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A series of conversations with some of the world's brightest minds and most creative innovators exploring the intersection of human creativity and AI technology. The UK's National Centre for Innovation enabled by AI (CebAI) is based at City, University of London and funded by UK Research & Innovation. CebAI is developing prototypes that will help people to develop their creative problem solving skills.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Technical and business expertise are two things that experienced IT professionals looking for better work opportunities have in common.
In “Climb up that career ladder,” Kinga Zygmunczyk will focus on the many opportunities the current job market can offer them.
Her special guests from Predica Group will share their insights into the recruitment process, discuss the responsibilities and attitudes necessary for growing professionally, show possible career paths, and discover the benefits that the IT world brings to its people.
If you are planning the next step on your career ladder, you may like to start by listening to this podcast. -
Jestem Dominika, ale wszyscy, zawsze mówią od mnie Miśka :) Jestem fanką technologii, od smartfonów i gadżetów, po konsole i gry. W tym podcaście usłyszycie kilka technologicznych moich historii, dyskusje z gośćmi, czy technologiczno-giereczkowe przemyślenia. Zapraszam do mojego technologicznego świata :)
Our country, as well as the rest of the world, has fallen into a crisis situation that has struck quickly and no one knows what to expect from it if the measures chosen are sufficient. The aim of the discussion will be to present the functioning of crisis management in Slovakia, but also in the world, how they deal with the pandemic and what remains to be prepared.
Are the measures set up in Slovakia, but also in other EU countries and the world sufficient? How to avoid scenarios from Italy and Spain? Can we use them, is there a positive sharing between countries? What role does human awarene -
piąTech to seria podcastów o technologiach i cyfrowej transformacji prowadzona przez Marcina Kowalskiego, CTO GFT Poland. Raz w miesiącu rozmawiamy z partnerami technologicznymi GFT oraz ekspertami firm odpowiedzialnych za najbardziej przełomowe rozwiązania w Polsce i na innych rynkach. Cloud, blockchain, sztuczna inteligencja, Internet Rzeczy i wiele, wiele więcej – to tematy, które poruszamy w ramach podcastu. Nacisk na innowację i korzystanie z najnowszych technologii to połączenie, dzięki którym skutecznie wspieramy cyfrową transformację naszych klientów.
Polski oddział GFT skupia się przede wszystkim na wspieraniu klientów z sektora bankowości poprzez wydajne i innowacyjne rozwiązania technologiczne. Naszym rozwojem w tym zakresie kieruje CTO Marcin Kowalski, który jest także gospodarzem podcastu piąTech. Zespół GFT zajmuje się modernizacją systemów centralnych, opracowywaniem kompletnych platform bankowych od postaw, migracją do chmury i rozwojem nowych modeli biznesowych.
piąTech is a podcast series about technology and digital transformation hosted by Marcin Kowalski, GFT Poland CTO. Once a month, we talk with GFT's technology partners and experts from the companies responsible for the most disruptive innovations in Poland and other markets. Cloud, blockchain, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and much, much more - these are the topics we cover in the podcast. The focus on innovation and the use of the latest technologies is the combination through which we successfully support our customers companies’ digital transformation.
The Polish branch of GFT focuses primarily on supporting banking sector with efficient and innovative technology solutions. Our development in this area is led by CTO Marcin Kowalski, who is also the host of the piąTech podcast. The GFT team is involved in, among other things, modernising central systems, developing complete banking platforms from scratch, migrating to the cloud and developing new business models. -
The DtSR Podcast is dedicated to the cyber security profession - with timely topics, lively personalities, deep dives, and no fear of the third rail. Running since 2011 - founded by Rafal Los (aka "@Wh1t3Rabbit"), and co-hosted by James Jardine and now featuring Mr. Jim Tiller - the weekly show will entertain you while you're learning something.
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Tpay Podcast to miejsce dla każdego, kto interesuje się szeroko pojętą technologią, biznesem, czy branżą ecommerce. W rozmowach z ekspertami firmy Tpay, będącego operatorem płatności do ecommerce, poruszymy takie tematy jak rozwój BLIKA, przyszłość branży ecommerce, trendy w obszarze fintech, innowacyjne rozwiązania w ehandlu i wiele wiele innych.
Z podcastu dowiesz się zarówno, co dzieje się w branży fintech, jak i poznasz rozwiązania, które pomogą Ci realnie skalować biznes! -
The Ag Tech TALK podcast by AgriBusiness Global covers how ag tech developments are affecting the crop protection market. This includes new products, trends, analysis, and other information that those in the crop protection can use to stay up to date.
The Sustainable podcast by AgriBusiness Global covers the crop protection, biologicals and plant health markets advancements towards creating a healthier planet. -
"Join us for a weekly deep dive into the latest developments in the fast-paced world of technology. Our expert panel of hosts offers informed opinions and analysis on breaking news stories, trends, and emerging technologies. From the hottest gadgets to the biggest controversies, we cover it all and give you the inside scoop on what it all means for you. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, professional, or just curious about what's happening in the tech world, our podcast is your go-to source for insightful commentary and informed discussions on all things tech."- ChatGPT