
  • 私のうちにねこがいます。とてもかわいいです。先週は元気がありませんでした。




    I have a cat in my house. It is very cute. Last week it was not well.

    My cat is a very good girl. It is quiet. She doesn't misbehave at all. She is always relaxed. But last week she peed on the bed. I washed the bedding and sheets. The next day she peed on the bed again. I had to wash them again. It's a lot of work. And this is a bit strange.

    The cat's toilet is in front of the washing machine. It is noisy when I am washing. Then there is a big window next to the toilet, which has a view of the garden. The neighbour's cats often come to the garden. The cat probably didn't want to go to the toilet. I put the cat's toilet in a quiet room.

    After peeing on the bedding, she pooped in the room. It seems she was ill. Then she stopped eating. She didn't go to the toilet. I changed her food. Whatever I tried, she was low in energy. On the evening of the third day, the cat was walking for the first time in a long time, so I gave her some treats and she ate them all. Then she suddenly got better. She quickly learnt where the new litter box was, and she didn't make any more litter box mistakes. She's still a good girl after all. I'm very happy.

  • 6月の第3日曜日は父の日です。きのう父に贈り物をしました。アイスコーヒーのセットを送りました。




    Iced coffee for Father's Day

    The third Sunday in June is Father's Day. I gave my father a gift yesterday. I sent him a set of iced coffee.

    My father likes coffee. It is hot in summer in Japan, so iced coffee is delicious.

    At first I thought I could easily buy it online. But there are many different types of iced coffee.

    Black, with milk, latte, with sugar, without sugar, etc. There are so many brands, it was hard to choose.

    When I realised I had been researching for about an hour. I wanted to buy coffee in an environmentally friendly unlabelled PET bottle or in a paper packet, but they only had large 1-litre sizes, so I didn't buy them. I ended up with a set of 24 bottles of coffee in 500 ml PET bottles, the slightly sweet, low-sugar type.

    Despite giving it a great deal of thought, I became less and less confident after the shopping was done. Coffee can be bought from vending machines and convenience stores in Japan, and 24 bottles might have been too many. Dad, be careful not to hurt your back when you pick up your box!

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  • 先週の土曜日に友達とお茶のワークショップに行きました。お茶の話を聞きました。そして、そのお茶を飲みました。日本茶じゃありません。中国茶です。









    Last Saturday I went to a tea workshop with friends. We listened to a talk about tea. And then we had the tea. It is not Japanese tea. It is Chinese tea.

    There is a tea workshop every Saturday at a tea shop in London. It's a small but nice shop. The tea is different every week. Explanations are in English.

    First Saturday: oolong and pu'er tea

    Second Saturday: black tea

    Third Saturday: green tea

    Fourth Saturday: oolong tea

    We gathered at the shop at 10 am. There were seven participants. 6 women. One man. There was one couple. There were five first-timers and two second-timers.

    We had tea after listening to the explanation of each tea one by one. Starting with a refreshing tea, there was also an easy-to-drink, tasty tea and an aged, bitter tea.

    Apparently, sparkling oolong tea is popular in restaurants these days. The woman sitting in front of me said that she doesn't drink alcohol and would be happy if there were stylish sparkling oolong tea when she eats at a nice restaurant.

  • 日曜日はとてもいい天気でした。庭でバーベキューをしました。そして、いちごのデザートを食べました。



    Sunday was a very nice day. We had a barbecue in the garden. And we had a strawberry dessert.

    I love the British dessert Eton Mess. I eat it every summer. It's easy to make. You eat strawberries and meringue with fresh cream. You can also add raspberries or blueberries.

    You can make the meringues at home, but I bought mine from the supermarket. I love the combination of the crunchy texture of the meringue and the sweet and sour strawberries. It's fun to mix them with a spoon and eat them while messing them up.

  • 今日、病院へ行きました。私の病院じゃありません。ペットの病院です。




    I went to the hospital today. Not my hospital. It is a pet hospital.

