
  • Daily routines
    A: What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
    B: I wake up at 6am to get ready for school. How about you?
    A: I wake up at 7am. I like to sleep for a while.
    B: Waking up early gives me enough time to have breakfast. How can you sleep in so late?
    A: I live next door to the school, so I don’t have to go far.
    B: Lucky you!
    🎂65臺慶Birthday Party!兒童節目粉絲見面會🎉🎉🎉
    1️⃣9:50 📣小發現大科學📣小茱姐姐粉絲見面會 ft.與故事為伍的人 陳櫻慧 
    2️⃣10:30 📣麻吉同學會📣妮姐姐粉絲見面會 ft.鸚鵡達人 吳育諶
    3️⃣11:10 📣耳公過來聽📣珍珍姐姐和小玄哥哥粉絲見面會 ft.客語薪傳師 黃旭霞 
    4️⃣11:50📣晚安故事屋📣燕柔姐姐粉絲見面會 ft.一百分老師 鄭雅芬老師
    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  • Dickory, dickory, dock

    Dickory, dickory, dock,
    The mouse ran up the clock;
    The clock struck one,
    The mouse ran down,
    Dickory, dickory, dock.



    首先,Hickory, Dickory, Dock,這整句是沒有什麼意思的,這句話就像中文的狀聲詞 ,是模擬時鐘的長針短針滴滴答答在走的聲音。但是其實這幾個字還是其來有自。 Hickory:據說Hickory是一種美國印第安的果實擠出來的汁液,油油的像牛奶一樣的烈酒 Dock:Dock也是一種植物,據說其葉子可以止血。 Clock vs. o’clockaround the clock 日以繼夜 Cherry studied around the clock last week because of the exam. 切利上週因為考試,日以繼夜地讀書。O’clock 整點/ half 30分

    3月29日是教育電臺65週年臺慶!3月29日將辦理「65週年臺慶Birthday Party!兒童節目粉絲見面會」,
    1️⃣9:35-10:15 「小發現大科學」小茱姐姐粉絲見面會
    2️⃣10:20-11:00 「麻吉同學會」妮姐姐粉絲見面會
    3️⃣11:00-11:40 「耳公過來聽」珍珍姐姐和小玄哥哥粉絲見面會
    4️⃣11:40-12:20 「晚安故事屋」燕柔姐姐粉絲見面會

    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  • 你分得清楚英文的推跟拉、開跟關,還有行跟列,
    3月29日是教育電臺65週年臺慶!3月29日將辦理「65週年臺慶Birthday Party!兒童節目粉絲見面會」,
    1️⃣9:35-10:15 「小發現大科學」小茱姐姐粉絲見面會
    2️⃣10:20-11:00 「麻吉同學會」妮姐姐粉絲見面會
    3️⃣11:00-11:40 「耳公過來聽」珍珍姐姐和小玄哥哥粉絲見面會
    4️⃣11:40-12:20 「晚安故事屋」燕柔姐姐粉絲見面會
    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  • Customs and lifestyles (Asking for and giving directions)
    A: Excuse me, how do I get to Raohe Night Market from here?
    B: Just go straight ahead, then turn left two streets before you get to the river.
    A: Thanks! Is it far from here?
    B: No, it's about a 10-minute walk.
    A: Great! I've heard Raohe Night Market has amazing food.
    B: Yeah, it's a popular spot with a wide variety of local snacks to try.
    3月29日是教育電臺65週年臺慶!3月29日將辦理「65週年臺慶Birthday Party!兒童節目粉絲見面會」,
    1️⃣9:35-10:15 「小發現大科學」小茱姐姐粉絲見面會
    2️⃣10:20-11:00 「麻吉同學會」妮姐姐粉絲見面會
    3️⃣11:00-11:40 「耳公過來聽」珍珍姐姐和小玄哥哥粉絲見面會
    4️⃣11:40-12:20 「晚安故事屋」燕柔姐姐粉絲見面會
    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  • As I was going to St Ives
    As I was going to St Ives,
    I met a man with seven wives.
    Each wife had seven sacks.
    Each sack had seven cats.
    Each cat had seven kits.
    Kits, cats, sacks, and wives:
    How many were there going to St Ives?



    meet. met. metwife/wivessack 麻布袋/床,睡袋 : Cherry is still in the sack. 切利現在還在睡覺。kit/kitten: 小貓How many were there…有多少How many students were there in the classroom yesterday?

