
  • "Psycho-Cybernetics" is one of my personal favorite books, and when I first read it, the underlying idea hit me like a ton of bricks and made a huge impact on my mindset. 

    What if we thought of our subconscious as our own success mechanism? 

    For ghostwriter, book coach, and book editor Deborah Ager, this book came into her life at a time of great personal adversity, and it helped her take steps forward. In this episode, we talk about what we learned from the book and how we put its ideas into practice. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    Why clarifying our ideas is so important 

    You can have a really powerful idea and one that has a lot of potential, but if it’s buried within a book, even if it’s written very well, it can screw up that whole idea by making it confusing or diluting it. 

    The big takeaway from "Psycho-Cybernetics" 

    We’re all equipped with a mechanism in our subconscious we can use to direct to any outcome. It’s like a heat-seeking missile that can go in a positive or negative direction depending on the underlying beliefs that fuel it. 

    How to combat doubt and flesh out an idea  

    Whether you’re writing a book or starting a podcast, what holds people back from clarity is self-doubt that comes in the form of questions. Clarity is about getting the ideas out and realizing that they’re going to be messy at this stage, and that’s okay. 

    Guest Bio 

    Deborah Ager is a ghostwriter, book coach, book editor and host of The SOS Show. She helps ambitious entrepreneurs become authors of sales, leadership and personal development books. 

    For more information, head to and connect with her on LinkedIn.  

    Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz

  • “Traction” and its Entrepreneurial Operating System has had a huge impact on entrepreneurs of all types. Most of us are grappling with the question of turning our own unique way of solving problems into a system that has a strong selling proposition. 

    In this episode, consultant and founding partner at Scalto, Gabriela Pulido shares how this book helped her set and reinforce a new strategic direction for her business.

    ï»żThree Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    Working with a client vs. working for a client

    There’s two ways to bring a strategy to completion - dump it on the client and leave them to implement or draw the client into the process and work with them. The only way to really have their by-in is to allow them to participate and create the strategy with you. 

    Why entrepreneurs struggle to find their integrator 

    It’s rare to find someone that fits you like a puzzle and does the things you’re weak at  so you can just be the visionary and throw stuff over your shoulder to them as you’re running 100 miles per hour. 

    The right way to go about scaling

    If you’re drawn to scaling, it’s tempting to build things that are scalable first and sellable second, and skip over the most important part - whether the customer actually wants to buy it. It’s way better to figure out what the customer actually wants and what’s such a no-brainer that they will absolutely say yes to and then scale and systematize it. 

    Guest Bio 

    Gabriela Pulido is the founding partner at Scalto, an agency that helps financial firms navigate through the challenges of becoming truly scalable. Their focus is enabling firms to jump ahead of the competition by designing all aspects of a truly scalable business: the offering, the client experience, the brand and the communications and lead generation process. For more information head to 

    “Traction: Get A Grip On Your Business” by Gino Wickman

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  • From an author’s perspective, there’s no greater achievement than having your ideas become so deeply ingrained and absorbed that people unconsciously implement them. If there are two books that have rightfully earned that status, it would be “The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing” by Ries and Trout and “Crossing the Chasm” by Geoffrey Moore. 

    These books have made a life changing impact on a marketer I really respect, Christopher Lochhead, so much so that he believes any card-carrying marketer can’t consider themselves one without reading them. 

    In this episode, master of category design, bestselling author of Play Bigger and host of Follow Your Different, shares how these books have informed his thinking on marketing. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    How to turn ideas into unconscious competence

    Don’t just declare a new discipline or new way of thinking, codify it and introduce new frameworks and lenses so that people can take the framework and do something different with it.  

    Personal branding is the “modern entrepreneurial herpes” 

    The problem with personal branding is that it’s nothing more than a symptom of the “me disease” that plagues marketing today. In a world of influencers, it’s really easy to think your marketing’s about you, but the truth is no one cares about you outside of the component of you that’s illustrative of something they want. 

    How to Cross the Chasm 

    The most powerful marketing is word of mouth, but how do you scale it? By building momentum inside of an industry, and letting those verticals influence each other. If we throttle hard on certain demographics and even geographics, we won’t usually need as many people as we think to turn a category.

    ï»żGuest Bio 

    Christopher Lochhead is an entrepreneur, master of category design, #1 business podcaster, the 11-time #1 bestselling author of Play Bigger. He’s the host of Follow Your Different and Lochhead on Marketing, and he writes Category Pirates, a top 0.5% paid business newsletter on Substack. 

    To listen to the podcasts and subscribe to Category Pirates, head to 

    “The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing” by Al Ries and Jack Trout

    “Crossing the Chasm” by Geoffrey Moore 

  • Daniel Mangena stumbled upon his own success code while trying not to fail at ending his own life, and he has Eckhart Tolle’s "The Power of Now" to thank for it. Dark, but within it, we can learn just how naturally powerful human beings are at changing our own internal programming. 

