
  • Founder of, author of The Student Loan Scam: The Most Oppressive Debt in U.S. History and How We Can Fight Back, former Occupier, and current Presidential Candidate, Alan Collinge explains the unjust student loan system and discusses his presidential candidacy.

    This is Part 1 of this enlightening interview with Alan Collinge. Among topics discussed:

    --Presidential candidacy: what he plans to do as president.

    --How the student loan system, which was supposed to be a form of financial assistance to low-income and middle class students, become so corrupt.

    --Both democrats and republicans alike have contributed to the problem. - It's a nonpartisan issue.

    --Low-income students taking out loans to pay their tuition end up paying more money to go to college than their wealthier counterparts--due to interest and fees slapped on top of the loans.

    --Is this a way to prevent poor students from getting an education?

    Learn more about this important issue and stay tuned for part two in our next episode!

    Like this podcast? Tell all your friends! Subscribe! Give us a "like" or a nicey-nice comment!

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  • Here's a short episode that is a friendly reminder. Let us not forget!

    First, let's remember many people in Maui may still be suffering and that we weren't told the truth about the number of people who were killed and whether or not children were harmed/killed. Let's not forget that the fire and the way it was handled should not have happened. The Powers That Be are hoping we'll forget. So remember, remember!

    Let's not forget about Maui, or Hurricane Katrina, or the "temporary" Patriot Act, or the National Defense Authorization Act, COINTELPRO, the secret police force called the "red squads," the arm stab mandates, the promise that the arm stabs were "safe and effective" and the threat that those who refused them might be denied health care, the right to travel, to work, or to spend time with their families, etc.

    Okay, it's a lot to remember, but together we can do it!

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  • On Sept. 13, 2023, NY Senator George M. Borello and Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox courageously argued against New York Governor Kathy Hochul's appeal to uphold a law that would enable the governor to FORCIBLY remove NY residents from their homes and have them thrown into "quarantine" camps. Parents and children could be separated indefinitely. Hochul wouldn't need to prove anyone was sick but could just have people sent to camps whenever she felt like it...

    Two years ago, Episodes 60 and 61, we'd reported on the CDC's "green zones," areas being built by the CDC where people could be kept under "quarantine." The CDC's PDF has, apparently, been removed from the CDC's website. However, the document was available on, and we read through the entire document on that podcast back in 2021.

    The CDC camps were based on refugee camps, like many that currently exist around the world. Refugees are people who are displaced due to political turmoil, and they are made homeless and stripped of their citizenship permanently.

    I don't think we want this to happen here in the United States.

    Speak up, people! You must speak now! Stop trusting authority figures and celebrities. Start trusting in people you know intimately--your spouse, sister/brother/best friend/parent/child, etc. Let's stop giving power to these celebrities who talk to us through screens.

    Leave us a comment and/or watch the video of the interviews here:

    #camps #quarantine #NY

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  • Back in 2005, a hurricane caused a lot of damage in New Orleans. It was speculated that some politicians knew the levees might break during the hurricane but they did nothing to repair or improve the infrastructure so that the region would be prepared for the next hurricane. While affluent people were able to flee the area, many people--mostly poor and people of color--were stranded at the disaster site where food and clean water was now scarce. Reports indicated that when some people tried to donate water or other supplies, they were turned away. The Red Cross turned away perspective volunteers, saying they already had enough despite the great need.

    Similar sketchy reports are coming from Maui where roads have been closed off to traffic, preventing not only those who want to help or donate enter the site, but also preventing journalists from arriving to report on what is really going on there.

    What is really going on there?

    Are areas being targeted for being turned into "smart cities" going to experience natural disasters so that the WEF and Fiends can buy up their land and "build back better"?

    Are these "natural" disasters just another way to get people accustomed to living in shelters? To losing their homes and be forced to share space with others? Will we all find ourselves living like refugees, on camps, at some point in the near future?

    Many people around the world live on refugee camps. They are trapped in a permanent state of homelessness. Do we want this for ourselves? Do we want this for anyone? Why do people around the world subsist on refugee camps? Could it be that the same political turmoil fueled by corruption and faulty public policy is now coming to us here in the USSA? Uh, excuse me, I meant "USA." That extra "s" implies that the United States is becoming similar to the former Soviet Union. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    In fact, the United States is becoming like a combination of Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World.

    #maui #hawaii #climatechange #environment #1984 #surveillance #smartcity #15mincity #buffalo #wny

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  • New Yorkers speak out on dangers of 5G towers being put up in their neighborhoods. Question is, will the City Council listen? Do our local politicians have the power to even stop the 5G towers from being put up?

    Americans for Responsible Technology (ART) contends that HR 3557 is a federal bill that will make it difficult for local governments to stop the erecting of more 5G towers.

    On June 3, 2023, a hearing took place in New York City before the City Council during which many NYC residents spoke out about 32-foot jumbo 5G towers being erected in their neighborhoods. Many complained of serious health effects. Some said they needed to leave their homes due to health concerns.

