Liane went to Japan while working as a journalist, never imagining that she would fall in love with a Japanese man while there, and live there, raising children, and finding out exactly what it meant to be Jewish in Japan.
We speak to Liane about Assimilation, Peace in Marriage, and Chabad's outreach in places all over the globe.
After searching for truth for years, Roy Neuberger and his wife Leah realized that what they had been searching for in religions the world over existed in their heritage all along, and in the religion of their ancestors, Judaism. Since then, their lives have been a whirlwind of outreach, Torah learning, and matchmaking. In 2000, Roy published his autobiography From Central Park to Sinai, which tells his amazing story. Today, he and his wife give lectures all around the world.
Are Gog and Magog really Esav and Ishmael (Western and Eastern Civilization), and which poses a greater threat to the Jewish People? What can we do to bring Moshiach? How can we "Hold on" in these tumultuous times? We speak on these questions and more in this episode.
Open Book with Eitan and Itai considers it an honor and a privilege to sit and speak with Jewish Authors. We appreciate our viewers for their encouragement and for making the show possible. If you liked this episode, and you want to see more, feel free to let us know. We'll be happy to hear from you. We're also interested in hearing any comments, criticisms, corrections, concerns, or questions.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
One year, before Purim, Yaakov Klein's life was changed forever when he went to a Breslov shiur on Megillat Esther. Since then, he's been doing his utmost to spread Chasssidus, most recently focusing on reinvigorating the frum community and bringing the soul back into our Tradition.
Last year, Rabbi Yaakov Klein published his third book, the Story of Our Lives, launching with it the Lost Princess Initiative, an initiative to bring the soul back into religious Judaism. This book tells us exactly how to do just that. A fantastic elucidation of Rebbe Nachman's Tale, The Lost Princess, Yaakov Klein's book has mamash changed its readers' lives.
Rabbi Yaakov Klein joins us on Open Book to talk about keeping the passion in our marriages, the power of Prayer, the wisdom of Simplicity, and his Lost Princess Initiative.
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Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein's fascination lies with writing in English on potentially obscure areas of Jewish History and Halacha. This time, he's chosen to paint an exhaustive portrait of Jewish history with Idol Worship, using the Tanakh and Midrashim as his backdrop.
We speak to Rabbi Klein, finding out what exactly constitutes idol worship, and if the yetzer hara for it ever really went away.
Open Book with Eitan and Itai considers it an honor and a privilege to sit and speak with Jewish Authors. We appreciate our viewers for their encouragement and for making it possible. If you liked this episode, and you want to see more, feel free to let us know. We'll be happy to hear from you. We're also interested in hearing any comments, criticisms, concerns, or questions.
If you know an author that you should be on the show, comment their name below.
To stay up to date, and for special giveaways, follow us on Instagram!
Interested in Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein's books? Contact Pomeranz Bookseller now and get 15% off the store price when you mention our show! +972 2 623 5559
For Millenia, Jews all around the world count the days between 2 holidays, Passover and Shavuot. They count 49 days in a time period known as the Omer. This period on the Jewish calendar has Mystical and Kabbalistic significance. Jew see this time period as a time to unlock potential and reveal our true selves. Several authors have written on the wonders of the Omer and how to use this time period to the fullest, but none until now have approached it how Benji Elson has. An unprecedented journey into what it means to truly Count the Omer, Benji's Dance of the Omer sweeps us off our feet and regales us with its probing and poetic analyses of each week and day of the entire Omer period.
In this episode we address:
What does shaking the Lulav have to do with the Omer?
How is the Omer connected to the Water Cycle?
What am I supposed to do, and feel, when I count the Omer?
What does the Creator really want from us?
Is Yom Haatzmaut a day of spiritual significance?
Find out more about Dance of the Omer at Open Book with Eitan and Itai considers it an honor and a privilege to sit and speak with Jewish Authors. We appreciate our viewers for their encouragement and for making it possible. If you liked this episode, and you want to see more, feel free to let us know. We'll be happy to hear from you. We're also interested in hearing any comments, criticisms, concerns, or questions.
Rabbi Shmuli Phillips has spent almost two decades in yeshiva and kollel, and has managed to pick up a law degree during that time from the University of London. He's best known for his groundbreaking book, Judaism Reclaimed, which has been a massive success. Judaism Reclaims "takes back" Judaism from Academic Critics, and also reintroduces the Maimodean viewpoint, one that favors Rationality over Mysticism, to a Jewish world that has larger lost touch with it. With ascamas (approbations) from the likes of Rabbi Zev Leff and Rabbi Jonathan Sacks ZTz"L, Shmuli Phillips debut work has been called "Scholarly, yet highly relatable."
