Theresa and I share our top tips together on how on earth we can manage to meet everyone's needs (including our own!) at the same time.
Find Theresa Yaroshevich at TLC Theresa Lactation ConsultantFind us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
We welcome Dr Beth Shore to our podcast! Dr Beth and I discuss our thoughts on a recent news article about the trauma mothers experience when they struggle to produce milk and breastfeed. We reflect on the lack of breastfeeding medicine education in medical training. We get angry at the ridiculous lack of support and care from our health care system for mums struggling to feed their babies. Newshub article: The traumatic journey mums who struggle to breastfeed face
Helpful resource when dealing with breastfeeding grief: Dr Beth at Dr Beth's Baby ClinicFind us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
This was an off the cuff recording directly into the podcasting app, hence no intro and outro - I could not figure out how to download the clip for editing! ><
Actually turned out ok now that I've had a chance to go back and listen to it so I have decided to share it anyway. Hope it resonates.
Find us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Ka mua ka muri - Walking backwards in to the future.
La Leche League NZ 60th Anniversary Conference is coming up 19-21 April at St Peter's School in Cambridge, NZ.
See the conference website for more info and to buy tickets.
Emily Writes about Le Leche League and breastfeeding support
Pinky McKay's breastfeeding, parenting, and LLL journey on The Beyond Sleep Training Podcast.
Find Sarah at Summer Warmth
Find us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
Theresa and I share our thoughts on swaddling - when might it be useful and when it can interfere with feeding and bonding.
Early contact versus separation: effects on mother-infant interaction one year later
Baby Sleep Info Source: Swaddling for sleep
Find Theresa Yaroshevich at TLC Theresa Lactation ConsultantFind us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
Happy 2024! Theresa and I delve into all the ways that skin to skin is amazing for the wellbeing of everyone, as well as for the baby, of course.
Find Theresa Yaroshevich at TLC Theresa Lactation ConsultantFind us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
Sarah and I go on another rant about breastfeeding books.
Excellent new book: Breastfeeding Twins and Triplets by Kathryn Stagg, IBCLC.
Old book but still true: Beyond the Breast-Bottle Controversy by Penny van Esterik
Find Sarah at Summer Warmth
Find us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
Theresa and I discuss this recently published New England Journal of Medicine perspective article: Breast or Bottle - The Illusion of Choice
Support for medical mothers and parents to breastfeed:
Dr. Milk - USA
Breastfeeding for Doctors - UK
MMAMTB Lactation Interest group - Aus/NZ
Find Theresa Yaroshevich at TLC Theresa Lactation ConsultantFind us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
Theresa and I discuss this recently published New England Journal of Medicine perspective article: Breast or Bottle - The Illusion of Choice
Support for medical mothers and parents to breastfeed:
Dr. Milk - USA
Breastfeeding for Doctors - UK
MMAMTB Lactation Interest group - Aus/NZ
Find Theresa Yaroshevich at TLC Theresa Lactation ConsultantFind us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
Introducing Sarah Hudson, IBCLC from Summer Warmth! Sarah picked up a book in a used book store with some frankly dangerous advice so we decided to record our rant, because, what else can we do...? There is so little accountability and pretty much no consequences for people peddling harmful advice to parents with babies.
Find Sarah at Summer Warmth
Find us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
What is a responsive breastfeeding relationship and what to do when our babies change things up!
Find us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
There is an endless stream of 100% conflicting advice in the baby feeding, sleep, anything you can think of space. Theresa and I share tips on where these advice comes from and what parents can do to navigate through all the confusion. We hope that our insights will help you separate the useful from the outright harmful, in a way that respects you as the expert in your own parenting journey.
Find Theresa Yaroshevich at TLC Theresa Lactation ConsultantFind us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
In a nutshell - keep your baby close, keep offering the breast and respond to your baby's cues, keep things as simple as possible. Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.
La Leche League NZ - Our bodies can make plenty of milk in times of stress
Te Puawaitanga ki Ōtautahi Trust - Infant Feeding in Emergencies
La Leche League International - Disaster: Breastfeeding Is a Life Line
La Leche League International - Infant Feeding in Emergencies
Evacuating with a baby? Here's what to put in your emergency kit
Find us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
Tune in for an eye-opening reframing of how our society treats breastfeeding.
Find us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
Dr Katie shares a recent blip in her breastfeeding journey. Dr Whitney shares her long term friendship with mastitis.
Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol #36 The Mastitis Spectrum (Revised 2022):
Find us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
Dr Whitney is back! She's been musing about ways we can embrace different breastfeeding experiences and parenting journeys. We discuss how getting to know yourself and your values is such an essential part of becoming a parent.
Find us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
We take a deep dive into how schedules came to be the default way of thinking when it comes to feeding babies.
Find Theresa Yaroshevich at TLC Theresa Lactation Consultant
Find us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
Part 1 of an accidental mini-series about the culture of confinement...
Find Theresa Yaroshevich at TLC Theresa Lactation Consultant
Find us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
Get the lowdown on these "teeny weeny meanies". We share the latest recommendations on treating blebs from the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Mastitis Spectrum Protocol 2022.
Find Theresa Yaroshevich at TLC Theresa Lactation Consultant
Find us at Nurtured: Mother Baby Clinic or email:
Music "Life is Beautiful" by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
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