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This innovative album introduces one of the biggest, and most complex, of today’s environmental problems – climate change. It features the hard-hitting, "Who Will Pay", selected as a finalist in an international film competition on "Vulnerability Exposed: The Social Dimensions of Climate Change" organised by the World Bank. This 'Earth in Crisis' album offer a sophisticated understanding of the processes and players that shape contemporary international environmental problems, evaluates what can and should be done in the future, and explores how responses to these dilemmas are intertwined with issues of development, international justice and responsibility. The eleven video tracks focus on climate change induced flooding in the delta regions of Bangladesh and in the Thames region of the UK. In the first five audio tracks, members of The Open University course team explore the main issues raised in the videos. The final three audio tracks explore some of the wider political and scientific dimensions of climate change. This material forms part of The Open University course DU311, Earth in crisis: environmental policy in an international context.
How can the World Trade Organisation (WTO) control international states
without one central world government? Is the WTO just a club for the extremely rich and powerful? The Open University’s Dr William Brown leads discussions around the themes of co-operation, interaction and interdependencies. Dr. Jef Huysmans and Dr. Simon Bromley delve into the political differences between the realist and liberal models used to control large non-governmental organisations.
This material forms part of The Open University course DU301 A world of whose making? -
Do you take your access to water for granted? The Peruvian and Tanzanian communities featured in this album certainly don’t. This album examines how development agencies can empower communities to help themselves by introducing simple technologies, and facilitate the sharing of ideas through education. In the Andean mountains, scarce supplies of water and agricultural challenges give rise to conflict; but the changes engineered by development agencies can start to show a way out of poverty. Meanwhile, Tanzanian rural schoolchildren are instrumental in bringing about positive long-term change within their communities. However, development in practice is very complex and sometimes controversial. The audio tracks delve into the dilemma of how to incorporate the value systems of impoverished communities and agencies, which can have differing agendas. They also show how development is linked to issues of identity, urbanisation, politics, economics, social relations and gender. To complete the album, Dr Helen Yanacopulos of The Open University's Development Policy and Practice unit explains the choice of some of the case studies provided, and unpicks some of the issues that emerge. This material is taken from The Open University course TU871 Development: context and practice.
We might think we know what ageing is, but it’s surprisingly difficult to pin down. In this album a 70-year-old fashion model and her 17-year-old grand-daughter take part in a series of scientific tests to see whether it is possible to distinguish between them. The results give an insight into what contemporary science can tell us about what happens at the molecular, genetic, cellular, physiological and psychological level during the ageing process. This material forms part of The Open University course SD805 Issues in brain and behaviour.
It’s easy to get lost in the copious amounts of information on sustainable food. Making food choices that are good for you and the planet shouldn’t be confusing. Join Kelly D’Amico, MBS, to on the journey to make sustainable food simple. Kelly runs a food sustainability blog called Made to Sustain, which spreads awareness about the actions that individuals and companies can take to contribute to a more sustainable food system. She creates and shares recipes and food brands that are good for people and good for the planet. Kelly has a Master’s of Business and Science Degree in Global Food Technology and Innovation and a Bachelor’s of Science in Food Science and Nutrition, both from Rutgers University. She holds several certifications in sustainability, including Circular Economies from the University of Cambridge, and has over eight years of experience in the food industry, with a focus on plant-based ingredients. Each episode covers different elements of food sustainability, such as regenerative agriculture, upcycling, and more!
Impara tutto ciò che c’è da sapere sul vino con il più completo dei podcast creato da Tannico, l’enoteca con la più attenta e ampia selezione di vini italiani al mondo. Tantissimi approfondimenti sulle regioni italiane, francesi e del mondo, percorsi attraverso i territori più affascinanti, interviste ai protagonisti del settore e tanti how-to sono a tua disposizione da degustare al tuo ritmo.
Cos'è davvero il Network Marketing?
Gli ultimi mesi passati insieme sul gruppo Dai Che Ce La Facciamo e all'interno della Scuola del Networker mi hanno convinto a produrre nuovi contenuti che possano esservi utili da ascoltare e da condividere con i vostri team. Sono certo che l'unica via per diffondere la cultura del Networker Professionista sia quella di parlarne spesso, in maniera mirata e consapevole. Sono felice di annunciare che ripartirò oggi con audio dedicati al tema del Network Marketing, oggi parliamo di COS'E DAVVERO IL NETWORK MARKETING!
Enjoy! -
Mă cheamă Paleologu -Paleologos în grecește-, nu Neologu: mi-am luat numele în serios și rostul meu pe lumea asta e să vorbesc despre lucruri vechi, adică perene, fundamentale sau, cum spunea tatăl meu, “despre lucruri cu adevărat importante”, care nu se demodează mîine după ce au fost la modă astăzi.
Am ales să-i spunem acestei emisiuni “Metope”, pentru că mă gîndeam că doar 1% va ști ce înseamnă. Asta-i și ideea: să afle lumea lucruri mai puțin știute. Este, dacă vreți, echivalentul frescelor dintr-o biserică creștină: basoreliefuri care descriu cîte un episod mitologic. În fiecare săptămînă mă voi strădui astfel să vă prezint cîte o metopă, adică o poveste cu tîlc, o filă de istorie, o carte, un om, o idee. -
Jean-François Joanny a commencé sa carrière au CNRS où il a occupé un poste de chargé de recherche au sein du laboratoire de physique de la matière condensée du Collège de France à Paris, puis à Lyon. Il a été nommé professeur de physique à l'université Louis-Pasteur à Strasbourg en 1989, puis professeur à l'université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie (UPMC) en 2003. Physicien, c'est avant tout un théoricien qui a travaillé sur divers aspects de la physique de la matière molle, puis de la physique pour la biologie.
Questo è il corso base base base di educazione finanziaria. Se non sai nulla di finanza è il posto giusto per iniziare, lentamente affronteremo tutti gli argomenti.
Se stai cercando consigli di investimento rapidi è invece il posto sbagliato, qui ti "insegno" le cose, non ti "dico" le cose. E' "Educati e Finanziati", non "Diventa Ricco in Mezz'ora".
Avanziamo lenti come una tartaruga, ma costanti. Una puntata ogni domenica mattina.