    It doesn’t matter what we say we want, what matters is what we desire at our deepest unconscious level. 

    What happens when what we want to achieve isn’t in alignment with that internal programming? How do we get our unconscious minds on the side of our desires? 

    In this episode, Motivational Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Writer, Podcaster, Business and Life Coach, Dan shares how this book showed up in his life and how it almost-effortlessly completely changed the direction he was headed. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    How a faith-based background can affect our inner programming 

    Abundance is our natural state. We’re wired for success and achieving the goals we set out for ourselves, but very often religion beats that out of us and installs a belief that success is the result of ill-gotten gains. To correct this programming, we have to reconcile our beliefs with whatever success is, otherwise there’ll always be that internal conflict. 

    Why our results are predetermined (even before we take action)

    You’re never failing, losing or procrastinating, your unconscious mind is just moving you towards whatever you really want at a deeply unconscious level. You’re not broke, you’re just playing out the exact financial situation you’re aligned to internally. Our minds perfectly execute whatever images they get from us. When we’re not getting what we want, it’s because we’re giving them crappy images to begin with. 

    How to get your beliefs aligned with what you want

    Our input is what creates our programming from when we’re little, and it can be changed. The same method that built us can rebuild us, it just requires more effort because we now have analytical minds that will filter out those inputs to match the story that we have already. Our God-given gift is the ability to step in and have a say in what’s going on in our programming. 

    Guest Bio 

    Daniel Mangena is Motivational Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Writer, Podcaster, Business and Life Coach. His mission is to enable as many people as possible to live a life of abundance, joy and purpose. Through his various programs, materials and one-on-one coaching; he offers something for everyone. It doesn't matter if you're starting with nothing, or even if you have a lot of debt: Daniel can help.

    Whatever your dream life looks like - Daniel wants to empower you to move towards it with confidence and assuredness that it is inevitable. And it doesn't have to cost you a penny! His FREE resources, podcasts and blog articles, could just be the final pieces of the puzzle for you!

    For more information, visit 

  • We don’t get a lot of people on this show who come across a new book that massively impacted them right away, and changed how they’ll do business for the rest of their life. 

    For best selling author, host of top 1% podcast How to Land a Job, and founder of Mastering College to Career, Daniel Botero, "$100M Offers" by Alex Hormozi shifted the marketing of his program, and quadrupled his sales.  

    In this episode, he shares what he implemented and how it changed his approach to sales and marketing. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    Why creating a course becomes necessary

    If you’re in the coaching/consulting world, at some point you’ll run up to the decision of building out a course so you can have more of an impact. You can only have so much of an impact through speaking, individual or group coaching. 

    A great marketing mechanism vs. a great offer

    As course creators, we’re really proud of our programs and all the features and mechanisms we put into them, but it might not be what our clients care about. What could quadruple the results of our programs is stripping all those mechanics and focusing on what they care about. We need to sacrifice the things we want to talk about in order to talk about what they care about, which in Daniel’s case was removing the risk of signing up. 

    The huge coaching problem “$100M Offers” solves

    It’s really hard for people to niche down far enough and then figure out a method that can guarantee clients the results as long as they do their part.

    Guest Bio 

    Daniel Botero is a best selling author, host of top 1% podcast How to Land a Job, and the founder of Mastering College to Career. He ​​helps International STEM Students land their dream job and get sponsorship, without applying to 100s of companies. 

    To get in touch with Daniel connect with him on LinkedIn or send an email to [email protected]

    Get $100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying by Alex Hormozi here.

  • “Think & Grow Rich” has been so impactful to this week’s guest that if she had to choose one book to grow her business, it would be this one. 

    Once you get past the old timey 1930s language, there’s so much entrepreneurs today can gain from applying the lessons and insights of this book. 

    How do we set a strong intention but have enough faith not to be too attached to the outcome? Does being 3 ft. from gold always mean we have to persist with one thing? 

    In this episode, founder and CEO of JJ Coaching & Consulting, a DFY Course Creation Agency, Jasmine Jonte shares how this book came into her life and how it changed her business. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    The role of faith and desire in achieving something

    Once we set an intention for something, we can’t be too attached because that means we’re lacking in faith. We have to develop a level of forgetfulness and let our subconscious do the rest. 

    The other side of “don’t quit before you’re 3 feet from gold”

    As entrepreneurs, we’re often too scared to let something go just in case we’re 3 ft. from gold. Oftentimes, the letting go is what allows us to find the gold mine, instead of persisting towards one specific outcome. 

    Develop a minimum viable course content

    Once the basics of your course are taken care of what holds people back from success and scaling is continuing to add things to it. At that stage, we have to start thinking about what you can cut, what resources you can add to shortcut it for them, how to add socialization and different ways to dispense the content. 

