
  • The first New Zealand and international wave of electric vehicle (EV) uptake is probably over, with cheaper cars and better public charging infrastructure required for further major growth in the uptake of these "batteries on wheels," says James Foster.

    In a new episode of's Of Interest podcast, Foster, who runs the EVDB website, says EVs reaching price parity with internal combustion engine (petrol) vehicles, will be a very significant development. The rise of Chinese EVs should help with this.

    "At the beginning of 2022 we didn't really have any Chinese brand vehicles [in NZ] and now 20% of those on the road are [Chinese]. It's happened in two years. And that kind of shows you, I guess, why maybe the US have freaked out and implemented protectionist policies to try and protect their own car market. The amount of momentum coming out of China is extraordinary. And the build quality, I wouldn't say is taking people by surprise. But I know historically in New Zealand when we have new brands come to market...way back with the Japanese brands or Korean brands, at first you're kind of like, 'I don't know about this.' And then eventually they become normalised. They just become another brand that's part of the story," Foster says.

    "I keep a running tally all the time of the 10 cheapest EVs in New Zealand, and then I get an average from that and that gives me an indication of where we're at. Those are all Chinese vehicles."

    From a personal perspective Foster enjoys his EV being a part of energy self sufficiency, or sovereignty.

    "That's something that I find quite profound. Since I got the solar panels on the roof I feel like I'm in science fiction...I've actually got the sun's rays going into my house's power and then into a battery in my car and I drive it. Compared to drilling oil, refining it, putting it on a ship, sending it over, driving it down..."

    In the podcast Foster also talks about the reasons for the dramatic drop in EV uptake in NZ this year, the popular models and brands, prices including in the secondhand market, battery range, home and public charging, insurance and repairs, other EVs beyond cars such as utes, vans and heavy transport, hybrids and hydrogen vehicles, his expectations for NZ's future vehicle fleet and how electricity supply will cope.

    *You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

  • Ask Cameron Bagrie how to improve business and rural banking and some words reoccur in his answers. Three of them are "risk", "productivity", and "bankability."

    With two parliamentary select committees set to hold an inquiry into banking competition, the business and rural banking markets will feature, unlike in the Commerce Commission probe into competition in the personal banking market. In the latest episode of's Of Interest podcast, Bagrie, now of Bagrie Economics and Chaperon and formerly ANZ NZ's chief economist, speaks about why banks favour housing lending over lending to the business and rural sectors, and whether it would be good to entice them to change this and how it could be done.

    At the top of the select committee inquiry's terms of reference ought to be balance between the pricing of risk versus the taking of risk by banks, and how that's impacting productivity, Bagrie says.

    "I think we need to have a really good, hard debate about where the money is actually going, the composition of bank lending, whether it's short-term behaviour versus a long-term growth maximising strategy. Let's have a serious conversation about risk going forward, because risk is a big enabler. It's not open season on risk, but risk is an enabler of innovation, driving productivity. It just seems like we've screwed things far too far towards a low risk approach, and ultimately we pay the price for that over time," Bagrie says.

    "I go back to the fundamentals of banking. The fundamentals of banking is pricing for risk and taking risk. And what we're seeing out there at the moment is that SMEs and farmers are certainly being priced for risk... Let's have a look at return on equities out of the banks by segment, not the aggregate top down number. Let's break it down into personal lending, including home lending. Let's have a look at business lending. Let's have a look at farm lending and the institutional [loan] book, and have a look at where those ROEs [returns on equity] actually sit. And I think we're going to be surprised how high those ROEs are for certain segments."

    "The key here is to go through each segment and look at the risk adjusted returns," he says.

    Figures from the International Monetary Fund show housing lending at 35% to 40% of total bank lending in some countries, whereas in NZ it's nearer 65%, having risen significantly over the past five years.

    Bagrie also argues that banks' regulatory capital settings encourage them towards housing lending instead of business and rural lending, when there's "more productivity bang for your buck" when you're lending into the business sector.

    "We need to have a look at this through the eyes of economic efficiency, economic growth, productivity, innovation. Because when you make banks a lot more safer, there's a price that you pay on the other side."

    "The whole process of credit intermediation is a pretty critical part of economic development. And I don't think we've got financial system settings right on a whole lot of areas," he says.

    Financial system settings and banking don't tend to be areas thought of when people think about what to do to make NZ a better place economically in regard to taking risk and driving productivity growth, Bagrie says.

    "We sort of overlook what's a fundamentally essential one and that's that flow, that process of credit intermediation, [it] is absolutely essential. The Prime Minister has been talking a lot about encouraging the taking of risk...Well, yeah, in order for firms to take risk, you need the financial system to be prepared to take risk."

    In the podcast Bagrie also talks about NZ businesses having a bankability problem and how to rectify this, the role of the Reserve Bank's regulatory capital settings, banks' becoming more vanilla, the rise and rise of bank profits over the past 30 years or so, the low level of banks' non-performing loans, the need for better competition policy across the economy, how housing lending has grown as a percentage of total NZ bank lending over the past 20-odd years, and especially over the past five years, Australian influence at the big four banks, open banking, his thoughts on the idea of a Business Growth Fund, and more.

    *You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

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  • By Gareth Vaughan

    How seriously is the public sector taking the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing?

    This question comes up in a new episode of's Of Interest podcast, featuring barrister and solicitor Fiona Hall and anti-money laundering auditor and consultant Martin Dilly.

    In a recent article the two raised concerns about impending job cuts to the team at the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) tasked with supervising compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act (AML/CFT Act).

    Dilly says the DIA proposal to cut 40% of AML/CFT staff "gives us concern that that's going to affect their ability to enforce and supervise this act." There's concern whether the next evaluation of New Zealand by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an inter-governmental body that sets international standards and is considered the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog, will show NZ technically compliant with FATF's recommendations, and whether we're effective in supervising the reporting entities who must comply with the law.

    "I have heard some reporting entities clapping their hands with joy if they're supervised by the DIA, but it's not the good reporting entities. And I like to think that most businesses are good businesses that want to comply with the law. And the risk you have is, yes, sure, if there are far fewer DIA investigators, you're less likely to get a knock on your door. But the problem is, if you do get a knock on your door, you now might be being investigated by someone who really doesn't have a good handle on the legislation, let alone a good understanding of your business. And you are going to be in a much worse position," Hall says.

    Dilly made an Official Information Act (OIA) request to DIA in an attempt to get more information, which he says "shows a pattern of under resourcing of the AML team within the DIA."

    "They were essentially budgeted to have 55 staff members. That's what they had determined was necessary...The information provided shows at no point did they ever hit 55 staff. They've been consistently below that. In 2022, they only had 37 staff instead of 55... So the question becomes, why is that?"

