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Let's ditch the wedding planning "must-dos", stress, & pressure, so you can plan the wedding of YOUR dreams... on budget!
Jamie Wolfer is an experienced wedding planner and host of a very popular YouTube channel with wedding advice.
She's got love for all couples on all budgets and empowers each couple to plan their wedding around what matters most to them personally. No one size fits all weddings here.
In this podcast, Jamie answers real questions from engaged couples in her community. Occasionally, episodes provide a deep dive into a topic or a refresher from some popular content over on YouTube.
Whether you're ballin' on a budget or planning a wedding with unlimited funds, Jamie's practical, kind, and professional guidance will help make the planning journey a little more joyful.
Welcome to wedding planning for modern couples.
Learn more about how to plan a wedding with Jamie at -
I am AJ Jakubowska - Family Law Lawyer, Family Mediator & Parenting Coordinator. I have worked in this field for over 28 years. Just like you, I am also human. I understand what can happen when relationships end. Lots of uncertainty, many different emotions coming in waves, questions swirling like confetti. Anger, disappointment, mistrust. Sometimes it may feel like it’s virtually impossible to stay sane. This podcast features my comments on various topics related to separation, and my interviews with other humans who help when relationships end – people who look after legal issues, who mediate, who look after hearts and minds, and the pocketbook too. What you will hear is not legal advice. These are dialogues primarily about the human aspect of separation. We try to stay away from legal lingo. It’s humans talking to humans. I hope that something you hear will help you navigate your way to a sane split. New episodes every two weeks.
You know there’s a connection between your creativity and your emotions, but you just aren’t sure how to access it.
Join creative coach and published author Nicola McDonald each month as she explores the power of using the written word to reveal the joy of being human.
Be inspired as you hear a chapter written about Nicola’s recent life-changing trip to Australia and conversations that go deeper into each chosen emotion. Then it’s your turn to write guided by writing prompts, tips and gentle encouragement.
This is not a podcast about getting published. It is time for yourself to put your creativity into action and discover more about your thoughts and feelings than you thought was possible. -
Les pachas est un podcast fun et divertissant qui ouvre des débats de société, raconte des histoires personnelles et décrypte le quotidien de Mayadorable créatrice de contenus et de son copain Jules entrepreneur, les autoproclamés “Pachas”.
Rendez-vous chaque Lundis & Vendredis pour un nouvel épisode des Pachas Podcast
Suivez nous sur Instagram : @LESPACHAS
Hosted by @Mayadorable et @JulesPedretti
Silence, ça pach'.........
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Dewayne Noel has been living the horse life for over 30 years as a professional and private owner. A husband of 30 years, the father of 7 grown children, and "Grumpa" to many grandchildren, this life experience cannot be separated from the reality of who he is and often makes its way into the mix. As a Christian with a varied and unique history in ministry and law enforcement, he also brings these life experiences to the table.
It is not the purpose of this podcast to present "the" way to do anything but rather to use simple logic and experience to try and help others who might be looking for answers. It does not always offer direct answers to certain questions but instead humbly seeks to show a road one might go down to find the answers they need for themselves. -
Für die Regionen, in die die Redakteure von missio München reisen, gibt es oft eine Reisewarnung. Für das „missio magazin“ berichten die Redakteure, was die Menschen dort bewegt – ihre Sorgen und Nöte, Krieg und Konflikt - aber auch den ganz normalen wunderbaren Alltag.
Da, wo der Staat nicht mehr funktioniert, sind die Netzwerke der kirchlichen Einrichtungen häufig die einzigen Anlaufstellen, die überhaupt noch da sind.
In „Reisewarnung“ erzählen die Reporterinnen und Reporter, was sie auf ihren Reisen erleben. Es geht um Autopannen und verspätete Flugzeuge, um schlaflose Nächte unterm Moskitonetz, und das eine oder andere Experiment im Kochtopf ist auch dabei.
Brigitte Strauß vom katholischen Medienhaus Sankt Michaelsbund stellt den Reportern jede Menge Fragen über das Leben in den Ländern, in die sonst kaum jemand reist.
„Reisewarnung“ erscheint immer am ersten und dritten Mittwoch eines Monats.
Ein Podcast von missio München, produziert vom katholischen Medienhaus Sankt Michaelsbund. -
Der Finanzpodcast für Anfänger von Lena Kronenbürger und Ingo Schröder.
Warum werden wir so emotional, wenn wir auf unseren Kontostand gucken? Weshalb sollte man sein Geld investieren, anstatt es auf dem Konto zu horten? Und sind Investmentbanker wirklich alle nur gewissenlose Arschlöcher? Das fragt sich zumindest Lena. Sie arbeitet als freie Journalistin und Moderatorin und hat mit Finanzen nicht viel am Hut. Aber das soll sich jetzt ändern! In jeder Podcastfolge spricht sie daher mit dem Honorarberater und Finanzexperten Ingo – und fragt regelmäßig weiteren geladenen Expertinnen und Experten rund um das Thema Geld und Finanzen Löcher in den Bauch. Werdet Teil der #HIMMM-Community und lernt auf lockere Weise die Basics und Hintergründe der (manchmal ganz schön persönlichen) Finanzwelt kennen. Warum? Um eigenständig und mit handfestem (Ge-)Wissen gute Finanz- und damit auch Lebensentscheidungen treffen zu können.