    Since we've known for decades now--long before 5G, 4G, or even 3G--that over exposure to EMF (electromagnetic frequency) radiation can be harmful, why are we still needing to explain it to our politicians or even to our friends and neighbors--many of whom will still accuse us of being "conspiracy theorists"? How can we stop this insanity when protesting and speaking out at hearings doesn't seem to work?

    Will the voices heard during this NY City Council hearing make a difference, or will the PTB (Powers That Be) just continue installing more towers anyhow? What then?

    In Buffalo, NY, the mad construction work continues. Something is being installed underneath the roads. Hmm... I wonder what it could be...

    By the way, in case you are wondering, I am a proud conspiracy theorist! Yep, conspiracies abound. That's just how power works. Once people get power, they get together with others who also have power and they all conspire together to maintain their power and status.

    Why is that hard for some people to believe? We need a term to describe the naive and politically uneducated.

    How about "Naivete Theorist"? Or maybe "Gullibility Enthusiast"? Are you a "Trust the Science Theorist? A "Fauci Afficianado"? "Celebrity Pseudo-Science Addict"? A "Fauci Fool"?

    Friends, we need to push back against the anti-conspiracy nuts and come up with a term to describe them because they are the crazy ones. I can't think of anything too clever right now, but we'll think of something.

    Am I a conspiracy theorist? Uh no. You are an Authority Truster? Am I an antivaxxer? Naw, I'm an anti-authoritarian. I will not comply! Not I!

    The transcript of the NYC hearing is available thanks to Environmental Health Trust ( at

    Americans for Responsible Technology's website is:

    #oym #podcast #nyc #5g

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  • A strange, and very loud generator-like sound is resonating from the SUNY Buffalo's south campus late in the evening as some people were getting ready to go to sleep. The sound is coming from a construction site at the center of the campus and was vibrating loudly at 9:11 p.m. (Yes, it was 9:11!)

    But... no one seems to notice or care. Wouldn't a sound that loud violate city ordinances? Perhaps it would if people were paying close enough attention to what is being done to their environment to care enough to make a complaint.

    But who needs to live in a pleasant environment? After all, we have our screens to keep us occupied, right? Let's just sit back and let the Powers That Be (the PTB) destroy the world around us. Who cares? Should we care about anything? Naw, it's too painful to care. Let's pretend nothing's wrong. All I need to think about is me--Number Uno!

    We need not notice what is happening to our environment. We need not look at people and notice how dead their eyes have become. We don't need to start a conversation, lest we are labeled as startlingly friendly, noticeably unique in our viewpoints, or, worse, as "conspiracy theorists." Do we humans need each other? Perhaps not. Now that many of us are autistic, we might relish in the social distancing, dance as we've been programmed to dance, love in the way only a robot can "love."

    Everything's okay. Nothing to see here. Just turn on your "smart" phone and stare at it. There. That feels good, doesn't it? No need to bother worrying about what is happening in the world around you when you have a screen to keep you tired, lonely, and distracted. Before you know it, your life will be over, and you won't even notice when it's over. No, you won't remember a thing. Ah, but take a look at that screen! Isn't that interesting!

    And if you still have any questions or concerns, just Google it. You'll find all your answers there. There's no need to read, write or learn anything. The Internet has all the answers. Just ask Alexa. She knows. And if you disagree with her/it, then ask Siri for a second opinion. If you still disagree, then there is something very wrong with you. Why can't you be like everyone else?


    Is democracy "mob rule"? If so, then what type of system would prevent the majority of people from having a voice in their government? Is shutting down the voice of the people a good thing? Can we ever have a system that goes against the will of the majority without it being a tyrannical system? Which would you prefer--a government run by and for the majority of people or a government run by and for a minority of people? Hint: the latter is the system under which we are currently living.

    The only way that a minority of people can take control over the majority is through force and/or manipulation. Now, we are seeing both of those efforts taking place. Many people were forced to take injections in order to work, to travel, to live their lives comfortably. Others were essentially brainwashed. They believe that the Powers That Be (the PTB) are looking out for their interests. Even those who were injured by the injections continue to promote them. Preoccupied with their own self interests or just too brainwashed to see outside of the matrix, such people will continue to support the so-called Covid "vaccination" program, even while they are dying from myocarditis or a fast-moving cancer caused by the injections they so slavishly imbibed.

    Like alcoholics who defend their choice to drink, even while they've lost their jobs, homes, relationships, and sometimes their lives, some injection takers won't see the truth even when it is slapping them in the face or (sadly) in the heart.

    By the way, that was the late Leo Buscaglia speaking at the end of the podcast. At the beginning of the podcast, we heard from Mel Brooks ("History of the World, Part 1"), Mike Myers (Austin Powers), the late George Carlin, and Klaus Schrubb (aspiring dictator).

    #BigPharma #BigTech #5G #soundfrequencies

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  • Exclusive interview with Klaus Schrubb, internationally-known aspiring dictator. As a courtesy, he'll share his plans and goals for our future.

    Some conspiracy realists (yes, some conspiracies are real!) are concerned about a patent that was filedby Microsoft toward the beginning of the "pandemic."

