

    Welcome to another episode of "No More Excuses"!

    It’s the 4th quarter, people! We’re in the final stretch of the year. You know what that means—it’s make-or-break time. No more excuses, no more waiting for the "perfect moment." If you’re in business, now is the time to pull it all together and finish the year strong.

    In today’s episode, I dive into why the 4th quarter is so crucial for your business, how you can create momentum if you’ve been slacking a bit, and what strategies you need to focus on to crush your goals by year-end.

    The 4th Quarter is CRUCIAL!!

    Here’s the thing—how you approach the 4th quarter says a lot about how seriously you take your business. Think about it: the last three months of the year can often make or break your annual performance. Why? Because it’s the time where people are starting to evaluate where they stand, reflect on what they’ve achieved, and what they didn’t.

    The holiday season is coming up, which means increased consumer spending, more networking events, and greater opportunities to make those important connections that could push your business forward.

    If you’re feeling like you didn’t quite hit the mark in the first three quarters, don’t worry—this is your time for a comeback. You can still hit those yearly goals if you get laser-focused NOW. But if you’re just coasting and hoping things will magically come together, well... you’re in for a rude awakening.

    It's time to:

    REVIEW your goals RESET your focus FIND an accountability partner

    Yes, you'll have to listen in for more tips and examples!!

    Then share, what is YOUR 90-Day GOAL?

    Stay Badass!


    Here's another episode of No More Excuses!

    The last few episodes I’ve discussed "Mastering Workflow Management"

    With topics such as finding and implementing a good CRM system, workflow management, identifying key processes and learning how to map out your flow!

    Another way to “Master Workflow Management” is to Prioritize!

    In today's episode I talk about using the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. It splits your tasks up into quadrants.

    Quadrant 1: Urgent and Important (Do)

    Quadrant 2: Important and Less Urgent (Schedule)

    Quadrant 3: Urgent and Less Important (Delegate)

    Quadrant 4: Less Urgent and Less Important (Eliminate)

    Then I go on a rant about delegating! LOL!

    As a growing business owner, some times the tasks that you love to do, have just become a waste of time for you to do and that can be hard to let go of!

    Delegating is a game of TRUST & TRAINING!

    Listen in and then share how you prioritize, perhaps you've used this "quadrant" method and what you've learned to delegate and why!

    Until next time... STAY BADASS!


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    Welcome back to another episode of the No More Excuses Podcast.

    In my last episode (#415), I had Soof Hirschmann on to talk about how a solid CRM is your secret weapon for growth and efficiency. But today, we’re going even deeper—into the heart of your business:

    Workflow Management.

    You might be thinking, "Workflow management? Sounds boring." Well, guess what? It’s the secret sauce to running a smooth, efficient, and scalable operation. We’re talking about slashing wasted time, cutting the crap, and making your processes lean and mean!

    Step 1: Identify Key Processes

    First things first, you’ve got to know what’s going on behind the scenes in your business. What are the core processes that keep your engine running?

    Your To-DO: Write down every major process you handle—whether it’s sales, marketing, customer service, or inventory management.

    I would suggest using those giant Post-It® notes!

    Listen in as I give you more tips and examples to help you see what your workflow even includes and then...

    Step 2: Map It Out

    Visualize your process. Don’t just leave it in your head. Any client I've done a strategy session with says the same thing: "Damn that looks different than it did it my head!"

    I just helped a client set up Trello to help her visualize her workflow, as well as manage all of the tasks she has in each "bucket" of revenue generators.

    And then....

    Step 3: Evaluate Efficiency

    Automation is becoming a game-changer!

    Free yourself from the drudgery! The shit that is a time-suck! I'm really digging in and finding out how it can help me more. I've used some automation in the past, but I'm learning how it can allow me the time to dig deeper with my clients.

    Think about this: If you don’t want to do it or you can’t delegate it...




    Welcome back to another episode of the "No More Excuses" podcast.

    Here I empower you to build your business, boost your confidence, and achieve incredible success.

    Having more hours in the day is not going to happen, so it's crucial to learn how to improve your workflow management. It's all about streamlining your processes to help you work more efficiently and effectively, and by doing so, it can help improve your time management and, in a sense, help you "feel" like you've found those extra hours!

    As a coach, I'll help you identify what processes and procedures are broken or missing and strategize on how to – or who can help you – implement, repair or replace them.

    Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing tips and strategies to optimize your workflow, but today, I want to introduce my guest – Soof Hirschmann! She's the owner of SoofCRM and is an amazing CRM expert.

    Listen in as Soof will discuss how CRM's [Customer Relationship Management] systems, can help you save time, money and your sanity by having a tracking system to better manage your prospecting, sales, projects and MORE!

    She'll share some of the CRM's she recommends and well, in my direct style, I'll tell you that there's No More Excuses to NOT find a system to help you! And to just contact Soof at [email protected] to discuss your needs and she can help get you set up with the best system for you.

    The conclusion: You'll find those extra hours, increase productivity and profitability!

    And until next time, Stay BADASS!


    Welcome back to another episode of "No More Excuses."

    This is the podcast where we empower you to build your business, boost your confidence, and achieve incredible success. I'm your host, Sandi Ballard The BA Biz Coach, and today I'm diving into "The Confidence Blueprint for Business Success."

    In this episode, I'll explore actionable steps to help you build unshakable confidence, which is essential for driving your business forward and achieving your goals.

    Listen in as I also talk about how confidence is the backbone of any successful business venture. It’s not just about believing in yourself but also projecting that belief to others—clients, partners, and your team.

    I provide step-by-step ideas and give you easily implementable action tips to help you build the confidence you need to achieve your goals. For example, understanding that "knowledge is power", so keep learning! Small wins matter and that failure is always an opportunity to learn are part of the "blueprint" for SUCCESS and will help you build the confidence you need to succeed.

    Confidence isn’t just an internal feeling; it’s also about how you present yourself to the world – through body language, communication and building a support network.

    How have you built and KEPT your confidence going? What's affected yours and how did you recognize that it was? Have you helped someone else build or regain theirs?

    There will be days that take a HUGE HIT at your confidence, and then days you feel like a ROCK STAR! It happens. SHIT happens. Keep that in mind and don't let a little "shit storm" completely deplete yours!

    I hope you will keep these tips handy and follow me on social media to dig in even deeper!

    And PLEASE share comments, tips, confidence issues you've had in the comments or email me at [email protected]

    Listen in for a deeper dive into those tips and the steps you can make to TAKE ACTION... TODAY!

    Until next time… stay BADASS!


    Welcome back to another episode of the No More Excuses podcast

    In these podcasts, I tell it like it is, give you tips, share stories and get you motivated to grow both personally and professionally and run your business like a BADASS!

    In my last podcast I shared my story of how I failed to create a PLAN to achieve my goals. How I had my big A-ha moment and how I turned my WISHES into GOALS and got “From There to Here” … which happens to be the title of my first book!

    And today, I want to share what I realized during my A-ha moment. I realized FEAR was what was holding me back!


    Yes, me! The BADASS Business Coach™ was full of fear! In my book I share quite a few stories how fear had FUCKED me.

    During my "why me" phase, I asked myself, “Where did all this fear come from and how did I allow it to get its nails so deep into me? And why am I blaming others for my lack of achieving my goals?

    And that’s the point of my first book… and the podcasts: to share where I was and how I worked through my own personal shit show and got my shit together! It was time to set the fears aside. I had a great realization of who I have been and then it was time to decide who I wanted to become.

    The BADASS Business Coach™!

    What about you?

    Listen in as I share the 3 questions to ask yourself and then really dig into it! The WHAT and WHY of where you are today!

    If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, could you say you are happy and have no regrets?

    Don't worry! I've been there. It happens. And it's NOT too late! Listen in and do the activity and email me what you discover!

    Or, if you'd like help:

    I'm facilitating two FREE group DEEP DIVE sessions. Sign up on my website:


    PS: Prefer a private session?

    Sign up for that here:


    Welcome to another episode of No More Excuses!

    Today’s podcast might be a bit different from the previous ones. Lately I’ve been getting asked, “How did you get into coaching?”

    So, I thought today I would share a little bit of my story, and how I realized I was not happy where I was!

    It all started at the end of 2012, when my friend, and mentor called me out in the middle of a holiday party of my peers. Great friend eh? Yes she is!

    And she's not the only one. After having a little pity-party, others started to as well. Many asking me about things I "said" I was going to do, but hadn't, AND had no plan to even get started! And that did not sit with me well at all, but guess what?

    And that did not sit with me well at all, but guess what?