    "One of the other questions I specifically asked was, has any of the budget been reallocated from the AML team to other areas of the Department of Internal Affairs? And we get some government speak here. So one of the things they talk about is they don't talk about reallocation. They use the terminology 'a permanent reprioritisation of constant underspend.' And my question is, well, what does constant underspend mean? Why would you be underspending your budget in an area where you are tasked with implementing AML and educating and supervising these new entities [lawyers, accountants and real estate agents]?" Dilly asks.

    Other issues Hall and Dilly cite include different agendas and lack of consistency to AML/CFT Act supervision between the DIA, and NZ's two other AML/CFT Act supervisors, the Reserve Bank and Financial Markets Authority.

    The two are hopeful that Associate Minister of Justice Nicole McKee's proclamation that reforming the AML/CFT Act is "one of my priorities this parliamentary term," could lead to improvement. They would both like to see a shift to a single standalone supervisor.

    "I think the results from the [DIA] OIA show that if it's within other ministries that you cannot trust them to not reallocate budget, whatever language they want to put on that. The other point I would really like to see is a move back to a more risk based approach. The act itself is risk based, which essentially means that we accept that people have limited resources and you are supposed to direct those resources towards the areas of highest risk in your business," says Dilly.

    Hall would like to see better supervision of the supervisors.

    The two also have many tales of frustration and contradiction. Hall gives the example of a client that collects school donations, arranges school lunches, the uniform shop, and sells tickets to school shows, and has been deemed high risk of money laundering.

    "I sat with the Minister and said, 'look, how does buying two pairs of grey shorts from a school uniform shop ever get anywhere near, I mean, this is where I'm going to launder my money?' It is ridiculous."

    On the flip side she points out the likes of Ticketmaster, selling tickets to shows, aren't considered reporting entities None of those are considered reporting entities, and neither are travel agents who have trust accounts and manage funds.

    "So we have this real disconnect, in my view, even about who is and isn't a reporting entity," Hall says.

    Meanwhile in the real estate sector, they have to do customer due diligence.

    "Their customer is the vendor, it's not the buyer, which I always find so interesting because that's where the money is. And often a property's been bought years and years before, and suddenly, you know, the vendor's been asked to prove how they purchased this and how they funded it, and there is resistance."

    There are also personal anecdotes. Dilly says the bank he has been a customer of for more than 40 years asked him about an account he has had for 25 years.

    "They have full visibility of every one of my financial transactions. And I was interrogated as to what my plans were for that account. And my thinking was why? Why would you rely on anything I tell you when you've got 25 years of data on my behaviour? If I was an actual money launderer, why would I give you a straight story?"

    And here's Hall; "I was at the supermarket checkout and I'd been having a particularly trying day for poor entities [clients] that I didn't think should be captured [by the AML/CFT Act] at all. And I was standing in line and I looked up and I was behind a whole lot of gang members...They were buying lots of meat, lots of alcohol, and out came the wads of cash. And I thought, 'my poor clients who are spending all their money trying to comply, and really there's the money that we probably are looking for right in front of me."

    Much more is discussed in the podcast including why the public should care about the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing and the impact of it, the purpose of it, concerns NZ could end up on a grey list, concerns over whether the Police Financial Intelligence Unit is reactive and doesn't have the capacity to deal with all the suspicious activity reports they receive, quick wins with asset seizure where there's a lower threshold from a legal perspective, and more.

    *You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

  • The Australian Government's a Future Made in Australiainitiative could attract skilled migrants and potentially investment and entrepreneurs from New Zealand, and ultimately be a catalyst for a much more sustainable future, says Kylie Walker, the CEO of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences & Engineering.

    In last month's budget, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's government unveiled a Future Made in Australia, saying this would invest A$22.7 billion over a decade to "build a stronger, more diversified and more resilient economy powered by clean energy, in a way that creates secure, well paid jobs and delivers benefits to communities across the country."

    Speaking in the latest episode of's Of Interest podcast, Walker says a key aim of the initiative is to boost Australia's economy complexity, a measure of the knowledge in a society as expressed in the products it produces, by upskilling and moving up the value chain.

    "Obviously, we can't do everything, but we can absolutely do more than just digging up [natural resources such as minerals] and selling them off and then buying them back again in more technologically sophisticated forms. We know that those critical minerals are absolutely necessary for the ongoing electronics revolution, as well as for the clean energy future globally. So we can, for example, process our iron ore, or it can be used in or [turned] into green iron, at least, so that it can be used in green steel. And we have the minerals to make batteries for electric vehicles, for example. We have extraordinary batteries technology. Some of our researchers and developers in that space are amongst the best in the world. And so it seems to me, putting these two kind of natural assets at either end of that development spectrum together, that there ought to be a way to move us a little bit further along the value chain," Walker says.

    To this end there'll be a need for skilled workers, especially in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and maths).

    "Around 48% of professional occupations were in shortage across Australia last year, and that's up from 39% the year before. There's a similar shortage in the technical and trades occupations in Australia. So we are both going to have to train new people domestically as a matter of priority, and in addition to that, rely on skilled migration. And, you know, I think traditionally it's probably reasonable to assume some of that skilled migration might come from New Zealand," she says.

    There should also be a role for private sector investment, research, development and ideas. Much of the earmarked government investment takes the form of tax incentives, but also includes a range of funding mechanisms.

    "One of the other focus areas that we've got simultaneously with this Future Made in Australia push is, of course, building capacity in the global region. And there is a huge place, a huge part to play for New Zealand, for Pacific island nations and other near neighbours like Indonesia, in collaborating to research and commercialise those developments, particularly in the technology and engineering spaces, and to do that for mutual benefit, so that we build the capacity for the entire region," says Walker.

    Ultimately, Walker hopes in 20 or 30 years, a Future Made in Australia can be looked back on as a catalyst for a more sustainable future.

    "And I mean that both in terms of economically sustainable and societal wellbeing, and in terms of environmentally sustainable. I think if we do this really well, we can build a more circular economy, we can reduce our waste as well as our emissions. We can see small scale manufacturing and pop up factories all over the place. There are some really, really interesting and pretty great technologies coming up where, for example, a micro-factory the size of a shipping container can take glass and fabric being recycled from a building site and turn it into a new material to use in a new building on the same site. I'd like to see huge and widespread adoption of renewables [energy]. And I'm hoping that when we look back, we see not only that resilient infrastructure within Australia, but a booming export market for those products as well, ranging right through from the energy and the fuels, through to those slightly value added up the chain minerals exports, green agricultural exports as well, and a range of other stuff which, frankly, you and I haven't heard of because it probably hasn't been invented yet."

    In the podcast Walker also talks about where a Future Made in Australia comes from, what's behind it, what needs to happen for Australia to become a renewable energy superpower, green hydrogen, mining, critical minerals, concerns about a Future Made in Australia picking winners and benefiting billionaires, its national interest framework, research and development, and how Australia can get along in a world of rising geopolitical tensions between the United States and China.