    “Cryptocurrency system using body activity data” is the name of the patent which was filed March 26, 2020.

    The publication number of the patent is chilling as it contains the numbers “060606.”Is this a biblical message alluding to the mark of the beast, or is it a psyop? In other words, are the PTB (powers that be) purposely usingthose numbers to instill fear in us? We know that they want us to be afraid—whether it’s fear of catching a bad cold or fear of theNew World Order.

    Let's face it: the NWO are just a bunch of humans, just like the rest of us EXCEPT they are very wealthy and privileged, and, as such, they assume they are superior, that they don't need to listen to the rest of us, that what THEY want is what we all should want. Knowing that they are just people (crazy people, yes, but just people) enables us to see that they are not any more powerful than we allow them to be. So let's stop giving them power over us! Resist, people! Resist! Use cash! Socialize with other humans face-to-face! Stay empowered, not in fear!

    International Publication Number WO 2020/060606 A1 was filed as an international application published under the patent cooperation treaty (PCT) through the World Intellectual Property Organization by Microsoft.Microsoft employees Dustin Abramson, Derrick Fu and Joseph Edwin Johnson, Jr. were the inventors.

    The patent describes technology used to connect humans with a cryptocurrency or digital currency system.

    I read through part of the document which may be found here:

    Just in case the above link is censored, you may find it listed under google patents. Patents dot google dot com. I could not find it underthe US Patent Office as it appears to be an international patent, not a US patent.

    If you have any more information on this that you'd like to share, contact us at You can leave a message for us there.

    #WEF #patents #NWO #mindcontrol #surveillance

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  • This podcast was recorded Dec. 26 during a tumultuous snow storm-wind storm.

    Strong winds have been an increasing event in Western NY, but winds this strong used to be a rarity. Is this the result of climate change? Or something more sinister.

    Nature has been doing some unusual things lately. Pink skies are suddenly appearing during the summer months. While they're pretty to look at, they aren't normal for this part of the country.

    The snow that fell over Christmas weekend in 2022 was not normal either. It was hard as rock--no, hard as granite! A friend's shovel broke in half when he tried tackling the snow. That is unprecedented. What would make "snow" so hard that it was nearly impossible to shovel? Why did city officials refuse to plow the streets right away? It was almost as though they wanted to lock the people of Buffalo down using the snow as an excuse.

    In fact, many people were unable to leave their homes. The snow was so hard that many people couldn't shovel themselves out of their driveways. Grocery stores shut down and some people went for days without food, heat or electricity.

    Whether or not this was a "conspiracy," this should be investigated so that we can make sure that people don't lose power next time. Yet we've heard no explanation as to why people went so long without power and what will be done next time to prevent it from happening again.

    #wny #buffalony #snow #kathyhochul #nys #weather #geoengineering

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  • Happy, happy Christmas to my wonderful, invisible listeners!

    We wish a happy holiday and new year for all, for everyone everywhere in the world, EXCEPT those of the New World Order. (You know who you are, but in case you don’t
 are you CEO of a big tech or pharmaceutical company? Of a major media outlet? Are you one of those employers mandating the injection for all of your employees, even those who are working from home? Are you a politician who implemented lockdowns, mask mandates and manipulative techniques to pressure people into taking a potentially lethal injection? Shout out to Kathy Hochul, Andrew Cuomo and Gail Burstein! What the heck, let’s say hello to west coaster Gavin Newsom too! Fauci! Gates! Schwab! Hello, hello, hello!)

    For the NWO folks, we have a much greater wish for you. After all, you are so much better than the rest of us, right? (Laws for thee, but not for me!)

    So our wish for you wonderful NWO folks is that you get your visits from your ghostly conscience—the Ghost of Christmas Past, Christmas Present, Christmas Future. We hope that you are confronted by the Tiny Tims of the world who can face you and ask the question, why?

    Why don’t you care? Why are you hurting other people? Why are you causing so many problems for people you don’t even know?


    Is it because you care so little about others? Because you only care about yourself and your family and the HUGE profits you are accumulating from all of this?

    Or is it because of hubris, that you seriously think that you are benefiting the world with your mandates, your jabs, your geoengineering and your genetic modifications of plants, animals and humans?

    We can only hope there is a force of good in this world that will speak to you in the form of a conscience.

    Yes, we are recording this on Christmas day, of all days, to report on the snowstorm that has hit Western New York and beyond. In WNY, peeps have been locked down due to weather conditions.

    One can only wonder
 What will happen to the food trucks delivering food to supermarkets? Since grocery stores have already been running out of certain foods, how will this delay in food deliveries affect the rest of us? Will the food go stale in the blocked food trucks? Will they be delivered elsewhere, rerouted? Will this set us back in terms of having access to food?

    When, oh when, will the average person wake up and realize that this is not “conspiracy theory.” Buffalo, NY is no stranger to snow storms. So
 Why can’t the roads be plowed? Shouldn’t Buffalo, NY be good at snow removal? Shouldn’t that be our area of expertise?