    I got OFF MY ASS to start figuring shit out!

    It was brought to my attention that I was always celebrating and happy for others – which isn't a bad thing – but I was never happy for ME!

    Listen in today as I share how in 2013 I found my path and created my plan to achieve my goals.

    In today's podcast I share what I did to find my way, my confidence and my path and then I ask...

    Are you where you want to be?

    Shameless promo – I wrote about this in my first book, "From There To Here" My books [I now have four] are all available on Amazon:

    Email me with questions or, if you need help to find your path, schedule a free 30-min call:




    Welcome back to another episode of the No More Excuses podcast!

    Today I’m tackling a crucial aspect of success...

    being persistent without being a pain in the ass!

    Persistence is key to achieving your goals, but how do you do it without annoying everyone around you? Today, I cover actionable steps to make that call, send that email, text, or even mail a card—without crossing the line.

    You need to understand the Balance!

    The key is to be assertive but respectful. You need to communicate your determination without overstepping boundaries.

    In today's episode, I share examples of what's helped me! How my persistence landed me a very lucrative referral partner and AMAZING FRIEND, and some tips on verbiage when following-up that I've used and how it worked out! OH and the NEW TIP I found that I really do think is the true WINNER to the questions "WHEN" and HOW OFTEN" do I follow-up?

    Persistence is a powerful tool, but it’s all about balance. By being polite, professional, and adding value, you can be persistent without being a pain in the ass.

    And being ghosted sucks! Not getting a YES, NO or GO F-OFF leaves you wondering what you did or said wrong, what changed, etc... but PERSISTENCE CAN PAY OFF! [And yes, even I've been ghosted!]

    Listen in for your TIPS on how to be PERSISTENT without being a PAIN IN THE ASS, and then share how YOU follow-up. What's worked for you? Maybe what happened when you KNOW you became a PAIN IN THE ASS! :)

    Remember, every step you take, every call you make, and every email you send brings you closer to your goal.



    Welcome back to another episode of No More Excuses!

    Today is a RARE occasion! I have a guest on this podcast and he is THE YOUNGEST GUEST of the few I've had.

    Listen today as he shares his story and why if HE can do it... you can too!

    DO WHAT?


    Yes, Jack went from a typical teenager going through the motions, complaining about life, being lazy. Then add in COVID. OK. He's not the only one, but then comes the war.

    YES. A. WAR!

    Ya see, Jack – real name: Zhenia is from Ukraine.

    As Jack described himself: "I was a lazy teenager, waking up at 2 pm, blaming everything on circumstances (the war in my country, covid, etc.), and generally wasting time." And something inside him shifted.

    You’ll have to listen in to hear ALL HE'S ACCOMPLISHED in a short amount of time!

    He truly is the shining example of NO MORE EXCUSES!

    His email and story resonated with me and the theme of this podcast.

    I hope you enjoy his message and that he will inspire you to STOP making excuses and START taking ACTION!




    Welcome back to another episode of No More Excuses!

    Today we’re diving into a crucial topic for success in any area of life: Mental Toughness!

    Listen in as today I'll discuss:

    What is mental toughness? Why is it so important? How can you build it it?

    The quick definition is: Mental toughness is the ability to persevere through difficult circumstances.

    What does it mean to you?

    Building mental toughness is a journey. It requires consistent effort, but the rewards are immense! How do you personally build it?

    Listen in as I share actionable steps to build your mental toughness and face any challenge head-on and a quick story about a client and how after her life changed quickly, she had to build mental toughness to survive and rebuild herself and her career.

    After you listen in, share your story or how you keep that mental toughness! I know first-hand that it's not always easy. Thanks for tuning in to this episode of "No More Excuses."

    If you found this helpful, share it with a friend who needs a little boost. Let’s build that mental toughness and conquer our goals.

    Check out the podcast page on my website and download these tips or save the link to listen again!

    Until next time, stay badass!

    Cheers! Sandi


    Welcome back to another episode of No More Excuses Podcast!

    I'm your host, Sandi Ballard, The Badass Business Coach™, and today I'm hitting you with a bit of a wake-up call: say it with me:

    "Holy Shit... It's June!?"

    I've done this as a talk a few times over the years, and well, that title was always taken in one of two ways!

    Like the people at my talk, for some of you, this might be a moment of triumph, and for others, it might feel like a punch in the throat.

