natural Health Warriors Ep: 13 -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Looking for more energy in your life?
Ready for vibrant health?
This is video one in a 5-part series detailing the three steps I uitilize to completely transform my clients health and energy.
Natural Health Warriors Ep #12 -
Do you know someone who struggles with environmental or food allergies?
There are three main reasons we get allergies, and we can actually fix them.
Natural Health Warriors Ep: 11 -
How Sonya went from needing help out of her chair in the morning to leading up to 8 Zumba classes a week!
Good morning, everyone. Tirzah Hawkins here for Natural Health Warriors. And I'm here with Sonya today. She's got a really incredible story to share with you, but she's also got some nervous excitement going on because you are waiting for the baby call.
My daughter is passed due, and so she was due on the 13th. And we went in yesterday and she's making progress. She's two, she was two centimeters yesterday, and she woke up a little crampy today. So we're, we're hoping that things keep progressing.
For those of you that are watching this in the future, it's the 17th I believe this morning. And so she was due on the 13th so any time now. Very exciting. And how many, um, is this your second grand baby though?
This will be my third.
Your third?
Yeah. So I have a little boy already and a little girl that is six months old and now I'll have this one.
So awesome. Yeah, that's exciting. Congrats
Does that age. Me?
No, you're still young and beautiful. All right, so Sonya, you have gone through so much in your life. Can you give us a little overview of your back story and kind of things that have contributed to where you've been physically and emotionally with your health?
Yeah, that's a, it's a hard journey. Um, I start tearing up every time I think about it, but
we have tisues. I'm like here: the whole box. Yes. You might want to pause, like go get your own tissue.
So I had a, my mom, my biological mom left me when I was five with, um, my stepdad. And my Stepdad, um, had some difficulties of his own. Emotional challenges from being a war veteran and, and um, was abusive ,and I was taken out of his home and put into a series of foster care situations that were unhealthy. And, um, and so that kind of started my journey of not feeling good enough for anybody. And my mom left me. Why did she left me? Leave me. Was I not good enough? Wasn't pretty enough, was I not, you know? What's happening? And you know, my dad's abuse definitely triggered a huge amount of stuff. Um, foster parents that I didn't feel like cared about me. Um, so I started a lifestyle of being on the run from judicial systems, um, living on the streets, bouncing house to house. And I think that that really spurred the, um, the unhealthy. You know, I didn't learn good health choices early on in my life. I was, you can't living on the streets, it's impossible to do. I'm sleeping on park benches and also going through a really horrible situation, um, of rape and getting pregnant and um, meeting somebody in the process of that. See, look, I'm already tearing up. That basically told me that he wanted to be with me, but I had to give my daughter up in order to do that and I didn't do that. And then that relationship became very abusive. And, um, when I was pregnant with her, I had gestational diabetes, so I was 98 pounds when I got pregnant. And I wound up being close to 200 pounds by the time I delivered.Get your life back. Get a free copy of Overcoming Autoimmune Book One at
"Is that on your change list or your vent list?
Now, if you've ever met my husband, he has the ability to be a very loud, dramatic person, especially about things that he's passionate about.
For instance, during the summer he watches baseball as much as he can.
Like if you could watch it all day long, he would, I'm sure.
He's really great at folding clothes. He will sit on the couch and fold clothes and watch the Cleveland Indians play baseball.
That's his team, the Cleveland Indians.
Now if you follow baseball, the Indians are not known to be a very good team.
They haven't won the World Series, I don't know if it's been 40 or 50 years, it's something huge like that.
And now my husband's being very dramatic about the fact that they might not actually win the World Series in his lifetime.
I'm hoping and praying that they do.
Because, during the course of the summer, I am constantly hearing about how poorly they're playing.
They're five games back from 500; they're 10 games back from 500; they're the worst team in their division.
And when he starts to go on one of these rants about the Indians, I know it's something that he's very passionate about.
So I want to be emotionally invested in it with him. I want to be there and support him.
But during these rants, it's not actually something that he can change. This is just something that he can vent about.
And venting, for some people can be really healthy. When my husband is able to vent and get it out of his system, he's good to go.
But I didn't realize it was just a vent. So I'm like, okay, so what do we do about it?
I'm always, anything that I have a problem with, is on my change list. How can we change this?If you are ready to change your health, get a free copy of Overcoming Autoimmune Book One at
Collateral damage: A tale of two empires.