    3月29日是教育電臺65週年臺慶!3月29日將辦理「65週年臺慶Birthday Party!兒童節目粉絲見面會」,
    1️⃣9:35-10:15 「小發現大科學」小茱姐姐粉絲見面會
    2️⃣10:20-11:00 「麻吉同學會」妮姐姐粉絲見面會
    3️⃣11:00-11:40 「耳公過來聽」珍珍姐姐和小玄哥哥粉絲見面會
    4️⃣11:40-12:20 「晚安故事屋」燕柔姐姐粉絲見面會
    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  • 第一個常見錯誤,就是當我們剛認識朋友時,不知到聊什麼話題的時候,絕對會聊到 家裡有幾個人來開始介紹起和自己有關的事。不過, 談到家裡的成員有幾個人,很多人都會竟然都會用 My family has ____ people. 來表達,但其實這是一個非常典型的中式英文錯誤chinglish! 在英文裡要表達「有」,通常會用 There is/are… 這樣的句型表達,因此正確的說法應為 There are ____ people in my family.。
    A: How many people are there in your family? 你家裡有幾個人啊?
    B: There are five people in my family: my father, my mother, my brother, my sister and me. 我家有四個人:我爸、我媽、我哥哥,我姐姐還有我。

    3月29日是教育電臺65週年臺慶!3月29日將辦理「65週年臺慶Birthday Party!兒童節目粉絲見面會」,
    1️⃣9:35-10:15 「小發現大科學」小茱姐姐粉絲見面會
    2️⃣10:20-11:00 「麻吉同學會」妮姐姐粉絲見面會
    3️⃣11:00-11:40 「耳公過來聽」珍珍姐姐和小玄哥哥粉絲見面會
    4️⃣11:40-12:20 「晚安故事屋」燕柔姐姐粉絲見面會

    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

    Bilingual, English Learning, 兒童英語, 國立教育廣播電台, 國立教育廣播電臺, 教育電台, 教育電臺, 童話小森林, 給你5英棒, 英語學習, 英語童謠, 雙語麻吉同學會, 瘋英語

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  • 💬Computers (Asking for and giving information)
    A: Can you help me with my computer? It keeps freezing.
    B: Sure, have you tried restarting it?
    A: Yeah, but that didn't work.
    B: Maybe you should run a virus scan.
    A: Alright, I'll give that a try. If the problem keeps happening, should I take it to a computer repair shop?
    B: Yes, that would be a good idea. They can usually find the problem quickly.

    3月29日是教育電臺65週年臺慶!3月29日將辦理「65週年臺慶Birthday Party!兒童節目粉絲見面會」,
    1️⃣9:35-10:15 「小發現大科學」小茱姐姐粉絲見面會
    2️⃣10:20-11:00 「麻吉同學會」妮姐姐粉絲見面會
    3️⃣11:00-11:40 「耳公過來聽」珍珍姐姐和小玄哥哥粉絲見面會
    4️⃣11:40-12:20 「晚安故事屋」燕柔姐姐粉絲見面會

    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  • Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town,
    Upstairs and downstairs in his night-gown,
    Rapping at the window,
    crying through the lock,
    Are the children all in bed,
    for now it’s eight o’clock?


    wee: 極小的
    through: 穿過
    gown: 長袍/ pajama睡衣褲
    Rap: 叩擊聲
    Cry: 大叫/呼喊
    for = because
    3月29日是教育電臺65週年臺慶!3月29日將辦理「65週年臺慶Birthday Party!兒童節目粉絲見面會」,
    1️⃣9:35-10:15 「小發現大科學」小茱姐姐粉絲見面會
    2️⃣10:20-11:00 「麻吉同學會」妮姐姐粉絲見面會
    3️⃣11:00-11:40 「耳公過來聽」珍珍姐姐和小玄哥哥粉絲見面會
    4️⃣11:40-12:20 「晚安故事屋」燕柔姐姐粉絲見面會

    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  • 今天要來繼續分享追星必備英文:

    ·  周邊商品:英文是merch,是merchandise(商品)的非正式寫法。
    通常如果很迷某位明星或團體 一定要蒐集他所有的merch!!

    ·  演唱會、巡迴演唱會:我們知道「演唱會」的英文是concert, 但「巡迴演唱會」的英文? tour。
    在演唱會中,常看到粉絲們都會揮著螢光棒一邊跟著唱、英文glow stick。

    3月29日是教育電臺65週年臺慶!3月29日將辦理「65週年臺慶Birthday Party!兒童節目粉絲見面會」,
    1️⃣9:35-10:15 「小發現大科學」小茱姐姐粉絲見面會
    2️⃣10:20-11:00 「麻吉同學會」妮姐姐粉絲見面會
    3️⃣11:00-11:40 「耳公過來聽」珍珍姐姐和小玄哥哥粉絲見面會
    4️⃣11:40-12:20 「晚安故事屋」燕柔姐姐粉絲見面會

    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  • Colors
    A: I really like your backpack. Is it yours?
    B: No, it belongs to my sister. She loves purple, so that’s why she chose it.
    A: It's a nice color. Purple is my favorite too.
    B: Purple stands out and is easy to spot in a crowd.
    A: I'm planning on buying a new backpack. Where did your sister get it?
    B: She bought it online. I can ask her which website she got it from.
    A: That would be great. Please do.