    How will doctors, nurses, EMTs, paramedics and other “essential” workers get to their patients? Will those who are in hospitals, nursing homes or other facilities be able to obtain healthcare? Or is this another lockdown, like that of Covid, during which many will die from the lockdown, not the storm?

    Toward the end of the podcast, we talk about studies that were done on EMFs—electromagnetic frequencies—on the brain. Believe it or not, this very problem has been studied for decades. Long before 5G, it was known that EMFs coming from television sets could be harmful.

    Yet here it is, decades later, and many people still think this is all “conspiracy theory.” If it isn’t reported on mainstream media, people don’t believe it—no matter how scientific the discovery.

 maybe our challenge is not to convince people that Covid wasn’t the big bogeyman they were told it was. Perhaps our biggest challenge is to just wean people off of those screens!

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  • Included in this podcast is an interview from a few years ago with Debbie Lusignan and Jimmy Dore.

    I hadn't listened to the Sane Progressive video podcast in years. Debbie Lusignan, whether you agreed with her or not, was passionate, energetic and devoted to the cause for ending corruption and beginning a just and democratic world. One day, she mysteriously disappeared in a panic from the online sphere. She had been friends with Claudia Stauber of Cabin Talk, but Claudia, to my knowledge, revealed nothing publicly as to Debbie's whereabouts.

    Why did Debbie disappear? Was she threatened? Sued? 

    I'd heard around that time when Debbie disappeared that some people were being sued for stating that mass shootings were false flags. Families of some of the victims, if I'm remembering correctly, were claiming that false flag "conspiracy theories" were causing them to get harassed, and even threatened. Sometimes people involved in these lawsuits have a gag order placed on them or are just advised to not discuss the details of the case. Did that happen to Debbie or did something more sinister occur?

    Anyhow, it appears that she did not stay offline for long. Apparently, she started a website:

    I did not know Debbie personally, so I cannot say that I know whether or not she committed suicide. However, I will say that there are an awfully lot of political activists who seem to die either from suicide or cancer. Remember Brandy Vaughan (who died of "natural causes at age 45"? Aaron Swartz? Michael Hastings? And the lesser-known Ted Westhusing? Danny Casolaro?

    Perhaps it's just a coincidence... 

    I did hear something a while back from a journalist who claimed that medicines, prescription drugs, could be poisoned, used as a possible weapon to stop dissidents. It's funny how there have been so many "suicides" over the years... But the perpetrators who cause all the trouble--the big money elites, politicians and CEOs seem to live on... and on... and on... Not that I wish them ill. Oh, no. Of course not. I wouldn't dare.

    #saneprogressive #novaccinemandates #truther

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  • First of all, shout out to Julian Assange, the journalist who is still being persecuted by the US government. How did our government get so rogue? Learn more about Assange at 

    This is important! We must not let our government continue to persecute journalists! Consider the story of another journalist--Danny Casolaro. Imagine what would have happened if he'd been able to publish his book--a book that, essentially, predicted what is happening now, from back in the 90s. Of course, his book died along with him. We'll never know what he was about to reveal in that book as his writing disappeared... However, journalist Whitney Webb appears to be continuing where Casolaro, sadly, left off.

    Comedian Richard Jeni talks about partisan politics.  Michael Palin's "Ripping Yarns" tells the story of a grandfather who was proud (not fearful) of the MANY diseases he's had. Tucker Carlson interviews Eva Vlaardingerbroek who says we're heading toward a system of "mass surveillance and control." Well, no Sch*it, Sherlock! We've been heading toward a prison-like world since 9/11. Question is, when are people going to recognize how dangerous this mass surveillance state is? When are people going to realize that Big Brother is not going to keep them "safe," that safety doesn't exist? We are  never safe, as long as we are alive. We are never fully alive as long as we are fearful. Do you want to live life fully? Or would you rather live all scrunched up into a fetal position, hiding underneath the bed?

    Here's a news flash: the world is not a safe place, never has been. Best way to have the illusion of safety is to find a strong community that'll watch your back. Rugged individualism just leaves us alone and isolated. Not promoting communism, or any ism, mind you. But we need to find a way to work together to create the world we want. One person simply cannot do it alone.

    Robots are psychopaths. They lack empathy and compassion and will kill upon command (or programming). The City of San Francisco has been considering releasing killer robots to work for the police department.

    By the way, there's "nothing more pathetic than an aging hipster..." Remember that, my friends!

    Support this show! Buy the book about homelessness, "Diary of a Mad Bag Lady."

    Read the blog here:

    Read Meria's super short story for free here:

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  • Special guest today is political activist and commentator, Mr. J., who shares with us his brilliant insight on Buffalo's snowfall making national news.

    So... we had a snow storm in Buffalo, NY...

    It did occur in Nov. instead of Dec. or Jan., so maybe it's a little early, but... is it unusual? We are told this is a record amount of snow that the city has gotten within 24 hours. Okay, so have we gotten the same amount of snow in 25 hours in the past? 26 hours? Please explain, because for many of us this is just business as usual.  