    Guest Bio 

    Jasmine Jonte is ​​an Integrator, Online Program Ghostwriter, mastermind facilitator and the founder of JJ Coaching & Consulting, a DFY Course Creation Agency. She keeps online coaches and consultants in their genius zone, and helps experts translate their knowledge into world-class courses from outline to upload.

    For more information, visit and follow @jasminejonte on Instagram. 

  • When both a top coach and the head psychologist for The Navy Seals recommend a book, you know there’s something really impactful about it. That book is "Mindset" by Carol Dweck, and it truly gets to the heart of what makes us pull the throttle back on our own progress. 

    What is the difference between the fixed and growth mindset, and how does it show up in our businesses and our lives in general? 

    In this episode, passionate performance coach, motivational speaker, business strategist, top sales professional and philanthropic leader, Brian Bogert shares how he implemented the book’s breakthrough idea, and its timeless approach to mindset.  

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    The truth about performance 

    Most people think they are stuck for the wrong reasons in their lives - they put their lack of progress down to wrong tactics and strategies. What actually holds us back are the emotional triggers, behavioral patterns and environmental conditioning that make us our own bottleneck. 

    Fixed vs. growth mindset 

    The fixed mindset is that we’re born with a set of tools, abilities and skills that we’ll have to use for the rest of our lives, and that there’s no way to change them. In a growth mindset, we’re moldable - we evolve and progress overtime and and change the tools we’re working with. A fixed mindset focuses on outcomes, outward validation and an outcome we can’t control. Growth focuses on the process.  

    Detach and amplify 

    When you’re worried about the outcome, you take a step back from the process. By putting the intentional thought process around the actions we can control every single day, that drives toward the outcome we desire. 

    Guest Bio 

    Brian Bogert is a passionate performance coach, motivational speaker, business strategist, top sales professional and philanthropic leader who believes in helping growth-minded individuals achieve the best version of themselves: their most authentic selves. For more information, visit and follow @bogertbrian on Instagram. 

    Brain is on a mission to reach 1 billion people through his content, get his free resources at 

    “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol Dweck

  • Most coaches start their journeys because they need the very thing they end up teaching others. For our guest, facing a shocking, tragic and life-altering loss led her down the path of helping other people through grief, and understanding it at a deeper level. 

    Life-changing books come into our lives when we really need them, and for Laura Jack, The Grief Recovery Handbook, showed up during this challenging time in her life and changed everything. 

    In this episode, the Compassionate Communication Coach, Trainer for The Grief Recovery InstituteÂź, International Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Founder of The Compassion Codecademyℱ talks about this journey, and how to deal with the grieving experiences in our lives (which are more common than we think). 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    Be helpful and impactful 

    For heart-centered entrepreneurs, the challenge is showing up effectively without overcommitting, over-accepting and getting trapped by your own compassion and burning ourselves out in the process. 

    The most eye-opening and heart-opening definition of grief 

    Grief is the conflicting feelings that come at the end of or change in a familiar pattern of behavior. It doesn’t necessarily have to be associated with devastating experiences. Even the milestones in our lives are grieving experiences. We need to honor the feelings that come with these experiences because they are all valid.  

    Covid pulled the scab off grief

    Covid was a major awakening in our understanding of grief. It exposed a lot of the infected unresolved wounds we were ignoring because we were busy and distracted. When the pandemic hit, we didn’t have anywhere to hide from these feelings. 

    Guest Bio 

    Laura Jack is a Compassionate Communication Coach, Trainer for The Grief Recovery Institute¼, International Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Founder of The Compassion Code Academyℱ, Laura provides in-depth training, both personally and professionally, for those who want to communicate compassionately while navigating challenging conversations and change or loss of any kind. Her mission is to create a culture of compassion, starting with self, by supporting people to move through their grief so they can rediscover their Light After Lossℱ and turn their pain into purpose.

    For more information, follow @laurajackcoaching on Instagram. 


    The Grief Recovery Handbook: The Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce, and Other Losses including Health, Career, and Faith. 

  • Sometimes a book changes your perspective on outward things, but once in a while, you run into a book that gives you permission to be yourself. 

    For international ultrapreneur Deb Drummond, that book was “Living in the Light” by Shakti Gawain. For someone who often felt different, it was a book that shed light on who she is, while creating a deeper sense of self-trust. 

    How did it give her direction and confidence as an entrepreneur? 

    In today’s episode, Deb shares what the book did for her, and how it informed her take-big-swings approach to business. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    Accepting the necessity of both feminine and masculine energy

    Masculine and feminine energy are different, but that doesn’t mean one or the other is inherently bad. There’s a tendency to be comfortable with one or the other instead of accepting that both are necessary.

