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Podcasten som hjælper dig med finde din personlige smag inden for vin og samtidig gør dig klogere på de dejlige dråber. Rigtig god lyttelyst!
Vært: Jonas Landin
Ekspert: René Langdahl
Der kan forekomme sponseret indhold i afsnittene.
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Besøg os på Facebook og Instagram, hvor man kan vinde vin og se billeder og andet godt.
Kontakt: [email protected] -
af Thomas Rode Andersen
Velkommen til mit hobby journalistiske projekt “Kok & Kok imellem”.
Jeg er Thomas Rode Andersen, tidligere Køkkenchef på legendariske Restaurant Kong Hans Kælder i Kbh og medstifter af
“Kok og Kok imellem” startede imens jeg var i karantæne under den første lockdown som ren "Corona Radio" hvor jeg talte med gode gamle kolleger om alt mellem himmel og jord over en telefonforbindelse.
Her i de efterfølgende sæsoner går jeg lidt grundigere til værks og inviterer de snakkelystne kokke hjem ind i Podamok studiet og optager podcasten med det bedste tekniske set-up på lydsiden, med et kamera snurrende under seancen og dygtige mennesker i kulissen til at sikre at din oplevelse af mine snakke med nogle af landets bedste kokke bliver en klokkeklar fornøjelse. Hør med når jeg og mine gæster snakker om ting, oplevelser og begivenheder som sjældent kommer frem når vi kokke giver interviews med rigtige journalister.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Blindsmagerne er til dig, der interesserer sig for vin. Det kan både være for nybegynderne og nørderne. Vi tilstræber en ukrukket og nysgerrig tilgang, hvor vin tages for det, det er: nydelse frem for alt!
Dine værter er Henrik Lehm og Philip Nordstrand Nielsen.
Hvis du kan lide hvad du hører, og vil deltage i konkurrencer om vinpræmier, kan du støtte os via dette link: -
An inclusive audio space, Conscious Chatter opens the door to conversations about our clothing + the layers of stories, meaning and potential impact connected to what we wear. Hosted by Kestrel Jenkins & Natalie Shehata, Conscious Chatter tackles nuanced sustainable fashion topics via a roundtable format. Through deep dive monthly themes, the focus is on making the conversation more circular.
mind your life podcastserie, handler om at leve et moderne liv med mening. Lyt med, når vi tager med en række kvinder, der står stærkt, drømmer stort og lever helhjertet igennem fravalg og tilvalg, opture, nedture og hør hvordan de har fundet deres vej i dette både smukke og smertefulde liv – i en verden hvor det ellers kan være svært at finde fodfæste, finde sig selv eller blot finde en halv time til at trække vejret og tænke over tilværelsen.
Vi håber, at denne podcast kan inspirere dig.
Journalist: Karen Pallisgaard.
Lyd og redigering: Jakob Ranum
Musik: Henrik Lindstrand -
Food for Thought is THE resource for living compassionately and healthfully. Listen to insightful, common sense perspectives about food, animals, cooking, eating, health, language, politics, zero waste living, literature, film, advocacy, and so much more from the Joyful Vegan herself, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau.
The Wine Enthusiast Podcast takes you on a tantalizing trip into the world of wine, beer and spirits. Drink up engaging, behind-the-scenes stories reported and recorded by Wine Enthusiast’s editors. In each episode, we explore emerging trends, provide educational tidbits, and introduce you to the passionate people who craft, shake, ferment, and pour their beverage of choice. Inside every bottle is a story.
Join Sommelier Emily Harman as she shares bottles with fellow hosts, friends, and guests.
JUICE is an entertaining and accessible podcast, which shares knowledge and banter on favourite bottles of wines.
"Ordering wine in restaurants and buying at wine shops is often overwhelming with complicated wine lists and without the right language or confidence a lot of people do not end drinking the wine they were hoping to. We made this podcast to be fun, approachable, informative and to empower people to better understand and navigate wine and in turn demand better for themselves." -
Hello My Fellow Lashpreneurs!
- Are you toying with whether you should venture out on your own to start your very own lash business?
- Have you been an independent contractor or room renter for a while, but stumped on how to build a larger clientele...or even better, one that's willing to pay full price?