    Let's see now. We know that it snows in Buffalo every year and that blizzards and several feet of snow do occur. In fact, there has been less snow in recent years than in previous years. That's our perception as people who have lived and worked in the city. So we don't view this as abnormal or unusual. However, the mayor of Buffalo has stated that it is "unusual." Apparently, Buffalo has been in the news nationwide. Why?

    Why did the mayor, Byron Brown, say that he set up "warming centers" for people who may have lost power? Is he expecting a power outage? Will the PTB use this "unusual" snow storm as an excuse for power outages? What will people do if they cannot get out of their homes to get to the warming centers? What will people who do get to the warming centers do in the evening, since the warming centers are only open till 6 p.m., according to the mayor? Will they freeze to death that night? Stay up all night and walk around to stay warm?

    What seems unusual to some of us is the reaction to this snow storm because there was a travel ban on Friday (Nov. 18th), and many businesses closed. This means many businesses and their employees lost money. Some people live from paycheck-to-paycheck, and missing a day from work can seriously hurt them. Friday morning, the sun came out and melted much of the snow in the north side of Buffalo and surrounding suburbs. 

    The southern part of Buffalo was hit much harder, but that is typical. Affluent suburbs such as Orchard Park and Hamburg received several feet of snow, but they are not located within the City of Buffalo. Friday evening, snow fell in the northern areas and there was over a foot of snow on Saturday in that region. Yes, much shoveling needed to be done. But was that unusual? Have people forgotten the many times in past years when several feet of snow would fall and stay put for several days making traveling very difficult? This year, the snow has begun to melt the day after. Seems a little milder than in previous years...

    But what do you think? Do you find this unusual? If you live in Buffalo or know of anyone who lives in Buffalo, feel free to contact us here at Anchor.FM/OccupyYourMind to let us know what you think.

    We suspect that something wicked this way comes. Buffalo is being turned into a "smart" city. Is this a sign that weather patterns will be used to instill fear in us and to lock us down or enforce other undemocratic measures upon us? Why have "warming centers" been set up? Is this a part of a plan to get us used to losing power and being forced to leave our homes? Remember the "green zones" that the CDC has had built. Is this the first step toward displacing us and getting us used to having to leave our homes? Yes, it sounds like a "conspiracy theory," but if you look at our previous podcast covering the "green zone" story and you read about the WEF's plans to get us to own nothing, to share our homes with other people so that none of us has any privacy and none of us owns even a small room to ourselves, then this is not a far-fetched idea.

    We have limited space here. Check out my blog for more info on Buffalo's stormy past:

    #snow #wny #propaganda

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  • Derren Brown, British mentalist and magician shows us how he is able to easily hypnotize people and get them to want what he wants them to want.

    It's rather creepy, how quickly Brown is able to manipulate people. But is this real? Or is it some sort of hoax?

    In fact, many psychological studies, such as the Prison Experiment and the Milgram Experiment shows that people can be easily manipulated, that people do obey authority figures and that people will conform, even when doing so means doing something they may feel is morally or ethically wrong...

    Most of us don't want to think of ourselves as easily manipulated but research shows otherwise.

    This show is heavily censored and shadow-banned. Should we continue to produce it? If you think so, then please support the show by sharing it, leaving a positive comment and/or giving us a "like." Otherwise, we may just disappear one of these days. Our You. Tube channel received a strike and one of our merch sites was attacked. In spite of the fact that we have a small platform, someone out there wants to shut us down. Hmm... Why would that be when we are such small potatoes? Doesn't size matter?

    We have a unique voice here, as we're some of the few "liberals" speaking out against the current tyranny our world is facing. We are nonpartisan and seek to find the truth. As far as we can see, both "liberal" and "conservative" politicians are working together to keep the people in line. 

    If you like this podcast... We would love it if you would show us some love... Thank you!!!

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  • Attention: YouTube/Google just gave us a strike--for a video that's been up for a year! "Medical misinformation," they claim. (Guess they didn't like us calling Big Pharma/Tech/Govt/Media murderers...) Please support this show! We are being censored and shadow-banned! You can support us by sharing links to the show, leaving kind comments, or buying merch (listed at the bottom of this entry.) Thank you!!!  

    Julian Assange, journalist and WikiLeaks founder, reported on government corruption here in the USA. Now, our government is having him extradited to the US to convict him of this "crime"!

    You say that you love them, but you never call! Why don’t you call? Call Dr. Fuckchy at the Center for Human Control today! They want to know how whether you:

    a.) took the injection and are still alive.

    b.) are ready to take as many injections as they tell you to. Do what you’re told!

    c.) still believe in The Vaccine as your only lord and savior. Do you believe in The Vaccine?

    Or are you some sort of atheistic heretic? ‘Cuz, uh, we don’t like those types of people.

