In "EP 20: Learn to Learn" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, discover how you can learn for your own self-development and growth.
The traditional education system is flawed for most people. If you are one of the people who fits the system that it was designed for, then you will do well. If not, you will struggle.
The traditional education system is necessary from a national policy perspective. Education policy makers must find a system that can work for the largest percentage of students to produce the type of human resource that can ultimately benefit the country, based on the needs of the nation.
However, the fact is, that approach may not work for half the population. And they can fall through the education cracks. The system is also results oriented using standardised exams as the benchmark for grading.
Exam questions are also expected to be answered in a specific way with little room for deviation from the norm.
As a result, rote learning and memorisation are common as they are key to achieving academic success.
The reality is, success in the business or professional world is nothing like standardised exams. In fact, it is those that can be innovative and operate outside the box that tend to be more successful.
So how can you learn to learn?
Join certified marketing management consultant, J C Sum, as he discusses ways you can learn to learn that is outside of schools.
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
In "EP 19: How to Get Paid More for Your Work" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, learn how you can provide more value through your work.
Whether you are an employee for a company or a business owner, one primary goal is to increase your salary or revenue.
One of the time-tested and proven ways to get paid more is to ensure you offer value to your company or customers.
In today's competitive landscape, it is not always enough to offer basic value. Especially if you are not at the top of the food chain.
If you are a small business competing with much more established companies and maybe even global brands, just having a product or service that everyone offers is not enough, even if it is marginally better.
Likewise, if you are an employee, you are competing with peers. Some may have more experience or better education qualifications.
Some might be with the company for a longer time and know how to play the political game. If you just do the work you are hired for competently, it may not be enough to stand out from your peers.
Having a differentiated value is vital to get an edge over the competition.
So how can you provide more value to your company and earn more?
Join certified marketing management consultant, J C Sum, as he discusses ways you can do to get paid more for your work.
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In "EP 18: Strategy for a B2B2C Business" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, learn how you can implement a strategy for a B2B2C business.
B2B2C refers to business to business to customer.
But first, let us understand the more traditional B2C and B2B business models.
B2C means a business sells to consumers, while B2B is a business that sells to other businesses.
This means B2B2C is a business sells to consumers and businesses in parallel
As a category, it is harder to explain and understand than B2C or B2B. But it is becoming increasingly important.
In the simplest terms, B2B2C is when a business manufactures a product and distributes the product through a network of channels or sales partners.
However, they also accept orders, direct from customers, through their own eCommerce store. In which case, they do not have to pay a cut to the channel partner.
There are some key benefits of a B2B2C model, including reduced operating costs, better access to customer data and insights, and leverage the credibility of distribution partners.
So how can you take advantage of the B2B2C business model?
Join certified marketing management consultant, J C Sum, as he discusses the strategy to a successful B2B2C business.
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
In "EP 17: Invest in Yourself Through Reskilling and Upskilling" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, we learn how you can upgrade your career and yourself by upskilling and reskilling.
As an employee, the value you bring to the organisation is the ability to perform tasks in your role well and help the organisation be profitable.
Differentiated value is the additional value that an employee can bring to the table which benefits an organisation, regardless of whether that benefit is directly related to their role. The benefit can also be tangible or intangible.
If there are two employees in an organisation who are up for a promotion or raise, if all things being equal, the employee who offers more differentiated value will likely be rewarded.
One way to increase your differentiated value is to invest in yourself through learning and training. You are never too young or old or experienced to invest in your learning.
In fact, in today's market you honestly have no choice. And the simple reason is, the world is changing too fast.
Even if you develop your skills and grow your experience, they may become outdated or obsolete as new technology is invented and new methods are formulated. W
So how can you apply your skills in the current market that will keep you relevant and valuable?
Join certified marketing management consultant, J C Sum, as he discusses further on ways you can upskill and reskill in today’s market.
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
In "EP 16: How to Get Customers to Trust Your Brand" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, we learn how you can build up your brand that your customers would trust.