Disclaimer: Der Inhalt dieses Podcasts dient ausschließlich der allgemeinen Information. Die im Podcast gemachten Aussagen sind nicht als Aufforderung oder Empfehlung zu verstehen, einzelne Finanzprodukte zu erwerben oder zu verkaufen. Alle Informationen aus diesem Podcast können und sollen eine individuelle Beratung durch hierfür qualifizierte Personen nicht ersetzen. -
Senna Gammour & Leyla Lahouar „Eat, SLAY & Talk“ - Der Podcast
Deutschlands bekannteste große Schwester Senna Gammour trifft auf die Dschungel-Queen der Herzen: Leyla Lahouar!
In „Eat, SLAY & Talk“ quatschen die beiden Frankfurterinnen über Liebe, Beziehungen, geben vor allem den Ladies wertvolle Mindset-Tipps und das eine oder andere Rezept gibt’s von Hobbyköchin Leyla natürlich auch.
Das Ganze wird natürlich ungefiltert, direkt und mit der nötigen Portion Humor präsentiert!
Senna Gammour & Leyla Lahouar „Eat, SLAY & Talk“ - Der Podcast - ab jetzt jeden Donnerstag
Eine Produktion im Auftrag von JAM FM.
Creative Director & Executive Producer: John von Gruner
Distribution: Nora Neise
5 minute summaries of Super Soul's podcast episodes. Get the best insights and ideas in much less time, more at
Written summaries:
Other podcast summaries in Apple Podcasts:
Other podcast summaries In other apps, search 'podcast summaries'.
Awaken, discover and connect to the deeper meaning of the world around you with Super Soul. Hear Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews with thought-leaders, best-selling authors, spiritual luminaries, as well as health and wellness experts. All designed to light you up, guide you through life’s big questions and help bring you one step closer to your best self. -
La boussole Postbac est le podcast interactif qui te booste pour trouver ton orientation et réussir tes études. Conseils, anecdotes et réalité des études ! 🎧😃
Retrouve moi sur l'Instagram @la_boussole_postbac pour poser tes questions, accéder à du contenu exclusif et être au courant des derniers épisodes.
Chaque histoire d’étudiante et étudiant est disponible sur Apple Podcast, YouTube, Deezer et Spotify !
Musiques :
Intro : Happy Guitar Intro 1 by Winnie The MoogBackground : "Embrace" by SappheirosIntro VDE : "Lesssss Go" by Matt WigtonHébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
How do you use the tools on the Contextual Safeguarding network? How is Contextual Safeguarding supported by national policy? How has the approach been used to support young people? In this podcast members of the Contextual Safeguarding team the University of Bedfordshire talk with practitioners and policymakers who are turning this idea into a practical reality. They share successes, reflect on challenges, and identify the next steps on the road to creating child protection systems that can keep young people safe beyond their homes.
Welcome to the Future Directors podcast hosted by award-winning author and Board Futurist, Paul Smith. Every episode brings you diverse perspectives and new ideas from the boardroom. His guests include thought leaders and board directors who are pushing the boundaries of governance around the world.
Willkommen in einem Ort voller Inspiration an dem du lernst, wie du mit Kreativität & Leichtigkeit ein erfolgreiches kreatives Business aufbaust.
Dieser Podcast ist für alle kreative Köpfe da draußen, die zu echten Businessfreaks werden wollen, ihre Kreativität entfachen wollen und endlich wieder Freude an ihrem Business verspüren wollen. Alles rund ums kreative Business, Mindset & Kreativität. -
Software at Scale is where we discuss the technical stories behind large software applications. -
A New Way of Being is about awakening, as well as how to foster and realise it in your life. From avoiding burnout to the real beauty of flow, Simon Mundie and guests discuss ways to understand and embody this new way of being.
Our guests range from world renowned thinkers, philosophers and psychologists and healers - to many of the most successful athletes of all time. -
Create a cozy, comfortable home on a budget!
* Do you spend hours on Pinterest pinning beautiful images?
* Do you go over to a friend’s house and have decor envy?
* Do you wonder where to start when it comes to decorating your house?
* Are you frustrated every time you walk into your house because you haven’t taken any action on decor?
* Do you wish you could create a cozy home on a budget?
Friend, I’ve been there...
This podcast inspires REAL moms with REAL homes and REAL budgets to transform their houses into homes they love. You will learn affordable and practical decorating tips, tricks, DIY tutorials, and more. I teach home owners how break through the barrier of what’s keeping them stuck in their home design, while also encouraging them to tell their home’s story from within by living a life of intention with the people they share their home with. My mission is to equip you with all the how-tos so you can decorate a home you love walking in to; a home you are confident in, that feels cozy and comfortable; a home that feels cohesive and put together.
Hey, I’m Dani - a former First Grade teacher turned home decorator. Going from a dual income to a single income so I could stay home with my babies meant budget - like Ramen eating, Goodwill shopping budget and I learned a few things along the way: how to bring BIG style to your home without breaking the bank. And I’ve put it all together in this podcast so you know where to start, what to buy and where to hang it!
If you’re ready to break free from the Pinterest perfect trap and decorate your home with style by making confident decisions (all without taking out a second mortgage) - this podcast is for you!
So put down that sledgehammer, grab your paintbrush and let’s get started!
Let’s Connect:
* Community:
* Website:
* Instagram:
Let’s Learn:
* How to paint furniture:
* How to style a bookshelf:
* How to find your style:
Free Resources:
* Elevate your home’s style with these 5 quick tips:
* Get started decorating your home by learning the basics:
* Take the quiz to see if you serve your home or your home serves you: -
Public speaking coach Mike Pacchione interviews a variety of professional speakers to share their experience and tips about how they prepare and present information to the public. From the professional trainer to the inspirational orator, they're all here to help you give your best speech.