    Animal hospitals are called vets in Japanese.

    It was the first time I went to a vet in the UK. They implanted a microchip in the cat. The cat looked worried. She was a good girl and I was proud of her.

    I wanted to ask about pet insurance at the vet's reception, but I was not able to get any information. They said that vets are not allowed to recommend insurance companies. I see. Someone was sitting in the waiting room with her dog and kindly told me. The person's dog was 10 years old. I was surprised when I heard the price of the insurance; I thought it was for a year, but they said it was for one month.

  • きのう友達とウエスト・エンドの劇場に行きました。「千と千尋の神隠し」を見ました。とてもよかったです。脇役のキャラクターがおもしろかったです。




    I went to the West End theatre with a friend yesterday. We saw Spirited Away. It was very good. The side characters were funny.

    This year, Studio Ghibli's film Spirited Away became a stage production. First, there was a national tour in Japan. Then the London production started.

    The theatre was packed. My seat was on the ground floor, close to the stage. It was very easy to see.

    The dialogues of the play were in Japanese, with English subtitles. However, the subtitles were on the right and left of the stage, a little higher up, so it was difficult to see from my seat. If you want to read the subtitles, I would recommend seats on the first floor or front of the dress circle. The dialogue and acting is exactly as in the anime, so if you are a Ghibli fan, you probably don't need subtitles to enjoy the show.

  • 先週の金曜日にインターネットでオーロラのニュースを読みました。私は「へー」と思いましたが、夜12時ごろ寝ました。空は見ませんでした。



    Last Friday I read a news on the internet about the Northern Lights. I thought ‘huh’, but went to bed around midnight. I did not see the sky.

    On Saturday morning there were lots of pictures of the Northern Lights on the internet. Many people in London saw the Northern Lights too. In the afternoon I met a friend from my neighbourhood. My friend showed me photos. There was a soft pink and green curtain in the dark sky. It was very beautiful and magical. He took it outside his house on a Friday night. I was envious.

    It was a rare chance to see the Northern Lights, but it was a real shame I went to bed. On Saturday night, the news said that we might be able to see the Northern Lights again, so I stayed up late trying my best, but in the end, I couldn't see it.

  • 今週の月曜日はイギリスの祝日でした。三連休はうれしいです。私は本を読みました。ガーデニングもしました。
    土曜日に漫画と本をKindleにダウンロードしました。のんびり読書をしました。日曜日はガーデンセンターに行きました。混んでいました。知り合いにばったり会いました。連休中にNetflixのドラマも見ました。Baby Reindeerというドラマです。こわい話ですが、とてもおもしろくて、二日間で全部見ました。

    This Monday was a public holiday in the UK.
    It is nice to have a three-day holiday. I read books. I also did some gardening.

    I downloaded comics and books to my Kindle on Saturday. I read in a relaxed way. On Sunday I went to the garden centre. It was crowded. I bumped into someone I know. During the holidays I also watched a Netflix drama called Baby Reindeer. It's a scary story, but it's very interesting and I watched the whole thing in two days.

    I had a problem when I did gardening. First, I moved the plants I had bought into flowerpots and arranged them in front of the window. Then I also weeded around the front door and felt refreshed.
    I had closed the front door at that time without carrying a key to the house. My son was at home and I was going to ask him to open it. But when I pressed the bell, he didn't answer at all; I could see my son in the upstairs window wearing headphones.
    Fortunately, I was able to borrow a ladder from a neighbour and was able to knock on the window. I regretted that I must leave the house with my phone and house key, even if someone is in the house.

  • みなさんのうちの台所に、包丁がありますか。包丁はよく切れますか。




    Do you have knives in your kitchen? Are the knives very sharp?

    There are four knives in my kitchen. There are two large knives and two small knives. I like small knives. I use them when I cook. Sometimes I have to sharpen my knives. With unsharpened knives, you cannot cut vegetables sharply.