    What has changed for women in entrepreneurship 

    The environment Deb entered years ago as a female entrepreneur was very different. Women had to fit in with the boys’ club to get noticed before they could break away and truly become who they are. Now there’s more room for female entrepreneurs to come in as who they truly are, and be who they want to be in the sandbox.  

    Why it’s unrealistic to believe that our ideas will stay the same

    As entrepreneurs, we’re usually defined by the POV we hold at a certain time. Deb learned that we can be equally okay with doing what we’re doing right now without holding so strong an allegiance to it that we can’t evolve. 

    Guest Bio 

    Deborah Drummond is an international ultrapreneur, network marketing professional, coach, motivational and top performance speaker, multiple #1 Author and host of Mission Accepted. She is a pioneer in the world of natural health and has created two companies in the field since her early 20’s. 

    She is practical yet creative, and thinks out of the box to accomplish the goals needed for her clients and their achievements. Deb is very clear on her purpose. You see it in all that she does, whether coaching, speaking, training, writing, or listening. She’s on point and will move you deeper and stronger into a position of being optimal in all ways.

    For more information visit, email [email protected] and listen to Mission Accepted on your podcast platform of choice. 

    Get “Living in the Light: Follow Your Inner Guidance to Create a New Life and a New World” by Shakti Gawain here. 

  • Nelson Nash’s “Becoming Your Own Banker” is the definition of a MicroFamous book. Within certain circles, it’s legendary and intensely influential, and it has been pivotal in changing many lives - including Joey Mure’s. 

    The book took him from the hamster wheel of high commission sales to true financial freedom by changing how he thinks about money. 

    When did the book come into his life, and how did it change his life? In this episode, the co-founder and co-host of Wealth Without Wall Street, shares the changes this innovative, contrarian book made possible. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    The truth about retirement 

    We have to stop buying into the lie that retirement is the answer, that we have to work until we’re “out of service”. The real answer is getting financial freedom and having our passive income exceed our expenses so we can do what we want, not what we have to. Passive income allows us to do what we’re passionate about with the financial stability to make that move. 

    How to power up the principles of Becoming Your Own Banker 

    When you pair Becoming Your Own Banker with the principles of passive income of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, it’s like dynamite. Opportunities find cash, but because of how we’re taught about money, we’re blind to them. By putting your money in a place we can control and access it, we put our wealth building into overdrive. 

    The one thing that will increase our financial freedom

    Wall Street tells us to separate our money into different pools - a 401k here, money for vacations and savings there. Nelson Nash taught us that money is one big pool, and if we bring it together, we have access to more opportunities. 

    Guest Bio 

    Joey Mure is ​​co-founder, partner and host of Wealth Without Wall Street. Wealth Without Wall Street provides financial insight and tools to break free of the mindset and bondage of Wall Street. Joey and his co-founder Russ created a plan to help entrepreneurs create their vision of financial freedom. For more information, visit 

    For more information visit Download the Wealth Without Wall Street app here. 

    Sign up for the Passport Challenge at  

  • For this week’s guest, “The NLP Coach” isn’t just a book that came into his life at the right time personally. It also changed the trajectory of his entire career, taking him out of his real estate business and into the world of coaching. 

    The book gave him the framework on how other people think, and how we can separate ourselves from our thoughts so we can engineer the direction we want to go. 

    At the heart of coaching is the need to understand why people do what they do, and how to change it if we want different results, and the book has both the mental framework of NLP and the practical processes to do just that. 

    In this episode, Breakthrough Trainer, Business Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, and Speaker, Spencer Combs shares what he got out of this book, and the one thing he keeps returning to years after reading it. 

    ï»żThree Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    How Spencer’s journey led to him being a coach

    Many people who are in a coaching role have had some level of trauma in their childhood or youth in some way, shape or form. Those experiences create a dynamic where you’re curious about why people do what they do. 

    Using NLP to change the inner track of our thoughts 

    Most of us have a life because of the story we’re telling ourselves. If we figure out how to change the story, we can change our lives. If we fuse with the story, we’ll accept it, internalize it and it starts to filter through the way we see reality, it starts to color our actions and the results we get. 

    How Spencer creates Aladdin moments for his coaching clients

    Meta-Programs are the thing Spencer keeps coming back to years after reading “The NLP Coach”. All of us are wired to act a certain way, but there are ways to engineer this wiring so we can get better results. Meta-Programs open us up to new perspectives, and which allows us to see a whole new world and make change possible. 

    Guest Bio 

    Spencer Combs is a Breakthrough Trainer, Business Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, and Speaker. In the greater part of two decades, he has advised million dollar business owners, US Army Colonels, and trauma victims with his programs. In that time, Spencer Combs has relentlessly worked on his 4 phase process for personal and professional alignment. Using that process, he has helped hundreds to accelerate profits, intensify productivity, and deepen their purpose. The Qualified Champion is respected as one of the most valuable tools to personal and business development. As a highly sought after Coach, Spencer Combs continues today in empowering and enriching the lives of everyone he connects with.