One advantage of being an online business is lower overheads such as rent. As such, they pass their savings onto their customers.
However herein lies one of the issues.
Imagine seeing an online posting whether it is a product description on an ecommerce site, a social media post or an online ad. Imagine that there is a branded watch for sale but selling for a much lower price than retail price or secondary markets.
Generally, in this part of the world, particularly in South East Asia, the thought that goes through a consumer's mind is not that it is a great deal and they will buy it.
The thought is actually the opposite. Consumers will wonder why this watch is going for such a cheap price. Is it a fake, is it damaged, is it stolen or is it just a scam? And if they click on the posting and look at the seller and not recognise the name, they will be a bit suspicious.
Trust is especially important in luxury goods because of the prevalence of fakes and scams. However, having a business brand that customers will trust is essentially for any business, even if you are selling very low-ticket items.
So how can you gain trust from your customers?
Join certified marketing management consultant, J C Sum, as he discusses further on ways you can get your customers to trust your brand.
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
In "EP 15: How to Price and Market a Service-Based Business" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, we learn how you can set your pricing and market your service-based business successfully.
More than 20 years ago, I was a partner in a kids party business that provided entertainment for kids' birthday parties and events.
At that time, the only such providers of kids party entertainment were freelance entertainers like magicians, jugglers, clowns, story-tellers or party hosts. These kids entertainers marketed themselves as individuals who provided a show or activity for the party.
The business and marketing issue was that everyone was selling their services by explaining what they would do, how they would do it and how much it would cost. If the client wanted some variation or customization, this would be negotiated.
When I co-founded the kids party company, I realised that it was vital to change the way party shows, games and activities were presented to the market.
The first thing I did was to create party packages that would include a portable sound system, show, party games, cake-cutting hosting, party bags and balloon animals. When clients made inquiries, these packages would be clearly broken down and listed like product features.
Soon, competitors began creating party packages and now it has become an industry standard.
So how can you differentiate your business from other competitors and market your service-based business in your industry?
Join certified marketing management consultant, J C Sum, as he discusses further on what you can learn from the story of the kids party entertainment business so you can price and market your service-based business further.
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
In "EP 14: How to Create Your Brand Story" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, we learn how you can craft your brand story so your business would stand out further among the rest.
One of the most fundamental marketing communications techniques is to craft and communicate your brand story.
A brand story is a marketing asset that communicates your brand’s guiding principles and impacts every facet of the organization. In other words, it’s not just a marketing message, it’s also a sales pitch and a roadmap for the management and employees.
It is more than content and a narrative. The story goes beyond what’s written in the copy on a website, the text in a brochure or the presentation used to pitch to investors or customers.
Your story isn’t just what you tell people, it's also what they believe about you based on the signals your brand sends. The story is a complete picture made up of facts, feelings and interpretations, which means that part of your story isn’t even told by you.
The success of Nabcore, Evolve & Adapt, Ramly Burger, and Piktochart, for instance, proved that their brand stories did make an impact on how they run their businesses in the long run.
So, what can we learn from these brands, and how do you go about crafting your brand story?
Join certified marketing management consultant, J C Sum, as he discusses further the approaches to creating a brand story for your business success.
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
In "EP 13: Local Marketing for Brick & Mortar Businesses" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, we learn how you can take advantage of local marketing to promote your brick and mortar business.
Last week, I was on a road trip to Penang with my family. Along the way, we stopped by Ipoh, which is a sleepy old mining town.
When in Ipoh, we wanted to buy traditional peanut candy which is like small sweet groundnut bars. We asked the staff at the coffee shop that we were having lunch at for a recommendation and he recommended the best one which was within walking distance.
As we headed towards the shop, I noticed that it had caught my attention as we were driving into town. The signboard for the shop lot was distinctive and eye-catching. More importantly, it had the words “Peanut Candy Shop” in the shop's name.
When we walked in, the peanut candy shop was also filled with people with a long queue of people waiting to pay.
So how could this peanut shop be very well-perceived and popular?