    3月29日是教育電臺65週年臺慶!3月29日將辦理「65週年臺慶Birthday Party!兒童節目粉絲見面會」,
    1️⃣9:35-10:15 「小發現大科學」小茱姐姐粉絲見面會
    2️⃣10:20-11:00 「麻吉同學會」妮姐姐粉絲見面會
    3️⃣11:00-11:40 「耳公過來聽」珍珍姐姐和小玄哥哥粉絲見面會
    4️⃣11:40-12:20 「晚安故事屋」燕柔姐姐粉絲見面會

    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  • 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法:
    兒童英語 充電5分鐘|雙語麻吉同學會:

    Hey diddle, diddle,
    The cat and the fiddle,
    The cow jumped over the moon;
    The little dog laughed to see such fun,
    And the dish ran away with the spoon.


    3月29日是教育電臺65週年臺慶!3月29日將辦理「65週年臺慶Birthday Party!兒童節目粉絲見面會」,
    1️⃣9:35-10:15 「小發現大科學」小茱姐姐粉絲見面會
    2️⃣10:20-11:00 「麻吉同學會」妮姐姐粉絲見面會
    3️⃣11:00-11:40 「耳公過來聽」珍珍姐姐和小玄哥哥粉絲見面會
    4️⃣11:40-12:20 「晚安故事屋」燕柔姐姐粉絲見面會

    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  • 一起認識一些「追星」必備詞彙:
    英文可以說loyal fan、hard-core fan或die-hard fan。其中,loyal是「忠心的」、hard-core、die-hard則都有「死忠的」的意思。
    例如: 迷弟、迷妹。
    例如:Look at those crazy fans! They are fangirling again. 你看那些超狂粉絲。她們又在耍迷妹了。

    3月29日是教育電臺65週年臺慶!3月29日將辦理「65週年臺慶Birthday Party!兒童節目粉絲見面會」,
    1️⃣9:35-10:15 「小發現大科學」小茱姐姐粉絲見面會
    2️⃣10:20-11:00 「麻吉同學會」妮姐姐粉絲見面會
    3️⃣11:00-11:40 「耳公過來聽」珍珍姐姐和小玄哥哥粉絲見面會
    4️⃣11:40-12:20 「晚安故事屋」燕柔姐姐粉絲見面會

    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  • Clothing/accessories
    A: Which tie do you think matches my shirt better, the red one or the blue one?
    B: I think the blue one goes well with your shirt.
    A: Okay thanks. I'll go with the blue one then.
    B: You're welcome. Blue matches your shirt nicely.
    A: By the way, do you think I should wear a belt with these pants?
    B: Yeah, a belt would complete the look and your pants would not fall down!

    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  • To market, to market

    To market, to market, to buy a fat pig,
    Home again, home again, jiggety-jig.
    To market, to market, to buy a fat hog,
    Home again, home again, jiggety-jog.


    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  • flamingo 紅鶴為什麼是粉紅色呢?

    The sun turns them pink.太陽把牠們曬成粉紅Their food turns them this color.牠們吃的食物讓他們變成粉紅色They turn pink inside their eggs.牠們在蛋殼還沒孵出來就是粉紅色等(天生就是粉紅色)

    答案:B! 因為他們吃很多年的蝦子和海藻,有beta胡蘿蔔素,因此長年累積,羽毛就會變成粉紅。

    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  • Home appliances
    A: How much does that microwave cost?
    B: It's NT$5399. It's on sale this week.
    A: That's a good price. I am thinking about buying it.
    B: Yeah, it's a great deal. It is also a popular model.
    A: Can you tell me some more about what it can do? Does it have any special cooking settings?
    B: Sure! It has lots of different settings and it is also not too big.

    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  • Warm hands, warm

    Warm hands, warm,
    The men are gone to plough(plow),
    If you want to warm your hands,
    Warm your hands now.


    warm:溫暖的,熱情的e.g. :Cherry is a warm person because she always helps others.warm up:暖身/做準備 :The singers are warming up before the concert.變暖和:The room was warming up after I turned on the heater.

    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  •  A good friend is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have. 好朋友就像四葉幸運草four leaf clover ,難以尋找,能擁有就是幸運。A friend is like a rainbow. They brighten your life when you’ve been through a storm. 朋友就像是一道彩虹rainbow,他們在你遭遇困境時依然會照亮著你。A friend is a second self. 朋友是另一個我。Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen. 書籍如朋友,應該少而精。Friendship multiplies joys and divides grief’s. 友誼可以增添歡樂,可以分擔憂愁。

    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  • Appearance

    A: Hey, where did you get those cool shoes?
    B: I bought them at that shoe store near the school.
    A: Thanks! I'll check them out.
    B: No problem. They have different colors and sizes to choose from too. A: Are they comfy to wear all day?
    B: Yeah, they are comfortable because they are really soft. They are the perfect pair of shoes for long walks.

    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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  • I’m Dusty Bill

    I’m Dusty Bill
    From Vinegar Hill,
    Never had a bath
    And I never will.



    dust(v.)(n.)/dustytake a bath vs. take a shower. (shower 還有陣雨的意思) /bathtub浴缸Take a hot spring bath./ Cherry usually takes a hot spring bath in winter.spring: 春天/彈簧/泉水

    搜尋訂閱:NER Kids

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