    Also in NY State:

    Are the PTB trying to create a reason to remove our right to drive? Are we losing our right to drive our own vehicles? If you live in an urban area, you may have noticed that driving is no longer safe. To make things even tougher for those of you who still insist upon driving your own private vehicles (Do you still own things? Yuck! You must be unhappy!) the PTB is putting in speed bumps, 15 mph speed limits, surveillance cameras that snail mail you speeding tickets for driving faster than a snail’s pace, and broken traffic lights at intersections. Hmm
 Will this cause more car accidents? Or will drivers wearing masks who are oxygen-deprived cause more accidents? Or will the injected who suddenly discover their myocarditis cause more car accidents?

 We don’t know the answers to any of those questions. However,

    We think we know what the solution to the above problems might be: Getting rid of private ownership of cars and forcing us all to take self-driven vehicles that have been pre-programmed to only take us to certain locations.

    Yes, that will solve the driving problem.


    Wait! There’s more!

    Watch out for the Killer Shoppers! In some urban areas in NY State, people are walking around as if in a trance, afraid to look at each other, to touch each other, even to converse. Yep, supermarket shoppers are the worst. The fear addicts must shop for food, no matter how scary it is to leave the house. And fear can be deadly.

    Here’s an interesting question. When people are disgusted by and afraid of each other, will they be kind or cruel to one another? What do you think? Two years of being told that your fellow human will make you sick, and then what?

    What do you do when you touch something sickly and disgusting? An insect? A fly or a spider? Do you give it a warm, loving kiss? Or do you swat it and try to kill it? What happens when we see each other this way, as disgusting insects or pests?

    Here’s what I think: This doesn’t bode well. Civil unrest is on its way. Hold onto your sanity, people, ‘cause I see dark days ahead. Let’s hope I’m wrong.

    Support this show and show the world you want freedom with these anti-tyranny tees:

    Buy this awesome book:

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  • This is the entire episode for Ep.68... It was very strangely interrupted, so we had to do some re-recording to get the entire episode and then we had to re-upload... So perhaps this is the entire episode here. You may want to start it 15 minutes in so that it continues where the previous podcast left off. That is, if you listened to Ep. 68... This is the rest of it.

    Don't ask us to explain. We aren't sure why this technical error happened. It has never happened before. We simply could not upload the entire podcast--not sure why.

    We do and say what the PTB tell us to do... That's why we don't get censored... Nope, nobody censors us. We aren't saying anything controversial on this podcast. Not at all. But our previous episode would not upload properly. We simply weren't able to convert the entire episode to an mp3 file and upload, like we usually do (been doing that for years...) Finally, after much tweaking, we were able (we think) to upload the entire episode.

    We aren't conspiracy theorists, so we know we aren't being censored. After all, we are very much pro injection. Injections are great! (So they tell us...) Our computers aren't filled with spyware. The WEF doesn't have a plan to mess with our Internet connections. That's silly. Don't be a conspiracy theorist!

    Can't tell you what this episode consists of because we spent a lot of time recording it and don't want it taken down. But we will say it contains important information, especially the second half of it (the part that wouldn't upload). So... you may want to listen to this...

    #censoredpodcasts #podcasts #politics #news #health #war #ukraine #russia #NATO #nazis

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  • Note: I'm unable to upload the entire episode... Still trying to fix the problem.

    This is one of our more controversial episodes. So watch out!

    Due to censorship, we are facing, we hope that you will support this podcast by giving it a "like,"  a friendly comment, and sending others to listen. We may get taken down any day now as we refuse to stop reporting on the truth, so beware...

    Our previous podcast on NY State of Corruption was taken down by YouTube/Google's anti-democracy activists. They are on the mission to turn the entire world into a prison. Are you going to let them? Similarly, Queen Kathy Hochul is on a mission to prove that women can be evil dictators--just as bad as men! Are you going to let her?

    So... Point is, we don't know how much longer we'll be able to post these podcasts. Since the revelation of corruption in NY State seems to scare the PTB, we thought we'd focus on it today... Yikes! Quite simply, we won't back down! The truth will set us free! The truth must be heard!

    Anywho (pun intended),

    Interesting details have emerged about the Buffalo, NY shooting suspect. What led a teenager to drive three hours north to do this evil deed? Who/What provoked him? Can we believe the official story? Is there truth to the rumors that some people, including some of the police, knew about the shooting before it even took place? Why were Ukrainian Nazi symbols found on the boy's clothing and in his writings? Is it true that some of the people who run the Ukrainian Dnipro Cultural Center have ties to Ukrainian Nationalists? Is there a connection here?

    Two days after the shooting, some supermarkets located in other areas of Buffalo "locked down." Is this a sign that supermarkets may lock down again in the near future? A sign on one storefront read, "No one is allowed in or out." Should we worry that one day we may be locked into a supermarket, not allowed to exit--for our own "safety" of course? Will we be asked to show our ID before we can enter a supermarket? Will we be scanned or have our ID scanned in order to buy food? Will we find ourselves unable to enter or purchase food one day in the future because we don't have the correct ID, in the same way that people who are obviously over 21 must still show an ID to purchase alcohol or cigarettes?

