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Hier findest du jede Woche kleine Wissens-Snacks zu Themen rund um Natur, Geschichte und Politik. Es gibt Mini-Sprachkurse, Bastel-DIYs und Sport-Tutorials. Alles kurz und knackig auf den Punkt gebracht. -
How many western radio programs can you recall if any? Can you recall two, ten, or fifteen of them. How about twenty titles? Well, there were more than thirty different radio westerns that aired over the years. Some have become an example of radio excellence and others just memories. Each week we will be covering some of the most popular westerns and many that have faded into distance memories. Join me as we relive radio westerns that entertain many a young child with adventure on Western Wednesday.
The Bodaciously Awesome Family Show is the only show dedicated to helping parents maximize their kids' experiences and for kids to reap the fun! Join Adam, Anthony and Zachary as we discuss what we're doing and where we are going. Adventure, excitement, laughter and awesomeness commence!
Jim and Dustin sit and rap about the groovier elements at Universal that make you say, "I can dig it" But it's not just islands of adventure that await you, because there is the whole Universal movie and TV division that goes under the microscope, as well. Get ready for a Universally good time.
The reviews that you know and love are brought to you in a different format. If you're new to Movie Deputy, we have typically brought our reviews to you in 300 words or less with no spoilers. That has progressed slightly to an audio format that will give you the same great no-spoiler reviews + extra bonus content that you can choose to continue with. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!
A fairy tale podcast for kids about real life extraordinary women from all over the world. Based on the bestselling series Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, each episode explores the lives of women from the books, encouraging young listeners to ask questions and explore their interests.
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Hoe en waardoor wordt iemand slachtoffer van nepnieuws?
De Deventer Mediazaak is een zesdelige podcastserie over hoe de Deventer moordzaak ontaardt in een mediazaak. Van verslaggeving en waarheidsvinding via infotainment naar een hetze. Feit en fictie gaan een eigen leven leiden en er vallen meer slachtoffers dan alleen de vermoorde weduwe. Journalisten, redacteuren van talkshows, opiniemakers, BN’ers en andere betrokkenen vertellen hoe ze onderdeel werden van deze mediadynamiek.
Podcastmaker Annegriet Wietsma borduurt daarmee voort op het boek De Deventer Moordzaak; het complot ontrafeld van journalist Bas Haan. In de podcast is een belangrijke rol weggelegd voor Michael de Jong, die door de media verdacht werd gemaakt en bestempeld als ‘de klusjesman’. Hij vertelt hoe de affaire zijn leven tot op de dag van vandaag bepaalt.
De beste podcast klassiekers van Nederland, hoor je bij NPO Luister. Luister ook naar TBS, de Showbizzmoord of WRAAK in de gratis NPO Luister app. -
TV-columniste Angela de Jong en verslaggever Gudo Tienhooven bespreken wekelijks zaken in de mediawereld. De presentatie is in handen van Manuel Venderbos.
Hello everybody, welcome to Crypto PTSD. This will be a show for people who have had encounters with cryptids. A place to share their stories without fear of ridicule. If you know someone, or you yourself would like to share your story, email us at Thanks for listening, and don't forget to subscribe and share us with your friends!
With university paused, the generation gap becomes more brutal than ever, with 19-year-old Ruthie locked in with boomer parents, but still podcasting
If you enjoy 'Ruthie - The Lockdown Sessions, then we'd be pathetically grateful if you could leave a review on iTunes here; If you REALLY like us, be sure to subscribe and never miss an episode, and tell your friends.
You can get in touch with the show via email here;
Martin’s on Twitter at @martinkelner, or if you prefer Facebook he’s here;
And if you want to listen to the music played on the podcast, the Spotify playlist is here;
Our thanks to our patrons at talkRADIO. Find more from talkRADIO at talkRADIO.CO.UK
Schrijver en columnist Özcan Akyol presenteert iedere zaterdagnacht op NPO Radio 1 het interviewprogramma ‘Onze Man in Deventer’, live vanuit zijn woonkamer in het centrum vanuit zijn geliefde woonplaats Deventer. Terwijl zijn kinderen al lekker liggen te slapen en zijn vriendin nog wat rommelt in de keuken, neemt de gast plaats bij Özcan op de bank.