
  • On today's episode, we welcome the remarkable Bonni McCliss, a returning guest who brings her unique perspective as an Akashic channel and psychic medium. With an aura of profound wisdom, Bonni shares the cosmic dance between solar flares, human consciousness, and the future of humanity. Her insights into the solar maximum are not just scientific but spiritual, revealing how the sun’s existential crisis mirrors our own. The cosmic energies are shifting, and Bonni believes this is more than a natural phenomenon—it's a call for humanity to elevate its consciousness.“The sun is having seizures. It's having an existential crisis,” Bonni McCliss explains, likening the solar maximum to the final contractions before a cosmic rebirth. She encourages us to view these solar events as symbolic of our inner transformation. Just as the sun will flip its magnetic poles, humans must also re-align their energy fields to harmonize with these intense cosmic forces. The sun’s erratic behavior, Bonni reveals, is pushing us into a new paradigm of self-realization and soul evolution.This profound conversation leads us to consider our own journeys. As Bonni delves into the concept of time in the Akashic Records, she touches on how past, present, and future lives intertwine. She suggests that these solar flares are more than just disruptions—they are cosmic nudges, helping us to remember our divine connection to the universe. The shift is happening at a cellular level, loaded in our DNA, and Bonni believes we’re being prepared to receive energy from neighboring galaxies like Andromeda.She shares her insights into the physical and emotional toll of these shifts. “The hustle mentality will put you in the hospital,” Bonni warns, advocating for a slower, more mindful approach to life. The solar flares are pushing us to let go of the chaotic, external world and focus inward, finding peace and alignment within ourselves. In this process, Bonni advises us to "find a different light source," using the crown chakra to tap into an internal luminosity that transcends the physical world.

    SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSGo Within: As external forces become more chaotic, finding inner peace and light is crucial. Bonni encourages tapping into your internal energy source, especially during times of cosmic shifts like the solar maximum.Embrace Change: The solar flares are a metaphor for human transformation. Just as the sun experiences a death and rebirth, we too are shedding old layers to evolve into higher states of consciousness.Non-Attachment: In the midst of this global and cosmic turmoil, Bonni urges us to practice non-attachment and non-aversion. The key to surviving these energetic shifts lies in not holding on to transient emotions or external circumstances.As we look toward 2024 and beyond, Bonni McCliss leaves us with a powerful message of hope and resilience. The world is changing rapidly, but rather than fear these shifts, she advises us to see them as opportunities for growth. We are being called to embrace the unknown, to move forward with faith and light, and to trust in the natural, cosmic rhythms that guide us. These solar flares, pole shifts, and even the political upheavals are all part of a larger plan—a divine orchestration pushing us toward a more awakened, conscious existence.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Bonni McCliss.

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  • On today's episode, we welcome back the wise and insightful Connie H. Deutsch. A trusted spiritual guide and channel, Connie brings her extraordinary ability to connect with higher realms while maintaining a grounded and conscious presence. Our conversation delves deep into the energetic and spiritual shifts that are already shaping our world, providing an outlook not just for 2024 but beyond.As the world grows increasingly chaotic, Connie reminds us of the profound shifts happening all around us, many of which are invisible to the naked eye but deeply felt by the soul. She shared a truth that hit home: “This is a golden opportunity for all of us to either diminish our negative karma or delete it altogether.” These words resonated deeply, especially in the context of the intense political and social upheavals currently at play. According to Connie, the key to navigating these tumultuous times lies in awakening a higher level of consciousness.During this transformative discussion, Connie offers a sobering yet hopeful forecast. Her vision of the future, shaped by her unique approach to channeling, revealed that 2024 would be a year of great disruption, not just in the United States but globally. Elections in over half of the world's nations will serve as a catalyst for massive spiritual and social shifts. What stood out, however, was her assertion that "as America goes, so goes the rest of the world." This insight reveals the interconnectedness of our global community, and it underscores the importance of inner transformation as the foundation for societal change.Connie’s channeling technique, a conscious form of receiving information, allows her to remain fully present in the conversation, a method she has refined over decades of spiritual practice. She explained, "I wanted it to feel like a normal conversation, not something otherworldly." This grounded approach makes her insights accessible to those seeking clarity in these confusing times. Her predictions for the next six months are intense, yet she reassures us that humanity will not only survive but will rise stronger if we remain open to the lessons the universe is offering.One of the most powerful themes of this episode is awakening. Connie explains that this is not just a personal journey but a global one. Countries that have been historically silent are beginning to find their voice, and as they awaken, so do their people. The year ahead will be one of trials, but also triumphs. There will be losses that shake us to the core, but these too will serve as spiritual catalysts, forcing humanity to confront the question, "What are we doing wrong?"

    Awakening is inevitable. Connie shares that an energetic shift is already happening, and those who remain asleep to the spiritual dimension will soon be forced to awaken.Meditation is the key. Connie emphasizes that without consistent meditation, it is impossible to raise our vibration and connect with our higher selves. Even starting with small steps, like a few minutes a day, can lead to profound spiritual growth.Kindness is our legacy. One of the most beautiful insights from Connie is that acts of kindness—no matter how small—have the power to change the world. She encourages us to practice kindness daily and make it part of our spiritual legacy.As we venture into this uncertain future, Connie leaves us with the reminder that spiritual growth does not happen in isolation. We are all part of a collective awakening, and as we raise our own consciousness, we help lift the consciousness of the world. It's clear that the times ahead will challenge us all, but Connie believes that these challenges will also present incredible opportunities for personal and global transformation. The choice is ours: we can continue to live in fear and division, or we can awaken to the higher frequencies that are available to all of us.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Connie H. Deutsch.

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  • New York Times Best Selling author Kyle Cease has a gift of merging comedy with personal transformation. As a comedian, Kyle had two #1 Comedy Central specials and was voted as #1 ranking on Comedy Central’s Stand-up Showdown.

    After leaving his job as an award-winning comedian, Kyle dedicated his life to helping others and created Evolving Out Loud, which is a growing community with over 400 thousand members worldwide. Kyle has personally coached over fifteen thousand people and his YouTube videos have been watched over 60 million times.