Join certified marketing management consultant, J C Sum, as he discusses further on how it is possible to attract more customers to your brick & mortar store through local marketing.
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
In "EP 12: The 5-Second Rule in Marketing" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, we learn how you can capture your audience’s attention fast in today’s world.
Global connectivity, high-speed Internet, and social media caused people's attention spans to drop significantly. Brands, businesses and content creators are fighting for consumers' attention every single second of the day.
According to a research by Wyzowl, our attention span has decreased in just 15 years.
In the year 2000, the average attention span was 12 seconds. In 2015, the average attention span was 8.25 seconds, and I'm sure in 2022 it's around 5 seconds.
In fact, scientists reckon we now have shorter attention spans than goldfish who have an average attention span of 9 seconds.
Therefore, to make an online impression and stop consumers from scrolling past your content, or ad, you need to capture your audience’s attention within 5 seconds.
How to do so?
Join certified marketing management consultant, J C Sum, as he talks further on how you can apply the 5-second rule in your marketing strategy.
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
In "EP 11: You Must Spend Money to Make Money" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, we learn the importance of spending money to make money and how much is needed to invest into a business.
Recently, an acquaintance in Malaysia contacted our KL office with the desire to start a business in KL or Selangor.
It is a B2C (business to consumer) to sell services directly to end clients. The nature of the business requires a physical location that caters to customers.
The acquaintance had done her own projections and calculated her initial capital outlay and monthly expenses needed to operate her business.
When we heard these figures, we immediately felt it was tremendously undervalued.
We did our own rough projections based on our experience and took the following costs in mind. Our projections for capital needed was more than twice projected and monthly expenses were almost 3 times as much as hers.
Unfortunately, the acquaintance felt our projections were too high and not realistic. And that her figures were viable.
So is it really necessary to spend first in order to generate more revenue for your business in the long run?
Join certified marketing management consultant, J C Sum, as he talks further on whether you must spend money to make more money.
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
In "EP 10: Good Product vs Good Marketing" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, we learn further if we should opt for a good product or good marketing for your business.
Have you ever been to a hawker centre where there may be two or three stalls selling the same type of food such as chicken rice, char kway teow, or wanton noodles?
But one of the stalls has a perpetual long queue where customers queue up to one hour during peak hours, and the other stalls have barely a crowd. This is true for almost every hawker center, at least in Singapore.
Apparently, the food at many of these stores are not any much better or different than their competitors. Yet they are queues of people waiting to order from them.
You will find similar situations for the same types of businesses in the same geographical location like computer shops, wholesale markets, or industry specific malls.
So why do these hawkers have long queues?
Join certified marketing management consultant, J C Sum, as he explains if either a good product or good marketing is the best solution to increase sales for your business.
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
In "EP 9: Is the Customer King?" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, we discover if customers are always right when dealing in business.
Mr. Mus, the owner of a renovation company, put his right hand man, Nico, in charge while he had to travel overseas for a couple of days for a business trip.
The day Mr Mus left, a customer called Mr. A sauntered into the office with his wife. Mr A looked at Nico head to toe and scoffed. But he nevertheless explained to Nico what he wanted, Nico noted Mr A's needs and demands, and worked out a quote and presented it to Mr A.
Mr A looked at the quote with a horrified face and said that the price is ridiculous and must be wrong. He scolded Nico and said he must not know what he is doing.
4 days later, Mr A returned when Mr Mus was back from his business trip, with Mr A complaining about Nico being useless and incompetent and overcharged him in his quotation.
Mr Mus looked up and said, it seems Nico made quite a big error, the fee for renovation is not $60,000, it should be $110,000 but he will give a 10% goodwill discount for the mistake.
Mr A was shocked and did not know how to respond, and stormed off.
Why did this happen? Was Mr Mus right to manage the customer in this manner?
Join certified marketing management consultant, J C Sum, as he discusses further if customers are always the king when dealing in a business transaction.
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
In "EP 8: What Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Can Teach You About Making Money" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, we explore how the attempt by the Gracies to showcase Brazilian jiu-jitsu during the ultimate fighting championship or UFC paid off.