    *You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

  • The fund backing New Zealand's incoming depositor compensation scheme is going to be small, it's going to take a long time to reach its target level, and the lack of depositor preference in the scheme is a mistake, according to a deposit insurance expert.

    Geof Mortlock, an international financial regulatory consultant who does work for the International Monetary Fund and World Bank specialising in financial system stability, resolution of bank failures and deposit insurance, spoke about the depositor compensation scheme in a new episode of's Of Interest podcast.

    The scheme, expected to be launched in mid-2025, will provide protection of up to $100,000 per eligible depositor, per licensed bank, building society, credit union and deposit taking finance company, in the event of deposit taker failure.

    Finance Minister Nicola Willis has decided the fund backing the scheme, to be funded through levies paid by deposit takers, will be built up over 20 years to a size equivalent to 0.8% of protected deposits, or about $1 billion.

    Mortlock says other countries typically have a fund size equivalent to between about 1% and 4% of protected deposits, and he recommends taking about 10 years to build the fund up to its target level.

    He says the NZ scheme would likely be used for the failure of a non-bank deposit taker or small bank, but wouldn't be sufficient for the failure of a medium-sized or big bank, the failure of which would require "alternative mechanisms." Nonetheless Mortlock says it is worth having the scheme.

    "I think it's definitely worth having because there are quite a sizable number of small deposit takers out there. And at some stage, one of them is going to fail. Hopefully not for a long time. But statistically, if you look around the world, there are occasional bank failures, and most of them tend to be small."

    "For a small deposit taker or a medium sized one, I think having a deposit insurance scheme is really important, and I think it helps in two ways. It reduces the risk of what we call interbank contagion, where one failure can trigger multiple runs across the banking system. And secondly, it helps to reduce the risk for the taxpayer, because it means that there is a dedicated fund paid in by deposit takers and therefore [this] reduces the need for government funding," says Mortlock.

    "But for a large bank failure, it is not going to be sufficient. And if you look around the world for a large bank failure, deposit insurance funds are not typically used anyway."

    An option for a larger bank failure is the Reserve Bank's Open Bank Resolution (OBR) Policy. In the podcast Mortlock explains why he thinks it would be "potentially catastrophic" for the Reserve Bank to use OBR, and he doesn't think a Finance Minister would allow them to.

    In the podcast he also talks about what other resolution options could be for a large bank failure, what products the scheme will cover, the impact deposit takers paying a levy may have on deposit rates, how the Reserve Bank should administer the scheme, bail-in, depositor preference and more.

    Under depositor preference, depositors rank ahead of other secured creditors in a liquidation. Mortlock says it helps reduce the risk of runs on banks, and facilitates bail-in whereby unsecured liabilities such as bonds may be written down or converted into equity in the event of a bank failure.

    At the moment, with OBR, NZ is "about the only jurisdiction I can think of outside of some dubious ones, which would apply a haircut to deposit liabilities and no depositor preference," Mortlock says.

    "So if you're a wholesale depositor in a bank and the banking system is looking shaky, and you know that the OBR is out there and could be triggered, what are you going to do? I think you're going to do a preemptive run. And what would that do? That would almost certainly mean that the [Reserve Bank] Governor, joined by the Minister of Finance, would have to say, a, we're not doing OBR, and b, we are putting in place a temporary guarantee of all wholesale deposits. Just the opposite of what you would want to have to do. So I think it is a foolish policy, OBR, and made even more foolish by the absence of depositor preference."

    *You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

  • Renting in New Zealand today is more difficult than a decade ago, with fewer properties available, rents continuing to increase, and the quality of rental properties not much better, Shamubeel Eaqub says. However, the economist and co-author of the 2015 book Generation Rent, rethinking New Zealand's priorities, says it's not all bad news.

    Speaking in the latest episode of's Of Interest podcast, Eaqub says the "lived reality of renting" has got harder over the past decade, but the regulatory settings are slowly improving.

    "We need to ensure there's sufficient renters' rights ... because in New Zealand renting is so insecure and is such a problematic thing for so many people."

    One area giving Eaqub optimism is the rise of build to rent, where landlords must offer 10-year rental tenancy agreements.

    "I've been a long time fan of institutional landlords rather than accidental landlords. When you are in the business of land lording, you want to have as little turnover as possible, whereas if you're an accidental landlord, you are much more interested in having quick turnover and being able to sell it off and all those other bits and pieces. The tenant is kind of incidental to the story and a bit of an annoyance, really."

    Eaqub says build to rent offers two types of security; tenure security and financial security.

    "Because more often than not [build to rent] will come with contracts that will have a known level of [rental] increase for the next, say three years, so you can plan your finances. Whereas in a normal tenancy you have only certainty for 12 months and then you don't know what will happen next."

    Build to rent is adding new housing supply targeted for one particular use, which he says is unusual in NZ.

    "If you look at what happens in New Zealand, or how it has generally happened in New Zealand in the past, it's the idea of filtering, right? You build houses which are for new homes and for rich people, and then the older homes that are secondhand, that kind of gets recycled into the rental market."

    "So I'm very encouraged to see this new supply that's coming in, that's very much targeted towards renting specifically. Because if you think about the pressures that we see in terms of emergency housing, social housing and all those kinds of things, that's happening because people are falling out of the rental market, because the rental market is short supplied and is very expensive. And so the more we can do to get more supply directly and retained in the rental market, the better it is," Eaqub says.

    He also talks about his disappointment at the fracturing of the Labour-National consensus on medium density residential standards (MDRS).

    "[The consensus] showed me for the first time the grown-up-ness of the way that our politicians can respond to structural problems, that we can put aside our political differences and just do something because it's the right thing to do, not because you're on one side of the House or the other. But that grown up moment of politics lasted very, very briefly, and we threw it away at the first chance when the election campaign started," Eaqub says.

    In the podcast Eaqub also talks about NIMBYS, the construction sector, what's driving rents, problems with local government, his views on rent controls, the accommodation supplement, emergency housing, what the rental market may be like for his kids' generation, and more.

    *You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

  • With economic growth no longer producing benefits seen in the past such as raising living standards for the middle class, and human activity having exceeded some planetary boundaries, it's time to embrace degrowth, argues Jennifer Wilkins.

    Wilkins is a researcher and advocate on sustainability in business with a focus on degrowth. In a new episode of's Of Interest podcast, she discusses the degrowth movement.

    "Degrowth is normally described or defined as an equitable downscaling of production and consumption. Other people add in other parts of that definition, which is about reorganising the market for a new role in provisioning. So I think about degrowth as being a transition. Starting from the economy that we have now, which is very much about trickle down wealth and extracting from nature, to a future economy which is more about universal wellbeing in an economy within ecology and nature. And degrowth is really the transition from one to the other," Wilkins says.