    Kyle has made over 100 TV and movie appearances, including Jimmy Kimmel Live and The Late Late Show, and his speaking events regularly fill large venues across the United States. He has also spoken with renowned teachers like Eckhart Tolle, Jim Carrey, Michael Beckwith, Louis C.K., Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Louie Anderson, Dick Gregory, and David Wolfe; as well been a guest speaker at thousands of colleges, summits, and Fortune 500 conferences, including Agape International, GATE, Revelations, the Sun Valley Wellness Festival, Sedona World Wisdom Days, and the Longevity Now Conference.

    Kyle, continuously inspired by his daughter, if putting it simply would say; he is ever-evolving [out loud] and on a journey to constantly find out the truth of who he is.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Kyle Cease.

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  • On today’s episode, we welcome the inspiring Karen Bell. Her journey, spanning nearly two decades, began in the most unexpected way—as a makeup artist who found herself tuning into energies and receiving psychic impressions from her clients. What started as simple intuitive nudges evolved into an extraordinary career of mediumship and channeling. Karen’s story is one of transformation, courage, and self-discovery, revealing that the path to spiritual awakening is often as subtle as it is profound.As she described in our conversation, Karen's psychic abilities first made themselves known during her work as a makeup artist. She would receive spontaneous impressions about her clients and their loved ones. Over time, she realized that what seemed like a heightened sensitivity was actually the blossoming of her psychic gifts. “I didn't consciously decide it, but it was just happening to me,” Karen Bell recalls. Her curiosity led her down a path of study and self-experimentation, from anonymous readings to more profound mediumistic experiences.As Karen continued to explore her abilities, she transitioned into mediumship, where she began communicating with spirits. It wasn’t long before she moved beyond simply offering readings. The messages she conveyed were often filled with healing energy for those grieving their loved ones. The depth of healing she provided was unmistakable, bringing tears and profound peace to her clients. One of the most powerful moments she shared was when she realized the power in offering comfort and the reassurance that "our loved ones haven't gone anywhere; they’re still here."The next stage of Karen’s evolution came when she started channeling a higher being named Sarai. Channeling, as Karen explains, is a unique experience compared to mediumship, involving a deeper shift in consciousness. “It’s a side effect of awakening,” Karen explained. As she began daily meditation, a blue orb-like presence made itself known to her, and it gradually became apparent that this wasn’t just a peaceful energy but an entity offering wisdom. In time, Sarai began to speak through Karen, delivering profound insights about the nature of reality, human consciousness, and our spiritual evolution.

    SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSSpiritual Gifts Emerge Gradually: Karen’s story teaches us that spiritual abilities may take years to fully develop. What begins as a subtle nudge may eventually blossom into a profound connection with higher realms, if nurtured with patience and practice.Authenticity and Courage in Spirituality: Karen's journey shows that embracing spiritual gifts isn’t always easy. There are shifts in relationships, and it may feel isolating at times. Yet, she underscores that it’s far more painful to live inauthentically than to pursue the path that truly resonates with your soul.Channeling as an Act of Service: One of Karen’s most important lessons is that channeling serves others by offering higher wisdom, healing, and connection. Sarai’s messages, which emphasize love, unity, and interconnectedness, are reminders that the journey toward awakening is deeply meaningful for both the individual and the collective.In our discussion, Karen shared how channeling Sarai has transformed not only her clients' lives but also her own. The being that speaks through her embodies unconditional love and playfulness, often reminding us to question our beliefs with humor and lightness. As Karen beautifully put it, "Sarai helps people see their mental constructs for what they are and asks, ‘Isn’t that cute?’” The message is clear: it’s time to release outdated beliefs, especially those that no longer serve our spiritual growth.Karen’s journey is a testament to the power of spiritual evolution. She’s proof that every experience, no matter how unexpected, is part of a greater divine plan. Her ability to navigate the different stages of psychic development with grace and surrender has led her to become a powerful channel and healer. And while her journey is extraordinary, it’s also deeply relatable—reminding us that we, too, have the ability to tap into higher realms of consciousness and discover our soul’s true purpose.

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  • On today’s episode, we welcome Dr. Siri Zemel, a doctor of mind-body medicine and a channeler of light language. This fascinating conversation invites us to explore the thin veil between the physical and spiritual worlds through Siri's personal journey of awakening. She shares the unique story of how she first experienced channeling as a child, long before she even knew what it was. Growing up, she had conversations with what she thought were imaginary friends. But as she matured, those experiences were tucked away, buried under the demands and expectations of the everyday world.As she journeyed through life, Siri followed a path that led her deep into the realms of academia. From studying nutrition to pursuing a Ph.D. in mind-body medicine, she spent nearly two decades working in behavioral healthcare and obesity research. Yet, as her life unfolded, there was always a lingering sense of something missing. That missing piece, it turns out, was the spiritual connection she had as a child—the very essence of her being, seeking expression once again. In her words, "When those words come across my lips, I feel a sense of connectedness, a sense of euphoria, a sense of oneness that is indescribable."It was during her time studying mind-body medicine that Siri found the space to normalize and explore her channeling experiences. She explains how channeling manifested through her as an unknown language—a light language—flowing through her. This experience brought forth both physical and spiritual challenges, as her body adapted to channeling immense energies from the spirit world. Siri describes the initial difficulty of allowing this energy to pass through her body, often resulting in headaches and exhaustion. Yet over time, she learned to manage and integrate these powerful experiences, allowing them to enhance both her life and her work.In a time of global upheaval and personal transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic, Siri felt a deep calling to step into her authenticity. She decided to embrace her spiritual gifts fully, no longer hiding the fact that she was a channeler. This act of coming out as a spiritual channel marked a turning point. She shifted from compartmentalizing her life to integrating her professional and spiritual selves. The skies did not fall, as she humorously reflects, and instead, she found herself more aligned with her true purpose. Dr. Siri Zemel reminds us that living authentically is a beautiful, albeit sometimes terrifying, process.Her journey didn’t stop there. Realizing that many like her were having similar awakenings, Siri collaborated with the Institute of Noetic Sciences to research the ethical standards needed for mediums and channelers. Through a comprehensive study, they found overwhelming support from the spiritual community to formalize ethical practices and professional guidelines. As more people come into their spiritual gifts, this effort aims to ensure that the practice remains grounded in integrity and credibility.