    For more information head over to 

    Get the book here.  ​​

  • To fully understand the massive potential of Bitcoin, specific books are necessary reading, including “The Sovereign Individual” by James Dale Davidson. It’s a book that ties social constructs and the issues we face not to political forces, but to economic ones. 

    How did reading “The Sovereign Individual” change how investor and Urban Pacific Group CEO, Scott Choppin views the opportunities in Bitcoin? With so many economic forces promising to have ill effects, how do we unfreeze and get out of our cynicism so we can find the opportunity? 

    In this episode, Scott talks about how this book changed his understanding of money as we know it. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    Monetary systems control a lot more of our lives than we think

    We don’t typically associate what happens in society with economic incentives, but the monetary system is at the heart of what people and countries do. Monetary policy and forces like inflation drive the decisions we make, income inequality and even social disruptions. 

    Don’t be cynical, find the opportunity 

    Reading “The Sovereign Individual” took Scott down the path of preparing for the things that will be a way out of what’s going wrong. Economically speaking, there are going to be challenges and ill effects. Instead of getting cynical, we have to know that Bitcoin has massive untapped opportunities and solutions to these big problems. 

    Fear erodes your ability to take action

    Negative economic cycles tend to trigger our fear complex, which makes it hard to innovate and solve problems. When we aren’t prepared, we freeze up and get knocked off center, and every situation feels way worse than it is. We have to put practices and rituals in place that allow us to reduce and eliminate fear so we’re ready to take action. 

    Guest Bio 

    Scott Choppin is the founder and CEO of The Urban Pacific Group, a Real Estate Development Company Providing Recession-Resilient Investment Opportunities in Workforce Rental Housing. For investors seeking superior recession resistant long term investment returns, workforce housing is a safe and secure investment that allows investors to capture superior and stable investment returns while supplying much needed moderate income housing to families located in deeply supply constrained housing markets.

    Urban Pacific's Urban Town House (UTH) housing model is an innovation in the workforce housing real estate development marketplace, and is a stable income generator that performs both now and in a recession as a function of housing a stable and "sticky" family renter demographic. 

    The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age by James Dale Davidson. For more information visit and sign up for the newsletter. 

  • We all play with an internal set of rules that we aren’t even aware is governing us. As entrepreneurs, our financial set point determines how we make decisions, and even the effort we put towards growing our businesses. 

    It’s always a great idea to examine our money beliefs and reset them. “The One Minute Millionaire” is the book Master Business Coach, Jeanna Gabellini recommends to clients struggling to fully commit to their businesses. 

    In this episode, she shares how this book helped her raise her financial set point and make better business decisions. 

    ï»żThree Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    The secret to going all in without the motivation of urgency

    It’s easy to be all in when you have a deadline, emergency or a huge financial need, but how do we motivate ourselves to chase goals when we’re not in pain? For entrepreneurs, it can be hard to commit and get behind a decision if it doesn’t feel urgent. To have motivation without urgency, we have to tap into our why and the thing we want to get out of our building our businesses. 

    Plan for the masses 

    If we build our businesses without the expectation that it will fail, we will build it differently and won’t make it the best it can be. We need to get our head in the game and plan as it’s going to be a success right from the start. 

    Gamifying your goals 

    Shifting our mental gears about money, and raising our financial set point isn’t an overnight process. Our mindset doesn’t just change and stay that way. When you’re trying to make big leaps, you have to steep yourself in it daily and really let it percolate for the change to last.  

    Guest Bio 

    Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach, Law of Attraction expert, and Chief Rabble Rouser of MasterPeace Coaching. After 20+ years of liberating business owners from the curse of "not enough" and the myth of "hard work pays off," she knows, without question, you can make massive amounts of money and impact millions (even if you've been struggling for years) if you're willing to flip the switch in your thinking, chuck the old-school rules in the toilet, and stay true to what lights you up and turns you on. For more information, visit 

    Get Jeanna’s free template More Clients Now here. 

    The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth 

  • For anyone who’s read or listened to any of David Goggins’ stuff, you’ll know that the guy went through a lot of challenges to get to where he is. Enduring abuse as a child, health problems, two Navy Seal hell weeks and a lot more. 

    His experiences can be incredibly motivating, but for hard-charging entrepreneurs, there’s another thing we can pull from his story - a different perspective on our own challenges and how we approach them. 

    How did “Can’t Hurt Me” get investor, agent and team leader, Rodney Ross to slow down and change his goals? In this episode, we talk about Goggins’ book and how it changed the trajectory of Rodney’s business. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    The surprising insight Rodney Ross got out of “Can’t Hurt Me”

    “Can’t Hurt Me” is designed to kick people in the ass, get them off the couch and start working harder and buckling down, but if you’re already driving hard as an entrepreneur,  it can actually get you to slow down and realize you don’t have to achieve everything right now. 