Rabbi Shmuel came onto Open Book to have a conversation about the distinctions between Heretics and Skeptics today.
You can read more from Rabbi Shmuli Phillips on his site,
Audio not enough? We're on YouTube as well!
Open Book relies on viewers like you, especially your feedback. Reach out and let us know what you think, and what authors you are interested in us bringing onto the show. You can stay updated by following us on Instagram at
Eitan writes articles about topics discussed on the show. You can read them here: Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Concerns? Eitan and Itai always want to learn. Contact us at or
Jenna Maio Esq. is a wife, mother, and freelance writer. She studied English and creative writing at Emory University and then completed a joint degree in Law and Environmental studies from the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Over the years, she learned at Neve Yerushalayim and Midreshet Rachel V’Chaya in Jerusalem, where she deepened her Jewish learning. She recently published her first book, Princess Without A Crown: Returning to My Jewish Roots. She also hosts the Modern Jewish Girl podcast, available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
We go on a journey with Jenna this episode as we learn how she returned to her Jewish roots, and how we can connect to ours.
Join Eitan, Itai, and Eitan's wife, Shefra, as they discuss with Jenna Maio a wide variety of topics.
In this episode we cover:
Assimilation in America
The Aguna problem and what can we do
The Spirituality behind the Land of Israel
Maintaining our connection with the Creator
Morality in cultures without a belief in G-d
and more!
We also find out how Jenna became religious and where she is holding today.
Open Book relies on viewers like you, especially your feedback. Reach out and let us know what you think, and what authors you are interested in us bringing onto the show. You can stay updated by following us on Instagram at
If you enjoyed hearing Jenna, and want to see more of her stuff, you can follow her on Instagram at She hosts the Modern Jewish Girl Podcast which is available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and is currently one of the leading Podcasts on Judaism in Israel
Audio not enough? We're on YouTube as well!
Eitan writes articles about topics discussed on the show. You can read them here:
Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Concerns? Eitan and Itai always want to learn. Contact us at or
With a career spanning over 30 years on Wall Street, Moshe Silver is not your average Rabbi. He's written a book on the Parsha with a refreshing twist: It's not just for Religious Jews, or indeed, for Jews at all. The Weight of Gold by Moshe Silver is a book for all people and all nations. With much thanks to G-d, we at Open Book speak with Rabbi Moshe Silver about his book, about his goals and aspirations, and about the Torah's connection to non-Jews. Moshe Silver is on a mission to make the Torah Text accessible to ALL people.
In this episode we find out:
WHO Was this book originally written for?......
HOW Can non-Jews connect to the Torah Text....
WHY Do Christians know the Scriptures better than we do?......
And Much More....
Audio not enough? We're on YouTube as well!
Eitan writes articles about topics discussed on the show. You can read them here:
See what we're cooking up on Instagram:
Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Concerns? Eitan and Itai always want to learn. Contact us at or
פורים 5781
Purim Sameach! We are so grateful here in Jerusalem for a THREE DAY Purim.
Rabbi Francis Nataf originally learned under Nechama Leibowitz and Rav Aharon Lichtenstein. He is the author of the critically acclaimed book series on Chumash, Redeeming Relevance, and the host of the "Parsha!, etc. with Francis Nataf" Podcast.
Drawing a hard line when it comes to looking at the biblical text with an analytical eye, Rabbi Nataf has earned his place amongst the biblical commentators of old.
Based in Jerusalem, Rabbi Nataf is a successful writer and educator having written articles for Ha'aretz, The Jerusalem Report, The Jewish Press, Times of Israel, and many other publications. Rabbi Nataf is the associate editor of the Jewish Bible Quarterly and does translation work for Sefaria.
We Speak with Rabbi Nataf about discrimination against converts, Vayikra-Avoidance Syndrome, the Writing process, Megillat Esther, and of course, Coronavirus.
In this Episode we find out:
Is Rabbi Nataf planning on writing more books?
Is it safer for Jews to live in America or in the Diaspora?
Has Terrorism gone down in Israel this year?
How can creatives motivate themselves to complete their projects?
How does Purim Connect to this Week's Parsha?