    "So I don't think about it as being a very rapid change or a very smooth change. I think about it as being a hybrid of emergence and receding ideas, quite a lot of tension and a lot of mutation in the economy. So it's quite a complex thing, degrowth."

    She traces degrowth's origins to the 1970s, and Romanian mathematician, statistician, economist and author of The Entropy Law, Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, "the father of ecological economics."

    The push for net zero greenhouse gas emissions is needed but not enough, Wilkins says. With a degrowth economy requiring more of a collective than individual approach, Wilkins says "the jury's out on the role of capitalism." And does advocating for a reduction in production and consumption mean people would be expected to accept a lower standard of living?

    "I think degrowth is definitely looking to raise standards of living for the majority of people around the world. I think standards of living are actually decreasing at the moment. I think around the world, middle class lifestyles are decreasing in quality. And so there's this myth, if you like, that raising growth improves wellbeing. But the evidence shows that there's actually a bliss point. Economic growth improves wellbeing up to a certain GDP per capita, and beyond that, it either doesn't make a difference and/or eventually it begins to reduce wellbeing," says Wilkins.

    "The bliss point is actually quite a lot lower than New Zealand's GDP per capita. So we have theoretically enough wealth already. We just need to redistribute it. I think people who are very well off will not see a reduction in their wellbeing or their living standards through a redistribution, but I think people who are less well off will see a great improvement in their wellbeing through a redistribution."

    Wilkins believes degrowth will become public policy, saying politicians who want to run on a degrowth platform have lots of positive things they can say.

    "It's about redefining what we see as value. I mean, at the moment we think about wealth as value and prosperity, but prosperity is really about things like having more leisure time, having a healthier natural environment around us, having more community health and more community cohesion, having more access to services and assets, and having an increase in our democratic participation. And those are all things that degrowth wishes to grow," Wilkins says.

    "I think it [degrowth] will become public policy. I think parties will run on it as a platform. It's hard to say when that would happen, but I think in the not too distant future. And I think the thing is that growth as an idea is so embedded as a common sense that it never has to explain itself. And so there's a bit of an unfair playing field in terms of degrowth will have to explain itself to become credible. Whereas growth gets a free pass."

    "Growth is not producing the effects that we have experienced in the past, like the raising the living standards of the middle class. That ship has sailed. We're in a different world now. There isn't room for growth to create those kinds of benefits anymore. We need to create benefits in a different way. So growth will fail to evidence itself as a wellbeing, a process for wellbeing in future. And there'll be a confluence of factors. There'll be, you know, this failure of neoliberalism, which I think we're already experiencing," says Wilkins.

    There's more from Wilkins in the podcast itself, including what degrowth would mean for individuals, businesses and communities, and what it would mean for agriculture, manufacturing and tourism.

    *You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

  • For open banking to really grab people's attention the focus needs to be on the services it can enable, rather than the technology behind it, says Andrew Dentice.

    In the latest episode of's Of Interest podcast, Dentice, a technology lawyer and partner at HudsonGavinMartin, discusses the data sharing that enables open banking, what open banking actually is, why progress towards it has been slow in New Zealand, what's going on with open banking overseas, the threat and opportunity of open banking for banks, the benefits of it for consumers, and more.

    One of the points he makes is consumers need to be put at the heart of it.

    "If you're talking about APIs [application programming interfaces] and bank account information, it's not exactly the most sexy conversation to be having," Dentice says. "We have to put the consumer front and centre, have a look at some of these really amazing use cases that are starting to come out, and get people excited about it. And then that drives the [banking] industry to do more as well."

    "I think you've almost got to separate the open banking technology itself from the stuff that it enables," says Dentice.

    "That technology itself is actually not that exciting as a consumer. APIs have been around for years. As a consumer, I don't really see that. What I see is the cool new app, the Sharesies, the Monzo, the Wise in market, that when I go and use it gives me a really fantastic, brand new experience."

    "We're never going to get people excited with the underlying tech around open banking. We're going to get them excited around the use cases that it's driving. So it's kind of an enablement layer rather than new technology in itself," Dentice says.

    Asked what the banking experience might look like for consumers in five to 10 years time if open banking really takes off in NZ, Dentice says better, more competitive, more interesting product offerings would be a great outcome.

    "I would hope that there's a range of new, great, innovative New Zealand fintechs that are able to drive their business models off the back of this. I'd also hope that the great companies from overseas see New Zealand as a market that they want to enter. There's some larger [overseas] fintechs like Revolut and others coming into the market. I think if we have that open banking framework all up and running, then it makes New Zealand a much more likely place [where] the big players will come in and offer more competition."

    He also thinks service from incumbent banks could be better and more competitive.

    "I saw recently HSBC basically launched a competitor to Wise in that FX [foreign exchange] space. So there's the fintechs kind of coming in cutting [banks'] lunch, and then the banks' trying to cut the lunch back."

    "And then I think digital first financial services means that people just have a better understanding of their money, their financial position. Financial literacy is really important. There's some great fintechs who are doing things with kids in that space, like SquareOne and Banqer."

    "So there's a societal benefit to it, as well as a pure kind of competition and innovation benefit as well," Dentice says.

    *You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

  • Finance spokesperson Barbara Edmonds says a re-elected Labour Government would have been willing to expand its planned public sector cuts to protect key programmes.

    The tax lawyer turned MP spoke on’s Of Interest podcast about the Coalition’s fiscal policy and her role in rebuilding the Labour Party after its election defeat.

    Part of that project will be rehabilitating the party’s economic credibility after presiding over a massive cost of living crisis.

    Ipsos’ February issues poll showed inflation, or the cost of living, was the number one issue facing New Zealand voters and only 23% saw Labour as being best able to deal with it.

    Only 22% thought it was the best party at “managing the economy” down from 31% a year ago and well below the National Party which has climbed from 42% to 47%.

    The parties which have formed the Coalition Government campaigned on bringing down spending and therefore inflation, as well as cutting taxes for some groups.

    Edmonds agreed there was a need to consolidate spending—which had got ahead of revenue during the past three years—but tax cuts were a bad investment.

    Labour’s fiscal plan asked for up to 2% reductions in public sector budgets, while the Coalition Government is asking for up to 7.5%.

    She admits her party would have had to make further cuts, given new Treasury forecasts showing tax revenue falling below pre-election forecasts.

    “If we had to make more cuts, or look at different savings, in order to ensure that lunches in schools kept going … we would have had to make those decisions,” she said.

    “I wouldn't apologize for making those types of choices. But what I wouldn't have done is promised really unaffordable tax cuts”.

    Edmonds said the limited money available was better invested in infrastructure, schools, healthcare, public and private transport, and climate action.

    Which tax?

