
  • In this session Zak and Stephen talk about living together with your partner. There is a theme of the idea of sharing space and how we can manage to find ourselves within a couple.

    They discuss financial issues within a marriage and Stephen shares his discomfort over certain issues around this.

    They talk about fiscal responsibility and how one can walk the line of sharing this responsibility within a couple.

    Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where
    the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We
    believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity,
    enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints.
    It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions
    articulated during the course of this program are those of the
    individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other
    individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

  • In today's Therapy Session, Zak and Stephen continue to talk about the theme of baggage and the burden Stephen has carried for many years in terms of his feelings of responsibility towards those closest to him.

    Things develop in this session and Stephen has some pretty life enhancing insights.

    They also talk about routine and the power of continued and consistent effort.Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where
    the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We
    believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity,
    enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints.
    It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions
    articulated during the course of this program are those of the
    individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other
    individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

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  • In this session Stephen and Zak talk in depth about Stephen's relationship with his father and mother.

    In particular, they focus on his father and Stephen thinks back to childhood and moments of connection in those formative years.

    Lots of universal themes dealt with here, including living with a family member in addiction, parent/child relations, and a lot more.

    Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where
    the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We
    believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity,
    enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints.
    It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions
    articulated during the course of this program are those of the
    individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other
    individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

  • Stephen and Zak talk about releasing baggage.

    They talk about a desire to find freedom in life from fear and things holding Stephen back. Stephen feels like he is “holding on for dear life”.

    Stephen compares his new challenges to those of the past. How he feels that his quest to find freedom from a tightness he has always carried might be harder than fighting his past addiction to alcohol.Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where
    the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We
    believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity,
    enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints.
    It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions
    articulated during the course of this program are those of the
    individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other
    individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

  • In this session, Stephen and Zak discuss gratitude and having a daily practice.

    They discuss the feeling of weight that Stephen feels in terms of what he feels he has to carry on his shoulders in life. The central people that he has in life and how he feels guilt around them.

    They also discuss self care and plans for the future.Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where
    the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We
    believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity,
    enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints.
    It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions
    articulated during the course of this program are those of the
    individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other
    individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

  • Zak and Stephen talk about guilt. Guilt around family.

    They discuss fear. Fear around various aspects of life.

    Stephen looks for validation on his journey and Zak proposes an alternative way to look at things.

    Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where
    the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We
    believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity,
    enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints.
    It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions
    articulated during the course of this program are those of the
    individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other
    individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

  • Zak and Stephen discuss the idea of softening. Softening towards the self and the world.

    They also discuss the idea of negative self talk and how that has changed for Stephen over the years.

    They talk about unconscious manipulation and how Stephen was surprised to learn something about his own behaviour in relation to this.

    They talk about how a person in addiction can be juvenile, manipulative and somewhat narcissistic.

    They talk about the ideas of labels we put on ourselves about depression, addiction etc. Instead of using a label, and being definite about anything, Zak suggests that it might be better to say “I am aware of this state or that state”. Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where
    the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We
    believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity,
    enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints.
    It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions
    articulated during the course of this program are those of the
    individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other
    individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

  • It’s the New Year and Zak and Stephen talk about the Christmas that has just passed. Stephen talks about a moment where he felt awkward being forthright.

    Stephen details how he is planning to tackle the new year and how he wants to live by three particular words.

    He also talks about a new routine that is having positive effects.

    Zak encourages Stephen to recognise that the fact that he is able to express himself authentically is a very positive development. He also reminds Stephen of the power of repeated action.
    Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where
    the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We
    believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity,
    enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints.
    It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions
    articulated during the course of this program are those of the
    individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other
    individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

  • It’s coming up to Christmas and Zak and Stephen are talking about… well nothing festive at all.

    Stephen is feeling pretty grumpy and has a bit of a rant. Zak sees beyond all of this and helps Stephen see that the life he is living is something to appreciate.

    They talk money, anger, relationships and being of service.
    Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where
    the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We
    believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity,
    enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints.
    It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions
    articulated during the course of this program are those of the
    individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other
    individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

  • Stephen is still in Sicily and is finding real peace of mind. Zak and Stephen discuss the barrage of media that we are exposed to in this day and age, and how Stephen has used his intuition to choose to take a break from tuning into media.

    Zak and Stephen also talk about Stephen’s search for humility. They also discuss purpose. Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where
    the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We
    believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity,
    enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints.
    It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions
    articulated during the course of this program are those of the
    individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other
    individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

  • Today, Zak and Stephen talk about the idea of home and where we find ourselves feeling at home. Stephen is still in Sicily and talks about lacking community. The word ‘balance’ is discussed, and Zak poses the question to Stephen of what it means to Stephen. Stephen talks about technology addiction and how he finds it hard to separate himself from his phone and work. Zak also sets Stephen a challenge for the week.

    Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where
    the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We
    believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity,
    enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints.
    It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions
    articulated during the course of this program are those of the
    individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other
    individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

  • Stephen is in Sicily on a one month working holiday with his wife Rebeca. Zak and Stephen discuss technology breaks and finding grounding in the moment. Stephen also raises a current problem of a debt that he is struggling with, and the two discuss financial intelligence and how, at 40, Stephen feels like he is only waking up now to how to be a grown up in some ways.
    Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where
    the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We
    believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity,
    enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints.
    It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions
    articulated during the course of this program are those of the
    individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other
    individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

  • In session 2, Stephen and Zak talk about co dependance and what it means. Stephen talks about needing validation and boundaries. Free will is also discussed and whether we indeed have any. Stephen also talks about how his mind can be such a busy and sometimes judgemental place, and Zak’s thoughts give him a lot to reflect upon.Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where
    the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We
    believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity,
    enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints.
    It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions
    articulated during the course of this program are those of the
    individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other
    individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

  • In this episode Stephen opens up about his lack of confidence around boundaries and not knowing when he is being too much or when he is not being strong enough in his standpoint. Zak and Stephen also discuss the idea that Stephen has been firefighting all of his life (in his mind that is) and how he needs to be gentler on himself.

    There’s something for every human here. Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where
    the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We
    believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity,
    enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints.
    It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions
    articulated during the course of this program are those of the
    individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other
    individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to


    In this episode, Stephen and Zak introduce themselves and tell the story of what brought their paths together. Stephen shares a little of his past and why he needed therapy and Zak describes what changes he witnessed in Stephen throughout the initial period of therapy, when Zak helped Stephen get sober.

    There’s something for every human here. Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where
    the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We
    believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity,
    enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints.
    It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions
    articulated during the course of this program are those of the
    individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other
    individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

  • Zak is back! (and so am I). This week my former therapist Zak Powers joins me for a chat about Technology Addiction and my struggle with feeling part of 12 step recovery groups. It's a great chat for anyone who struggles putting their phone down.

    Support the podcast on Patreon (anonymously if you wish) and get access to my verbal journal and meditations: Reach out to me on social media… Instagram: @thatsoberirishdude email: [email protected] YouTube: #howtogetsober #helpsoberup #stopdrinking #stopdrinkingalcohol #sobrietyissexy #soberlife #sober #sobriety #mindfulness #mindfulliving #peace #peaceofmind #recovery #recoveryispossible #yoga #meditate #addict #addiction #love

    Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity, enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints. It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions articulated during the course of this program are those of the individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

  • Today I celebrate 4 years of sobriety. It’s been the best 4 years of my life on this wonderful adventure. When I stopped drinking I thought I was losing so much, I did not realise how much I was going to gain. My peace of mind (most of the time), a lot more joy on a daily basis, and of course my beautiful wife Rebeca who makes me laugh every day at least 100 times. Thank you to all of you for continuing to listen to the podcast, it’s a vulnerable thing to do, but I know that it helps lots of people and that makes it all worthwhile. If you’re starting out on a sober journey, just know it gets better and better if you stick with it. This weeks episode is just me reflecting on the last 4 years, and there’s also one of my meditations at the end. You can get access to lots of this content on my patreon as well. Details below: Support the podcast on Patreon (anonymously if you wish) and get access to my verbal journal and meditations: Reach out to me on social media… Instagram: @thatsoberirishdude email: [email protected] YouTube: #howtogetsober #helpsoberup #stopdrinking #stopdrinkingalcohol #sobrietyissexy #soberlife #sober #sobriety #mindfulness #mindfulliving #peace #peaceofmind #recovery #recoveryispossible #yoga #meditate #addict #addiction #love

    Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity, enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints. It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions articulated during the course of this program are those of the individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

  • This episode is a very honest chat over tea with the lovely @jojofauchier where we talk all things sober. How she says no to a life of compromise in her sober journey. It’s a beautiful empowering bolt of energy of a chat with a person who is pure joy to be in the company of. A shining light of soberness. Something for Every. Human. Here. Support the podcast on Patreon (anonymously if you wish): Find episodes wherever you get your podcasts. Reach out to me on social media… Instagram: @thatsoberirishdude email: [email protected] YouTube: #sobrietyissexy #soberlife #sober #sobriety #mindfulness #mindfulliving #peace #peaceofmind #recovery #recoveryispossible #yoga #meditate #addict #addiction #love

    Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity, enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints. It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions articulated during the course of this program are those of the individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

  • Today Paul joins me. Paul is someone who has a quiet humility and wisdom. This is a great chat and I’m grateful to Paul for giving me and my listeners his time. He shares his journey to sobriety, his truth and how he became a registered counsellor. Something for Every. Human. Here.

    SUPPORT the podcast on PATREON and get access to my VERBAL JOURNAL and my MEDITATIONS

    Instagram: @thatsoberirishdude

    e: [email protected]


    Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity, enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints. It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions articulated during the course of this program are those of the individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to

  • In this weeks episode I speak with Harry Hudson Taylor @harryhudtay about his younger self and how trauma led him to being addicted from a young age. He openly discusses where he was in life and how things turned around for him. He also shares about his amazing band Hudson Taylor @hudtaymusic. This is a beautiful episode and I'm very grateful to Harry for sharing his story with me and all of you, my friends, the listeners of the podcast.

    SUPPORT the podcast on PATREON and get access to my VERBAL JOURNAL and my MEDITATIONS

    Instagram: @thatsoberirishdude

    e: [email protected]


    Disclaimer: Welcome to our Podcast - ‘One man and his therapist’ where the opinions expressed by our presenters are entirely their own. We believe in fostering an environment that values intellectual diversity, enabling our presenters to share their unique insights and viewpoints. It is crucial for our audience to recognize that the opinions articulated during the course of this program are those of the individual presenters and do not reflect or represent any other individuals, agencies or organisations.

    If you wish to contact Zak Powers please go to

    If you wish to contact Stephen Dalton go to