The Gracies are a legendary family from Brazil that developed the modern BJJ system in around 1920 and passed down to subsequent generations.
The chosen brother to represent the Gracies in UFC 1 was Royce Gracie. UFC 1 was the first mainstream mixed martial arts or MMA tournament. He was not the best or biggest Gracie fighter but they wanted to show that a smaller fighter could beat bigger fighters with BJJ. The motivation for presenting UFC was to showcase Gracie's Brazilian jiu-jitsu system to the world.
Ultimately, pun intended, their attempts paid off. Royce ran through the UFC tournament and beat 3 opponents (all larger than him) in one night to win UFC 1. He would repeat the feat the next year at UFC 2.
Eventually, BJJ got the global exposure and rise in popularity that was intended. Today, every MMA fighter on the planet will train BJJ as one essential part of their skill set.
So what’s the secret behind the success of BJJ?
Join certified marketing management consultant, J C Sum, as he discusses further what you can learn from the Brazilian jiu-jitsu to make more money for your career or business.
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
In "EP 7: Brand an Idea in One Sentence to Sell It" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, you will learn how you can capture your audience better in the digital age.
In traditional marketing, you may have 30 seconds to communicate your brand message. You have some time to communicate with customers through newspaper ads, TV ads, outdoor media placements and exhibitions or roadshows.
In today's age of social media, people's attention spans and maybe IQ have been decreasing.
Now, you have only 5 seconds to capture your audience's attention. You have to tell your target audience who you are, what you do and what is your value is before they scroll pass their social feed or Google search results.
This 5-second rule doesn't just apply to brands looking to market their products. It can also apply to job hunters trying to stand out from candidates for a position in a company. Or maybe you are an employee in an organisation looking to pitch an idea or proposal for internal change to benefit the company.
So the golden question is: how do you communicate an idea or message in a single sentence within 5 seconds.
Join certified marketing management consultant, J C Sum, as he discusses how you could capture the attention of your audience in today’s digital age.
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
In "EP 6: How to Build a Million-Dollar Business" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, we discover how you go about building a million dollar business.
In layman’s terms, it means a company should have secured a million dollars worth of business to be considered as one.
The term “million dollar business'' in itself is a vague term. There are several ways to value a business. If someone offers to buy your business for a million dollars, it is a million dollar business. Some people use an industry multiplier on revenue.
So what’s the best way to build a million dollar business?
Join certified marketing management consultant, J C Sum, as he reveals the basic approach to build a million dollar company. You can apply this approach regardless of what the revenue goal is whether it is $10k, $100k or $1 million.
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
In "Episode 5: Does FOMO Marketing Work on You?" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, we explore the “fear of missing out” phenomenon, also known as FOMO.
The FOMO marketing strategy is a form of marketing in which you leverage the customer’s time-sensitive desire and market to them in order to make a sale. The marketing message and advertising is structured in a very specific way. Such that, it triggers impulsive customers to make a purchase.
One recent example in Singapore, Malaysia and other cities was the launch of the Swatch-Omega collaboration - the Moonwatch. Hours before the stores opened, customers queued up for hours to wait in line at the chance to buy the watch, even though it was not a limited edition. The crowds got rowdy and the police had to be called in.
So why were so many people scrambling to get in line for the chance to get a Moonwatch at wee hours of the morning?
Join certified marketing management consultant J C Sum, as he discusses how brands and marketers use FOMO marketing to psychologically pressure customers into wanting a product or service. He also shares his experiences with FOMO marketing at a Xiao Long Bao restaurant in Shanghai, and offers his thoughts on the recent Moonwatch launch.
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
In "Episode 4: Why did "Ah Girls Go Army" the Movie Make $2.5mil?" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, we explore how a film that was universally critically panned still made big money at the local box office.
“Ah Girls Go Army” follows the first batch of female recruits as they undergo and serve National Service in the fictional near future of Singapore. This movie is a spinoff of the popular and financially successful “Ah Boys to Men” franchise, about a group of army recruits in National Service in Singapore. The franchise has collectively grossed more than S$25mil.