    Edmonds said she was out meeting with key sector leaders and listening to new ideas she can carry back to Labour's policy council.

    Her role was to guide her colleagues through the process of developing a manifesto for 2026 and informing them about the costs and tradeoffs involved.

    “If I need to say no, I’ll say no. I’m a mum of eight, I know how to say no,” she said.

    “Ultimately, if I believe that it's going to put Labour into a difficult fiscal position going into the next election, I will make those views very clearly known”.

    Labour recently voted against a bill put forward by Te Pāti Māori, which would have removed the GST from all food, on the basis that it was too expensive.

    But the big policy question is about tax. Political opposition to taxes on capital has been the unslayable dragon of New Zealand politics.

    Tax reform is back on the table but Edmonds won’t be drawn on exactly what kind.

    She said it was necessary to first ask what the party was trying to achieve and then design a tax model that supported those outcomes.

    The country will be facing some serious fiscal challenges by 2060 when superannuation could cost 10% of GDP and healthcare could absorb another 7%.

    “2060 looks like ages away, but that’s the next generation. That’s my kids. So, we need to ask, what is the society that we want to leave this generation and how does tax help us get there?”

    The Treasury and the International Monetary Fund have both made recommendations about possible reforms, but Labour would be starting from scratch based on its long-term vision for New Zealand.

    Edmonds said political parties don’t win elections based on tax policy, anyway.

    “You win on committing to a better health system, better education, making sure the vulnerable are supported, and that our businesses are able to grow,” she said.

    You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

  • The departing Chief Executive of the Insurance Council of New Zealand says if Wellington is hit with an earthquake on a similar scale to the Canterbury quakes, it would “raise some questions” on whether NZ insurers would be able to continue to purchase reinsurance at an affordable cost.

    “I think reinsurers would still be there. But the ability to purchase reinsurance at a good rate and the degree of capacity that would be available, particularly for property in Wellington, could be really challenging,” he says in a new episode of’s Of Interest podcast.

    “Ensuring how we manage that risk is really critical because we're very dependent on offshore capital and reinsurance to help support our insurance programs in New Zealand.”

    The Insurance Council says to date, private insurers have incurred over $21 billion in expenses due to the Canterbury Earthquakes.

    Toka Tū Ake EQC has contributed an additional $10 billion, resulting in a total insured cost surpassing $31 billion for the event.

    The Insurance Council estimates the overall economic losses for the entire sequence are estimated to exceed $40 billion.

    This week marks the conclusion of Grafton's nearly 12-year tenure as CEO of the Insurance Council and he reflected on his time in the role on the podcast.

    He says lessons were learnt from the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury Earthquakes, which were then applied to responses to the Kaikōura earthquake in 2016 and the Auckland floods and Cyclone Gabrielle last year as well.

    “When that [Kaikōura] earthquake struck, which was just a little bit after midnight, I think, on the 14th November, a lot of people were thrown out of bed almost by the earthquake in Wellington. And after the shaking stopped, I rang my counterpart at EQC Ian Simpson [EQC’s Chief Executive at the time] and said, ‘we’ve got to do better than Canterbury and can we meet in a few hours and work out where we go from here’,” he says.

    “So, within four weeks, we had the foundations of an agreement which enabled insurers to manage and settle claims on behalf of EQC. And that meant that for the customer, there was one point of accountability and responsibility for their claims, their insurer. And so it didn't matter whether it was an EQC claim or an insurer claim, they didn't get bounced around between the two.”

    “So from that, we then developed a more formal and longer lasting agreement with EQC to be their agents. And I think also the experience of those events from Canterbury through to Kaikōura, meant that when the Auckland anniversary floods and Cyclone Gabrielle came along, we were well seasoned in dealing with these kinds of situations.”

    Kris Faafoi will be the Insurance Council’s new Chief Executive from next week. Faafoi held a number of portfolios during the Sixth Labour Government before he quit politics in 2022, including Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Broadcasting and Media, Immigration and Civil Defence.

    You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

  • In five years' time we would see things we can't imagine today if the Government adopts the Commerce Commission's recommendations to boost competition for personal banking services, Commission Chairman John Small says.

    Speaking about the Commission's draft report from its banking market study in the latest episode of's Of Interest podcast, Small says he'll be interested to see what sort of response the Commission gets from the big four banks, ANZ, ASB, BNZ and Westpac, who it says are an oligopoly who don't face strong competition.

    "We haven't accused them of doing anything nefarious. They're responding to the incentives that are in front of them. And we think that they've settled into a particular pattern of conduct that we think should be disrupted. But we don't blame them for that," Small says.

    "I'll be really interested to see what they do have to say about it."

    The Commission makes 16 recommendations in its draft report, and says they should be considered as a whole. He's optimistic about what the market for personal banking services could look like five years from now if the Government was to adopt them all.

    "We would see things that we just can't imagine today. So if open banking is operational within a couple of years, if Kiwibank has already been disruptive, then I think we've set the industry up for a really healthy, competitive future that will be greatly beneficial to New Zealanders throughout their economy. And that [interest] rates will be sharper, and the range of services will be much wider and the choice between providers, trusted providers, will be much wider as well. So I would see it as being really positive five years from now," says Small.

    In the podcast Small also discloses which three of the Commission's 16 recommendations he believes are most important. With the Commission recommending the Reserve Bank review its bank regulatory capital settings, he also discusses dialogue with the Reserve Bank about this, and wanting them to "think really carefully about the competitive aspects of their decisions."

    He also talks about why the big four banks don't face strong competition, what could be done to make Kiwibank a disruptive competitor, how the banking industry hasn't disrupted itself via open banking, customers moving between banks, the competitive landscape for home loans versus deposits, his take on the idea of a windfall profits tax on banks, and what a parliamentary select committee bank inquiry could probe.

    *You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

  • With a United States presidential election looming in November, Patrick Watson, Senior Economic Analyst at Mauldin Economics, says it's difficult to say what the key economic battleground will be because many voters are "living in their own realities."

    Speaking in a new episode of's Of Interest podcast, Watson says there's not a great deal of agreement on whether the US economy is even in good or bad shape.

    "If you ask Democrats, they mostly say the economy is fantastic. If you ask Republicans, they say the economy is terrible. I think it's somewhere in between. I think that's what the data actually shows," Watson says.

    The election is expected to be a rematch between incumbent Democrat Joe Biden, and his Republican predecessor Donald Trump.

    "On the Trump side, they have not really announced a great deal of specific policy. So that's kind of a mystery. We know what the Biden administration has done and says they will do. People can like it or not like it, but they at least know. So what we do know from the Republican Trump side is he wants to further restrict immigration. He will probably resume the various trade war and tariff measures that he was doing last time and possibly more aggressively," Watson says.

    "But again, the difficulty is people aren't operating from reality. People are operating from their own predispositions, what they think is happening. So that makes it hard to predict."