    Some of you may be CRUSHING IT, while others may be at the other end of the spectrum and wondering what the hell happened!

    Either way, it's time to take stock, reassess, and push forward.

    In today's podcast I share FIVE STEPS on how to do this. So, if you're driving or are out listening, pause this and come back as you'll need to be able to take notes – or perhaps just talk to your phone!

    This is a bigger, more in-depth review of your goals, both personally and professionally as well as ways to set yourself up for success to KICKASS and finish the year STRONG AF!

    You ready? You in?

    Revisit Your Goals Set Short-term Milestones Create a Schedule Accountability Reflect and Adjust

    Simple, eh? OK! Now, listen in for more in-depth discussion and stories of clients of how this review process has helped them.

    And, if you need help, email me: [email protected] or click here to schedule a one-off 60-min session!

    So, there you have it. Whether you're celebrating milestones or shaking off the dust, June is your wake-up call. There's no time like NOW to get back on track or to keep pushing forward. Remember, "No More Excuses."

    You’ve got this!




    Welcome to another episode of No More Excuses!

    In today's episode, I talk about something near and dear to my heart—a business tune-up. You heard me right. It's time to get your business leaner, stronger, and ready to kick some serious ass!

    We all know the importance of keeping our body's in shape, right? And every Summer, we get bombarded with get your body in “beach-body / bathing suit shape”, but what about our businesses? They need some love and attention too!

    So, today, I talk about how to give your business the tune-up it deserves.

    And this isn’t just for those of you who feel your business is flat or there’s something wrong! Many of you are physically healthy and in good shape, and also want to stay there or perhaps get a little stronger or fitter, right?

    Today I share some stories, and give you tips on how to do a business tune-up. You can also go to my website – and download the list!

    ALSO: I’d love to hear from you! What topics do you want to know more about or questions do you have that I can touch on?

    Email me: [email protected]

    AND THEN YES, speaking of investing in your growth, if you'd like help, sign up for my "Summer Business Shape-Up" 6 Week Program. I have a SPECIAL price for podcast listeners! [CLICK HERE!]

    I hope you're feeling inspired to give your business the tune-up it deserves and take it to new heights of success.

    Cheers, Sandi!


    Welcome to another episode of "No More Excuses".

    Today, I want to dive into the whirlwind world of business ownership and how to manage the mania that comes with it.

    Running a business is NOT for the faint of heart. It's a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows, twists and turns, and some days it can cause a bigger adrenaline rush than a friggn' skydiving expedition. Sometimes in a good way, and other times, not so much! And amidst the chaos, there's one thing we can't afford to lose sight of:

    ...Our Sanity!

    Listen in today as I talk about how to embrace the madness, accept that there will be ups and downs, victories and setbacks, and find strength in the midst of the storm.

    I'll share THREE TIPS to help you as well as share a personal story with my own "A-ha moment" of how people helped me understand that I was NOT managing my own "mania"!

    Until next time, stay badass, stay sane HAHA, and remember—there are no excuses when it comes to taking control of your business and your life. Thanks for tuning in.




    Welcome back to another episode of "No More Excuses" podcast!

    Today, we're diving into Q2 and how to kick things into high gear to make this year your most successful yet.

    And yes, this is on the coattails of understanding how important a business plan is. If you have a plan, you probably – or SHOULD – have it in there to do progress checks! So… did you create yours? Or update an old one?

    Remember, you can download my free template from my website:

    The second quarter—a time of renewal, growth, and opportunity. But how the hell do you make the most of it? Well, that's what we're here to find out. So, if you’re not driving, running, or riding your bike, grab a pen, strap in, and get ready to ramp things up like a badass.

    Before we charge ahead into Q2, let's take a moment to reflect on Q1. Yes, AGAIN!

    Because my guess it not many of you really DUG IN to what was going on, as the 2nd quarter tends to sneak up on people.

    Listen in today as I share tips on how to do a PROPER REVIEW, and then how to PLAY BIGGER without getting overwhelmed as well as how to hold yourself accountable so you can and will LEVEL-UP and PLAY BIGGER!

    SHARE: What's your Q2 goal?

    BADASS CHALLENGE: Take that goal and LEVEL UP! It's gotta make you a little uncomfortable, nervous and have to FOCUS to make it happen!

    Are you ready?