    How Goggins can shift your perspective 

    David Goggins went through immense challenges from childhood, and those experiences can put our own challenges in perspective. The problems in our businesses can feel huge, but if we look at them differently, they don’t seem so insurmountable. 

    How to tackle anxiety, panic and depression 

    Anxiety and panic can be debilitating for entrepreneurs, but there are resources that can help us to catch negative emotions early, diffuse them and trick our brains into not freaking out. From a course that helps people overcome their fear of flying to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, there are many ways to attack the problem. 

    Guest Bio 

    Rodney Ross is an agent, investor and team leader. Rodney Ross has a broad array of experience in the real estate industry. Rodney is one of the founding members of the Limitless Team, and also a partner in the team’s investment property development projects, which are focused on building single and multi-family properties in the city of Philadelphia & Camden . He is also a partner in AJR Endeavors, a partnership focused on the redevelopment and revitalization of 36 rowhomes that were involved in the 1985 MOVE bombing in West Philadelphia. He discovered his passion for real estate during his time at Drexel University when he purchased his first investment property in 2009. After becoming a licensed agent, he developed an intimate knowledge of how to make successful real estate investments, helping his clients make over $1,000,000 in estimated profits. Rodney also hosts the 80/20 Rockstars Podcast and creates helpful videos for those wanting to learn about real estate and business. Rodney’s charm and honesty allows him to capture audiences both in person and on screen.

    For more information, visit and follow @phillyrealestateboss on Instagram. 

  • Standing out in a crowded marketplace is an age-old problem that plagues service providers. In his book, "The Purple Cow", Seth Godin likens it to being part of a herd of brown cows, fighting the battle for attention in the sea of sameness. 

    His strategy for standing out? Become a Purple Cow through your marketing. This book was written in 2002, in a different media landscape, but its principles are still rock solid today. 

    Today, I’m joined by Glenn Twiddle, an entrepreneur and coach who built his business on the Purple Cow principles. He shares the insights he took away from the book, and how he still applies them today. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    How Glenn grew his business by borrowing a little paint from Purple Cows 

    You don’t have to be a Purple Cow yourself to benefit from the strategy. Glenn was able to leverage the authority, celebrity and credibility of people like Gary Vee and Richard Branson to increase his own, like the supporting act for a big band. 

    Purple Cow products vs Purple Cow marketing

    Not everyone can build a purple cow product, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use purple cow marketing strategies. If you have a commodity product, the only way to stand out in the sea of sameness is to make it fun, outrageous and as different as possible. 

    Why the Purple Cow concept is so timeless and universal

    As products change, we can use the same purple cow marketing skills to get the message read, heard and consumed by an audience in any medium we choose. This can be transferred from product to product and industry to industry. 

    Guest Bio 

    Glenn Twiddle is a real estate coach, speaker, marketing consultant and author of the bestselling book 'Punching Above Your Weight'. He has become synonymous with 'Out of the Box' marketing ideas for real estate. He teaches Real Estate Agents a step-by-step, fill in the blanks system for becoming the #1 Real Estate Agent in your area, in 3 years or less, no matter where you are starting right now. 

    Get Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable here. 

  • If you’re in pursuit of things that give you more calm and clarity, "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson is a great book for getting clear on your priorities and focusing on what matters. 

    For real estate investor, commercial builder and coach, Sue Hough, this book came into her life during the peak of 2020, a time where so many of us felt deflated and frustrated. The important lessons Manson teaches helped Sue overcome overthinking, self-pity and making assumptions.

    In this episode, Sue shares how this book impacted her mindset, how she thinks of people and the actions she takes. She also talks about the amazing new project she’s working on in the Smoky Mountains and the drive behind it. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    What if you’re wrong about everything?

    If we look at how we see people and the snap judgements we make, we might just realize that we might be wrong about everything. Our perception of people and situations might not be what we believe they are. Another person could be having a bad day and going through their own struggles, or how we see their behavior could be filtered through our own emotions. 

    The stories we tell ourselves can inflict more pain that reality 

    The normal human temptation is to analyze what’s going on in the world around us and ascribe motives and meanings to things we’re actually not 100% sure about. Being wrong about everything also extends to ourselves. What we believe about ourselves might not be based in reality, and those beliefs might cause more pain, suffering, anger and frustration than the actual experiences we have. 

    Choose what you pay attention to

    We’re responsible for how we perceive things, and we can only care about a few limited things. One of the most profound insights from "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" is that we choose the things that we choose our own struggles, and we can pay attention to the things that matter and stop letting the rest trip us up. 