    Asked whether the average American is feeling as if they're doing well at the moment, Watson says this is a really interesting question.

    "The survey data that's out there is really confusing, because when they ask people, how is your situation, how are you doing financially in your own family and household? Most people, pretty solid majorities, over 60% are saying, 'I'm great, I'm in a good spot.' But then if you ask them how do you think the economy is doing overall for everyone else, they become very bearish. They think it's terrible. So it's hard to see how both of those are true at the same time," says Watson.

    In the podcast Watson also talks about this week's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) monetary policy review and the outlook for interest rate cuts, the US inflation picture including housing's role in its stickiness, what's going on in US share markets, regional economic performance in the US, challenges in the US labour market, and the influence of the Inflation Reduction Act.

  • The "cheer squad" make it hard to have a proper debate on housing, especially when looking to address the question of what we want from the housing market from a public policy perspective.

    So says Cameron Murray, Chief Economist at Fresh Economic Thinking, a new Australian think-tank. In the latest episode of's Of Interest podcastMurray talks about housing and his new book The Great Housing Hijack. He describes the housing markets and attitudes to housing in Australia and New Zealand as "culturally very similar in terms of the attitude to housing."

    Murray, who has been a real estate agent, property investor and worked for FKP Property Group, says his book title essentially describes the state of the public debate in housing.

    "There are so many vested interests, so many different groups and hobby horses that have lobbied, professionally or not for many decades, that it is very hard to have a straight conversation about housing in a public forum. So that is the housing hijack," he says.

    "The housing hijack is all about what I call in the book the cheer squad, these noisy people on the sideline distracting us from the game of housing and, rather than understanding the plays and the strategy of the game, we're getting distracted by the noise of the cheer squad."

    In the podcast Murray talks about why we should acknowledge the post-World War II to mid-1970s period was an unusual golden age in housing, what he sees as the five housing market equilibria, why he doesn't believe simply freeing up land and loosening zoning rules to enable housing supply is the silver bullet, KiwiBuild and the politics of housing.

    Murray proposes HouseMate, a parallel public homeownership system alongside purchase and rental in the private property market. It would offer non-property owner citizens the option to buy a home from a public provider at a cheap price.

    "The reason to propose this is simply that I couldn't find any examples anywhere in history or anywhere in the world where we'd sold housing for that group, that 10% or 15% of people who are renters, who are getting squeezed every time the market adjusts and people's incomes are rising. I couldn't find any examples where those people's housing had been improved without a public option of some sort. Whether that's regulated rental, like Vienna, where there's massive council housing and it's somewhat universal, anyone can access it. Or whether it's public housing home ownership, which is more of a Singapore type approach. Europeans have long term rental, but I think culturally, the Australians and the Kiwis would go for a home ownership type approach," he says.

    "At the end of the day, we have to accept the economics that there is a subsidy exactly equal to the difference between the market price and what you get people into that home at. There is no sneaking around this economically."

    "If I could find a way to just change zoning regulations and taxes and make housing cheap for those people, I would do it. Like, who wouldn't? It would be so easy. But I've spent decades looking around trying to understand housing, and in the last four years looking for examples around the world, and I just can't find them. I'm sorry. So we have to do it the hard way," says Murray.

    *You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

  • China's economy remains mired in a post-Covid hangover like much of the rest of the world, but the technology, catering and tourism sectors are encouraging, according to David Mahon.

    Mahon, the Beijing-based Managing Director of Mahon China Investment Management, spoke to in the latest episode of our Of Interest podcast.

    The relative weakness of the Chinese economy, compared to its rapid expansion of recent decades, amid ongoing concerns about the property market and deflation, has been making international headlines. Mahon says some of what's going on isn't dissimilar to elsewhere in the world.

    "We're going through a period of the post-Covid hangover that the whole world is still going through. We talk about China in isolation. Look at global consumption, look at New Zealand growth rates. They're not great. This is normal. The pandemic was huge. Even the Second World War didn't touch every human being on the planet with the same hand of fear, with the same uncertainty. So I think we need to be patient with ourselves, we need to be patient with the global economy and therefore a little bit with the Chinese economy," Mahon said.

    "The isolation, the closure of China for three years had a huge impact. And there are losses and there are contradictions in the system that have been highlighted that really are a challenge to the Government."

    Nonetheless he suggests the technology sector is a good engine for the Chinese economy.

    "And also given the fact that China is being isolated on technology, there is a strategic reason why China will push that further. So I can see some strong engines. The other one is catering and tourism. Catering is very good for New Zealand because it means that Fonterra will be selling its products to the food services sector," said Mahon.

    I also asked Mahon about New Zealand's new government flirting with joining AUKUS, the Australia-United States-United Kingdom security partnership, and what sort of impact this could have on NZ's relationship with China including our trade relationship. This issue gathered momentum after Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters and Defence Minister Judith Collins met with their Australian counterparts in early February.

    "If New Zealand were to join AUKUS in any form, whether it was phase one or two, it would have an impact, definitely, and it would be a major sign of a change in [NZ] policy of perhaps two generations. So I think we have to wait to see what [Prime Minister] Christopher Luxon says rather than what Winston Peters and Judith Collins say," said Mahon.

    In the podcast Mahon talks further about the NZ-China relationship, the China-US relationship, the Chinese economy, tensions over Taiwan, the Xinjiang region and the Uyghurs, President Xi Jinping's power, Chinese consumers, the middle class, the potential for more monetary and/or fiscal stimulus in China and more.

    *You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

  • The coalition government's select committee banking inquiry could look at how to encourage banks to lend more to "productive" sectors of the economy rather than having such a big focus on "unproductive" housing lending, Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly says.

    The National-NZ First coalition agreement says the government will establish a select committee inquiry into banking competition "with broad and deep criteria to focus on competitiveness, customer services, and profitability."

    Speaking in's Of Interest podcast, Bayly said the government will wait to see what the Commerce Commission has to say in its market study into personal banking services before launching the select committee probe. The Commission's draft report is due on March 21.

    "Why have we seen outflows from the productive sector like small businesses, farming and property development which is really important if you want to build houses in New Zealand? We've seen funding going out of that sector, going into what I would term the unproductive sector which is the mortgage market. That's interesting because it obviously has a big impact on businesses and the productive sector," said Bayly.

    "Then there are things around margin [and] capital adequacy ratios that the Reserve Bank manages. That will help banks determine where they put their money, and whether they want to invest in more mortgages, or whether they want to invest in supporting businesses."

    "I'm approaching it with an open mind. I want to see where they [the Commerce Commission] have got to with retail [banking], but I think inevitably there's some other areas we want to cover," said Bayly.

    Under bank regulatory capital rules overseen by the Reserve Bank, banks are required to hold less capital against housing lending than against other types of lending such as business/corporate and agriculture lending. The major lending exposure of all NZ's major banks is housing. ANZ NZ, the country's biggest bank, has 72% of its total lending in housing.