    Channeling is a way to reconnect with a deeper, indescribable sense of oneness: Siri’s experiences remind us that spiritual practices can offer profound feelings of unity and connection with the divine. Her light language comes from a place beyond the known world, bridging the gap between the human experience and higher realms of consciousness.Spiritual authenticity often requires personal transformation: Like Siri, many of us may suppress or ignore our spiritual gifts to fit into societal norms. But stepping into our true selves, as terrifying as it may seem, can lead to greater fulfillment and a richer sense of purpose.Ethics and integrity are essential in spiritual practices: As the spiritual community grows, Siri’s work emphasizes the need for professional standards to protect both practitioners and those they serve. Her research into ethical standards for mediums and channelers reflects the growing demand for credibility and integrity in these fields.In this profound conversation, Dr. Siri Zemel opens a door to the mystical dimensions of human existence. Her story reminds us that we are all on a journey of self-discovery, and sometimes, that journey takes us to places beyond the ordinary. Whether through channeling, meditation, or simple self-reflection, the search for deeper meaning is one that we all share.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Siri Zemel.

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  • In today's episode, we dive deep into a story that transcends the ordinary. Matt Kahn, a spiritual teacher and author known for his gentle guidance and profound wisdom, takes us on a journey through his unique experiences as a channeler. From childhood encounters with spontaneous wisdom to mystical out-of-body experiences, Matt's life has been anything but conventional. As we unravel his story, we discover the remarkable ways he came to terms with channeling, hearing voices, and receiving guidance from higher realms.Matt shares that his channeling began at the tender age of eight. Imagine an eight-year-old boy casually speaking profound truths that leave adults around him astonished. "There’s a part of me standing next to me, telling me what to say, but I only know what I’m saying as I say it," he recalls. What started as a trickle of wisdom soon grew into an ocean of understanding, as he realized he wasn’t alone in his spiritual insights. He was, in his words, "a microphone for something greater."Throughout his journey, Matt Kahn experienced what many would call miraculous events. He had a vivid out-of-body experience at the age of 10, where he found himself in a heavenly garden filled with radiant colors and unconditional love. There, he encountered a being dressed in a white robe, who emanated light and love in a way he had never felt before. That experience left an indelible mark on his soul, showing him that spirituality was real, even if he couldn’t explain it at the time.Channeling became an integral part of Matt's life, though he never sought to make it his identity. He simply flowed with what he was receiving, using his gifts to help others. "I’m here to love all parts of me and whatever parts from my past hadn’t been loved by anyone else," he explains. This message of self-love became central to his work, helping others heal through embracing their own shadows and wounds.One of the most beautiful aspects of Matt's journey is his humble relationship with his guides. He didn't seek out fame or titles. In fact, he downplays the sensationalism of being a channeler, saying, "Channeling is just one of my abilities. I’m an empath, an intuitive, but these are just one of many things that I have been given to do the work that I do." His wisdom flows effortlessly, whether discussing his spiritual journey or cracking a joke about the quirks of life.In our conversation, Matt Kahn touches on the importance of living with integrity. He speaks about how his guides, including Ascended Masters like Melchizedek and Jesus, guided him to focus on love and heart-centeredness, not just esoteric experiences. He reminds us that spiritual growth is not about accumulating mystical achievements but about how we live our lives. The greatest wisdom he imparts is simple yet profound: "Whatever arises, love that."

    SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYS:Self-Love is Essential: Matt’s message is clear—true healing and awakening begin with loving all parts of ourselves, especially the parts that feel unloved or unworthy.Trust the Process: Even when we can’t make sense of it, life is always guiding us toward our highest good. Matt’s story is a testament to trusting in the unknown and allowing spiritual guidance to flow.Spirituality is Grounded in Humanity: We don’t need to chase after spiritual experiences. The real magic happens when we integrate spirituality into our daily lives, embracing the ordinary with as much reverence as the extraordinary.In this conversation, we witness the remarkable balance between the mystical and the practical, the divine and the human. Matt Kahn offers us not only his wisdom but also a reminder that we are all capable of connecting to something greater than ourselves. His journey inspires us to explore our own inner depths and to trust that, whatever path we walk, it’s leading us home.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Matt Kahn.

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  • On today's episode, we welcome Timothy Hogan, a Grand Master of the Knights Templar, who brings to light centuries-old mysteries, including the Vatican's secrets and the Holy Bloodline of Jesus. In our fascinating conversation, Hogan reveals deep connections between ancient orders, suppressed knowledge, and the role of the Templars in preserving sacred truths. Our exploration moves beyond historical timelines and into realms of spiritual wisdom that continue to resonate today.Timothy Hogan opens by explaining the origin of Friday the 13th as unlucky, a date tied to the infamous rounding up of the Knights Templar in 1307 by the Roman Church. As Hogan notes, the Templar Order, rich in spiritual wisdom and guardians of sacred treasures like the Holy Grail, had long been perceived as a threat by the powers that sought to control religious narratives. They were not only warriors but also custodians of profound spiritual truths, including Gnostic and alchemical knowledge, which set them apart from the mainstream religious structures of the time.He shares that the Templars viewed Christ as more than a religious figure confined to the Roman Church’s teachings. To the Templars, Jesus embodied universal consciousness—an idea closely linked to the wisdom of Eastern traditions, such as the teachings of Krishna and Buddha. Hogan highlights how the Templars understood the "Christos" as a cosmic principle that transcended physicality, merging esoteric Christian teachings with philosophies from ancient Egypt and India.One of the most mind-opening parts of our dialogue was Hogan’s revelation of the Templars' connection to the Holy Grail. As he explains, the Grail is not merely a physical cup but a symbol for something much more profound: the connection between individual consciousness and the universal divine mind. “The Grail represents that mystical union between the personal and the cosmic, the finite and the infinite,” says Hogan. The Templars understood this spiritual alchemy, embodying the idea that we are all walking temples, capable of connecting directly to the divine.Our discussion then shifts to one of the greatest controversies in Christian history—the bloodline of Jesus. Hogan shares that, according to Templar tradition, Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, herself a high initiate in ancient mysteries. Together, they symbolized the union of wisdom (Sophia) and divine consciousness. Through this marriage, a sacred bloodline continued, one that the Templars were tasked to protect, not just physically but spiritually, ensuring that the deeper truths of Christ’s teachings endured despite attempts at suppression.