For the spin-off “Ah Girls Go Army”, it received widespread criticism and scorn prior and after its release. Despite these bad reviews, Ah Girls Go Army has made $2.5mil as of 17 Feb 2022 off a $2mil budget. Factoring marketing, it would not have made money off the box office yet. However, there was a lot of sponsorship money involved which should have covered most costs, if not more. So ultimately, it is still a financial success for the producers.
So, why did “Ah Girls Go Army” make $2.5 million in under 3 weeks of its release even though the reviews are so bad?
Join certified marketing management consultant J C Sum, as he shares his experience working with director Jack Neo’s production team on a TV show and explores why Jack Neo’s movies are so successful with local audiences. What is his secret formula?
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
#ahboystomen #ahgirlsgoarmy
In "Episode 3: How Scammers Use Digital Marketing in Scams" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, learn how scammers use digital marketing tactics to scam people online.
Online scams have been on the rise and scammers are becoming much more sophisticated in the execution and methodology of their scams. They are using technology and digital marketing tactics to bait and lure unsuspecting victims into phishing scams.
According to Wikipedia, phishing is a type of social engineering where an attacker sends a fraudulent (e.g., spoofed, fake, or otherwise deceptive) message designed to trick a person into revealing sensitive information to the attacker or to deploy malicious software on the victim's infrastructure like ransomware.
In this episode, certified marketing management consultant J C Sum, will breakdown how these scams work, share the digital marketing methodology behind the scams and offer 6 tips to protect yourself from being scammed.
Original article links:
Google ad bank scam: Victim tells how she was duped of nearly S$20,000 in sophisticated ployOCBC phishing scam left victim broke and starving on Christmas DayI Lost Over $72,000 To "Affiliate Marketing" Job ScamPolice warn of new trend in online scams; NSF loses over $6,700 in savingsYouTube Channels on Online Scams
Scam Baiter Kitboga Scam Payback Jim BrowningSubscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
For feedback, promotional opportunities and inquiries, please contact us at
In "Episode 2: When to Ask for More Money" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, learn when is the right time to ask for more money.
If you are a business owner, this refers to justifying when to raise the price of your product or service. And if you are an employee, it means asking or negotiating for your salary raise, bonus or promotion.
You may think that you deserve a raise or are justified in charging higher prices because of the time you have spent working in the office or shop. But, is time really the best measurement of value to your employer or customer?
Join certified marketing management consultant, J C Sum, as he discusses how you should reframe the question first and ask why you are deserving of more money.
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
For feedback, promotional opportunities and inquiries, please contact us at
In "Episode 1: The Secret to Marketing Anything" of the “One Eye Deer” Podcast, learn how you can market anything by knowing this one secret. This applies to a business owner marketing a product or service or an employee looking to stand out to get a raise, promotion or bonus.
Why should someone choose to buy your product or service over a competitor?Why should you receive a salary increment or be promoted over a colleague?If you have trouble answering those questions, the problem is because you have not identified and communicated a difference in your product or yourself that is of value to your audience.
The good news is that the problem is likely a marketing problem, not a product problem.
Join certified marketing management consultant, J C Sum, as he shares the secret to marketing anything. Find out how to stand out from others whether in the office or in the marketplace in less than 10 minutes!
Subscribe and listen to all One Eye Deer episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app.
About One Eye Deer:The One Eye Deer podcast is produced by Evolve & Adapt, an award-winning strategy & digital consulting firm based in Singapore and Malaysia.
If you are looking to build your brand and generate massive leads and sales, book a marketing consulting call at
The “One Eye Deer” mascot was designed by Eugina Lee (IG : lee.eugina) based on the concept developed by J C Sum.
One Eye Deer theme performed and produced by Darren Teh, An Honest Mistake
Adapted from "Do-Re-Mi", “The Sound of Music”. 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein.
For feedback, promotional opportunities and inquiries, please contact us at
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