    Bayly is also Minister of Statistics, plus Small Business and Manufacturing Minister.

    On Statistics NZ, Bayly said it will deliver the 7.5% annual spending reduction the government has asked for. Decisions and preparation are ahead for the 2028 census, he said, noting the 2023 census cost $326 million, "a lot of money."

    "I'm wanting to make sure that what we do drives economic growth for New Zealand, how we can power up those businesses. That's the big strategic intent," he said.

    "Do you run another huge census every five years? That's the first question. And if you read the Stats NZ] briefing [to the incoming minister] there's a proposal that you don't run those big things again. Because governments all around the world are having the same issue where if you front up to someone now and say 'can you fill out this long form' most of them tell you to naf off," Bayly said.

    The next census could look to make more use of administrative data like home addresses or tax returns, he said, information and data that lies within various government entities.

    "Obviously they've got to do it within privacy settings. But that is certainly the trend overseas and we will have to look at it.. that you may move towards more localised, small surveys, targeted surveys, and look to buttress that information using existing data sources that are potentially untapped at the moment."

    In the podcast Bayly also talks about Stats NZ reporting Consumers Price Index (CPI) data monthly, funding to update the CPI that's overdue, the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act, the conduct of financial institutions (CoFI) regime, buy now, pay later, anti-money laundering rules, and his plans to rewrite the Companies Act.

    *You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

  • New Zealand should be working towards a 100-year planning horizon when it comes to infrastructure, and viewing planning as "an exercise in dynamism and inquisition" rather than a "bureaucratic exercise."

    That's the view of Geoff Cooper, General Manager of Strategy at the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission.

    Speaking in's Of Interest podcast, Cooper argues planning gets a bad rap.

    "It's seen as a bureaucratic exercise and it should be seen as an exercise in dynamism and inquisition. I think we need to see more of this planning expertise coming into government, and planning happening from a much earlier period of time, front footing the needs rather than waiting for them to be in front of us," Cooper says.

    "Getting ahead of the planning cycle is a really obvious place to start. And start identifying options before we get into solutions because the moment a project is announced you've created interests. The moment you announce a project all of a sudden there's interested parties. And once there are interested parties, whatever the project is, it's very difficult to do optioneering, almost impossible."

    "So what we would say here is think slow, act fast. Go through a slow, rigorous planning process, identify your problem definition first ... then once you've got a preferred solution which you've stress tested, then you get on with it and do it as fast as you can," says Cooper.

    In terms of the sort of timeframes we should be thinking about for infrastructure planning in New Zealand, Cooper says there's no firm answer.

    "But certainly I would be thinking [a] 100-year [time]frame personally."

    In the podcast Cooper also talks about the five key drivers of infrastructure demand, NZ's infrastructure deficit, how our infrastructure needs are changing, project selection and delivery, why big projects always seem to cost more and take longer than expected, funding, financing, contestable infrastructure priorities, plus the resilience and sustainability of infrastructure.

    "What we're dealing with here is uncertainty and risk. As we're building our new infrastructure what we're seeing are the risks associated with climate change, and the level of resilience that we need, is far higher than what we thought. In fact a lot of our infrastructure is simply not designed for the level of resilience that we need today. And it's going to take decades to get it there as you've seen with things like the earthquake strengthening. The difficult thing with resilience, of course, is out of sight out of mind. It's very difficult to get the acceptance that we need to invest in something that you may or may not need in the future. So it becomes a very difficult thing to sell," Cooper says.

    *You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

  • Although the war on inflation is being won, there are still battles to come and it's too soon to expect Reserve Bank interest rate cuts, says Kiwibank Chief Economist Jarrod Kerr.

    Speaking to for the first 2024 episode of our Of Interest podcast, Kerr says the cost of living crisis is improving for households and businesses.

    "We are winning the war on inflation but there are a few battles ahead and a few wins that we need over this year. We think inflation will fall to 3% quite quickly, but the move from 3% to 2% might be a bit awkward later this year and into next year," says Kerr.

    On Wednesday Statistics New Zealand's latest Consumers Price Index (CPI) showed annual inflation down to 4.7% in the December quarter from 5.6% in the September quarter. Hot on the heels of the latest inflation data, Reserve Bank Chief Economist and Monetary Policy Committee member Paul Conway is due to give a speech next Tuesday. This will include comments on NZ data released since the central bank's last Monetary Policy Statement in November.

    These will be the first public comments from a senior Reserve Bank figure this year.

    "I think we have to have an acknowledgement [from Conway] that the overly hawkish commentary from November is no longer. When you look at what they told us in November, they basically told us they've got no tolerance for upside surprises. We've had nothing but downside surprises since that statement... The GDP report came out much weaker than what the central bank [expected]," Kerr says.

    "They gave us a clear indication that if everything goes wrong to the upside that they will hike [the Official Cash Rate] again, and they gave us a 60% probability that they would hike again. I think that was wrong at the time and it has been proven wrong now. And I think Paul may hint that suggestions of another hike in this cycle have evaporated. But equally talk of rate cuts, I think they'll be coming out and say that's premature, that's a conversation for later in the year."

    A key area of concern remaining for the Reserve Bank will be non-tradeable inflation, relating to inflation from domestic goods and services. This came in at an annual rate of 5.9% in the December quarter versus the Reserve Bank's 5.7% forecast. Kerr notes much of this is coming from housing related costs such as rents, helped higher by record net migration levels, insurance, and construction costs. In reality the Reserve Bank doesn't have a great deal of influence in the areas of insurance, rates and rents, Kerr says.

    In the podcast he also talks about the next OCR review on February 28, whether the Reserve Bank's Monetary Policy Remit to; "achieve and maintain future annual inflation between 1% and 3% over the medium-term, with a focus on keeping future inflation near the 2% mid-point," may need to change in an era of climate change and other challenges, when he expects the Reserve Bank to cut the OCR, the US interest rate outlook, the outlook for the NZ dollar, the inflationary threat from Middle East conflict, and concerns about China.

    *You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

  • Following COP28's call for a transition away from fossil fuels, a key test will be how quickly a rethink of the market capitalisation of oil and gas companies starts emerging, says Rod Oram.

    Fresh from attending COP28 in Dubai, Newsroom journalist Oram spoke to for the latest episode of our Of Interest podcast.

    COP28, or the 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, was overseen by its president Sultan Ahmed al-Jabar, managing director of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, or ADNOC, the United Arab Emirates' state owned oil company.

    Fossil fuels did, however, make it into the final agreement in a substantial way for the first time at a COP, Oram says. Whilst it's "weaker and slower and less specific [language] than is actually required," it's still significant progress.