    Guest Bio 

    Sue is an entrepreneur, speaker, Creative Commercial Builder and Founder/President of Moody Moon Ridge and August James Limited. With more than two decades of experience, Sue uncovers, develops & builds inspiring spaces to live and work in that honor the creative soul and bring joy to her clients. She is a voice of experience leaning into the joy of making development dreams come true. Sue’s entrepreneurial experience and mature sensibility position her to deliver turnkey construction projects where bliss comes to life. For more information or to reach out to Sue, email [email protected].

  • In the world of sales, networking and making connections, a lot of our success has to do with our non-verbal brands. The first impression people have of you, your body language and how you present yourself can affect whether or not people hire you. A lot of service-based entrepreneurs struggle in this area, and have no idea what kind of impression they’re leaving on someone else.  

    For business coach, speaker, body language trainer and author, Nancy Ganzekaufer, “Captivate” by Vanessa Van Edwards was the pivotal book that provided science-backed tactics to solve this problem. How can we change how we present ourselves with simple tweaks to our body language? 

    In this episode, we talk about this book and how to communicate more effectively without even speaking. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    Our body language speaks louder than words 

    Before we even open our mouths, people get an impression of us based on our body language. Most entrepreneurs and speakers pay attention to their words, they practice what they are going to say, but they don’t necessarily practice how they present themselves. 

    How to snap out of your imposter syndrome 

    Imposter syndrome - and feeling like you don’t know enough to teach can really lock up a coach. Your only goal is to be one step ahead of your client, if that’s all you are, you’re enough to be doing what you’re doing. 

    Body language includes our eyes 

    ï»żThere are 2 types of gazes that can impact how well we can connect with people and the kinds of relationships we can build with potential clients. We can present ourselves with a power gaze or a social gaze, and simple techniques can help us shift from one to the other and become better communicators and negotiators. 

    Guest Bio 

    Nancy Ganzekaufer is a Business Coach, Speaker, Body Language Trainer and Author.  She specializes in coaching service-based entrepreneurs, teaching them to maximize their profitability while identifying and best serving their ideal clients with confidence. Nancy has empowered thousands of entrepreneurs to know (and charge!) their worth, succeed in sales without feeling sales-y, and position themselves in their market with authenticity and authority.

    For more information, visit and join Nancy’s community The Coaching Hot Spot on Facebook.

    Get “Captivate” by Vanessa Van Edwards here. 

  • For many entrepreneurs, there’s one book that set them on the trajectory of business ownership and investing, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”. It’s a game-changing book that planted the concept of getting your money to work for you, and using leverage to get to your goals. 

    The thing with powerful books like “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” is that their ideas don’t just apply to one specific area, like real estate. Their insights can show up in another area of our lives and create a massive breakthrough. 

    For Amazon Overall #1 Best Selling Author and the founder of Book Launchers, Julie Broad this book did a lot more than get her in investing, it has influenced how she marketed her own successful book.

    In this episode, she shares what she’s learned and what it actually takes to publish a successful book. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    The “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” Effect

    Most of us are raised with the idea that things are scarce, so we have to go out and get the best job we can find, do everything you can to deserve that job, get promotions and keep climbing the corporate ladder. “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” blows that completely out of the water, and it has been responsible for igniting the entrepreneurial bug for a ton of people, and getting them to leave traditional employment. 

    Marketing from Day One

    Like podcasts, most of the work of whether it takes off or not is done before the book even launches. The success of the book is in those critical strategy decisions you make in the process leading up to the launch.  

    The power of leverage

    One of the things “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” is great at is getting us to think about getting to our goals using leverage, and not just in terms of money. In marketing, we can accomplish our goals by leveraging other people’s audiences, which was a key factor in Julie Broad’s book marketing success. 

    Guest Bio 

    Julie Broad is the founder of self-publishing services firm Book Launchers and Amazon Overall #1 Best Selling Author, knows what it takes to successfully self-publish a book. Her popular YouTube channel, BookLaunchers.TV, embodies the hashtag of #noboringbooks helping nonfiction authors write and market books people want to read.

    Julie’s titles include More than Cashflow, which topped Amazon, The New Brand You, and her latest book, Self-Publish & Succeed. A recognized real estate investor, successful entrepreneur, and notable speaker, Julie also received the Top 20 under 40 Award for her business and community contributions. She’s been speaking on stages across Canada and the US since 2009, sharing her strategies to write a book that builds your business and have more impact and influence with your brand.

    An expert on writing a book with marketing in mind, Julie teaches the best approaches to get results, make an impact, and ultimately, make more money. Julie always leaves people inspired, excited, and with clear steps to take action immediately. Her advice for authors and investors has been featured in Forbes,, Yahoo! Business, CTV, the Toronto Sun, and many local and national TV shows. Born and raised in Canada, Julie currently resides in Los Angeles with her husband and son. When she’s not busy with Book Launchers or her family, you’ll find her at CrossFit or playing poker.