    Mayor Byron Brown (also on a mission to prove that black people can be dictators who are just as bad as white dictators) has signed Buffalo, NY up to become a "smart" city. This means intense mass surveillance. Will this keep us safe? Has mass surveillance kept us safe so far? If mass surveillance does keep us safe then why did we experience a mass shooting? 

    Do you want to live inside a prison, to be controlled and monitored all day and everyday, for your own safety? Do you see the government as a parental figure--like your ma or paw--that'll protect and watch over you, maybe ground you for misbehavior? You're grounded, missy! 

    Now that the weather is gradually improving and many Erie County residents are no longer wearing masks or afraid of catching a nasty flu, they need something else to fear... Mass shootings are pretty scary. How is it that all the surveillance cameras inside and outside of the supermarkets didn't keep people "safe"? Does this mean that surveillance is not an answer to solving the problem of crime and violence? Or is this a sign that we need even more intense surveillance--that maybe we need to lose our personal sovereignty and allow ourselves to be constantly and continuously monitored and controlled by Big Brother. After all, Big Brother cares about us. He is always watching. Always. 

    But just remember: That's 'cause he cares..

    #buffalony #massshooting #ukraine #nazis #war #violence #wny #upstateny #smartcity 

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  • Okay, so this was back on January 5th, 2022. Thousands of people--possibly as many as 4,000, showed up in front of the state building in Albany to protest against our great Queen Kathy Hochul's efforts to sneak through laws/regulations that will enable her force injections upon children or employees in certain occupations, to arrest and imprison those who do not comply, and to violate Constitutional and basic human rights of New Yorkers. Interestingly, most of the protestors were not allowed inside the government building to speak with their representatives in government... What country do we live in?

    We appreciate Queen Hochul's efforts to prove that women can be dictators and just as ruthless as men... Really, we do. But... We'd prefer not to have any dictators in power, male or female. Free New York State!

    A few folks showed up to explain why they took time out of their busy schedules to show up for this demonstration. We used a smartphone for the interviews and it was windy, but most of the audio came out fine. Please bear with us! 

    Since this protest occurred on a weekday, we were pretty impressed with the large number of folks who showed up and the many passersby who honked horns of support. However, New York is a pretty big state, so some of us wished more had attended. 

    In any case, protests do make a difference. They show the PTB that not everyone will comply. No doubt, we need to start our alternative communities because this fight isn't going away anytime soon, but it is good to let the PTB know dissenters still exist (and always will exist).

    If you like this show, please consider supporting it by giving us a good review, leaving a comment, inviting your friends to listen or buying the book (link is below.) We are heavily shadow-banned. The previous episode which detailed incredible corruption here in NYS was censored by YouTube and our channel threatened with a strike. We have a small platform here, so we thought we were immune to threats of shutting down our show, but apparently, we are not, so please do support us, if you can. You can find the video version of some episodes at or

    As always, thank you for listening. Keep up the good fight! Our next episode will be awesome, so stay tuned. You won't want to miss it.

    Buy the book:
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  • According to WKBW, a mainstream ABC news channel, Erie County Comptroller Mychajliw found that the county spent almost $6 million in overtime and other expenses, using money from the CARES Act. This means that some Erie County health department officials received extra money for their role in ordering mask mandates and other restrictions on county residents. In particular, Erie County Health Commissioner Dr. Gail Burstein was paid $183,000 in addition to her regular salary of $202,000.

    Hmm... Why was Dr. Burstein paid that extra money, and at a time when many New Yorkers had lost their own jobs and were struggling due to the lockdowns—lockdowns implemented due to Burstein's policies!

    Mark Poloncarz is the Erie County Executive and Cuomo wannabe. Poloncarz defends Dr. Gail Burstein's earning (who already earns over $200k per year) receiving over $100k in overtime. His response to Mychajliw's accusations was to accuse him of being “antisemitic.”

    Meanwhile, a NY supreme court judge has ruled that the mask mandates are unconstitutional.

    However, this does not daunt Poloncarz who announced that Erie County must still embrace their slave status and “mask up.” Clearly, Poloncarz does not follow laws that are set up by the people. He lives by his own laws which, most likely, are created by people who give him money.

    Similarly, Hochul—who is proving to us all that women can be dictators too—does not follow the Constitution or judges' rulings. She, like Poloncarz, does what millionaires tell her to do. Money is power, after all.

    Some towns in Erie County have refused to comply with the mask mandate. Williamsville is one of them. They held a board meeting recently for which some members chose to attend virtually, via Zoom, while others attended in person. Not all wore masks. Someone complained. So... Poloncarz, Burstein and friends/fiends decided to fine Williamsville $300. The mayor of Williamsville hired a lawyer and planned to sue. Unfortunately, she was outvoted by the majority of the board who did not want to spend the money. (Money is not only power but it is more important to some people than is freedom.)

    This is sad news indeed. However, the Three Diablos—Poloncarz, Burstein and Hochul, shall not ride away into the sunset together just yet. An increasing number of New Yorkers are just saying, “No, we will not comply.”

