Hey, hey, hey... how is everyone!
This podcast will be very rewarding if you stay to the end... Email Marketing is the keystone to Marketing World Wide.
My memory ran out at the last moment, we will continue the discussion on Email Marketing on the next episode! Stay Tuned...
I spoke about using the System, Clickfunnels to get your Online Marketing started, so here is the link for that: ClickFunnels FREE 14 Day Trial...
Please listen to the entire podcast and I'm sure you will start your own Online Business. Also, like always, if you want to contact me, just send me an email to or if you would like to talk about your anything in this podcast, you can reach out to me at my site: there you will have the ability to have a FREE Consultation with me, just pick a good day and time that will work with you. I would love connecting with you.
Robert Phillips ~thefunnelman~
Welcome Everyone...
It's going to be AWESOME to finally learn the truth about FREE Advertising!
In this episode we will look at several different ways that you can create FREE Advertising for your Website... believe me, it works if you do it properly.
I spoke about using the System, Clickfunnels to get your Online Marketing started, so here is the link for that: ClickFunnels FREE 14 Day Trial...
Please listen to the entire podcast and I'm sure you will start your own Online Business. Also, like always, if you want to contact me, just send me an email to or if you would like to talk about your anything in this podcast, you can reach out to me at my site: there you will have the ability to have a FREE Consultation with me, just pick a good day and time that will work with you. I would love connecting with you.
Robert Phillips ~thefunnelman~
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Hello Everybody...
Hope you're having an AWESOME Day! On this podcast we will be taking a look at content that could possibly change your future! Alright, you with me, let's go...
I spoke about using the System, Clickfunnels to get your Online Marketing started, so here is the link for that: ClickFunnels FREE 14 Day Trial...
Please listen to the entire podcast and I'm sure you will start your own Online Business. Also, like always, if you want to contact me, just send me an email to or if you would like to talk about your anything in this podcast, you can reach out to me at my site: there you will have the ability to have a FREE Consultation with me, just pick a good day and time that will work with you. I would love connecting with you.
Robert Phillips ~thefunnelman~
Welcome, welcome, welcome... to "Step Into Your Future"
On todays podcast we will be talking about "How to Reach Your Target Audience".
The more you know about your customer, the better you can create Marketing Campaigns that are effective.
I spoke about using the System, Clickfunnels to get your Online Marketing started, so here is the link for that: ClickFunnels FREE 14 Day Trial...
Please listen to the entire podcast and I'm sure you will start your own Online Business. Also, like always, if you want to contact me, just send me an email to or if you would like to talk about your anything in this podcast, you can reach out to me at my site: there you will have the ability to have a FREE Consultation with me, just pick a good day and time that will work with you. I would love connecting with you.
Robert Phillips ~thefunnelman~
Hey, hey, hey...
Today we will be discussing "Online Marketing 101" There are so many different things to learn about starting an online business. You really need to begin with the basics.
I spoke about using the System, Clickfunnels to get your Online Marketing started, so here is the link for that: ClickFunnels FREE 14 Day Trial...
Please listen to the entire podcast and I'm sure you will start your own Online Business. Also, like always, if you want to contact me, just send me an email to or if you would like to talk about your anything in this podcast, you can reach out to me at my site: there you will have the ability to have a FREE Consultation with me, just pick a good day and time that will work with you. I would love connecting with you.
ATTENTION ALL WANNABE Online Business Owners!
Hey ya'll, welcome back to "Step Into Your Future". This podcast is all about How to start your own Online Business. I've been helping people online for over 20 years. In todays podcast I'm going to take you by the hand and walk you thru Step by Step on how to Start Your Very Own Online Business. You with me? Lets Go...
Where to Begin, How to Start Your Online Business?
1. You've got to have a System or Software to get Started.
Click Here, FREE 14 Day Trial --->>> ClickFunnels
2. Next you'll need to create an Online Presence.
3. Build a Funnel.
4. EMS (email management system) Also know as an Auto-Responder.
5. Follow-up Email Sequence.
6. Customers, Leads (learn how to drive internet traffic)
Please listen to the entire podcast and I'm sure you will start your own Online Business. Also, like always, if you want to contact me, just send me an email to or if you would like to talk about your anything in this podcast, you can reach out to me at my site: there you will have the ability to have a FREE Consultation with me, just pick a good day and time that will work with you. I would love connecting with you.
Howdy folks,
Money, money, money, Moneyyyyyyy... what's all this talk about money? This podcast is going to check out exactly what money is all about. We will look at:
1. Money Happiness
2. What is your mindset about Money?
3. Is your thermostat set to mediocrity?
4. What is your FULL Potential?
Please listen to the entire podcast and I'm sure you will start to think about money differently. Also, like always, if you want to contact me, just send me an email to or if you would like to talk about getting involved in Online Marketing, you can reach out to me at my site: there you will have the ability to have a FREE Consultation with me, just pick a good day and time that will work with you. I would love connecting with you.