    Head to for more information, and find out more about Julie’s book publishing system. 

    Buy Julie’s book Self-Publish & Succeed

  • The “Tao Te Ching” is an ancient work with highly relevant teachings today. In fact, if you’ve read some of the modern era’s greatest books on mindset, spirituality and time management, you’ll discover concepts that track back to this book. 

    What does the “Tao Te Ching” teach us about what’s important, and the value of living in the present? How do we balance setting goals with doing the work for its own sake? 

    In this episode, I’m joined by online marketing consultant, founder of Video Case Story and host of the Garlic Marketing Show, Ian Garlic. He shares the impact this book has had on his life and entrepreneurship journey. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    The best salespeople collect stories

    The stories of our customers and clients can be the thing that inspires and compels our prospects. It’s been proven that when we tell a story with emotion, people are more likely to do what we ask them afterwards. 


    Detach from outcomes 

    As entrepreneurs it’s really easy to solely attach value to outcomes and accomplished goals instead of seeing the value of whatever we’re doing in the present moment. If we’re running on the motor of getting through a task to get to the next thing, doing something for its own sake changes how we move through our day. 

    The danger of thinking we know everything

    A cup that’s full to the brim has the least value because it leaves zero room for new insights. When we think we’ve reached the height of our knowledge, we close ourselves off and make it impossible to learn anything to grow. 

    Guest Bio 

    Ian Garlic is an online marketing consultant, founder of Video Case Story and host of the Garlic Marketing Show. For over 10 years, he has helped service-based businesses (from lawyers to SaaS companies to highly complex industries) find their most powerful client stories, capture them on video, and deliver them at the perfect time to guarantee MORE leads, BETTER clients, and MORE sales. People remember, share, & BUY stories. Stories resonate with potential prospects, allowing you to become their friend & the authority. When you use video the RIGHT WAY, along the customer journey, prospects see you as the GO-TO expert in your industry. You become a TRUSTED ADVISOR before meeting them. 

    For more information and to connect with Ian go to and mention this show, and find The Garlic Marketing Show on your podcast platform of choice!

  • James Allen’s “As a Man Thinketh” may have been published over 100 years ago, but it still remains one of the most powerful books in the realm of personal development and self-awareness.

    For personal intelligence expert, coach and teacher, Michael Benner, it was a lid-lifting book that gets to the heart of what it takes to overcome fear and remove barriers to success. 

    How does fear erode our innate heart and brain function and make it harder for us to accomplish anything? How do we become more aware of our own fear and get our fight or flight response to back off? 

    In this episode, Michael shares how this book impacted him and he also talks about the key ideas behind his own book, Fearless Intelligence. 

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

    Take total responsibility for creating your life

    Your intention and the thoughts, feelings and behavior that follow create your reality. We’re not victims of a life that’s being done to us, but life flows through us and if we create alignments with our creative life force, all things are possible. 

    How to become aware of and defeat fear 

    Fear is what we don’t understand, it has little or nothing to do with danger, it’s just a response to confusion. It triggers an amygdala hijack and shreds your heart and brain function so you’re left with your primitive lizard brain. Using slow deep breaths and positive affirmations, we can persuade the unconscious mind that we’re actually safe and regulate the fight or flight and the lizard brain to back off.   

    A powerful way to tap into confidence 

    Our essence as human beings is to solve problems and redeem ignorance into understanding. Whether we’re confident or not, this is a nature we all possess. When we set the personality aside and look at who we are as a species, we can remind ourselves that we’re made to step into the unknown and improve what’s there and bring order to chaos. With that attitude, success is guaranteed 

    Guest Bio 

    Michael Benner is an expert on personal intelligence, teacher, podcaster, and author of Fearless Intelligence — The Extraordinary Wisdom of Awareness. He's also written the breakthrough self-awareness training, Internal Vigilance, commissioned by the Orange County California Sheriff's Academy in Anaheim. He is well known throughout Southern California for his popular human potential talk radio programs on KABC-AM, KLOS-FM, KLSX-FM, KCBS-FM, KRLA-AM, and most recently on KPFK-FM. He has served as the Sports Psychology Consultant for the U.S.C. Women's Tennis Team and the Burbank Burroughs High School Baseball Team. Michael left broadcasting as a full-time profession in 1987 to begin his own business, Personal Development Strategies. With offices now in La Quinta near Palm Springs, California, he provides counseling and personal development training to individuals and couples, as well as consulting, training, and coaching for business executives, managers, and teams. As presented by Michael, Personal Development Strategies include self-awareness and emotional intelligence, stress management, critical thinking, and relationship management.

    Buy Fearless Intelligence: The Extraordinary Wisdom of Awareness on Amazon and listen to the podcast Ageless Wisdom over at