    How do you sharpen your knives? What do you use? I use a whetstone. I wet the stone with water and then sharpen the knife by moving it slowly over the stone.

    I am not very good at sharpening knives with a whetstone. It is difficult because I am not used to using it. I used to use a simple knife sharpener instead of a whetstone. It was convenient, but recently it broke, so I use a whetstone. Long ago, I bought one in Japan and kept it at the back of the shelf. It's a bit of a hassle, but it's not bad to do it slowly sometimes.

  • 先週の週末に旅行をしました。ホテルに泊まりました。Booking.comで予約しました。




    I travelled last weekend. I stayed in a hotel, booked through

    The hotel was in a park. There was a pub in the park. It was a big pub. Above the pub was the hotel. The price was a bit more expensive than a business hotel. But I wanted to have a nice meal. I chose the plan with breakfast.

    Breakfast was very good. There were self-service drinks and food. Hot drinks were coffee and English tea. There was also green tea. Cold drinks were water, milk and juice. I like soya milk, but there wasn't soya milk. There was a variety of bread and jam. The toaster in the hotel is interesting.

    I could order hot food for breakfast. On Saturday morning I didn't have much time and just had coffee and toast, but on Sunday I ordered pancakes and eggs and ate them in a relaxed way. I was surprised when the hotel staff asked me whether I wanted three or six pancakes. The person at the next table was having English breakfast. It looked delicious.

  • 今週末は旅行をしています。一人旅です。電車でヨークシャーに来ました。ロンドンから2時間です。



    建物の中で、日本人の彫刻家のエキシビションをやっていました。ミニチュアの家を作っている人でした。かわいい家です。近くで見ると、石の削り方がすごいんです。ネットで調べたら、この彫刻家、Yukihiro Akamaさんはもともと建築家だったそうです。なるほど!Akamaさんのミニチュアの家は床が高いものが多いです。その理由について「自由の象徴かも」とか、「2011年の地震で津波を体験したからかもしれない」と言っていました。

    I am travelling this weekend. I am travelling alone. I came to Yorkshire by train. It is two hours from London.

    The purpose of my trip is to see sculptures. There is a big park where you can see a lot of sculptures. The most famous sculptor is probably Henry Moore. Henry Moore was born in Yorkshire.

    I went there in the morning, around 10:30 am. I had lunch and then walked around the park for about four hours. Yorkshire is a place of great natural beauty. The scenery is beautiful and I enjoyed it very much.

    Inside a building, there was an exhibition of a Japanese sculptor. He was making miniature houses. It is a cute house. When I looked at it up close, the way he carved the stone was amazing. I checked on the internet and found out that the sculptor, Yukihiro Akama, was originally an architect. I see! Many of Akama's miniature houses have high floors. He said that the reason for this might be a symbol of freedom or because he experienced the tsunami after the 2011 earthquake.

  • 新しい掃除機を買いました。ロボット掃除機です。これは3つ目の掃除機です。





    I bought a new vacuum cleaner. It is a robot vacuum cleaner. This is my third vacuum cleaner.

    We have three vacuum cleaners in our house. The cordless vacuum cleaner (Dyson) is the oldest vacuum cleaner. It is light and convenient. But the dust cup is very small, so it's a pain to dispose of the waste.

    There is a big vacuum cleaner, too. It is yellow and cute, but it is very heavy. It has a name: Henry. Henry is more powerful than the Dyson, so I use it for cleaning carpets and for mass cleaning. The new robot vacuum cleaner is white and round. It does not have a name yet.

    The reason I bought a robot vacuum cleaner is a cat. Recently, we got a cat. The cat sheds hair, so cleaning has become harder than before. I could use a Dyson vacuum cleaner, but I have been using a Dyson for more than 10 years. I have already changed the battery three times. I think it will break down soon.