    Universal Consciousness: The Templars understood Christ as a symbol of universal consciousness, not a deity tied solely to religious dogma. This interpretation opens the door to a more inclusive spiritual understanding.The Holy Grail as Spiritual Alchemy: The Grail, far from being just a cup, symbolizes the union between personal and cosmic consciousness. This mystical union is a form of spiritual enlightenment accessible to all.Guardians of Hidden Knowledge: The Knights Templar were not just warriors but preservers of profound spiritual teachings, merging Christian Gnosticism with the wisdom of ancient Egypt, India, and even Atlantis.In this profound conversation, Hogan invites us to look beyond history books and dogma to uncover the spiritual truths that still have relevance today. He encourages us to seek out the "Holy Grail" within ourselves, awakening to the divine consciousness that permeates all things. As humanity stands at the cusp of greater spiritual awareness, the Templars' mission of preserving sacred wisdom becomes more relevant than ever.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Timothy Hogan.

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  • Jocelyn Jones is one of Hollywood’s most prized secret weapons. A legendary acting teacher, coach, and artistic advisor to the stars, she has served as a confidential Creative Consultant on some of the highest-grossing pictures of all time.

    Now, she shares her personal journey—and the secrets behind her unique methodology—in Artist: Awakening the Spirit Within.

    How do you tap into the power of creation? A great teacher doesn’t just tell you; they show you! With forthright vulnerability, Jones shares the memories and lessons that shaped her, both spiritually and as a world-class teacher—proving beyond question that the same creative process she offers actors can help you discover and manifest a life in coherence with your own heart.

    Whether you’re an actor looking to elevate your craft or a fellow human traveler pursuing your dreams, Artist shows you step by step how to awaken to your higher self and move confidently into the life you were born to live.

    An acting teacher for over thirty years, Ms. Jones is known for offering insights and techniques that enhance her clients' confidence; provide consistent, inspirational results; and guide them to their own unique perspectives. Her memoir is a blueprint for awakening and connecting to the spirit within—the Artist, capable of manifesting anything.

    Ms. Jones is also known for the critically acclaimed documentary series In Class with Jocelyn Jones, A Celebration of Actors & Acting, featuring sixteen studio members as they demonstrate the range of work taught in her Master Class.

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  • On today's episode, we welcome Michaela Firester, a psychic medium and aura reader, who takes us on a journey into the mystical realm of angel numbers, aura readings, and humanity's evolving future. With an uncanny ability to see colors around people from a young age, Michaela shares how her perception of the world is fundamentally shaped by these energetic hues. For her, seeing auras is as natural as noticing someone’s eye color—something she’s always lived with, but didn’t fully understand until later in life. As she delved deeper into her abilities, she realized the unique power they held in helping people uncover their true selves.What stands out in this conversation is Michaela’s explanation of how these colors—red for assertiveness, blue for sensitivity, and yellow for organization—can guide people in understanding their personalities and life choices. She speaks with passion about how everyone’s aura reveals not just surface-level traits, but deeper insights into their life’s purpose. The way she weaves spirituality into the everyday—whether it’s helping a child in school based on the color of their aura or guiding an adult through significant life choices—shows how intertwined energy is with our decisions.One of the most compelling parts of the discussion is Michaela's insight into angel numbers. These recurring sequences, she explains, are not just random coincidences but powerful messages from high vibrational beings, meant to guide us in our life’s path. She advises, “When you start seeing a number over and over again, ask yourself how you feel when you see it.” These numbers, she says, come with emotional resonance, nudging us toward decisions that align with our soul’s purpose. Angel numbers are a way for the universe to communicate with us when we need direction, offering a subtle push when we're at a crossroads.In her work with clients, Michaela has seen how aura readings can unlock deep transformations. One story she shares is about a woman who, despite her role as an office coordinator, was offered the chance to buy the business she worked for. At first, the woman hesitated, believing she wasn’t capable. But through their session, Michaela helped her see that her aura was perfectly suited for leadership. The woman embraced her authentic energy, purchased the company, and turned it into a thriving business. It's these moments of realization, Michaela emphasizes, that show how we can use our natural gifts to manifest dreams we thought were beyond our reach.

    Angel Numbers Are Personal Guides
    Angel numbers appear when we need them most, sending emotional and spiritual signals that resonate with our current life situations. When they show up, take a moment to reflect on what’s happening in your life and how you feel.Auras Reveal More Than Personality
    While auras can provide insight into surface-level traits like sensitivity or assertiveness, they also hold deeper wisdom about your soul's purpose. Learning to recognize and harness the power of your aura can lead to life-changing shifts.Trust Your Curiosity
    As Michaela advises, “Curiosity is your soul asking, 'Can we go deeper?'” Don’t dismiss those moments of intrigue as mere distractions—follow them, because they are guiding you toward your spiritual growth.In this profound conversation, we also touch on the future of humanity, a subject that feels both hopeful and uncertain. Michaela speaks of the "fuzziness" she sees in the collective trajectory, where nothing is set in stone, and every choice we make carries weight. She encourages listeners to tune into their own personal energy and make decisions with intention because the future is malleable, and it’s up to each of us to steer our own ship.This dialogue is more than just an exploration of spiritual abilities—it’s an invitation to rethink how we interact with the world around us, to listen more closely to the signs, and to trust the guidance that’s always there, whether through colors, numbers, or inner knowing.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Michaela Firester.

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  • On today’s episode, we welcome the wonderful Gaia Chinniah to dive into the mystery of past life soul progression and the interconnectedness of parallel lives. Imagine living multiple versions of your existence simultaneously, each influencing the other in ways both subtle and profound. Gaia takes us on a journey through these unseen dimensions, where memories, actions, and energies from other realms affect who we are in the here and now.Gaia Chinniah, a gifted healer, shares her path from a life built on societal expectations to one of deep spiritual discovery. She reveals how, at the age of 33, her life took a dramatic turn when she stepped into her spiritual power, a shift guided by her connection with ancient knowledge and ancestral wisdom. Gaia candidly reflects, “I went 33 years pretending to be someone else, and I didn’t even know it.” Her awakening opened the doors to understanding the impact of past lives on the present and the role of parallel selves influencing the now.In this profound conversation, Gaia explains that many of our challenges stem from unresolved energies in other lifetimes or dimensions. She describes working with clients whose current struggles are deeply tied to parallel versions of themselves. Gaia recounts a powerful experience of helping a woman who could not conceive a child because of trauma experienced by a parallel version of herself. By healing that trauma in one dimension, the woman was finally able to move forward in this life.