Eitan writes articles about topics discussed on the show. You can read them here:
See what we're cooking up on Instagram:
Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Concerns? Eitan and Itai always want to learn. Contact us at or
שיריו ודבריו של הרב שלמה כץ נקראים ונשמעים ברחבי העולם. אמנם מפעלו לא נעצר אך ורק בכך. הוא ערך בצורה יוצאת דופן וייחודית מדבריו של הרב שלמה קרליבך שעליהם נדבר היום, ועל אישותו המיוחדת של הרב קרליבך. הצטרפו אלינו למסע המרתק על דבריו חייו ומפעליו של הרב שלמה קרליבך. הצטרפו אלינו לשיחותינו על עריכת הכתבים ועל צורת השפעתו של הרב שלמה על היהדות. ישבנו עם הרב שלמה כץ יוצר זמר ורב מפורסם לדון בדברים על הרב שלמה קרליבך. על הניסיון של הרב שלמה כץ בעריכת וקיבוץ כתביו של הרב שלמה קרליבך. לשנינו היה העונג והכבוד לשמוע מהרב כץ ולחזות בענוותנותו ומאהבתו הבלתי נדלית לעם היהודי. בפרק זה אנו נראה איך יצא לרב כץ להכיר את תורותיו של הרב קרליבך? על אילו ספרים עובד הרב כץ כעת? האם הרב כץ רואה בעצמו מוזיקאי? כיצד אנו יכולים להתחבר אחד לשני ולה' יתברך? אם רק שמיעה איננה מספיקה לך בשמחה תוכל לראות את הסרטון בערוץ היוטיוב שלנו.
Rabbi Shlomo Katz's videos and music are watched and listened to worldwide, garnering thousands upon thousands of views and plays, but R Shlomo doesn't limit his pursuits to music and Rabbinic Leadership. He has edited wonderfully successful compilations of the teachings of Rabbi Carlebach, including The Soul of Jerusalem, The Soul of Chanukah, and most recently, The Torah Commentary of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach: Exodus.
We sat down with Rabbi Shlomo Katz, famed Spiritual Leader and Jewish Musician, to discuss all things Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, and Rabbi Katz's experience editing and compiling books on Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach's teachings. Both of us had the honor and privilege to hear from Rabbi Shlomo Katz and to witness his incredible humility and unbridled love for the Jewish People.
In this episode we find out:
How did Rabbi Katz find out about Rabbi Carlebach?
What books is Rabbi Shlomo Katz working on right now?
Does Rabbi Katz see himself as a musician?
How can we connect to each other, and to the Divine?
Audio not enough? Watch the Video on our Youtube channel!
For more information on the work done by Rabbi Shlomo, visit the Shlomo Katz Project Site: You can Watch his videos on YouTube: Or Listen to his music on Spotify: Interested in buying one of Rav Shlomo's books? Call Pomeranz Bookseller at 02-623-5559 and get a discount of 15% off when you mention this episode. Open Book with Eitan and Itai is THE Podcast with Jewish Authors. . -
We took a break from our normal programming and did a tribute show to the late Rabbi Twerski, beloved leader, rabbi, writer, and psychiatrist, whose actions, words, and guidance saved thousands of lives. Though on the show we normally focus on divisive issues, we put that aside this week and had a deeper look at the values Rabbi Twerski embodied.
Rabbi Twerski passed away right before this recording and the entire Jewish People mourns his loss. We pray for his soul that it should have an aliyah and that the loved ones he left behind will be comforted together with the mourners of Zion.
Audio not enough? This episode is on video also:
Here's a link to the "Fish Love" video we discussed:
Eitan writes articles about topics discussed on the show. You can read them here:
See what we're cooking up on Instagram:
Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Concerns? Eitan and Itai always want to learn. Contact us at or
הרב חיים סבתו יליד מצרים לוחם במלחמת יום הכיפורים וראש ישיבה. פרק על ספרו המרתק של הרב השוזר את מעורותיו ואמונתו במלחמת יום הכיפורים. המיוחדות של שילוב מלחמה ואמונה נכתב בצורה פואטית ומלאת רגש.
Rav Aharon Halevy lived for years in Yavniel and heard stories and classes straight from the Tzaddik of Yavniel's mouth hundreds of times.
You ever look at those Breslov Pamphlets that have been handed out to you on the streets of Jerusalem or New York and you wonder, who wrote these? Well, he was known as the Mohara"sh, and his followers called him the Tzaddik of Yavniel. He wrote over 500 books and pamphlets and also began the Breslov movement of selling books at cost. Join us with Guest Speaker Rav Aharon Halevy as, in honor of the Moharash's Yartzheit, we hear firsthand stories of the Moharash. We'll find out along the way the Tzaddik of Yavniel's origins and what he was really like in person.