    Until next time, Stay BADASS!



    and eclipse day!

    Welcome to another episode of the "No More Excuses," podcast!

    Get ready, as today's episode is all about the importance of having a solid business plan!

    I’ve had clients who totally REFUSED to do a business planand others who were totally into the process and SO EXCITED about the outcome!

    What about you? Have you completed [or at least started] your business plan?

    If you haven't, or you don't see the importance, let me tell you - and in today's episode I share that it's like heading out on a road trip to an exciting destination without GPS to guide you!

    A business plan serves as your guiding light, it provides clarity, direction, and focus.

    Listen in as I share more in-depth on the 5 REASONS why having a business plan so important, and some examples of clients who were polar opposite on having one - or at least were at the beginning of working with me!

    #1: A business plan forces you to clarify your vision and define your goals.

    #2: A business plan helps you attract investors, stakeholders and impress lenders.

    #3: Another key benefit of having a business plan is that it serves as a roadmap for decision-making.

    #4: A business plan helps you monitor your progress and track your performance over time.

    Finally, #5: A business plan instills confidence—not only in yourself but also in your team, your investors, and your customers.

    NO MORE EXCUSES! It's time to start drafting your business plan. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, having a solid plan in place is essential for success.

    Not sure how to create a business plan or did you Google it and get overwhelmed with all the options? Check out my website, BadassBusiness.Coach and scroll toward the bottom, you can enter your info to download your FREE copy of the business plan I use for myself and with my clients.

    And your BADASS Challenge of the Week: Write and Share your vision plan here in the comments or email me – [email protected]

    Remember, success doesn't happen by chance—it's the result of careful planning, strategic execution, and unwavering determination.

    And as always, stay Badass!




    Welcome back to another episode of "No More Excuses," where we tackle obstacles head-on and embrace the power of transformation.

    Alright, Badasses, welcome to April 1st, the 2nd Quarter, and to me, the "REAL" start of Spring! So, I think today's the perfect time to talk Spring Cleaning.

    Just as we clean out our homes to allow for breathing room and new beginnings, we can apply the same principles to our personal and professional lives.

    Listen in because in today's episode, I am going to touch on THREE things you can do to "Spring Clean" both personally and professionally!

    Today I'll share some stories of how I helped some clients and have a friend of mine who is a professional organizer, give her advice to help you declutter and get organized for what matters most in your world!

    Clean Out. Open up to the New. And Dust Off what's been sitting there.

    AND... As always, listen for the BADASS CHALLENGE of the week and share your Spring Cleaning journey for a chance to win a free consultation with me to help you spring clean your goals! Share in the comments or email me: [email protected]

    Let's embrace Spring Cleaning and make room for greatness! Until next time... Stay Badass!

    Cheers! Sandi


    Welcome back to another episode of "No More Excuses," where we tackle challenges head-on and empower you to take charge of your success.

    As a DiSC® certified business coach, I’m really excited to dive into today’s topic, one that's critical for any business: hiring the right talent.

    Over the years, I’ve had clients who just seem to have a revolving door of staff. And, although I am NOT a recruiter or an HR expert, I work with business owners to identify what’s keeping people from staying. And one of the BIGGIES is onboarding and training processes and procedures.

    If you don’t have an HR company in-house or one you use when you need it, this is the time I would HIGHLY suggest you do! Listen – or watch if you're here already – as I share some ways how I helped a client remember where she had found her staff years ago! And, it's working again!

    It doesn't always have to be in the same industry! It's no secret that building a dream team can make or break your business. But why is finding the right people such a challenge?

    Firstly, it's about identifying YOUR needs and values. [This is where my expertise in DiSC® comes into play!] Secondly, there's the daunting task of sifting through countless resumes and conducting interviews, hoping to find that perfect match. [I have a client who has done this herself for years. She did use an employment agency for a short time, however their options seemed to not be working.] So, unfortunately you must find an agency that’s a good fit and focused on the “right talent” for your industry as well.

    Listen in today to hear what a colleague of mine who runs an employment agency told me about this topic: "Hi Sandi, yes, one of the biggest challenges is defining what "the right talent" means for your specific business. It's not just about skills and qualifications; it's also about cultural fit and alignment with your company's values."

    It's clear that hiring the right talent requires a strategic approach and a deeper understanding of your business's unique needs.