    Besides, the robot vacuum cleaner was recommended by a friend who has a dog and I wanted to try it. My friend vacuums with a timer every morning before she wakes up. I used a robot vacuum cleaner for the first time yesterday. It was a bit difficult to control it with my phone.

  • うちにねこが来ました。新しい家族です。2歳半の女の子です。
    みりんは黒と茶色のサビ猫です。錆びる、はget rustyという意味で、サビ猫は渋くてかわいい猫です。猫は環境が変わるのが好きじゃないと言われます。最初は4日間もご飯を食べなかったので心配しましたが、だんだん家には慣れてきました。きのうは夜中にカリカリを少し食べていました。

    A cat has come to our house. She is a new family member, a 2.5 year old girl.
    The cat's name is Mirin. At the weekend, I went to a pet goods shop and bought some cat goods. Mirin was my friend's mother's cat. The mother recently passed away and we got the cat. Mirin's real name is Milly. I and my family like cats and we wanted a cat. This is a fate.
    Mirin is a black and brown sabi neko. Sabiru means get rusty, and rusty cats are quaint and cute. It is said that cats do not like a change of environment. At first, I was worried because he hadn't eaten for four days, but gradually got used to the house. Yesterday she ate dry food in the middle of the night.

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  • パスポートの写真を撮りました。スーパーに証明写真のブースがあります。駅の中にもあります。でも、私はうちで撮りました。



    I took my passport photo. There are photo booths in supermarkets. There are also some in train stations. But I took it at my house.

    Where do you get your passport photo taken? I asked my friends. There were people who take their photos at a photo shop. Photographers are reliable. The photos are nice and the size is correct. Some people took photos in photo booths at train stations. It is convenient because you can take photos as many times as you want. Then there was someone who took pictures with a mobile phone and printed them out on a printer at home. I found that the easiest way to do it.

    My passport expires in June this year. If you don't have at least three months left on your passport, you cannot travel abroad. Renewing it at the last minute makes me anxious. I plan to go and renew it as soon as possible.

    Translated with (free version)

  • 今、ロンドンは春の花がきれいです。桜の花が咲いています。週末にグリニッジの公園に行きました。公園でいろいろな花を見ました。





    Right now, London is beautiful with spring flowers. Cherry blossoms are in bloom. I went to a park in Greenwich at the weekend. I saw many different flowers in the park.

    The cherry blossoms in Greenwich Park are famous. The flowers bloom late, towards the end of April. I couldn't see any cherry blossoms on this day.

    Instead, the magnolias were in full bloom. Magnolia flowers are large. There are white and pink flowers. Both are beautiful and I love them. Camellias were also in full bloom.

    I have never really had an interest in camellias until now. The flowers are too big and unbalanced, and the colour is too red. They are heavy for a spring flower.

    But when I saw the camellias in Greenwich, I changed my mind. The camellia tree was about 4 metres tall and wild. It was magnificent, full of pink and red flowers from top to bottom. From a distance, it looked like a rose.

  • 今、新しいドラマを見ています。Shogunです。日本語のレッスンで、おすすめされました。



    I'm watching a new drama now, Shogun. It was recommended in my Japanese lesson.

    Shogun looks interesting, it is available on Disney+. I subscribe to Netflix, Amazon Prime and Crunchyroll, but I'm not on Disney+. On the internet, lots of people have said Shogun is interesting. I want to watch it too, but I have to join Disney+.

    The Disney+ subscription fee is £4.99 per month. It's not expensive, but since I didn't want to spend any more money I was concerned. I thought probably there would be a free trial, but there wasn't. Disappointing. But there was a cheaper plan to watch for just three months. If it hadn't been there, I would have given up. I'm glad there was a cheaper plan.

  • 先週の火曜日にカレーを作りました。日本のカレーです。カツカレーじゃありません。とり肉と野菜のカレーです。火曜日と水曜日にカレーライスを食べました。木曜にカレーうどんをつくりました。おいしかったです。



    I made curry on Tuesday last week. It is Japanese curry. It is not pork cutlet curry. It is a chicken and vegetable curry. I had curry rice on Tuesday and Wednesday. I made curry udon on Thursday. It was delicious.

