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What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.
Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to Robbie Williams and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders. -
The Need-to-Know podcast deals with the now acknowledged reality of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAP. Its hosts are award-winning broadcasters and investigative journalists Ross Coulthart and Bryce Zabel. Every episode, they’ll look at what’s happened in the UAP/UFO world. Coulthart and Zabel discuss their current investigations, give each other advice, and seek to answer the big questions: who are they and what do they want?
Ross Coulthart’s work has been featured on Australia’s version of “60 Minutes.” And his documentary for Channel Seven Australia covering his UFO findings has been seen by more than ten million viewers. He is the author of In Plain Sight, in which he concludes that, while publicly dismissing the phenomenon for decades, governments have been seriously studying it all along and take it very seriously. Coulthart continues to report on the subject for Australian network television while working on investigations spawned by his book.
Bryce Zabel is an award-winning writer who has created or developed five primetime television drama series and worked on a dozen writing staffs. His feature credits include Mortal Kombat and Atlantis. His World War II film, The Last Battle, will shoot in the summer of 2024. Zabel was an original correspondent for CNN, and an award-winning investigative reporter for PBS. Zabel has authored his own UFO book, A.D. After Disclosure. He writes and edits the publication Trail of the Saucers that is read by more than 80,000 readers each month. -
Romantiza tu vida ✨
Para vivir la vida de una manera alineada con nuestros propósitos y metas debemos aprender cada día a romantizar nuestra vida, en este podcast que cuento como yo he hecho para romantizar mi vida y mi lado más vulnerable.
Si logro motivarte con mis errores y virtudes para mi ya es ganar. Gracias por estar aquí pequeño extraño. -
Cada semana Marcela Ojeda, en su octava temporada, conduce Mujeres… de acá! un espacio de charla y de micrófonos abiertos para conocer historias y reflexionar con quienes, desde distintos ámbitos, militan por la equidad de oportunidades e igualdad de género. Mujeres.. de acá! cuenta también con la participación de Feminacida, medio de comunicación y colectivo autogestivo que realiza una cobertura diaria de la realidad desde una mirada feminista, popular, federal y de derechos humanos.
Sharing our small farm stories and skills along our farming, gardening and homesteading journey.
Visit the farm for an informative and sometimes irreverent tour through our garden, livestock pastures, chicken coop, beehive and greenhouse as we live - pasture to plate.
Farming topics free range around pastured heritage pigs, broiler chickens and pastured eggs, heritage breed turkeys, an heirloom vegetable CSA and garden, high tunnel / hoop house / green houses, organic and traditional gardening, farm infrastructure, tractors, sustainable energy, being self sufficient, permaculture, food preservation, bees, beekeeping and even fence mending. -
The School of Travels is a podcast that interviews people in many different stages of their travel experience from people taking their first trips outside of their hometowns to digital nomads who travel continuously. What inspires us to travel in the first place? What does travel have to teach us? How does travel change us? Join us as we dive into these questions and share travel stories from the road with host Becky Gillespie, who has been traveling and living as an expat for over 10 years. We would love for you to subscribe and join us in our traveling community!
Apenas ella habla frente al micrófono, ofrece el sello indiscutible de su voz y de su encanto. Y durante el encuentro con invitados, su involucramiento en temas propios del hacer y el quehacer cultural, siempre amenizado por anécdotas personales memorables. La actriz Graciela Borges recibe la visita de artistas, actores, filósofos, cantantes, científicos, que se confiesan en un clima distendido, casi de entrecasa, y disfrutan del intercambio.
“Inspirados por la Naturaleza”, un podcast de Ladera Sur (
Un giro hacia la Naturaleza, la ciencia, el activismo y la vida al aire libre. Lo que nos mueve y lo que nos llena el alma, a través de personas que han dedicado su vida a salvar al planeta. Conducen Bárbara Tupper y Martín del Río. Esta quinta temporada es presentada por Patagonia.
Revive las cuatro temporadas anteriores en esta misma cuenta. Estreno temporada N°5 viernes 16 de junio -
ID, Identidad y Diversidad, es un programa global que busca crear comunidad a través de una experiencia colectiva en la que los participantes nos invitan, con sus relatos, a explorar nuestra propia identidad y a descubrir que todos podemos aprender y enseñar a los demás. ID, Historias de Identidad, ¡todos y todas tenemos algo para contar! - FB: ID.LA - IG: ID.LATM - YouTube: ID Identidad y Diversidad -
Spotify: ID Identidad y Diversidad - -
Audios aterradores, investigaciones, recorridos en búsqueda de fantasmas, y un viaje por el mundo de lo inexplicable como es lo paranormal. Acompáñame y trata de soportar este viaje tan perturbador pero a la vez de mucho aprendizaje y lleno de terror. Bienvenido a mi podcast soy Dani 3Palacios "El Tripas" ¿Quién? En el camino encontrarás Bonus que te hablaran sobre mi.
El pueblo fantasma (Trailer). -
Hey there! This podcast is basically a space to speak my thoughts. I want a platform to share my ideas and perspectives about pretty much anything. Here you may find me talking about things that are currently going on, conclusions I’ve drawn about life and random tips. Stay tuned for new episodes every Thursday. Hope you stick around!
Being an immigrant has been one of the most difficult and extraordinary experiences in my life. Join me while I interview immigrants that have decided to tell their stories. Ser inmigrante ha sido una de las experiencias más difíciles y maravillosas en mi vida. Acompáñame mientras entrevisto inmigrantes que decidieron contar sus historias. (English and Spanish)
Hola, me llamo Ana María y en el bajo mundo de las redes sociales me conocen como @larubiainmoral, aquí hablaremos de cosas que me pasan, que me cuestiono, que he visto, leído y sentido, es como mi diario personal y créanme por mi cabeza pasan 182737373 ideas y discusiones al día.
Les abro la puerta a mi cabeza que es desordenada e inconclusa, pero divertida y genia para cuestionarse cosas.