We are going to see a major development here in Exodus chapter 2 where God is drawing good out of the evil of Egypt. We also see that pharaoh is completely incompetent unaware of what’s going on in his own house.
We are going to see a theme developing in exodus chapter 2 where the nations will be blessed through the people of Abraham. Moses knows how to lead the people of Egypt because he was raised in the house of the pharaoh. Moses also becomes the leader of the Israelites. Moses is a leader who is both Egyptian and Israelite; this is showing gods inclusion of the non-Hebrew people in his plan to restore the earth.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In exodus chapter 2 the words that are used to describe the basket that Moses was placed in are very similar to the words that describe the arc that Noah was in. Once again this is showing us a theme that will come to fruition throughout this book where God is creating order out of chaos. This is a very chaotic time in Egypt but God is in control and he is bringing order out of this craziness.
Pharaoh the most powerful king on earth is scared to the point that he is killing little children because he thinks slaves will rise up and take his kingdom. If you were reading this through the lens or the thought process of an ancient person this would be quite humorous. It would be humorous, not because babies are dying, that’s not funny; it would be humorous because no true God and King would be scared of a little baby or slaves. So here again The author of Exodus is trashing the Egyptian kingdom and the Egyptian pharaoh and the idea that pharaoh is a god. Clearly, one of the major points of the book of exodus is it is dumb to think that there is any ruler on earth who is more powerful than Yahweh. And it is silly to think that a kingdom is more powerful than a nation backed by Yahweh Elohim.
Exodus chapter 2 is connecting to the story of Noah in many ways. This may be that the authors are trying to show the reader that just as a new world order was remade from one family group after the flood. A new world order is emerging from the chaos of the Israelites slavery. This begs the question what is that new world order? The new order the world will take on, is one, where God is the king of the earth. He is showing the world this through the descendants of Abraham and through the people of Israel.
In Genesis chapter 2 we see that the chaos unfolding in Egypt is very similar to the chaos that happened in Noah’s day. To paraphrase what the Bible says about Noah’s day in Genesis; every man did what was evil all the time. However, Noah walked with God and found grace in the eyes of the Lord. This is very similar to the fine appearance of Moses. We see a connection to the people who walked closest with God in Genesis. This is foreshadowing the kind of ruler and man Moses will be. It also foreshadows the order of the Israelite nation being brought out of the chaos of the Egyptian nation by the leadership of Moses; who is following God‘s commands.
Exodus chapter 1 closes by connecting the story of Genesis and the story of Exodus. In Genesis chapter 3 we see that a serpent is the pivotal player in drawing humans away from God. In Exodus we see that pharaoh is a pivotal player in drawing the Israelites away from their promised land. This connection foreshadows the Pharaoh as an enemy of God and the Israelite people.
In this episode you will learn how themes from Genesis are continuing into the book of exodus. The key focus of today’s episode is the idea that God is blessing the people who are blessing Abrahams descendants. The women who are helping the Israelites give birth and hide their babies are being blessed. This is an example of Abrahams promise from God in Genesis. It also lays the groundwork for inclusion of the gentiles taught in Paul’s letters.
In this episode I discuss why my podcast has been so stop start lately and I talk a little bit about what it means for Christ to suffer with us in our suffering.
The Egyptian people believed that the pharaoh was a God. Genesis chapter 1 directly attacks that idea by showing the incompetence of the pharaoh. The pharaoh cannot even fulfill his commands because of the lowly slave women. This shows us that the pharaoh is no god; he’s not even a competent ruler!
The Israelites were forced to build a corrupt state for the king of Egypt. There are many callbacks to the book of Genesis. These callbacks are showing that the children of God are being forced to make the world what it was during the time of Babel.
In Exodus chapter 1 we see the Jewish people characterizing the pharaoh as either very brutal or very incompetent. It is most likely that they believed he was both this polemic is designed to show the pharaoh as someone who is extremely brutal without reason towards the people of God and someone who does not have as much power as the people of God.
In this episode we talk about the polemic that pharaoh is weaker than the Jewish people. Even though the pharaoh is king he is afraid of his servants this is A humorous argument to make the point that pharaoh is not a good king and has no power or authority.