    We are multidimensional beings: Our lives are interconnected across timelines, and our current experiences may be influenced by versions of ourselves living in other dimensions. Healing one life often heals others.Energy is memory: The actions and energies we create affect not only ourselves but ripple through our relationships, businesses, and even other lifetimes.Ancestral healing is key: Often, we are carrying the wounds of our ancestors. By addressing their unresolved energy, we not only free ourselves but also those who came before us.Gaia emphasizes that “everything is a ceremony,” a reminder that we are constantly creating and concluding cycles. Our souls are always in progression, moving forward as we learn and heal from our past actions and the actions of our parallel selves. Gaia’s ability to channel between dimensions and help individuals access hidden parts of themselves is a testament to the power of inner work.In closing, Gaia offers a glimpse into how we can each tap into this multidimensionality. By meditating and connecting with our higher selves, we can access the wisdom of our parallel lives, bringing their knowledge into the present to guide us. She invites us to ask, “Where is another version of me that needs the ability I have now to step into my power?”

    Please enjoy my conversation with Gaia Chinniah.

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  • Join Next Level Soul's Wisdom From Beyond Virtual Summit:

    Join Alex Ferrari from Next Level Soul for a deep dive into the chaotic state of our world and the spiritual underpinnings behind it. In this transformative livestream, we’ll explore the energetic shifts, the awakening of consciousness, and the unseen forces at play. Why are we witnessing so much upheaval and uncertainty? What does this mean for the future of humanity? **LIVE Q&A Session Included!**

    Join Next Level Soul's Wisdom From Beyond Virtual Summit: Click here to save your spot 👉

    Ready to transform your life and elevate your spirit? Join Alex Ferrari of Next Level Soul for Wisdom From Beyond, a transformative 6-day virtual summit (Nov 11-16, 2024). This isn’t just another event—it’s your gateway to profound spiritual awakening. Dive into the mystical realms of channeling and sacred wisdom and expand your consciousness.

    Channelers: - Darryl Anka (Channeler of 'Bashar') - Geoff Hoppe (Channeler of 'Adamus St. Germain') - Sheila Gillette (Channeler of 'Theo' - Paul Selig (Channeler of 'The Guides') - Sara Landon (Channeler of 'The Council') - Anne Tucker (Channeler of the 'Angelic Realm')

    Over 9 hours of Soul-Expanding Channeling Sessions.

    You get: - Six 90+ Min Sessions with world-renowned Channlers - Over $500 in BONUS Content from each Channeler - MP3 downloads of each session - Early Access & $100 off our 2025 LIVE IN-PERSON Event ASCENSION Conference

    PLEASE NOTE: After you complete the purchase of the Wisdom from Beyond Virtual Summit, you will be given access and your discount to purchase tickets to The Ascension Conference LIVE In-Person Event. (DISCOUNT AND ACCESS ARE LIMITED TO THE FIRST 50 BUYERS)

    Click here to save your spot 👉

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  • On today's episode, we welcome Gary L. Wimmer, a man whose journey through life and beyond will leave you questioning the nature of existence. In this profound conversation, Gary shares the riveting story of his near-death experience, during which he witnessed a future that seems eerily accurate and learned profound lessons about the universe. His experience wasn’t just a brush with death; it was a transcendental voyage that shattered his understanding of reality.Gary’s near-death experience occurred after a car accident, but what preceded the event was equally extraordinary. Before the accident, he experienced intense premonitions, telepathic connections, and a deepening sense of the mystical. He recalls walking down the street in Austin, Texas, when suddenly, the monitors—a group of angelic beings—appeared to him in a flash of light. They asked him one crucial question: "Do you trust us?" It was only after he answered yes that he was struck head-on by a speeding car. This marked the beginning of a journey beyond the physical world, where he expanded spiritually, encountered infinite mind, and grasped the profound interconnectedness of the universe.During the interview, Gary L. Wimmer vividly recounts the phases of his near-death experience. He describes the sensation of expanding beyond the Earth, past galaxies, and into a void of infinite love and mind, where he no longer recognized himself as a separate being. "It was pure, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful," he says, capturing the profound joy and fearlessness he felt while traversing the cosmos. It wasn’t just an out-of-body experience; it was a glimpse into the very mechanics of creation, where infinite possibilities manifest through infinite love.What’s perhaps most compelling is that Gary’s experience didn’t end with his return to his body. As he re-entered his physical form, he was shown visions of the future—events like 9/11 and the turbulent changes we see in today’s world. These visions revealed humanity’s struggles but also the hope of a future characterized by enlightenment and peace. It’s a reminder that despite the chaos, we are moving toward something greater.

    We are interconnected: Gary’s experience in the void of infinite mind speaks to the unity of all existence. "The illusion of separation is a challenge and a misconception," he notes, urging us to remember that, at the deepest level, we are all part of one infinite source.Free will shapes our reality: Gary emphasizes that while some events may seem predetermined, much of what happens is influenced by our free will. We have the power to change our future, both individually and collectively, by the choices we make today.Trust in the universe: When asked by the monitors if he trusted them, Gary’s affirmative response marked a turning point in his journey. His story reminds us to trust in the process of life, even when we don't understand it, for there is a higher wisdom guiding us all.Gary’s near-death experience is not just a tale of personal transformation; it offers insights into the nature of existence, free will, and the possibilities that await us beyond this life. His story challenges us to look at our own lives with new eyes, to embrace the spiritual dimension, and to recognize that even in the darkest moments, there is always light.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Gary L. Wimmer.

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  • Vishen Lakhiani is an author and entrepreneur in the ed-tech space. He is the founder of Mindvalley, an education technology company building a new model for human education that aims to give everyone the same quality of life and benefits of an Ivy League education for 1/100 the price.

    Mindvalley creates tech and platforms that power online academies in areas that traditional education ignores. These include mindfulness, personal growth, wellness, spirituality and more. Mindvalley employs 400 people and has 20 million students globally. In addition to founder of Mindvalley, he is the founder of the transformational festival A-Fest. Vishen quest is to help move humanity to a more holistic, integrated education system that caters for the whole being.