- Have you booked yourself solid with an amazing clientele and are overworked, exhausted and frustrated that you have no life outside of lashing?
- Are you sick of Groupon clients?
- Are you tired of working harder and not smarter?
- Are you an accidental business owner and are clueless about the ins and outs of running a business?
If you said "YES!" to any of those questions, then you have come to the right place my friend! The Lashpreneur is for those of you looking for answers, guidance and practical tips that you can implement into your lash business TODAY to START, BUILD, and GROW a thriving Lash Business on your own terms!
Also check out for all sorts of lash biz golden nuggets and how we can work together to take your lash biz to the next level!
I welcome and congratulate you on taking the first step towards stepping into your badass business self!
Have a good one!
Tara -
What do the most successful entrepreneurs know, that you don't? Today's most successful Restaurateurs and Restaurant Professionals sharing tips and insights 2-days weekly to help make your restaurant dreams unstoppable! Listen as our guest explain what it takes to be successful in the restaurant industry. We'll discuss topic on how to lead, manage and market a successful restaurant. Join us at to find show notes which recap all books, services, resources and tools covered in each episode. An incredible resource for any aspiring Restaurateur. Now, Join our community and make your restaurant dreams UNSTOPPABLE!
This podcast consists of friends for friends without friends. We are the outsiders, the fringe people that were left behind to carve our own paths, forging our way through life’s jungles, emerging with scars and tattoos and the ability to tell our stories and laugh at our stories which are your stories too. Powerful Truth Angels is a podcast brought to you by Native Angeleno weirdo creative Alex/2tone (Director of film, and Co-owner and Design Director of street wear brand BornxRaised). PTA is here to welcome you into the fold with open arms and hearts. We will envelope you with our million thread count robes and hug and squeeze you until you feel nothing but pure light and joy emanating from every pore in your body. Welcome to a place where anything can happen and everyone is invited to join. We want you to be with us, forever. We will all scream and yell and laugh and whisper and cry in unison, we are the POWERFUL TRUTH ANGELS.
A weekly dive into the business and culture of beer. Hosted by Andy Crouch and John Holl, The Beer Edge podcast provides listeners with unparalleled insights into the beer industry. Our mission is to provide consumers and industry players alike with a fresh and unfiltered look at the world of better, flavorful beer. We seek to capture the essence and passion of brewers, both big and small, foreign and domestic, each of whom has a distinctive and colorful story to go along with the beautiful beers they produce.
Welcome to All About Wine on BlogTalkRadio since 2009. This one-hour call-in talk show featuring Ron Hunt, wine maker, cellar master, vineyardist and tasting expert. Each week, we cover different topics related to wine. We invite other wine enthusiasts and wine makers to call and go on-air with us. Always informative and's All About Wine. Thursdays @ 7PM (eastern)
I Danmarks Første Champagnepodcast tager vi dig med på et eventyr - en oplevelsesrejse ud i alverdens kroge af hele Champagne-distriktet. Du vil få et helt særligt indblik i vores personlige og unikke oplevelser, alt imens du samtidig bliver meget klogere på den eksklusive drik, der i mange århundreder har været både yderst prestigefuld og særlig.
All aboard The Pirate Ship! Set sail with Tom Kerridge and Chris Stark on an amazing food adventure. This is THE podcast for anyone interested in the often weird and wonderful world of food and drink. A club where we can all share stories, take the fussiness out of food, and have a bit of a laugh.
Expect tales from one of the best chefs in the world, famous friends dropping by and loads of challenges to get involved in.
Subscribe now, become a Pirate and never miss an episode. -
I Radio4’s ugentlige madprogram ”Madøre” er du i godt selskab med vært og kok Mikkel Nielsen.
Sammen med en gæst tager Mikkel dig igennem ugens historier og tendenser inden for gastronomiens verden.
Som lytter af programmet kan du holde dig opdateret på, hvad der rører sig inden for mad- og vinscenen. Derudover får du konkrete brugbare tips og tricks fra fagkyndige gæster, som du selv kan afprøve i dit eget køkken. Mikkels tilgang er, at det ikke behøver at være dyrt for at være godt.