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A frank and intimate series of conversations between those who hold power in sought-after industries and the people struggling to find employment due to barriers - such as having a disability, holding refugee status or gender discrimination - in their chosen sector.
Presented by social advocate and author Yassmin Abdel-Magied, this show is a collection of inspiring and powerful stories about sharing common ground and accessing pathways. -
"Alltaf í röngum bransa" er framleitt af Litla frjálsa hljóðverinu. Þættirnir veita hlustendum skemmtilega innsýn í líf viðmælenda hverju sinni sem hafa frá skemmtilegri reynslu að segja, skoðunum, hugmyndum og fróðleik sem oft má læra eitthvað af. Þættirnir eru ókeypis og öllum aðgengilegir. Allur réttur áskilin.
Host Steven Bertoni, VP and Senior Editor of Under 30 brings you in-depth conversations with rising entrepreneurs, established leaders and the most significant minds influencing the business world today. From the origins of ideas, to the challenges of responsible growth, corporate governance, what informs success, the drive to succeed and everything in between. These are the behind-the-scene stories and personal anecdotes of the people that took their big ideas and made them a reality.
Business the Wise Woman Way is a podcast hosted by Kaya Singer, and is for and about women entrepreneurs and solo business owners. Inspiring talks, interviews, stories, and practical help for growing a prosperous business into your wise woman years. We know there’s a “Woman’s Way” of doing business and trying to do it any other way just doesn’t work for your heart, soul, and spirit. Learn more:
Ready to travel the world, live your passions, and design your ideal life? Join YouTube’s Traveling with Kristin, a veteran digital nomad and location-independent entrepreneur, as she guides you through the ins and outs of an international lifestyle.
Whether you dream of retiring abroad, working remotely while traveling, or making a permanent move overseas, "Traveling with Kristin" is your go-to resource for all things global living.
Kristin has lived and worked from more than 60 countries over the past 20 years while helping more than 1,200 people relocate to 37 different countries. With her extensive experience and insights, she’s redefining what it means to be a digital nomad, showing you how to live happily and fulfilled, while making a meaningful impact on the world.
If you’re interested in travel, culture, living abroad, and a digital nomad lifestyle, this podcast is for you.
What You'll Learn:
* How to Travel or Live Abroad Full-Time
* Tips for getting offshore residency, visas, and second passports
* Insights into living in different cultures
* Tips on transitioning to a location-independent career
* Ways to make extra income online or start a side-hustle
* The best places to travel or live abroad
* And much more
Join us on this exciting journey and start designing your life without borders! -
Alzando la voz es un podcast creado y producido por mujeres puertorriqueñas que resalta y da voz a mujeres y féminas puertorriqueñas y de raíces puertorriqueñas alrededor de la isla y el mundo. Las co-moderadoras Laura Rexach y Carla López de Azúa crean un espacio que sirve de plataforma para destacar el rol femenino en nuestra cultura y sociedad donde se discuten y debaten abiertamente temas relevantes a nuestra cultura, tiempo y espacio.
For millennia, across cultures and continents, we have looked to the stars to navigate when we are lost. In this era of transformation, in which everything is in flux, we are locked onto old stars that are pulling us in a perilous direction. We need to discover new possibilities, and reset our course.
New Constellations exists to help people imagine and create better, more beautiful futures; futures in which humanity and the planet flourish together.
We invite you to meet and journey with some of the many pioneering people and communities whose thinking, work and practice shines light on the way ahead.
Join us and learn more at -
Empowered women and men share their secrets to success in extraordinary stories. Stories that touch your heart and soul and make you realize it is possible to prevail even in the face of gender bias and/or racial discrimination to blaze your own trail when there is no clear path ahead. Super entrepreneurial "how-to's" to help you launch your own business!
We look at the intersection of Leadership and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. There are a lot of people who will discuss the challenges in the DEI space, but not how to solve them. Leaders who want to break the status quo, come here. We will build a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive world together.
Jedes zweite Familienunternehmen in Deutschland ist älter als 100 Jahre alt. Welche besondere Herausforderungen hat die jüngste Generation, wenn diese das elterliche Unternehmen übernimmt? Wie selbstverständlich ist es, dass Unternehmen fortzuführen? Wie werden Konflikte zwischen Neu- und Altinhabern vermieden oder gelöst? Ich könnte meine Fragen und Gedanken zu diesem Thema hier endlos fortführen, spannender wir es aber sicherlich sein, in den Podcast hinein zu hören und die Nachfolger selber zu Wort kommen zu lassen.
Euer Ingo -
Für Menschen, die Ihr Business entwickeln wollen.
Für Menschen, die an Persönlichkeitsentwicklung interessiert sind.
Für Menschen, die aus den 70ern, 80ern oder 90ern sind.
Und für Ältere.
... und für Jüngere. :-)
Wenn du dich manchmal einsam fühlst und dich fragst, ob du auf diesem Planeten, in deiner Umgebung, in deiner Firma und ganz allein der Einzige bist, der sich "solche" Fragen stellt, dann ist das genau der richtige Podcast für dich.
Markus stellt sich dieselben Fragen. Und er beantwortet sie für sich und für dich in seinen Episoden über Mindset, Unternehmertum, Spiritualität und die Hürden des Alltags.
Jede Episode ist ein Mix aus persönlichen Anekdoten, praktischen Tipps und inspirierenden Geschichten. Mein Ziel? Dich zu motivieren, deine authentische Stimme zu finden und zu nutzen, um nicht nur erfolgreich zu sein, sondern auch wahrhaftig zu leben. So kannst du zuerst deine Welt besser machen. Dann die in deinem Umfeld. Und so weiter.
Ich möchte, dass du etwas Bleibendes von Wert erschaffst.
Markus Coenen ist Unternehmer, AutorenCoach, WirkungsFährmann. Er ist Gründer der Yes!-People, Redner, Autor und Content-Creator. -