We mamash love reading, and we want you guys to be able to read too. Listeners of the show can get 10% off most books at Pomeranz Bookseller in Jerusalem when mentioning the show at the kuppah. Use the code mentioned in this episode and get 25% off books by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin (Valid for up to one month after episode air date, Restrictions may apply.)
See what we're cooking up on Instagram:
Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Concerns? Eitan and Itai always want to learn. Contact us at or
האם הפילוג בין המגזרים בציבור הישראלי בין שומרי המצוות ואלו שעדיין אינם שומרים יכול להיות מוכל ונעים? האם התכנים שנכתבו לפני 50 שנה עדיין רלוונטים לדור שלנו? כל זה ועוד בפרק הבא של ספר פתוח. הפעם פרק בעברית על הספר מכתהים לטליה שנכתב על ידי שני אנשים דוב אינדיג וטליה. לא כדאי לפספס את הפרק הזה. תגובות, הערות או תיקונים שלחו לנו אותם בכתובת המייל הבאה נשמח לשמוע מכם מאזיני התוכנית מקבלים 10% הנחה על רוב סיפרי החנות פומרנץ, ייתכנו הגבלות עקבו אחרנו באינסטגרם האם אתם מחברים המעוניינים להשתתף בתוכנית שלחו לנו אימייל בכתובת הבאה או ב
In our latest episode, we discuss contemporary Jewish writer, Rabbi Zelig Pliskin, and dive into his book, the Power of Words. Is Jewish Education doing enough to teach kids about kindness? How does Eitan feel about Itai? How can not wearing Shaatnes make you a better person? All this and more in our latest episode that you don't want to miss.
We mamash love reading, and we want you guys to be able to read too. Listeners of the show can get 10% off most books at Pomeranz Bookseller in Jerusalem when mentioning the show at the kuppah. Use the code mentioned in this episode and get 25% off books by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin (Valid for up to one month after episode air date, Restrictions may apply.)
Eitan wrote an article on the book we talk about in this episode. If you'd like, you can read the article here:
We used clips from 2 shiurim of Rabbi Zelig Pliskin. You can (and should) listen to them both at TorahAnytime:
Thank you Rabbi Zelig Pliskin for Writing the things you've written!!!
See what we're cooking up on Instagram:
Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Concerns? Eitan and Itai always want to learn. Contact us at or
Stay tuned for next week for the release of a new episode in Hebrew on Dov Indig and the book Letters to Talia
ברוכים הבאים לפרק הראשון שלנו בעברית
מה הרב יהודה הלוי היה אומר על המחלוקות הפילוגים וריבוי הדעות בין מגזרים ורבנים בדור שלנו
האם הכוזרי היה ספר מהפכני והאם הוא עדיין רלוונטי להיום
מה היו השפעות של רבי יהודה הלוי על התפילות במחזור
האם הספיק הרב להגיע לארץ ישראל לפני מותו
אנחנו דנים בכל הדברים הללו ויותר בפודקאסט שלנו, אתם לא רוצים לפספס
גובות, הערות או תיקונים
שלחו לנו אותם בכתובת המייל הבאה
נשמח לשמוע מכם
מאזיני התוכנית מקבלים 10% הנחה על רוב סיפרי החנות פומרנץ, ייתכנו הגבלות
עקבו אחרנו באינסטגרם
האם אתם מחברים המעוניינים להשתתף בתוכנית
שלחו לנו אימייל בכתובת הבאה
או ב
Welcome to our first show. A discussion on Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, but there are also questions we ask. Is Islam inherently violent? Should Christianity be considered avodah zarah? Is world peace possible between all faiths? All that and more in our very first episode.
We mamash love reading, and we want you guys to be able to read too. Listeners of the show can get 10% off most books at Pomeranz Bookseller in Jerusalem when mentioning the show at the kuppah. Use code RABBISACKSSHOW and get 25% off all English Rabbi Sacks books. Restrictions may apply.
See what we're cooking up on Instagram:
Stay tuned for next week for the release of a new episode in Hebrew on Rabbi Yehuda Halevy.
Note: After recording this show, we found out that a lot of Rabbi Sacks' books are running out of print fast, and they are printing more copies. G-d Willing, there will be fresh copies a week or 2 after the release of this episode.
Next Motzei Shabbat (Jerusalem time) the show starts. If you're in the states please wait until YOUR motzei shabbat until playing.
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