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Are we being visited by aliens? Are there craft in our skies that perform manoeuvres beyond human technology? Do people get abducted by ETs? My mission is to investigate all things that are part of the wider the UFO phenomena. Each week I look into a different aspect of this fascinating field and go in depth into the evidence that is all around us. I am looking at UFO sightings, alien abduction, historic cases and other related phenomena. I interview researchers in the field and people who have had very real experiences.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Listen to me vent and rant on anything and everything going on in my life or the world. Follow me on Instagram at southerngypsy84 Support this podcast:
Under Cover is not just a podcast. It's a phone call, a voice message left for those who are lonely, confused or just need someone to talk to them at this time of isolation. It's a warm and friendly midnight radio for the world. It is a good friend who is informative, trustworthy and is there for you - with stories, songs and sounds to make you feel connected. With yourself, with your friends, with your world.
In this series we talk with scholars who have dedicated a significant amount of their life to help other people understand about Indonesia. This is not an academic discussion, rather, we chat about their interests, their personal life and views, and their hopes about Indonesia.
Didedikasikan untuk kamu, para independent thinker, Panggung Pikiran mengangkat isu, pengalaman dan gagasan yang jarang mendapat perhatian, sering diterima mentah-mentah, diabaikan, atau bahkan tak pernah terpikirkan. Dituturkan dengan gaya storytelling yang didukung riset mendalam, podcast ini menawarkan sudut pandang berbeda mengenai beragam isu budaya dan masyarakat di Indonesia.
A podcast sharing the stories of the people and places producing the stuff that shapes our lives.
The podcast is hosted by Sam Stewart who has spent the past 8 years working with people at the sources of natural resource and agricultural supply chains. Email:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
24 Hours After, an original podcast from The HISTORY® Channel, takes listeners on a deep dive into the immediate aftermath of critical moments that reshaped the world. Each season, we will experience one of these key events with immersive sound design, to put us behind the eyes and ears of those who were there and learn how their minute-by-minute decisions rippled into the future. Hosted by historian Steve Gillon, we speak to experts, authors, and eyewitnesses to paint a full picture of each turning point in history.
24 Hours After: The JFK Assassination (season one) will unpack this unforgettable incident with unprecedented detail. We'll hear from the Secret Service agent who jumped on Kennedy's car after the shots were fired, a White House pool reporter who chased JFK's car to the hospital and saw his successor sworn in, as well as from numerous scholars who shed a light on often overlooked details from this story. Each episode puts us into the minds of one key player—Jackie Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald, Lyndon Johnson, and more—to experience this tragedy as it happened and understand how history unfolded from their actions.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Cerita Malam, Horor, Curhat apapun yang perlu diceritakan saat datang malam. Support this podcast:
Together, We’re Better is brought to you by Building Our Future, a local movement in Kenosha, Wisconsin with a clear purpose – helping every child succeed in school and in life, cradle to career. Every month join Building Our Future leaders as well as local partners who are working together to improve outcomes for as many young people as possible. We are here to share resources, tools, and success stories to support cross-sector collaboration. As we come together across sectors to identify shared goals and hold ourselves accountable, we pave the way for meaningful impact.
Di podcast ini saya (@reifialdi.fadillah) akan menghibur kalian dengan cerita - cerita horor & hal - hal misteri lainnya. Kalian juga bisa share pengalaman horor kalian ke aalmat E-mail : dengan format teks/audio. Kalian juga bisa kasih usulan untuk bahan pembahasan di podcast ini di alamat E-mail yang sama atau DM ke Akun Instagram @triangle.podcast. Jangan lupa cantumkan nama kalian & nama akun IG kalian. Selamat mendengarkan.Contact Us :Email : trianglepodcast17@gmail.comInstagram :
Привет, на связи Прохор, и это подкаст «Привет эмигрантам». Подкаст, созданный эмигрантом для эмигрантов и об эмигрантах. В каждом выпуске я буду рассказывать об эмигрантах 20-го столетия, читать их дневники и кусочки из их произведений, буду рассказывать об эмигрантах сегодняшнего дня, читать свои дневники и дневники своих друзей, которые вынуждены были уехать, а в конце буду оставлять небольшой чек-лист того, что может быть полезно в таких экстренных ситуациях, как эмиграция.