
  • This week on the Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are pretending to be regular Americans instead of the radical, Marxist, pro-Hamas Democrats they are. Harris met in secret with the radical Hamas-supporting mayor of Dearborn, Michigan, in which she tried to justify the mass murders of Israelis by Hamas. Other Marxists like Bernie Sanders love what Harris-Walz has done and will do to America, which is why he is paraded around by the Democrat media. Since President Biden announced he was not running for re-election, the amount of media network coverage given to Kamala Harris is more than any other major party candidate by a wide margin. Tim Walz has over 60% favorable media coverage, while J.D. Vance has over 90% negative coverage – a perfect example of how the Democrat media conducts itself. Kamala Harris did not receive a single vote but that has not stopped the Democrat party from installing her as the nominee for president because they are the most fascistic party in the history of our country. Kamala Harris is hiding from the voters behind a corrupt media and campaign surrogates and expects to be handed the Presidency without having to campaign for it. Harris has been nominated in the most un-Democratic process in American history that is spitting in the face of the civil rights movement, women’s rights, and representative government.
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  • On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Robert F Kennedy Jr. has ended his run for president and has endorsed Donald Trump because he knows that we cannot lose this election and this country to Kamala Harris. For the Democrat Marxists it is about party first and party over everything, which is how we get people like Jake Tapper and Joe Scarborough who push propaganda for Harris. The last Democrat President to cut taxes on the middle class was John F Kennedy, and the Marxist Islamist Democrats of today are nothing like JFK. Trump has united Reaganites and now Kennedys and is bringing the country together while Kamala is dividing Americans, destroying American values, and turning our country into a Marxist utopia. Later, Trump speaks live in Arizona with RFK Jr.
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  • On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris is hiding from the voters behind a corrupt media and campaign surrogates and expects to be handed the Presidency without having to campaign for it. Harris has been nominated in the most un-Democratic process in American history that is spitting in the face of the civil rights movement, women’s rights, and representative government. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is facing the media, answering tough questions, and campaigning all across the country to groups of voters that don’t always vote Republican because he has a successful record to campaign on. We don’t need to be talked down to by people like Bernie Sanders and Oprah Winfrey, who have made a fortune from Capitalism but call it evil, or lied to by the Democrat media covering for Kamala.
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  • On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris did not receive a single vote but that has not stopped the Democrat party from installing her as the nominee for president because they are the most fascistic party in the history of our country. The entire Democrat National Convention is a farce out of a dystopian movie, showcasing a party that does not support Israel, women’s rights, or a secure border; ultimately it is an anti-Trump convention to conceal their anti-Semitism, Marxism, and bigotry. Harris has proposed the most Marxist socialist Democrat platform that is praised by people like Bernie Sanders and AOC, and it will destroy the America that we know. Also, Harris has proposed a 25% wealth tax. Under this plan, you would be forced to pay 25% of your unsold home’s worth. This would be part of the Harris economy. Later, Mark speaks with Lunden Roberts about her exclusion and exile from Joe and Jill Biden, and also to discuss her new book Out of the Shadows: My Life Inside the Wild World of Hunter Biden.
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  • On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, since President Biden announced he was not running for re-election, the amount of media network coverage given to Kamala Harris is more than any other major party candidate by a wide margin. Tim Walz has over 60% favorable media coverage, while J.D. Vance has over 90% negative coverage – a perfect example of how the Democrat media conducts itself. The real story not being told is the constant hatred toward Israel and Jews by the Democrat party. The level of anti-Semitism swirling around the Democrat party and the DNC is astonishing, from Joe Biden justifying the Hamas terror attacks on Israel to Kamala Harris’ support of pro-Hamas extremists in Dearborn, MI. We are losing America not because of Donald Trump or January 6, but because the Democrat Marxist party is in control. The Democrat Party convention in 1924 was known as the Klan Bake, given the presence of thousands of its members and pressure on the convention delegates. 100 years later, the Democrat Party convention of 2024 will be known as the Hamas convention, given the presence of thousands of pro-Hamas protesters and the number of Democrat officials who agree with them or sympathize with them -- including Biden, Harris, Sanders, and scores of others. Later, Mark is joined by Ohio Senator and Republican Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance to discuss the disgrace that has been the Democrat National Convention, the rise of anti-Semitism and Hamas support in the Democrat party, and Kamala Harris’ disastrous record and history as a San Francisco prosecutor.
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  • On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are pretending to be regular Americans instead of the radical, Marxist, pro-Hamas Democrats they are. Harris met in secret with the radical Hamas-supporting mayor of Dearborn, Michigan, in which she tried to justify the mass murders of Israelis by Hamas. Other Marxists like Bernie Sanders love what Harris-Walz has done and will do to America, which is why he is paraded around by the Democrat media. We now have racial Marxism in America because the Democrat party has become the American Marxist Islamist party. Later, Mark is joined by Breitbart reporter and author Joel Pollak to discuss the rise of the pro-Hamas wing in the Democrat party and his new book The Agenda: What Trump Should Do in His First 100 Days.