Robert Phillips ~thefunnelman~
Hey Everybody,
Todays episode is all about Dreams and Success... I know most of you have dreams, however, many of you have put those aside because of circumstances like, making a living. Sometimes it takes everything we have just to pay the bills. The reason I'm doing this is to give you a way out fo "Just Paying the Bills"
Please listen to the entire podcast and I'm sure you will start dreaming again. Also, like always, if you want to contact me, just send me an email to or if you would like to talk about your dreams and goals, you can reach out to me at my site: there you will have the ability to have a FREE Consultation with me, just pick a good day and time that will work with you. I would love connecting with you.
Robert Phillips ~thefunnelman~
Hey, Howdy ya'll, LOL...
This podcast is all about "MOTIVATION", that's right, Motivation...
We all need motivation to do anything and when you don't have it, nothing gets accomplished, period. Today we will look at:
1. What is Motivation?
2. How to get Motivated...
3. How to put your Motivation into 2nd Gear!
Please, remember, that if you want to contact me, just send an email to: and if you want to talk and get some more ideas or just brain storm, then go to: and just pick a good day and time that will work with you. I would love connecting with you.
Robert Phillips ~thefunnelman~
Howdy Everybody...
Today we will look at "Creating AWESOME Videos" I created thousands of videos and I can show you how you can improve your videos. This podcast will talk about:
1. Video Wisdom: How much do you know about creating AWESOME Videos.
2. Before You Shoot Videos: What to do before you are even ready to shoot your videos.
3. Proper Production: If you want quality, you need to know what to do next.
4. Five Ideas: I will explain 5 Ideas about how to make your YouTube Videos Better.
To actually see some of the videos that I've produced, go to:
If you need to contact me, send me an email to: or if you want to schedule a FREE Zoom Session with me go to: and just pick a good day and time that will work with you. I would love connecting with you.
Robert Phillips ~thefunnelman~
Hey everyone, hey, hey, hey...
Today's podcast is all about Reaching Your Goals. Have you ever started something that you wanted to finish so bad? Like some goals or objectives? However, you ended up not completing the task or goal. Everyone has done that a time or two.
If you listen to this podcast, I can assure you that it will help you to stay focused and you will reach any goal or objective you may have.
Want to contact me? Send me an email to: or if you want to talk about your goals or dreams, I'm all ears, I want to help in any way I can. Go to: and pick a day and time that will work with you.
Robert Phillips ~thefunnelman~
Howdy, howdy, howdy Everybody,
Hope all is well in your world today. This episode is going to touch on a few subjects that will help you in your Online Marketing Endeavors...
First will speak about "The Formula For Success", then, we will go into "Goals and Objectives", then we will talk about how to become Resilient when we run into difficult times and tragedies in our lives.
If you have an questions, please contact me at: or if you would like a FREE Consultation, just go to my site at: and pick a good day and time. I would love to speak to you about your Online Marketing Endeavors.
Robert Phillips ~thefunnelman~
Hey, What's UP...
This episode will be about launching your campaigns and also, keyword research... Remember, if you are getting some value out of my podcast, please do me a favor and share, comment, like and download all of the podcast on "Step Into Your Future"
If you want to get in contact with me, go to: also, if you want to schedule a FREE Consultation, go to: and pick a good day and time for a FREE Consultation...
Robert Phillips ~thefunnelman~
Howdy, Everyone...
Today we will talk about how to get ready to begin the shift of connecting your Brick & Mortar Business to your Online Marketing Presence. FREE Consultation:
My Podcast is all about helping people learn NEW Marketing Skills so they can build a Long-Term, Profitable, Sustainable Online Business.
Please, if you're getting Value out of my podcast, make sure to like, comment, share and also, click the button or link and start following me. One more thing, DOWNLOAD ALL OF MY PODCAST!
I Hope everyone is ready to "Step Into Your Future".
FREE 2 Week Trial of Clickfunnels!
Robert Phillips ~thefunnelman~
Hey, hey, hey...
Today we will finish up talking about a few more List Building Tools that we will need to get our Online Marketing Career off the ground. Contact Me: or go to my site: and set up a FREE Consultation. I would love speaking to you about your future.
Enjoy today's podcast!
Today will be all about "Remarkable List Building" If no one has told you yet, let me be the first... The Lifeblood of your Online Marketing Business is "YOUR LIST" There ya go. Remember that during your online career.
Please feel free to contact me at or visit my site at
Also, if you want a 100% FREE Consultation be sure to visit: and pick a good day and time that will work with you for a Zoom.
Enjoy this Podcast...
Robert Phillips (the funnel man)
Everything and anything you need to know about Affiliate Marketing.
If you have any questions or want to know more about the Funnel Man, then, just go to You can also receive a FREE Consultation.
I look forward to meeting you and also want you to know that when you keep listening to my Podcast you will discover everything you need to start your online career.