If you are ready to stop feeling exhausted in the mornings even after getting 9 or 10 hours of sleep like I used to, I encourage you to check out
Now I'd like you to imagine for just a moment with me that you are the ruler of an empire. Your subjects love you. They would do anything for you. Their sole purpose in life is keeping you alive.
You don't exactly know how to rule an empire. You don't know what to feed your people. Your motto is "let them eat cake. Why not?"
There's an army from the north that comes down and lays siege to your city. So much fighting going on. There's so much smoke in the air that your, your food tastes like ash cause all you can smell is this smoke. And you can't sleep at night because there's so much fighting going on. Over time, it just wears you down. You don't know how to fight against this army or to help your people and just getting more and more tired.
One night the ruler bombs the city killing all inside good and bad alike. There's a remnant of the people that are still there with the ruler, as you move back in and reclaim the city in its ruins. The army from the north has retreated. They limped back to their stronghold. -
Does it work for others? Yes it does.
After struggling with health and weight issues for years, Lynnette learns that so much of our health is about our emotions.
Natural Health Warriors Ep #7
We're filming Lynnette's story today, and I wanted to tell you because it's so amazing and inspiring. So Lynnette, can you give us a, just a little bit of your background, who you are and what you've struggled with?
Again, Lynette Collins and age 39. I have five kids, soon to be a grandma. Um, and my story is going to go back about 20 years or so. I'm newly married, um, pregnant expecting first baby. And the weight came on very, very quickly for me. Um, and unfortunately the weight stayed on throughout the next several pregnancies. Um, and I was starting to struggle, um, with just some self-confidence issues. Um, I actually ended up in the emergency room a few times with some rapid heartbeat, um, some heart palpitations. And from there that's where the doctor visits started. Um, I started to, um, get prescribed medication. So first and foremost would have been my thyroid. I was diagnosed with low thyroid. And, um, then depression. So medication for that. Anxiety. Medication for that. Um, I didn't stay on the medications for depression and anxiety for too long. Um, but I started to have some more symptoms and issues like chronic headaches and fatigue, um, even being on low thyroid medication. Um, so that's pretty much what started it.If you are ready to get started, you can get a free copy of Overcoming Autoimmune Book One at
"Do you want to be healed?" Jesus asked this of an ill man in John chapter 5.
Healing is never forced upon us. It requires desire, belief, and action.
If you are ready for a little action towards healing, I encourage you to download a free copy of Overcoming Autoimmune Book One at
So many people get stuck on the weight loss yo-yo. Up and down you go year after year. There has to be a better way! And there is. Listen to today's episode and when you are done, go to to download a FREE copy of my book Overcoming Autoimmune Book One.
When I first started using natural means to control my depression, I discovered a supplement called Symply Magic, and it was magic. It worked wonders. After using it for a couple of years though, it was discontinued.
Don't get stuck in the same trap.
If you would like to learn how I overcame depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue through natural means, you can get a FREE copy of my book Overcoming Autoimmune Book One at
This one is about my own personal journey and transformation. It is why I started studying natural health.
Speaker 1: (01:04)
I was always really sick as a child. I was very depressed as a teenager, I had lots of food allergies, seasonal allergies, sinus infections. I was diagnosed with depression at the age of 14. I always struggled with my weight and my self esteem. And then as I got older and into my early twenties, I was struggling with a lot of chronic fatigue and chronic pain. It would feel like my shoulders were just like crawling up like my shoulders and neck would get so tight, like crawl up and be like this vice around my head. I would, I'd have no energy in the morning. It did not matter how long I slept. I could sleep for 10 hours and still just wake up exhausted for my day. It didn't matter if I worked out or not, I was still going to be in pain if I worked out or if I just laid in bed. -
Natural Health Warriors Ep#2:
You only have one car for the rest of your life.
NHWarriors.comHello, Tirzah Hawkins here, your board certified holistic health practitioner with another episode of Natural Health Warriors podcast.
So for today, I want you to imagine that when you're born, you're given one car and you're told that that is the only car that you will ever be able to have for the rest of your life. With only having one car, nobody would actually say to their friends, "Hey, let's see how quickly we can run this into the ground!" Right? Or, "how many miles can we put on this before it dies?" No one would say that...
...So if you need help getting your vehicle maintenanced, then I encourage you to check out our website, We'd love to help you start that maintenance and get your vehicle that is your body functioning properly and smoothly and efficiently so that you have the vibrant energy that you deserve. So as always, have a wonderful day and be blessed. Thanks so much. Everyone.
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