    Now, Vishen is leading a revolution in meditation—and he says that trying to replicate ancient monastic practices within the chaos that is modern life is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. That’s why he developed his breakthrough technique. The Six Phase Meditation Method isn’t just about spiritual centeredness (which of course you’ll get)—it’s also about performance.

    FREE Masterclass on Access Altered States (The Silva Method)

    It actively impacts the way you show up in the world so you can help make it a better place. It’s a condensed, magic-making, joy-creating, productivity-inducing meditation that empowers you to get focused, find peace, and manifest your goals.

    FREE Masterclass Taught by Vishen - Be Extraordinary

    In short, Vishen hacked meditation to make it work for anyone, no matter how busy, prone to a wandering mind, or allergic to the lotus posture they are. Over years of study in personal growth that led him to consult with neuroscientists, monks, yogis, and meditation experts, he pulled from thousands of years of psycho-spiritual wisdom, cherry-picked the best bits, translated it all into plain English, and put it into a 20-minute practice that anyone can master.

    His new book is called The 6 Phase Meditation Method: The Proven Technique to Supercharge Your Mind, Manifest Your Goals, and Make Magic in Minutes a Day

    Don’t be fooled by the title. This book has nothing to do with meditation as you know it. We just didn’t have enough space on the front cover to call it The 6 Phase Multi-Faceted Psycho-Spiritual Transcendent Mind-Training Technique . . .

    Leading a revolution in meditation, entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author Vishen Lakhiani interviewed nearly 1,000 neuroscientists, monks, yogis, and meditation experts over years of study. He distilled thousands of years of psycho-spiritual wisdom to create The 6 Phase Meditation Method—aka, meditation for badasses.

    Used daily by athletes, artists, rock stars, and CEOs, the 6 Phase Meditation is a magic-making, joy-creating, productivity-inducing protocol that empowers you to get focused, find peace, and manifest your goals.

    The key to unlocking all this magic? Six unique thought exercises that you run through your head as a hyper-efficient programming script. You can complete this meditation from the comfort of your bed, from your office or on your next flight, wherever or whenever you choose.

    No matter how busy, prone to a wandering mind, or allergic to the lotus posture you are, the 6 Phase Meditation is suitable for absolutely everyone, no exceptions. And this transcendent sequence is custom-designed to produce these peak states in its practitioners in minutes a day. No boredom, special breathing, or “clearing your mind” required.

    Delivered with humor, a practical how-to, and a free app to support you on your journey, the 6 Phase Meditation is waiting for you.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Vishen Lakhiani.

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  • On today's episode, we welcome back the dynamic duo of Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi. Together, they delve into the realms of spiritual enlightenment, the nature of the soul, and the profound teachings of Kryon, an entity that Lee has channeled for decades. Lee Carroll, a distinguished channeler, and Monika Muranyi, the archivist and "brain of Lee," have spent years sharing Kryon's messages, guiding us through the intricacies of human consciousness and our place in the universe.From the very beginning of this conversation, we are invited to reconsider everything we think we know about the soul, heaven, and hell. Lee Carroll challenges the conventional narratives, stating, "There is no heaven, there is no hell. It is a human construct based upon patterning after human ideas." This revelation turns our understanding on its head, suggesting that these concepts, so deeply embedded in religious doctrines, are mere reflections of our linear thinking, rather than absolute truths. The soul, according to Kryon, is not a separate entity that resides elsewhere; it is always with us, a magnificent part of our being that transcends the physical form.Monika Muranyi adds depth to this discussion, illustrating the multi-dimensional nature of the soul with a powerful metaphor. She describes the soul as an ocean, and our human experience as an ice cube floating within it. When we die, the ice cube melts back into the ocean, becoming one with the vast, infinite body of water. "Where did it go? It didn't go anywhere. It simply merged and blended back into that which it already was," she explains. This visualization helps us grasp the idea that our soul is eternal, always present, and connected to the greater whole.As the conversation unfolds, we are taken on a journey through the misconceptions that have shaped our understanding of the afterlife. The notion of heaven and hell, as Lee Carroll points out, is a simplistic interpretation of the soul's journey. Kryon's teachings emphasize that there is no judgment awaiting us after death—no punishment or reward. Instead, we return to a "beautiful source which is pure and complete, loving you." This perspective shifts the focus from fear and judgment to love and unity, encouraging us to embrace our divine nature.

    The Soul is Ever-Present: The soul is not a distant or separate entity but an integral part of who we are, always with us and connected to the divine source.Transcendental Unity: Death is not an end but a transition, where the individual consciousness merges back into the universal consciousness, akin to an ice cube melting back into the ocean.Liberation from Fear: The concepts of heaven and hell are constructs of human imagination, rooted in fear and control. True spiritual understanding frees us from these fears and connects us to a more loving and compassionate reality.In reflecting on these teachings, we are invited to consider a broader, more inclusive understanding of spirituality. The messages shared by Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi challenge us to move beyond the confines of traditional religious thought and embrace a more expansive view of our existence. By doing so, we can find peace in the knowledge that we are always connected to the divine, and that our journey, both in life and beyond, is one of love, unity, and eternal presence.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi.

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  • Nanci L. Danison is a retired attorney and current spiritual author who has written 5 books so far just on the experiences she had and the information she received in the afterlife. Nanci hold a Bachelor of Science degree with a double major in biology (anatomy & physiology) and chemistry, a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology, and a doctorate in jurisprudence.

    Since 1994, Nanci have had 3 NDE-afterlife experiences, the first of which was transcendental in nature. The second and third NDE-afterlife experiences were what she call meetings with the Council, the group of Light Beings in the afterlife who are monitoring her performance of the mission she accepted at the end of her transcendental afterlife experience.

    She have also had 3 NDE-OOB experiences during which she got out of her body in hospitals during surgery or when very close to death. Nanci have had what she call 2 “pop in” NDEs, where I popped into the afterlife for a particular purpose while still alive. During one I had a life review. During the other she received a huge download of information about everything that has ever been written in Earth’s history. Lastly, she was privileged to share her mother’s out-of- body adventure and death via an empathic NDE. For a number of years Nanci was the group leader of Central Ohio IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies), a chapter she founded. She have spoken at an IANDS Conference and various IANDS chapter group meetings over the years.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Nanci L. Danison.