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  • This week on the Mark Levin Show, the media, the Democrat party, and the ruling class that runs this country will do anything to hold on to power. The American republic requires a truly free and honest media. The American media covered up for Woodrow Wilson when he had a stroke, and his wife ran the country. The American media covered up FDR's near-death condition when he ran for an unprecedented 4th term. The American media lied about President Biden's dementia; and now, the American media are lying, smearing, and concealing on behalf of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. We know who Kamala Harris is and what she stands for; a Marxist Democrat who will say and do anything to get elected, which is a trait she shares with the American Pravda media outlets who believe the ends justify the means like the Stalinists they are. The Harris-Walz ticket is the most radical, anti-Semitic ticket in American history, and they have sold out to the pro-Hamas base in the Democrat party. President Trump gave an outstanding speech on the economy and beyond. He defined Harris-Biden, he spelled out what they've done to our country, and he set forth a pro-growth agenda, and made clear that government is not the answer. Harris and the radical Marxist Washington politicians have no experience and only wreck the economy because they are driven by an ideology. The system was working perfectly until Democrats took over and installed Bidenomics, and the solution is not Kamalanomics and price control.
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  • On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris is applying ideology to economics with price controls, lying to get votes, and concealing what she’s done. Harris and Biden are career politicians who have worked in government their entire lives and have no experience managing a payroll or running a real business. Countries that use price controls are typically totalitarian regimes where the government needs to make decisions instead of people using their free will; it is the complete destruction of the engine of capitalism. Harris has been hiding because her economic solution to Biden’s inflation is to increase government spending by over $1 trillion. We cannot accept Harris’ American Pravda media campaign and this plan is why we must demand answers. Later, Donald Trump gave a speech that’s been underreported because it was a strong defense of Israel and a strong attack on antisemitism.
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  • On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Donald Trump was in front of the press for an hour and a half today to discuss various issues with substance and knowledge and without using notes. Trump is not hiding out like Kamala Harris because he is an extraordinarily unique candidate that cannot be destroyed. Trump is a blue-collar Billionaire with real-world experience, while Harris and the radical Marxist Washington politicians have no experience and only wreck the economy because they are driven by an ideology. The system was working perfectly until Democrats took over and installed Bidenomics, and the solution is not Kamalanomics and price control. Harris is an economic Marxist who relies on class warfare in order to expand government control of the economy, and they do not care if they destroy the country in the process. This is all Marxist class warfare populism.
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  • On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Trump gave an outstanding speech on the economy and beyond. He defined Harris-Biden, he spelled out what they've done to our country, and he set forth a pro-growth agenda, and made clear that government is not the answer. Trump made clear, and this is important, that Harris has been vice president and is still vice president, so why does she say what she will do if elected rather than just do it now? And "she cannot solve the problem because she is the problem." Trump also underscored that Americans were better off when he was president than now when Harris is vice president. Also, Democrats keep using the word joy. They are saying that Kamala Harris is running a joyous campaign. Do people seem happy as they struggle through the Biden-Harris economy? They are trying to project something that doesn’t exist. This is not morning in America with Ronald Reagan. The economy has heart disease – it’s very ill and the answer for Democrats is to shove more sugar into it. This is the Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, Harris economy. Later, the Biden/Harris administration allegedly gave Tehran a list of Israeli Mossad agents/spies involved in the Haniyeh assassination. This is beyond a betrayal. This administration is serving up Israel to the enemy. They’re giving aid and comfort to terrorists. Israel is fighting a multifront war, including with the Biden/Harris administration. We’ll see if this story is true. Finally, Harris is running a dictator’s election. She and her team are creating impressions – she’s the angel and Trump is the devil. Her original positions are not well known but she’s changing them through statements and press releases.
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  • On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, we know who Kamala Harris is and what she stands for; a Marxist Democrat who will say and do anything to get elected, which is a trait she shares with the American Pravda media outlets who believe the ends justify the means like the Stalinists they are. The Harris-Walz ticket is the most radical, anti-Semitic ticket in American history, and they have sold out to the pro-Hamas base in the Democrat party. As governor Walz has allowed Minnesota to become a hotbed of anti-Semitism, and both Walz and Kamala have extensive ties to CAIR. This is the ideology being imported into America by the Democrat party through an open border, and these are dangerous times in America if we do not wake up our fellow Americans. Also, we are witnessing a revolution through immigration by the Democrat party and Joe Biden’s open border. Millions of illegal immigrants are being fast-tracked for citizenship in the waning days of the Biden administration because they want to reshape the electorate and control America. Later, Mark speaks with Fox News contributor and author Joe Concha about the corrupt leftist media trying to carry Kamala Harris across the finish line while burying Donald Trump in propaganda, and about his new book Progressively Worse: Why Today's Democrats Ain't Your Daddy's Donkeys.