    Curry udon is easy. Put water and udon noodles in a pot of curry. Then add a little mentsuyu. It's ready to eat. I put an egg in at the end. It's very tasty and melty. Mentsuyu is similar to soy sauce, but contains some dashi ( soup stock). I use it when I make soba or udon noodles.

    When I make curry, I make a lot of it in a big pot. You can eat it the next day and make curry udon on the third day. I don't like to throw away leftover food because it's a waste. I love dishes like curry udon that can be made with leftovers because food doesn't go to waste, I don't have to make a new meal, and it's delicious.

  • きのう、車で出かけました。車の窓から、きれいな菜の花の畑を見ました。明るい黄色のスカーフみたいです。

    菜の花や 月は東に 日は西に


    菜の花の 中に稲荷の 鳥居かな



    菜の花の 中に糞ひる 飛脚かな


    Yesterday, I went out by car. From the car window, I saw a beautiful field of rape blossoms. They look like bright yellow scarves.

    Rape blossoms, moon in the east, sun in the west.

    This is a haiku from the Edo period. This is a view of a large, blossoming field. It is about 6 pm. The moon is above the flower field. The moon has come up from the east. At this time, the setting sun can be seen in the west. The 'ya' in 'rape blossoms ya' is not 'ya' for 'and'. In haiku, this 'ya' contains the feeling.

    Inari's torii gate in a field of rape blossoms

    In this haiku, there is a torii gate of a shrine in a field of flowers. Fushimi Inari in Kyoto has red torii gates. But there are also torii that are not red. If the torii is made of wood, it is brown. If it is a stone torii, it is grey. What colour do you think the torii in this haiku is?

    This is the last haiku.

    Droppings in the rape blossoms, deliveryman

    Hikyaku is an old-time courier or delivery person. Or maybe a postman. Can you see what he is doing in a field of rape blossoms? It's a bit of a stinky haiku, but an amusing one.

  • 土曜日にジョン・ルイスに行きました。ロンドンのデパートです。大きいデパートです。夫と行きました。夫は新しい枕を買いました。



    I went to John Lewis on Saturday. It is a department store in London. It is a big department store. I went there with my husband. My husband bought a new pillow.

    My husband had bought a pillow online last month. He said he found a pillow that had good reviews. But he cancelled it because delivery takes four weeks. Four weeks is too long. Besides, I think it is better to buy a pillow after seeing it in the shop.

    We saw many different pillows in the department store. In the pillow section, there was an explanation. It says that people who sleep on their side should have a firm pillow and people who sleep on their back should have a soft pillow. My husband sleeps on the side, but he prefers soft pillows, so he touched each one and took his time to choose one.

  • ヴィム・ヴェンダースの新しい映画を見ました。タイトルはパーフェクトデイズです。映画の舞台は東京です。俳優も日本人です。日本語で話します。




    I watched a new Wim Wenders film. The title is Perfect Days. The film is set in Tokyo. The actors are also Japanese. They speak Japanese.

    The main character in the film is Hirayama-san. He is a man, aged between 50 and 60. There are many different towns in Tokyo, but Hirayama-san lives in downtown. Hirayama-san's daily life is simple.

    His job is to clean toilets. Public toilets. They are located near parks and train stations.

    The toilets in the film are in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo. They are new and are stylish toilets. The toilets were built by famous architects, so they are public art. The film won an award at the Cannes Film Festival, but before I saw the film I didn't have high expectations. I thought it was a bit fake, all the toilet cleaning and the quiet life. But when I watched it, it was a very good film. I'm glad I watched it in the cinema. My favourite scene is when the lady sings the Animals song at the small bar that Hirayama-san goes to on his day off.