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  • On today's episode, we dive deep into the spiritual journey of Aaron Abke, a returning guest who has continually challenged and expanded our understanding of the divine, the scriptures, and the very fabric of our spiritual beliefs. Raised as a third-generation pastor's kid, Aaron’s upbringing was steeped in evangelical Christianity, but his quest for truth led him down a path that diverged dramatically from his roots. This divergence was not born out of rebellion, but from a deep and sincere desire to understand the teachings of Jesus, which he felt had been obscured by centuries of dogma and distortion.Aaron’s story is one of profound awakening. He began to question the very foundations of his faith during his time at Oral Roberts University, where he studied biblical hermeneutics, exegesis, and early church history. Through rigorous study, Aaron began to see contradictions between the teachings of Paul and the words of Jesus himself. This realization sparked a journey that would take him far beyond the confines of traditional Christianity, into the rich and diverse spiritual traditions of the East. “What if this is true, right? If you’re a Christian listening to this, what if this is true, that your Master Jesus had his gospel distorted and changed over time and lost to time, and you’ve been following mostly a false gospel of his?” Aaron asks, challenging us to consider the possibility that the Jesus we know today may not be the true reflection of the historical figure who walked the earth.Aaron’s exploration of Eastern philosophies, particularly Hinduism and Buddhism, opened his eyes to the universal truths that transcend religious boundaries. He found striking similarities between the teachings of Jesus and those of other spiritual masters, leading him to a deeper understanding of Jesus as an enlightened being, rather than merely the figurehead of a specific religion. “Jesus was an enlightened avatar, like so many of the other ones that have graced our planet,” Aaron explains. This realization led him to see the common threads that run through all major spiritual traditions—a truth that is universal and unchanging, despite the cultural and historical differences that shape how it is expressed.In this episode, Aaron delves into the concept of hell, a topic that has been used for centuries as a means of control and fear within religious institutions. He explains how the original Hebrew and Greek texts have been mistranslated, leading to the widespread belief in a literal hell as a place of eternal torment. “The word that Jesus used in every single reference was the word Gehenna, which was like the city garbage dump of the day,” Aaron clarifies. He challenges us to reconsider what we’ve been taught and to explore the true meanings behind these ancient texts. Aaron’s insights reveal a Jesus who was more concerned with spiritual enlightenment and liberation than with enforcing rigid doctrines or instilling fear.

    SPIRITUAL TAKEAWAYSSeek the Source: Aaron encourages us to go beyond the surface of religious teachings and seek the original words and intentions of spiritual masters. This journey can lead to profound insights and a more authentic connection to the divine.Universal Truth: The teachings of Jesus are not unique to Christianity; they echo the wisdom found in many spiritual traditions across the world. Recognizing these universal truths can help us transcend religious boundaries and find common ground.Liberation from Fear: Much of religious dogma is rooted in fear. By understanding the true teachings of Jesus, we can free ourselves from these fears and embrace a more loving and compassionate approach to spirituality.As we reflect on Aaron’s journey, we are reminded that the pursuit of truth often requires us to question what we’ve been taught, to seek deeper understanding, and to remain open to the wisdom that comes from many sources. In the end, this pursuit can lead to a more profound and authentic spiritual life—one that is not bound by fear, but enriched by love and universal truth.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Aaron Abke.

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  • In the soft glow of today’s conversation, we welcome Elizabeth Carson—a luminous soul dedicated to exploring the subtle yet profound connections between our bodies and the Earth beneath us. Elizabeth, an advocate for holistic health and conscious living, brings a perspective rooted in deep personal experience and an unwavering curiosity about the unseen forces that govern our well-being.Our discussion begins with a concept so deceptively simple, yet incredibly transformative—grounding or earthing, as Elizabeth calls it. It’s the idea that by physically connecting with the Earth, we can absorb its healing energy, a practice that can bring about profound shifts in our physical and mental states. Elizabeth shares, “It's impossible to be chronically inflamed when you're grounded.” These words resonate as she unpacks the science behind this ancient practice, linking our disconnection from the Earth with the rise in modern ailments.Elizabeth’s journey is one of discovering the extraordinary in the ordinary. From trying out silver-threaded sheets from Amazon to diving deep into the research behind earthing, she’s walked a path that many would consider unconventional. Yet, it is this very unconventionality that opens the door to healing. “I took the deepest breath I’ve ever taken in my entire life,” she recalls after her first true grounding experience. It’s moments like these, where science meets spirituality, that define her approach to life and health.As our conversation flows, Elizabeth introduces us to another tool in her healing arsenal—brain training, particularly through neurofeedback. This practice, she explains, is about helping the brain heal itself by making it aware of its own issues. It’s a process of deepening one’s connection with the self, peeling back the layers of stress and trauma that accumulate over time. “Our nervous systems are stuck in fight or flight most of the time,” Elizabeth explains, highlighting how these practices help down-regulate the nervous system, bringing us into a state of peace and presence.

    Grounding to Heal: Connecting physically with the Earth can reduce inflammation and promote overall wellness, a practice as ancient as it is effective.The Power of Neurofeedback: By tuning into the brain's frequencies and helping it self-correct, we can alleviate stress and bring about profound inner calm.The Importance of Shadow Work: Addressing and integrating our deepest fears and traumas is crucial for spiritual growth and emotional well-being.Elizabeth’s insights on shadow work are particularly poignant. This is not a process for the faint of heart; it’s a journey into the darkest parts of ourselves. But as Elizabeth puts it, “The other side of scary is beauty and ecstasy and love and peace.” It’s about shining a light on the shadows within, not to banish them, but to understand and heal them. This approach to self-awareness and healing is what makes Elizabeth’s message so powerful and accessible.In conclusion, our time with Elizabeth Carson reminds us that healing is both an art and a science. It’s about embracing the practices that resonate with our deepest selves and being open to the transformative power of simple, yet profound, actions. As we wrap up this conversation, one can’t help but feel a sense of calm, a grounding of sorts, as if we’ve just taken a collective deep breath.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Elizabeth Carson.

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  • Our world is undergoing a reality revolution. More and more people are discovering the power of their minds to shape the world around them faster than ever before. The question is: how do you create the reality of your design?