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  • On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the media, the Democrat party, and the ruling class that runs this country will do anything to hold on to power. The American republic requires a truly free and honest media. The American media covered up for Woodrow Wilson when he had a stroke, and his wife ran the country. The American media covered up FDR's near-death condition when he ran for an unprecedented 4th term. The American media lied about President Biden's dementia; and now, the American media are lying, smearing, and concealing on behalf of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. The media have turned JD Vance into Kamala Harris and Kamala Harris into JD Vance. Harris is running the campaign of a dictator - a pretend nomination and a pretend convention. Harris hates women, she’s not for women’s rights. Harris and Biden have done more to destroy women’s sports than any duo in American history. She chose a running mate, Tim Walz, who signed the most extreme gender transition law in America. Later, what has Harris done for the Black community? Harris opposes school choice as every major Democrat does. Every American should be given a choice of where to send their children to school. Also, this election is a reckoning for the American Jew. Will American Jews abandon Israeli Jews and vote for a party that is openly the voice of Hamas and Iran? Will they abandon the Jewish people for their party?
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  • This week on the Mark Levin Show, what have President Biden and Kamala Harris done right? What have they done to help the country? We are seeing the effects that Marxist policies don’t work. What are Kamala Harris’ proposals for the economy? For creating jobs? For getting inflation under control and growing the economy? They don’t exist. The Democrat party hand-picked Kamala Harris to be their nominee and the media have shoved her down our throats, and now Harris is shoving Tim Walz down our throats. Walz is another radical Marxist Socialist Democrat, one who let Minneapolis burn during the BLM riots despite the mayor begging for the National Guard. Gov Josh Shapiro was not chosen to be the VP because he is Jewish and it would offend their pro-Hamas voters. Walz is a carbon copy of Kamala so now there is the perfect balance between the Leninists and the Trotskyites in the Democrat party. Putting tampons in boys’ bathrooms in public schools is a Midwestern value according to radical Tim Walz. Walz signed a trans refugee bill in 2023 that made Minnesota a sanctuary state for child sex changes and a haven for child abuse and surgical disfiguration.
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  • On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin. What have President Biden and Kamala Harris done right? What have they done to help the country? We are seeing the effects that Marxist policies don’t work. What are Kamala Harris’ proposals for the economy? For creating jobs? For getting inflation under control and growing the economy? They don’t exist. She has the pillow proposal - take it and smother it. It takes a while for Marxist policies to work its way through the economy and it's kicking in now. Inflation will get worse and jobless claims will go up. If the stock market continues to crash, that means larger businesses must fire people, and those businesses contract, which means the economy will contract and inflation will continue to go up. Imagine all that brain power out of the workforce. To grow the economy and slow down inflation, you have to embrace capitalism – which the Democrats hate. Also, the Democrat party hand-picked Kamala Harris to be their nominee and the media have shoved her down our throats, and now Harris is shoving Tim Walz down our throats. Walz is another radical Marxist Socialist Democrat, one who let Minneapolis burn during the BLM riots despite the mayor begging for the National Guard. Walz is a carbon copy of Kamala so now there is the perfect balance between the Leninists and the Trotskyites in the Democrat party. Putting tampons in boys’ bathrooms in public schools is a Midwestern value according to radical Walz. Walz signed a trans refugee bill in 2023 that made Minnesota a sanctuary state for child sex changes and a haven for child abuse and surgical disfiguration. Roe v Wade had limits with the third trimester, but Walz has no limits in his state which allows borderline infanticide. The propagandists in the Democrat party and the leftist media want to convince you Walz is a moderate when in reality he is just as extreme as Kamala. This election will be about whether we will allow the people who exploit us, undermine us, and control us to get that final ounce of power to the point where we cannot get our freedom back.
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  • On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, WJNO host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. We have the largest contrast between two major party candidates for president in our country’s history with Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Harris and Tim Walz are radical Democrats and Walz was selected because he is in favor of things like tampons in boy’s bathrooms. Democrats are projecting weakness again by hiding Harris from the press and running another basement campaign, which makes America and the world less safe. Also, the world is less secure every day President Biden and Harris are in the White House because they project weakness and embolden terrorist groups and countries like Iran and Russia. Donald Trump exerted strength from the Oval Office and destroyed ISIS, but under Biden and Harris the Middle East is on fire and ISIS is on the rise.