In this season we will remove the intro and Outro from each episode to make sure that they are one minute long. This season will cover the second book of the Bible known as Exodus. Each episode will be one minute of commentary on sections of the book of Exodus to help you better understand the whole book by looking at its parts.
Hey everyone, this season will be a little different. According to the statistics you love one Minute Bible commentary but hate long introductions (as do I). This season I’ll be adding information to the episode description instead of having an introduction. It will look like this but be information about the podcast episode or some further details. In this episode you hear my sick voice. Don’t worry I will recover. That being said I have scripts for chapters one to ten but have not begun recording. I will do all I can to have everything ready to go as soon and possible. Until then God bless you and may the peace of The LORD be with you!
This is an episode that I neglected to release but meant to where I discuss Jacob heading out to meet his older brother Esau for the first time since he cheated him over 20 years ago. (Music courtesy of &
Jeff gives some final thoughts on his experience and what he learned producing One Minute Bible Commentary the past year. (Music courtesy of &
Jeff discusses the resources that helped him complete season one of One Minute Bible Commentary.Berlin, A., & Brettler, M. Z. (2015). The Jewish study Bible. Oxford University Press. Collins, B. J. (2006). Pigs at the Gate: Hittite Pig Sacrifice in its Eastern Mediterranean Context. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions, 6(1), 155–188. Currid, J. D. (1999). Ancient Egypt and the Old Testament. Baker Books. Freeman, J. M. (1988). Manners and customs in the Bible. Bridge Publishing, Inc. Gnuse, R. (2019). Perchance to Dream: Dream Divination in the Bible and the Ancient Near East ed. by Esther J. Hamori and Jonathan Stökl. The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 81(2), 349–351. Gunn, B. (1917). Interpreters of Dreams in Ancient Egypt. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 4(4), 252. Hamilton, V. P. (2015). Handbook on the Pentateuch: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. Baker Academic. Hasan-Rokem, G., & Weiss, H. (2018). Folklore in Antiquity. Humanities, 7(2), 47. Henry T. Mahan - INDEX Pic of Christ. (n.d.). Holman Bible Publishers. (2016). Ultimate Bible guide. Holman Bible Publishers. (2018). Csb study Bible. Jeffers, A. (2007). Magic and Divination in Ancient Israel. Religion Compass, 1(6), 628–642. Johnson, M. D. (2002). The purpose of the Biblical genealogies: with special reference to the setting of the genealogies of Jesus. Wipf and Stock. Learn the Bible for Free Online: BibleProject™. BibleProject. (n.d.). Mahan, H. T. (1993). With New Testament eyes: pictures of Christ in the Old Testament Genesis to Job (Vol. 1). Evangelical Press. Mann, T. W. (2010). The Book of the Torah: the narrative integrity of the Pentateuch. Westminster John Knox Pres. Marlowe, W. C. (2016). Patterns, Parallels, and Poetics in Genesis. Journal of Inductive Biblical Studies. Pink, A. W. (1981). Gleanings in Genesis. Moody. Rose Publishing. (2014). Rose book of Bible charts. Stevens, S. G. (1978). Layman's Bible book commentary: Genesis. Broadman Press. The Story of the Bible: Bible Study Online: N.T. Wright. N.T. Wright Online. (2019, December 9). Strong, J., Kohlenberger, J. R., Swanson, J. A., & Strong, J. (2001). The strongest Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Zondervan. Stökl, J. (2015). Prophecy and the Royal Court in the Ancient Near East. Religion Compass, 9(3), 55–65. Tatlock, J. R. (n.d.). How in ancient times they sacrificed people: human immolation in the eastern Mediterranean basin with special emphasis on ancient Israel and the Near East (dissertation). Warren, N. J. (2014). A Cannibal Feast in Ezekiel. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 38(4), 501–512. Wright, N. T. (2016). How God Became King: the Forgotten Story of the Gospels. HarperOne, An Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. Wright, N. T. (2018). Surprised by hope: rethinking heaven, the resurrection, and the mission of the church. HarperOne, an imprint of HaperCollinsPublishers.
Jeff closes out his commentary on the book of Genesis. (Music courtesy of &
Jeff describes the foreshadowing of the exodus in the last few chapters of Genesis. (Music courtesy of &
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