    Unfortunately, some of them may end up in prison, if the Three Diablos have their way. Those who dare to get tested for Covid and who come up positive may get nasty threatening emails from Burstein's office advising them they are under surveillance and if they dare leave their homes or sleep with their spouses, Burstein's posse may come after them.

    She needs to earn that hefty overtime pay, after all.

    #covid1984  #weainthavingit  #oympodcast 

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  • Thankfully, we stopped them just in time... But it wasn't easy. It was difficult to identify the true perpetrators at first. The Covidian Cultists looked just like you and I. Many of them were otherwise nice people, seemingly harmless, like the girl (or guy) next-door.

    Obsessed with a fear of germs and getting sick, they began placing cloth in front of their noses and mouths. This made it difficult for them to breathe. Many of them got sick from wearing the dirty “masks” everyday. Others developed cognitive and mental health disorders from years of oxygen deprivation and social isolation. Still, the CC held onto the hope that covering their faces would keep them healthy, despite evidence to the contrary. They clung to their religious doctrine and faith in celebrities and experts, hoping to be rescued from sickness and death.

    Their cult was based on diehard conformity, obedience and blind trust in televised authority figures. The CC followed orders from authorities, especially medical leaders who promised them they wouldn't get sick or die as long as they continued to comply. Cult members felt a sense of relief when a powerful celebrity or politician told them what to do and they obeyed.

    Unfortunately, the CC got out of hand. They began threatening non-members with imprisonment in concentration camps. They censored information that contradicted their radical beliefs. They threatened outsiders with unemployment, lack of health care and educational opportunities. Things got ugly.

    So... those in charge of the CC had to be stopped. They were arrested, taken to answer for their crimes before a judge and worldwide jury.

    Eventually, they were stopped but the CC followers still exist among us. They conform. They obey. They follow orders from “experts,” “celebrities,” and “authorities.” They do what they are told to do. They trust in the higher power of the wealthy and privileged.

    Fact is, they are afraid of being alone in the world without a strong paternal figure to guide them through life. From where comes this fear? Loneliness? A sense of isolation? Vulnerability? Inner powerlessness? A sense of helplessness and futility?

    While we'd like to think we've stopped the CC, we know that many of its devotees still walk among us. They are unable to think independently, to ask questions, to think critically and to be different from other people. They feel compelled to conform. So... have we really stopped them? Or have we just slowed them down? If the latter is correct, the CC will return again one day, when the population is fearful, lonely, marginalized and looking for guidance.

    How can we stop the CC for good? Is that even possible?

    Buy the awesome book here:

    #covid1984. #weainthavingit

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  • Saddened by the death of Martin Luther King, Jane Elliott, a teacher in a small Iowa town decided to make a difference by teaching her students a lesson on prejudice. In a very short period of time, about 15 minutes, she convinced her eight-year-old students that those with blue eyes were superior to those who had brown eyes. Later, she reversed the color of superiority. Elliott was surprised by how quickly the children turned against one another, by how cruel these otherwise pleasant children had become.

    Little did she know the dramatic effect her lesson would have, not only on her students, but on the entire nation. This wasn’t a lesson on how thosepeople over there did something terrible to those other people way over there
 Oh no, we have all learned that lesson. In fact, it is taught over and over again, not just by teachers, textbooks or mainstream media, but, sadly, by our egos.

    It feeds our ego to think that only other people do bad things. So when we learn about people harming other people, even when we learn that people have repeatedly done certain bad things to other people, over and over again and all throughout history, our egos tell us that that was them, not us; that was then, not now.)

    Jane Elliott wanted her students to understand that it was not just them but all of us, not just then but now. We are all capable of prejudice. We all sometimes lack understanding of others who are different from us. We all pass judgment on other people. We all have a need to think that we are better than someone else for various reasons: Could be our bigger bank account, class status, our religious devotion, our race, skin color, gender, or maybe
 the color of our eyes.

    Ms. Elliott didn’t realize when she taught this lesson so many years ago that it would make her famous and that it would impact so many people. She was invited to teach the lesson to adults and received national attention. Far from being a racist nation, the United States was doing its best to learn to do better.

    So what the heck happened?

    What can we learn from Elliott’s today? Why are we replacing racism with vaccine status-ism? Why are we being encouraged to segregate people based on whether or not they received a medical treatment, an injection. Should we replace racism with another type of discrimination? Should we allow discrimination against people who have different views on “vaccines,” mask mandates, digital identification systems (“vaccine passports”) or politics in general?

    If so, then do you agree that employers can ask about your medical history, your eating and exercise habits, the medicines you take, the vitamins you ingest and your daily lifestyle habits that may impact your health before considering you for a job or a promotion? Do you believe that landlords should have access to this personal health info? Are you ready to change your dietary and lifestyle habits to accommodate employers, landlords, bankers, politicians and anyone else with the power and authority to snoop into your private medical history via a “vaccine passport” and, therefore, to demand you conduct your life differently?

    Do you further agree that some people are simply superior to you, so they must know better than you do about what is best for you? Let us know! We’d love to hear from you: 

    "A Class Divided," Jane Elliott        

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