    Brian Scott wants to help you find the answer. After walking away unscathed from a near-fatal shooting in his home, Brian began a fanatical search for answers. He deepened his research into parallel realities, quantum mechanics, and consciousness to uncover what happened in his close call with death. Along the way, he developed a series of techniques capable of creating profound transformations.

    In The Reality Revolution: The Mind-Blowing Movement to Hack Your Reality, Brian introduces you to the techniques that have helped his clients find lasting love, create wealth, and revitalize health. You’ll learn how to surf through parallel realities and unlock the power of your mind through a mix of researched and science-backed techniques like qi gong, meditation, quantum jumping, energy work, and reality transurfing. If you’re ready to create an incredible reality for yourself, this book shows you the way.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Brian Scott.

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  • In today's episode, we journey into the extraordinary mind of Billy Carson, a man who has devoted his life to uncovering the hidden truths of our ancient past and connecting them to the profound mysteries of our present. Billy Carson is not just an author and researcher but a modern-day seeker who dives headfirst into the unknown, unearthing forgotten wisdom and presenting it in ways that are both eye-opening and transformative.Our conversation begins with a fascinating childhood experience that sparked Billy's insatiable curiosity. Imagine being a seven-year-old child, gazing up at the sky in Miami, and witnessing something that defies all conventional understanding—an unidentified object, glowing with an ethereal light, moving across the sky with impossible speed. This was not just a fleeting moment of wonder; it was the ignition of a lifelong quest. "There were advanced beings on this earth in ancient times," his mother told him, planting the seed that would grow into a vast exploration of ancient civilizations, star systems, and the technologies they may have left behind.As Billy recounts, his journey took him deep into the annals of history, where he discovered ancient texts that spoke of civilizations far more advanced than mainstream history would have us believe. The Enuma Elish, the Epic of Atrahasis, and other Sumerian texts revealed to him a world where gods and humans coexisted, where the lines between mythology and reality blur. These were not mere stories but accounts of beings who came from the stars, interacted with humans, and left behind technological wonders that continue to baffle us today.One of the most compelling aspects of Billy's research is his work on the Anunnaki, the ancient beings described in Sumerian mythology. According to these texts, the Anunnaki were not just gods but flesh-and-blood beings from another star system who played a significant role in shaping human civilization. They were the architects of great cities, the creators of monumental structures that align with celestial bodies, and the bringers of knowledge and technology that still eludes modern science. As Billy puts it, "We are duplicating what's already been done, in the form of AI and learning machines."In this episode, Billy also delves into the mystery of the Ark of the Covenant, a technological device of immense power described in the Bible. But was there more than one Ark? According to Billy, the Ark was not a singular artifact but one of several devices scattered across the ancient world, each holding the key to untold energies and capabilities. These Arks were not just religious symbols; they were advanced technologies capable of generating electricity, and possibly even more, based on the precise specifications laid out in ancient texts.

    The Cosmic Connection: Billy’s experiences remind us that our existence is deeply connected to the cosmos. The mysteries of the universe are not just out there but are also within us, reflecting a divine pattern that repeats itself across time and space.The Power of Ancient Wisdom: The ancient texts and technologies discussed by Billy suggest that our ancestors were far more advanced than we often give them credit for. Their knowledge, especially in spiritual and technological realms, could offer us profound insights if we choose to explore them.The Journey of Self-Discovery: Billy’s personal journey is a testament to the idea that the quest for knowledge is also a quest for self-discovery. As we uncover the truths of the universe, we also uncover the truths within ourselves.In a world where so much of our history is hidden or forgotten, Billy Carson reminds us that the answers we seek may lie in the ancient past, waiting to be rediscovered. His work is a beacon for those who wish to explore beyond the veil of accepted history and delve into the true origins of human civilization.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Billy Carson.

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  • Dr. Michael Klaper is a gifted clinician, internationally-recognized teacher, and sought-after speaker on diet and health. In addition to his clinical practice and private consultations with patients, he is a passionate and devoted educator of physicians and other healthcare professionals about the importance of nutrition in clinical practice and integrative medicine.

    Dr. Klaper is the author of Vegan Nutrition; Pure & Simple (no longer in print) and has produced numerous health videos, webinars and dozens of articles for both scientific journals and the popular press. As a source of inspiration advocating plant-based diets and the end of animal cruelty worldwide, Dr. Klaper contributed to the making of two PBS television programs, Food for Thought and the award-winning movie, Diet for a New America (based on the book of the same name). Dr. Klaper teaches that “Health Comes From Healthy Living” and he is dedicated to the healing and flourishing of all living beings and our planet.

    “Health is having a body that moves without pain, breathes without distress and allows us to perform the activities of life with complete presence and focused energy. Then, we can love fully and enjoy our lives to the fullest.”

    Dr. Michael Klaper graduated from the University of Illinois College of Medicine in 1972. He served a medical internship at Vancouver General Hospital in British Columbia, Canada and received training in surgery, anesthesiology and orthopedics at the University of British Columbia Hospital in Vancouver. Additionally, he was trained in obstetrics at the University of California Hospital, San Francisco.

    As his medical career progressed, Dr. Klaper began to realize (true to what science is bearing out today) that many of the diseases his patients presented – clogged arteries (atherosclerosis), high blood pressure (hypertension), obesity, adult-onset diabetes and even some forms of arthritis, asthma, and other significant illnesses – were made worse or actually caused by the high sugar, high fat, high salt, overly processed, animal product-based, Standard American Diet (S.A.D.).

    Dr. Klaper served as Director of the Institute of Nutrition Education and Research from 1992 through 2015, where he conducted a study that focused on people who ate a completely plant-based or vegan diet.

    Dr. Klaper practiced acute care medicine in New Zealand for three years and from 2009 through 2018, served on staff at the TrueNorth Health Center, North America’s premier nutritionally-based medical clinic that specializes in therapeutic fasting and health improvement through a whole food, plant-based diet.

    A member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Klaper was a member of the American Medical Student Association’s Nutrition Task Force and currently serves on the Advisory Board for the Plantrician Project and the "International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention."

    For over 10 years, Dr. Klaper hosted a popular medical information radio program “Sounds of Healing” on WPFW in Washington, DC and KAOI on Maui, Hawaii.

    Dr. Michael Klaper is licensed to practice medicine in California and Hawaii.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Michael Klaper.

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