The ocean is very important for us. But we know little about it. Living in the ocean can help us learn more.
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The record for running 100 meters is 9.58 seconds. Why is it a record? It's the fastest time anyone has run 100 meters. If someone runs it faster, that runner breaks the old record. There will be a new record!
世界上一百公尺短跑最快的紀錄是 9.58 秒,如果跑得更快,就會成為新的紀錄!
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Did you know some kinds of fish can live for more than 100 years? One is the bigmouth buffalo. They're very big. Some are 120 centimeters long. Some weigh 36 kilograms!
你知道有一些魚可以活超過百歲嗎?小鯉牛胭脂魚很巨大,有的有 120 公分長,有的可以重達 36 公斤! 牠們非常長壽。
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How much sugar is in your drinks? You might be surprised!
你知道裡面有多少糖嗎? 很驚人哦!
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Swimming in the ocean can be fun. But you have to be very careful. It's not like swimming in a swimming pool or a lake. It can be dangerous. The waves can be very strong. They can push you out far from the beach!
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Today is World Storytelling Day!
今天是個特別的日子... 世界說故事日!
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Planes need fuel to fly. Now planes use fuel that makes the air dirty. It's a fossil fuel. But did you know planes can use new, cleaner fuel? It makes less dirty air!
飛機需要燃料才能起飛,這些燃料產生很多空氣污染。但是你知道嗎? 現在飛機也可以選擇更乾淨的環保燃料!
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Our world is full of cool things! To find new things, we use our senses …
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When you study hard, good things can happen!
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"Hello? Hmm... no one's at home. I'll leave these peanuts at the door."
哈囉! 有人在嗎? 沒人在家的話我就把花生留在門口吧。
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In Kaohsiung, a baker sold bread online. Many people liked her bread. But she wanted to try something new. Now, she has a bakery and cafe on an old train!
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The Andes are the world's longest mountain range. They're over 9,000 kilometers long. That's longer than the Great Wall of China!
安地斯是世界最長的山脈,它全長超過 9000 公里,比中國長城還要長!
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Learning a new language can be hard. But getting lots of sleep can help!
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Most chicken eggs are not round. One end is wide. The other end is not as wide.
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Scientists found a cemetery in England. It was two thousand years old! A group of people had used it for three hundred years. The scientists studied their DNA.
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Darts are small, sharp arrows. Darts players throw them at a dartboard. They take turns throwing three darts.
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Long ago, a woman lived in a small town in Sweden. She needed money to help her family. So she made and sold candy!
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At 7 a.m., kids are walking to school. Many cars and scooters are on the streets. They are going fast!
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There’s a small dinosaur in that tree! Oh, wait. It's a green iguana! Some people keep them as pets.
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Sometimes when we get hurt or sick, we go to the hospital. Doctors and nurses there help us get better.
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