    And is doing the process of hiring the BEST use of your TIME? Well, sometimes it is the "do it or pay for it" concept, but it's also about seeing what else you SHOULD be doing!

    Now, let's hear from YOU, our Badass community for your Badass Challenge for the week. I’m asking you to share your experiences and challenges with hiring the right talent.

    Yes, you have to listen in to get the challenge... and once you complete it by sharing in the comments or emailing me, you'll be entered to win a FREE Business Analysis! Let's look at what's working, what's not, and how to build upon the success you have [I promise, I won't just tell you what's wrong!]

    Remember, building the right team is essential for your business's success.

    Don't settle for anything less than the best. That's a wrap for today's episode of "No More Excuses."

    Thank you Badasses, for tuning in. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and leave a review.

    Until next time, BeBadass!

    Cheers! Sandi


    Welcome back to a special anniversary episode of "No More Excuses".

    I'm publishing Monday's podcast TODAY (aka Thursday), because it was EIGHT years ago today that I started this podcast!

    But before we dive into today's theme, let's take a moment to celebrate this milestone!

    Cheers to all of you!

    From wherever we were in 2016 to where we all are today... I'm grateful for, and appreciate each and every one of you who has joined me on this incredible journey!

    Eight years of a MOSTLY weekly podcast! At the end of 2023, I had a lot of shit going on, and I missed a few weeks here and there, but hey - I heard from you, and well, that KEPT ME GOING!

    So today, let's talk about “STICKING WITH SOMETHING”.

    I've personally now had 8 years of podcasting, and over 10 years of coaching and 29 years of being a business owner... I guess I'll stick with it!

    Whether it's a business venture, a personal goal, or a creative project, staying committed in the face of challenges is no easy feat. But why is it so important, and how can we cultivate the resilience to keep going?

    Sticking with something builds character and resilience. It teaches us discipline, perseverance, and the value of hard work. And, most importantly, it's the key to achieving our goals and realizing our dreams!

    Listen in as I share more about this topic and how to keep going when shit's just getting tough! AND assign you your BADASS CHALLENGE!


    Welcome back to another episode of

    "No More Excuses".

    Today, I want to discuss the topic that's near and dear to my heart—why it's crucial to keep learning, no matter where you are in your personal or professional journey.

    Listen in as I share a Badass Moment of the Week from a client who shares WHY she – after decades in her industry – added yet another certification to her list!

    And, from two others how their ability to understand the importance of continuing education has helped them grow personally and professionally!

    But, most importantly, ALL of them are learning so they can help others!

    It doesn't matter if you're a seasoned professional or just starting, the journey of learning never ends. It's not about staying relevant; it's about staying ahead.

    But... yes, BUT what gets in the way of attending that class or conference or signing up for a new course?


    And I'm sure plenty of other BULLSHIT EXCUSES!

    Identifying WHY you want to gain more knowledge is key! Like anything, "If it's important enough, you'll find a way. If not, you'll find an EXCUSE!"

    What is something you'd LOVE to learn more about?

    What's stopping you?

    Continuous learning is crucial to overcoming common barriers. And helping people step out of their comfort zones and take chances – like I discussed in last week’s podcast!

    Listen in! Especially for the challenge at the end!

    Until next time, Stay BADASS!



    Welcome back to another episode of "No More Excuses!"

    Today, we're diving deep into the world of risks and the incredible rewards that come with stepping out of your comfort zone.

    Let's talk about taking chances. It's easy to stay within the safety net of what we know – as I like to call it, “Your comfy slippers, favorite jeans & t-shirt world”, but growth and success often lie just beyond that boundary.

    So, how can you overcome the fear of the unknown and start taking those leaps of faith?

    Listen in today as I share a few stories; one from a client and one listener and some of mine... even one that cost me $$$$!

    It's not easy to take those risks - even if you can calculate the results or have help! There's really no other way than do what Nike® says to do and JUST DO IT!

    Fear can keep you from doing the simplest tasks like hitting SEND on an email that can help build your brand and share your expertise with clients and prospects. And keeps many people from living the life of their dreams.

    Yes, it does help to have proven results or a guarantee of some sort. How will you ever know if you don't take the chance?

    What chances have you taken? What REWARD did you receive?

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and leave a review.

    Want to learn how to take those chances? Join the next round of the Group Coaching! Sign up on my website to be added to the waitlist.

    Until next time, stay Badass!
