This Week’s SPECIAL on the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – Third Meeting of States Parties March 2-7, 2025 Posing with the iconic gun sculpture in front of UN headquarteers in New York. The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) held its Third Meeting of States Parties (3MSP) at...
Fukushima disaster site, shortly after the earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011. This Week’s Featured Interview: We get all kinds of overly optimistic reports about the clean-up of radioactive water and debris from Fukushima, with Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the Japanese government, and their political enablers all claiming that things are going well!...
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
NOTE TO ALL CAMPAIGNERS AT THE UN TPNW/2MSP MEETINGS: THANKS OR COMING HERE! PLEASE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, LISTEN, AND RESEARCH FROM OUR PREVIOUS 700+ EPISODES! AND SEND YOUR STORIES TO: [email protected] THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL FULL-LENGTH INTERVIEW: Available on Amazon or better yet, order it from your favorite local bookstore. Animation from Westinghouse – A Total Lie!...
THIS WEEK’S FEATURED INTERVIEW: LINKS to Access TPNW Coverage: Recap of 2023 interviews at 2MSP with International Politicians Against Nukes JAPAN’S FUKUSHIMA STUPID DEBRIS TRICKS Photo of the fabled Fukushima debris particle removed from Reactor 1. Note the lack of comparison for scale – it’s not a boulder; it’s only 0.7 grams, or the equivalent...
This Week’s Featured Interview Activists from around the world gathering to demonstrate against U.S. nuclear weapons housed at the Buchel Air Force Base in Germany (Susan Crane far right, Nukewatch’s John LaForge behind Nukewatch banner in red hat) Libbe’s Play ATOMIC BILL AND THE PAYMENT DUE Coming to Wilmington Peace Resource Center in Ohio! Numnutz...
This Week’s Featured Interview: Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness) A trifecta! From the Onion… and then unfortunately, NOT the Onion: New Orleans has a National Nucleaer Security Administration helicopter scanning the city for nuclear weapons (say what? In Mardi Gras beads?); and NRC’s updated mission statement turns the already captured regulator into...
THIS WEEK’S FEATURED INTERVIEW: Anti-nuke icon Harvey Wasserman is a veteran of five decades of activism against nuclear reactors. He has authored books, organized demonstrations that deeply impacted the movement, helped successive generations of activists to learn the issues, the talking points, and the actions they can take. In recent years, he has included a...
This Week’s Featured Interview: We all accept as proven scientific and medical fact that human exposure to ionizing radiation from nuclear weapons and their production is damaging to human health. But how do we know that? Who figures out how bad it can be? How much radiation we can be exposed to without risking our...
This Week’s SPECIAL: NUKES AND FIRE – California Wildfires and Nuclear Dangers Libbe’s Story: I live in Los Angeles in the foothills less than a mile away from what became the Eaton (Altadena/Pasadena) fire Evacuation Warning zone. There was no new Nuclear Hotseat last week because after the Eaton fire broke out on Tuesday, I...
This Week’s SPECIAL Year-End Feature: Numnutz of the Year! It’s been a year, all right, with plenty of Numnutzery to go around. We look back on 2024 through the lens of Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness) – the nuclear stories that made no sense, defied logic, infuriated me, touched my “Despair” button,...
This Week’s Featured Interview: A new book, THE SCIENTISTS WHO ALERTED US TO THE DANGERS OF RADIATION, is a devastating look into the history of radiation harms and the scientists who attempted to reveal the truth by defying political and institutional pressures. It explains how those who tried to warn us were censored and discredited...
Nobel Peace Prize The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Nihon Hidankyo, the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations. Three Hibakusha (A-bomb survivors) were in Oslo, Norway to accept the award. Link: This Week’s SPECIAL Feature: The first ever Outrider Nuclear Reporting Summit drew together more than 100 reporters, editors, nuclear experts, activists...
This Week’s Featured Interview: Physicist and Activist Lynda Williams – a foe of nuclear greenwashing Lynda Williams is a Hawaii-based physicist, activist, writer and performance artist – AKA The Physics Chanteuse. She battles against nuclear greenwashing (aka lying) with public presentations, lectures, theatre, and a ferocious activist spirit. Lynda is bringing her new one woman...
SPECIAL PROPOSAL! #Nuclear80 The 2025 Campaign to Reclaim the Nuclear Narrative 2025 marks the 80th anniversary of the start of the Atomic Age and all the ensuing nuclear madness covered by the show every week. We already know that the media is going to make a “thing” out of this, because it’s an anniversary that...
This Week’s Featured Interview Part 2 of a talk with Doug Brugge and Aaron Datesman, authors of a brilliant new book, Nuclear Power in an Era of Climate Change. Last week was Part 1. This week, we focus on new information about the health dangers of so-called “permitted” radiation releases from operating nuclear reactors in...
Map of radiation doses at Three Mile Island – new information from the book Dirty Secrets of Nuclear Power in an Era of Climate Change: This Week’s Featured Interview: FREE download of pdf of the book: Dirty Secrets of Nuclear Power in an Era of Climate Change. Numutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness:...
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