    The "UAE Consensus" text agreed by 198 countries also includes a global renewables and energy efficiency pledge.

    "That does start to send a signal. Not only to governments as they prepare their next commitments under the Paris Agreement, by 2025 countries have to come back with an improved commitment, but it sends a powerful signal to them that they must be working more on fossil fuel reductions in consumption and production, and it also starts to send a stronger message to financial markets," says Oram.

    The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change.

    "I think the key test in financial markets, both of that language on fossil fuels but then [also] on this language of a big increase in renewables, is how quickly we start to see a reappraisal of the market cap of oil and gas companies. And how quickly we'll see an appraisal that says 'oh, maybe they aren't going to be producing as much as we thought, say over the next 10 years, because people won't be burning as much because governments have started to shift, consumers have started to shift, renewables are escalating at a rapid pace.' And that to me is going to be the acid test as how soon we start to see that revaluation in the stock market of oil and gas companies," Oram says.

    In terms of the annual COP meetings, Oram points out they require consensus across all 198 countries so it's not the place for really big breakthroughs. Instead COP, once a year, provides "a really good scorecard about what the state of play is on all of these issues."

    "This isn't anymore just about negotiations between government officials and politicians. This is very much an all-of-society meeting, and that's why the numbers [of delegates attending] were so big this year."

    In the podcast Oram also talks about the New Zealand presence at COP28, NZ winning fossil of the day, the first official recognition of and finance mechanism for helping developing countries cope with economic losses and physical damage from storms, droughts, and other climate impacts, the first time there has been a COP declaration on agriculture, and the "deeply, deeply, deeply fascinating" experience of attending a COP in person. Oram also addresses criticism of people flying across the world to discuss climate change, and his hopes for COP29 next year in Azerbaijan.

    *You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

  • By Gareth Vaughan

    The first-half of 2024 is likely to be tough with rising unemployment and more businesses failing as the economy "bounces along the bottom," says BNZ Head of Research Stephen Toplis.

    In a new episode of's Of Interest podcast, Toplis delves into the swathe of domestic economic data from the past week including Gross Domestic Product, migration, Statistics New Zealand's Selected Price Indexes, the Real Estate Institute's latest monthly housing data, the current account deficit, the dovish US Federal Reserve monetary policy review, China and more.

    It's tough times for businesses and households are under the cosh, Toplis says.

    "Our view has long been that the second-half of 2023 and first-half of 2024 would be the trough in the economic cycle. And I think this [recent data] is confirming evidence of it," says Toplis.

    "We're just bouncing along the bottom. And we'll continue to bounce along the bottom, probably until the central bank starts lowering interest rates. So there's more of this really, probably until the second-half of next year."

    He notes the economy would look even worse without surging migration, but this is becoming problematic.

    "We knew prior to Covid that we were having difficulty as an economy absorbing more than about 50,000 or 60,000 people in a given year. Now we're trying to absorb double that, and that's resulting in things like pressure on your rents, pressure on your housing market, and a pick up in demand in some places that will be difficult to meet," Toplis says.

    Thus it's time to "look very closely at tweaking the [migration] settings to moderate those inflows."

    Meanwhile, with the new coalition government planning to reduce government consumption aggressively, the reduction in the size of government "is going to be a headwind to New Zealand for some time to come."

    "There are quite strong multiplier effects of that because government consumption is largely people employed. So if you reduce the size of the state sector, particularly its employment, it will have multiplier impacts on spending throughout the economy."

    "If you think about the last time we had a massive correction in the size of government, that was actually in the early 1990s when Ruth Richardson ran her mother of all budgets as she called it. The sort of decline in government consumption that we're talking about now is of a similar magnitude. Back then it had a very, very big impact on both the unemployment rate and economic activity generally. The broader environment was quite different so it would be remiss to suggest it would be exactly the same impact, but it will be meaningful," Toplis says.

    In the podcast he also talks about the inflation outlook, including why we "need to be a little bit careful in being overly concerned about non-tradeables" inflation, the housing market, the labour market, the outlook for interest rates, and more. (See more on tradeable versus non-tradeable inflation here).

    "Volatility remains the order of the day unfortunately, and we still have the worst of this economic recovery to get through."

    *You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.

  • Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr says he's "extremely confident" the world is heading back to a period of low inflation, saying the central bank is prepared to do "whatever it takes" to achieve its mandate of low and stable inflation.

    Speaking in in the latest episode of's Of Interest podcast, Orr talks about the reaction from financial markets to last week's Reserve Bank monetary policy review, what its Monetary Policy Committee members will be watching between now and when they next review monetary policy on February 28, and what the Reserve Bank would need to see to be more relaxed about inflation.

    "We just need to repeat we are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve our mandate, [of] low and stable inflation. If we get further inflation shocks there may be more work to do. So we're in a holding position, but we've made it clear where our nerves sit," Orr says.

    "Basically we need to see more spare capacity in the economy to have the real confidence that the inflation pressures are coming off. All the indicators are moving in the right direction, but there's a lot of news still to arrive on the table."

    He also talks about "historically significant" immigration, noting countries such as Australia, Canada and New Zealand, with strong net inward migration are "having the highest core inflation challenges."

    With the new National-led government set to remove the Reserve Bank's requirement to "support maximum sustainable employment," from its monetary policy remit, Orr discusses how different monetary policy might have been over recent years if that hadn't been part of the Reserve Bank's mandate.

    Orr also says profit-led inflation, businesses pushing through price increases under cover of news about a major shock to the economy because there'll be less pushback from customers at such times, has been happening in NZ as it has overseas.

    "We just used to call that inflation expectations and generalised inflation," Orr says.

    "Whenever you've got high inflation people can hide price rises even though it's not something specific to their good or service. They can get away with high or variable inflation, they can start shifting relative prices around, and then that leads to more generalised inflation as input costs rise and wage costs rise and so on."

    "And it's that scramble and mess that causes long-term inflation problems. And so I would say all of those things have been happening in New Zealand as they have been everywhere else," Orr says.

    "This is the challenge for monetary policy, we have to lean against that desire to tuck a little price increase in behind generalised inflation hoping no one notices. Consumers have to be laser-like focused and think 'is that right, should I be shopping somewhere else?'," Orr adds.

    In the podcast Orr also discusses the degree to which Official Cash Rate (OCR) rises are responsible for reducing inflation, inequities involved with monetary policy, whether price controls could be used to help fight inflation, whether the Reserve Bank's monetary policy should be required to support sustainable house prices, what he expects to see from the Commerce Commission's market study into retail banking competition, the level where he'd consider the OCR to be neutral in that it's neither stimulating nor constraining economic activity, his ideal scenario for monetary policy a year from now, and how he's "fully convinced" the world is heading back to low and stable inflation but there may be higher interest rates on average to achieve that.

    *You can find all episodes of the Of Interest podcast here.