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  • On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, putting tampons in boys’ bathrooms in public schools is a Midwestern value according to radical Tim Walz. Walz signed a trans refugee bill in 2023 that made Minnesota a sanctuary state for child sex changes and a haven for child abuse and surgical disfiguration. Roe v Wade had limits with the third trimester, but Walz has no limits in his state which allows borderline infanticide. The propagandists in the Democrat party and the leftist media want to convince you Walz is a moderate when in reality he is just as extreme as Kamala. Also, unlike Donald Trump, Tim Walz lied about his military service and rank with the National Guard while running for Congress and continued to lie about it afterward. Walz retired after getting a warning he would be deployed to Iraq, abandoning his unit when they needed leadership the most. This is the most undemocratic, propagandistic election in American history, where the Democrat candidate for president was selected rather than elected by the voters, and has now selected her radical Vice President.
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  • On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party hand-picked Kamala Harris to be their nominee and the media have shoved her down our throats, and now Harris is shoving Tim Walz down our throats. Walz is another radical Marxist Socialist Democrat, one who let Minneapolis burn during the BLM riots despite the mayor begging for the National Guard. Gov Josh Shapiro was not chosen to be the VP because he is Jewish and it would offend their pro-Hamas voters. Walz is a carbon copy of Kamala so now there is the perfect balance between the Leninists and the Trotskyites in the Democrat party. This election will be about whether we will allow the people who exploit us, undermine us, and control us to get that final ounce of power to the point where we cannot get our freedom back. Later, Mark speaks with Michele Bachmann, former MN Congresswoman and Dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University in Virginia Beach, about her experience working with Tim Walz in Congress and his horrible record as governor.
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  • On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, what have President Biden and Kamala Harris done right? What have they done to help the country? We are seeing the effects that Marxist policies don’t work. What are Kamala Harris’ proposals for the economy? For creating jobs? For getting inflation under control and growing the economy? They don’t exist. She has the pillow proposal - take it and smother it. It takes a while for Marxist policies to work its way through the economy and it's kicking in now. Inflation will get worse and jobless claims will go up. If the stock market continues to crash, that means larger businesses must fire people, and those businesses contract, which means the economy will contract and inflation will continue to go up. Imagine all that brain power out of the workforce. To grow the economy and slow down inflation, you have to embrace capitalism – which the Democrats hate. Also, American military personnel have been wounded in an attack against a base in Iraq. Americans were attacked in Iraq by Iran. The Iran regime must be destroyed! What message is Biden and Harris sending to Iran when they hold back weapons from Israel? Harris will be responsible if a major war does break out in the Middle East. Afterward, Rep Jamie Raskin is saying that Trump is an illegitimate presidential candidate under the 14th Amendment and Congress will stop him from taking office even if he wins in November. He doesn’t care what voters or the Supreme Court has to say, he’s going to do what he wants. These are the Democrats who claim to defend democracy. Raskin is the insurrectionist. Finally, Rep Byron Donalds calls in to discuss his battle with George Stephanopoulos. Stephanopoulos only wanted to talk about Harris’ identity and January 6th, he didn’t have one question about the real issues challenging Americans.
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  • This week on the Mark Levin Show, was Kamala Harris lying about her positions while she was campaigning in 2020 and while she was Vice President, or is she lying about what her positions will be if elected? The most powerful individuals and organizations in this country are the corporate media, who truly run our country. They are protected by the 1st amendment, responsible for creating the news, and tell us what to think and believe morning noon, and night. The media lied about Kamala Harris while she was Vice President, and they are lying about her now while anointing her as the Democratic nominee. President Biden called Harris a DEI Vice President during a speech in May, but if you point it out you’re called a racist because the left wants to tell us what to see and hear.
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  • On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, we are in stagflation. The economy is contracting, unemployment is rising, and inflation is getting worse. Kamalanomics is destroying the economy and Harris blames Trump, who has been out of office for nearly 4-years, for the disastrous economic situation, which will only get worse. So, that's her answer - blame Trump. Also, Harris got enough delegates virtually to secure the Democrat Presidential nomination – all without a single vote. What took place with the virtual counting of delegates was the hijacking of the democratic electoral system. Harris brings literally nothing substantive to the presidential race. She throws around cliches, exploits identity politics and victimization, takes no responsibility for the failed policies of her administration, and takes credit whenever she can for anything that seems to be working but provides not a single substantive reason to vote for her. She is running from her former statements and policies without explanation. She hides from real journalists who would question her about it all, relying instead on the corrupt media, millions in ads, and dishonest surrogates. And this is all fine by the same people, parties, and groups, including the media, that lied for years about President Biden. Later, virtually all Senate Republicans signed a letter today demanding that the Biden regime immediately stop withholding weapons from Israel. Meanwhile, Biden has the nerve to ream out Benjamin Netanyahu for taking out terrorists. Finally, Sen Ted Cruz calls in to explain that Harris is using the Biden basement strategy. She does no hard interviews, no real speeches, she just reads from teleprompters. She is counting on a media PR campaign. Ted provides breaking news that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin revoked the plea deal for the 9/11 terrorists.
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